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№ 8 (169), 2014

Economic sciences

Valishevskaya T.I. FEATURES OF THE METHODOLOGY OF NATIONAL PLANNINGIn article questions of a condition of methodology of domestic planning at a stage of economic transformations are considered. The periodization of development of methodology of planning in foreign countries is carried out; tendencies and features of its development in Russia are considered; the assessment of a current state of planning with emphasis on modern problems is given.Key words: centralized planning, five-year plan, plan and market, strategic planning.
Denisov V.T., Avdeeva E.S., Reznik A.E. AN INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGINEERING COMPONENTS OF PRODUCTION INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE ENTERPRISEThe engineering components of production infrastructure of the industrial enterprise are analyzed and questions of its innovative development are considered. Key words: Engineering component, corrective maintenance, innovations, aviacomponents, tool service.
Ermakova Zh.A., Borisyuk N.K. RESOURCE AREAS IN OIL INDUSTRY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe article discusses the factors and conditions that contribute to the processes of resource and reduce the negative impact of the oil industry on the environment. Particular attention is paid to the use of associated petroleum gas. Based on the analysis of the program use APG recommendations developed organizational and economic nature to improve the economic and environmental efficiency of oil production in the Orenburg region.Key words: resource, petroleum gas, increasing the economic and environmental efficiency, the oil industry Orenburg region.
Kozlovа O., Shelomentsev A., Petrovskaya A.A. METHODOLOGICAL QUESTIONS TO ASSESS THE SOCIAL EFFECTIVENESS OF PPPS PROJECTS' IN HEALTH CAREThe article discusses methodological support to assess the social effectiveness of public-private partnerships in health care. The authors propose an approach to the system of indicators to measure the social effectiveness, reflecting qualitative changes resulting from the implementation of such projects. Index of public satisfaction health care is proposed as the main criterion for evaluating the social orientation of the projects.Key words: public-private partnership, the health care sector, a municipal unit, a social effect, evaluation of the effectiveness of projects, opinion poll, socio-economic development of the territorial system.
Korotkova M.V. INVESTMENT RESOURCES AS ECONOMIC CATEGORY AND MANAGEMENT OBJECT OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONSThe article discusses various approaches to the definition of investment resources from the standpoint of increasing the application possibilities for the real sector of economy development and product competitiveness. Key words: investment, investment resources, sources of investment resources, management efficiency, modernization, competitiveness.
Kuznetsova V.B. FEATURES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN STAFF MANAGEMENT AT THE MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISESIn modern environment of machine-building enterprises is the use of topical information platforms in the organization of the staff. Intense competition makes heads of company recognize significant role of information technology in human resource management. The necessity of organizing a uniform information space in the enterprise and implementing PDM-system providing staff efficiency.Key words: uniform information space, PDM-system, PLM-system, information technology, staff management.
Panova N.F., Denisova N.V. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS BY PROGRESS LEVEL BY MEANS OF THE DEVICE OF THE DISCRIMINANT ANALYSISThe article is devoted to the development of algorithm of detection of factors, that affect the academic performance of the student, based on the mathematical tools of discriminant analysis, which implements the classification of "learning" and allows to refer the student to a class with one or another level of achievement with the values of discriminant variables. The developed model can be useful in the formation of groups of first-year students, and in the improving the quality of education through action on some of the characteristics that affect discrimination. Key words: discriminant model, the classification function, the training sample, the recognition quality, grouping feature.
Tvauri R., Chmyshenko E. IMPROVEMENT IN THE QUALITY OF HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICESQuality afford problems of housing and public utility services are studied, the model of service quality is presented, upside potentials of service quality are identified by management organizations on the basis of QFD methodology. Key words: housing and public utility services, service quality, management company, QFD methodology.
