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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Nosenko L.I., Gevorkyan T.V. THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF RESOLVING LEGAL CONFLICTS IN THE ORENBURG REGION IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE LEGAL CULTURE OF THE POPULATIONThe lack of justice formed in the area of effective mechanisms of civil-legal regulation of alternative ways to protect the violated pravotritsatelno affects the confidence of civil turnover subjects to this form of implementation of the rights. Failure to understand the prerequisites, the nature and types of alternative ways to protect the violated rights does not give an opportunity to talk about the stability of the legal understanding of the importance of alternative procedures to resolve legal conflicts. In order to assist in the implementation of the citizens of the Orenburg region the right to effective legal protection, developed the concept of the development of alternative methods of dispute resolution, the implementation of which will serve as a mechanism for improving the legal culture of the population of the Orenburg region. Alternative methods of dispute resolution require active development due to the need to significantly improve the protection and preservation of the rights of citizens, which contributes to the formation of the rule of law. Orenburg region should be one of the most advanced regions, not only in the sphere of economic relations, but also in the development of the legal culture of the population. The fundamental problems due to the need of practical implementation and expansion of the scope of the institutions of the rule of law, because the higher the level of development of the state, the greater the number of disputes is considered non-state institutions. For the first time revealed some of the problems associated with the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the content of the alternative forms of protection of the violated rights, the relation of an alternative and extra-judicial dispute resolution. It proposed a responsible attitude to the use of terms related to the content of the alternative forms of protection of violated rights. Necessary legal education as a condition of formation of legal culture of the population. The structure of alternative ways of considering and resolving legal conflicts with the purpose of formation of legal culture of the population of the Orenburg region. We see the possibility of declaring the Orenburg region experimental platform development system of alternative means of resolving legal conflicts.Key words: legal culture, alternative, legal disputes, the concept of protection of the rights, protection of rights.


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About this article

Authors: Nosenko L.I., Gevorkyan T.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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