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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Korabeynikov I.N., Korabeynikova O.A. SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF FOOD SAFETY IN THE ORENBURG REGION BASIS OF CLUSTER APPROACHCurrently, under the food security is to understand the economic development of the territory, which will ensure the implementation process to ensure physical and economic access to every citizen of foods that meet the requirements of the Russian legislation on technical regulation. This modern authors formation and functioning of product clusters primarily examined from the standpoint of production approach. However, this approach does not fully reflect the various aspects of the practical implementation of a network of economic actors in the process of providing the population with food. The article highlights the need to provide a theoretical study of the problems of food security in the region, based on the cluster approach, which includes the provisions of the following theories: the cluster theory of economic development, the theory of stagnation and theories of regional development, defined by their characteristics. Based on the analysis of the practice of building clusters in the Russian grocery isolated model clustering product that have an orientation for the development of the relations of production and the development of food consumption. Clarification of theoretical and practical aspects of the product cluster formation has led to the possibility of clarifying the concepts of "food security" and "food cluster". According to the results of the research in the formulation of models of building product clusters and determine the content of mono-product polyproduct clusters and networks multicluster manifested in the differentiation of production and economic specialization and priorities of cluster development. It was determined that the priorities in the implementation of food consumer market organizations should reflect the need for the development of consumer markets for local producers. Clarification of the concepts of "food security" and "food cluster" allowed to determine the need to build regional production, logistics, service, trade and other systems in a variety of processes implemented to ensure food security.Key words: food security, food cluster model, typology, orientation, production, consumption.


1. "Agro" cluster [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

2. Agro-cluster Volhov [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

3. Agropark [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

4. In Marushkino want to build agri-food cluster [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

5. In the Moscow region will be established dairy product cluster [electronic resource] // Developer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Moscow region. / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 07.23.2015)

6. In the Penza region have started creating the largest food cluster [electronic resource] / URL:http://россельхоз.рф/clubs/15_v-penzenskoi-oblasti-pristupili-k-sozdaniyu-krupnogo-prodovolstvenogo-klastera.html (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

7. In Moscow there will be food clusters [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 07.28.2015)

8. In the Tomsk region are planning to create a cluster of food [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 07.28.2015)

9. In Chelyabinsk, building a new agroklaster [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

10. Vietnamese drew up plans for the construction of the dairy cluster in Moscow [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

11. Kovalenko G.L., Korabeynikov I.N., Dmitrenko O.V. The development of a dairy-grocery subcomplex on the basis of cluster approach. Ed. Academician AI Tatarkin. Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics of UB RAS, 2010.  — 192 p.

12. Korabeynikov I.N., Korabeynikova O.A. The mechanism of the improvement of organizational and economic relations in the process of cluster formation in the food security of the region // Kazan science.  — 2014.  — № 9.  — P. 83-86.

13. Korabeynikov I.N., Speshilov S.M., Korabeynikova O.A. Regionalny industrial complex: the theory and practice of cluster development. Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS, 2013.  — 150 p.

14. Korabeynikov I.N., Korabeynikova O.A. Endogenous factors constraining the development of food cluster in the Orenburg region // Kazan science.  — 2013.  — № 8.  — P. 26-29.

15. Moscow City Duma approved the creation instead agroklasterov ovoschebazah [electronic resource] // Author: Economic Information Agency "Prime". / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 06.12.2015)

16. In the Middle Urals, will create a cluster of food in a clean area [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — 08/12/2015)

17. Industrial and logistics park in Novosibirsk forms the agro cluster [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

18. The development of efficient clusters [electronic resource] / URL: (Date of treatment  — of 11.18.2015)

About this article

Authors: Korabeynikov I.N., Korabeynikova O.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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