Tsypin A.P., Timofeev D.N. STATISTICAL RESEARCH OF INDICATORS OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT ON THE BASIS OF HISTORICAL TIME SERIESIn article tendencies of development of railway transport in Russia are considered, thus as evidential base historical time series of the main indicators during 1956-2011 are used. Those indicators are the passenger turnover and a rail freight turnover, thus a choice is caused by reasons of a certain general productivity of these indicators, i.e. investigating their dynamics it is possible to receive idea of all processes and the phenomena occurring in this type of economic activity (branch of a national economy). On the basis of the created historical time series decrease depth in this direction in the modern period (Russian Federation) rather previous (RSFSR) is visually shown. Application of adaptive methods of short-term forecasting to historical time series allowed to construct the forecast for the forthcoming period and to estimate the period of an exit to the level of development reached in the past.Key words: transport, passenger turnover, goods turnover, historical time series, adaptive forecasting method.
Sharipov T.F. MODERNIZATION PLANNING AT THE ENTERPRISES FORMING THE CLUSTERIn this paper the need for consolidation in the form of enterprises cluster. Noted that the cluster management is a complex, multifaceted process that requires modernization planning, in general, and the formation of a consolidated plan in particular. Proposed algorithm, the network schedule for the development and structure of the consolidated plan, method of estimating the effectiveness of this plan using the fuzzy sets. The author concludes that the consolidated plan allows you to visualize the cluster responsible businesses, volumes and directions of investments, the depth of innovative changes, and the proposed method of estimating the timely adjustment plan.Key words: modernization, planning, cluster, consolidated plan, the network graph technique.
Aralbaev A.T., Аralbaeva G.G. FEATURES OF THE LABOUR MARKET ORENBURG REGIONIn article features of the labour market Orenburg region, caused by demographic processes of structural shifts in the regional economy.Key words: labour market, unemployment, employment, supply and demand in the labour market, the level of employment, the level of economic activity.
Akhmetov D.A. IDENTIFYING AGGLOMERATION TRENDS IN THE ORENBURG REGION The need to form in regions of urban agglomerations that can improve the level of socio-economic development of the Federation in particular and Russia in general, is obvious. To identify emerging agglomerations by past quantitative, subjective data and public opinion. The article presents the results of a study to identify trends agglomeration in the Orenburg region, the results obtained by a questionnaire survey of residents of the region. Identified core emerging urban agglomerations in the Orenburg region. Key words: method of questionnaire, metropolitan areas, agglomeration tendencies.
Batrov V.A. TENDENCIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOOD SUPPLY ORENBURGSKOY REGIONIn the article the theoretical aspects of development of the food supply in the region, the food independence of the region, directions of development and relevant activities of the food supply of the region, considered at the reception of the Orenburg region.Key words: food security, system of food support, the region's food security.
Gerbeeva L.U. REGION PROPERTY — BASIS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY OF THE TERRITORYThe property is a basis of system of the economic relations. Research of property allows to answer a question, in whose interests economic activity is carried out. Region property — the basis of a sustainable development of economy of the region, provides growth of welfare of the population and creates favorable conditions for development of managing subjects. The property represents economic category, i.e. are the relations developing between subjects concerning a material basis of economic activity. The property of the region is closely connected with the economic power, with management of managing subjects, with the daily relations of regional society. The forms of ownership which have developed in the region have impact on implementation of process of development of regional policy and creation of the mechanism of its realization.Key words: regional economy, management, property, the region, stability, socially-economic development, efficiency.
Gorkanova L.V. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY AND CLASSIFICATION OF TOURIST RESOURCES OF THE REGIONThe article considers such concepts as "tourist region", "tourist resources of the region, main approaches to the definition of tourist resources on the basis of their composition, structure, correlated elements and territorial orientation. The author investigates and classifies tourist resources, shows their interrelation and major differences. The classification of tourist resources is suggested in the article.Key words: tourist region, tourist resources, classification of the tourist resources.
