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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Kargapoltsev S.M., Tabilova M.R. PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITU-TIONS' PERSONNEL IN THE CONDITIONS OF FGES' IMPLEMENTATION IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONUnder the provisions of the updated Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation," the domestic system of preschool education serves primary, the first level of general education. This fact implies not only an increase in the socio-cultural and social status of pre-school education, which is reflected legal and regulatory provisions of the relevant federal state educational standards (FGES), but also determines the need to implement proper teaching, and therefore the maximum managerial innovations in the activities of pre-school educational institutions. Changes in the content-targeted vectors of preschool education leads to new approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of management of educational institutional system associated with a kind of "restructuring" philosophy of teaching and managerial staff, focusing on identifying the main trends in the educational development of society, developing the priority requests of the educational market, the pedagogical plane implemented the adequate response to the educational challenges of today. The volume number of professional and personal competences, which are intended to be the head of an educational organization working in the mode of innovation, far not the last place is occupied by initiative, responsibility, courage, determination, and, among the dominant priorities — strong commitment to humanistic ideals and principles in building management strategies and tactics of modern pre-school education.Key words: administration, education, innovation, competitiveness and humanity.


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About this article

Authors: Kargapoltsev S.M., Tabilova M.R.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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