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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Stroganova Е.А., Anufriyenko V.F. FEATURES OF COPPER (II) IONS STABILIZATION IN A PHASE OF AN ANIONIT AH-31 AT SORPTION FROM THE GERMANIUM CONTAINED CHLORIDE SOLUTIONSAnionit AN-31 is the low-basic aminofunctional anionite that defines high affinity ofd-metals ions. At the same time, due to existence of alcoholic hidroxyl groups, AN-31 shows selectivity to germanat-ions that allows to apply a sorbent in technologies of passing germanium extraction from copper solutions. Concurrent sorption of germanium and copper ions leads to receiving sorbates of difficult structure that doesn't allow to carry out full division of metals during desorption stage. Thus, the possibility of germanium, copper-containing sorbent usage is actual for optimisation of production schemes. In particular, cupriferous sorbents can be applied as catalysts of low-temperature processes. Our work is devoted to study the influence of solution composition on the way of copper ions stabilization in sorbent to indicate the catalytically active forms. Sorption was carried out at static conditions for various metals concentration, рН and ionic force of solution. The content of metals in solution was determined by the titrimetry and photometry methods. The phase of a sorbent was investigated by methods of the electronic spin resonance (EPR) and the electronic spectroscopy of diffusion reflection (ESDR). Increase of рН was shown to lead manifestation a dipole-dipolar interactions in associates of the hidroxocomplexies of copper which are localized in cavities of the polymeric matrix. Introduction of background electrolyte to solution increases hidroxocomplexes association with the exchange-connected copper ions. Presence of germanat-ions promotes strengthening of dipole-dipolar interactions of copper ions that is connected probably with concurrent sorption of metals heteronuclear complexes. Stabilization of copper ions in the phase of AN-31 is due to covalent connection of hidroxocomplexes of copper with aminogroups, and also to formation of oxidic dimers (-Cu-O-)2,oxidic oligomers Cun(OH)m and the square-planed oxidic clusters. Presenceof oxidic clusters implicits catalytic properties of a cupriferous sorbent.Key words: copper ions, germanium ions, stabilization, sorbent phase, electron spin resonance (ESR) method, electronic spectroscopy of diffusion reflection (ESDO) method, polynuclear hidroxocomplexes, associates, axial distortion, oxidic clusters.


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About this article

Authors: Anufrienko V.F., Stroganova E.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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