Zhuk M.A., Salnikov S.I. OBJECT AND PROCESS APPROACH TO MODELLING OF ARCHITECTURE OF THE VIRTUAL CONSULTING ENTERPRISEIn article questions of modeling of architecture of the enterprises in aspect of ideology of design of the resource-saving organizations are considered. The analysis of such modern forms of economic activity as the virtual enterprises as a whole and the virtual information and consulting enterprises in particular is carried out. For the purpose of efficiency increase functioning virtual the enterprises are offered various approaches to modeling of their architecture, process and object approaches are considered. Authors offer to apply object and process approach to development of architecture of the virtual consulting enterprise. Key words: virtual enterprise, information service, consulting, business process, architecture of the enterprise, expert estimates.
Korabeynikov I.N., Shafeev R.Sh. INFLUENCE EFFICIENT LAND RESOURCES FOR FOOD SECURITYThe article presents a retrospective analysis of the development of food security, highlighted the role of land relations in the implementation of this process. The estimation of parameters describing the relationship of food security and changes in land Fund. Presented with degradation of the land fund of the Russian Federation, to reduce significantly influence food security. Proposed and described the cycle of land resources for food security of society. Shows the dependence of the efficiency of agricultural production in the Orenburg region of the cadastral value of farmland. The notion of "food security of the state" in the context of land use.Key words: land tenure, agricultural land, agricultural policy, food security, independence, land management, problems, conditions.
Korotchenko Yu.I., Starkov M.D., Starkov D.A. PLACE AND REGION ROLE IN DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL BUILDING POLICYAbsence the developed methodical providing and practical recommendations about realization of building policy of the region has an adverse effect so far on region development as a whole. At the present stage of development of the economic relations, by results of the analysis of the conducted researches, it is possible to note that only a half of the population of the country has safe living conditions. The problem obviously demands rational decisions as possibilities of the state in the field of investment financing of housing construction are limited both at the level of the country, and at regional level.Key words: regional economy, management, building policy, region.
Lapaev S.P. TIPOLOGIZATSIYA OF THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA: THE INNOVATION APPROACHIn the article is conducted the analysis of approaches to tipologizatsii of regions, it is proposed the classification of regions taking into account the innovation.Key words: the typology of regions, the types of regions, innovation approach to the typology of the regions.
Lapaeva M.G., Gushchinа A.A. DIRECTIONS OF ACTION ON THE MARKET FOR HABITABLE REAL ESTATEIn the article are examined the functions of the market for real estate, the methods of control of the market for dwelling, and also the methods of action on the market for real estate: the stimulation of supply and demand.Key words: the market for habitable real estate, the methods of control of the market for dwelling, supply and demand on the market for dwelling, the regulation of supply and demand.
Malikov R.I., Grishin K.E., Reuter S.E. PRINCIPLES OF ADMINISTRATIVE USE FORMAT PROMOTE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE MUNICIPALITIESThe paper highlights the issues of organizing the activity of local authorities on enhancing small and medium entrepreneurship in municipalities. To improve state (municipal) support for small and medium businesses the authors justifies the need of a linkage between enterprise formation in municipalities and local budget revenues. The authors determine a notion of business support format, that is a maximum use of available administrative, resource, and legislative potential by local authorities with the aim to increase the share of small and medium businesses in the structure of local economy. They suggest an approach according to which the business support format will be available only upon the businesses' signing an agreement on socially-oriented activity. The article provides a sample mechanism of cooperation between local authorities and small and medium businesses under the agreement on a social-oriented activity of a business. Key words: administrative support, local authorities, small and medium entrepreneurship, a social-oriented activity of a business.
Ogorodnikov P.I., Chirkova V.Yu., Guseva E.P., Bazarov M.K., Kryuchkova I.V. EFFECTIVE INNOVATIVE POLICY — THE BASIS OF MODERNIZATION OF ECONOMY OF THE REGION AND THE COUNTRYIn article justification of need of creation of scientific and methodological tools for an objective assessment of a maturity of the region (enterprise) to investments is given. Having techniques are analyzed and the model developed by authors based on optimizing criteria which allows through an assessment of level of technical potential in size of a fondovooruzhennost is briefly described to estimate studied territorial object and to receive the maximum fund of accumulation.Key words: innovative policy, efficiency, optimization, mathematical model, region economy, technical potential, management of the region (enterprise), professionalism of workers.
Pitanov V.A. PRACTICE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS OF STATE-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN REGIONS: ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTIn article modern organizational aspects of development of state-private partnership in subjects of the Russian Federation are considered. Relevance and the importance of improvement of forms of state-private partnership with use of experience of their realization locates in various subjects of the Russian Federation. The basic characteristics defining the economic content of state-private partnership are designated.Key words: regions of the Russian Federation, private business, government, state-private partnership, mutually beneficial cooperation.
Prytkov R.M. MANUFACTURING PRACTICE THE REGION (ORENBURG REGION)The article is devoted to the production specialization of the region (Orenburg area), described such thing as a "specialty", "production specialization", "specialization in the industry", "specialization of the region" on the basis of what has been given to the author's concept of "production specialization of the region". The article analyzes the production of specialization of the Orenburg region, where the dominant role play an industry and agriculture.
Terekhova S.A. PROPERTY POTENTIAL'S TRANSFORMATION OF THE TERRITORIAL UNIT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION'S ECONOMY Property potential is examined as a complex socio-economic system with multifaceted structure of assets and relations of elements in the process of formation and use. There are distinguished main groups of assets and some of the groups of factors, which are influencing the transformation processes. The results of the study of processes of change in the assets of the estate are given. There are discussed transformation vectors on the real estate market as a consequence of the functioning of three process sectors and on which demand, supply and market price of real estate is formed in certain economic conditions.Key words: property potential, immovable property, transformation vector, process sector (zone), economic and social development.
Tikhonov N.B. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF CONTROL INCREASING PRODUCTION INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REGIONThe article specifies the theoretical aspects of improving the controllability of production infrastructure in the region. A classification of interpretations of the concepts of "industrial infrastructure", "infrastructure in the region". Refined features and functions of production infrastructure. A classification of industrial infrastructure in the region for its ability to manage the development of regional authorities. The directions of increased manageability production infrastructure.Key words: industrial infrastructure, region, management, especially, the notion of, interpretation.
Frolov A.V., Frolov D.V., Isaeva V.M. CLUSTER STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONProductive realization of cluster strategy of regional development is the factor providing economic growth and increase of competitiveness of economy of the region and the country as a whole at the expense of use of synergetic effect from joint activity.– The increasing role of cluster strategy of regional development caused now need of expansion of scales of scientific researches for this sphere for a choice of solutions of the tasks facing economy of each of them. Key words: regional economy, management, cluster policy, region.
Holodilina Yu.E. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF FORMATION OF REGIONAL SYSTEM SCIENTIFIC TOURISMSocial and economic efficiency of formation and functioning of regional system of scientific tourism in the region is defined; calculation of the animator of employment when forecasting formation of regional system of scientific tourism in the Orenburg region is presented.Key words: scientific tourism, regional system of the scientific tourism, the localized system of scientific tourism, the animator of employment.
Yudina V.I. SOME ASPECTS OF EVALUATION EFFECTIVENESS INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS IN ORENBURG REGIONThe essential characteristic of the institutional environment functioning of small business is represented. Methodical approaches are suggested and the effectiveness of the institutional environment of small business at the regional level are evaluate.Key words: institutional environment, small business, State support, efficiency, correlation analysis.
Latypova G.R., Dalaev L.M., Yarullin R.R. ENDOWMENT REGIONAL BUDGETCurrently, the Russian Federation subjects were divided into two categories: regions donor and recipient regions. Several subjects deliberately want to absolve themselves of the status of the region of the donor, and then be subsidized subject. Regions can not cover their costs, due to the fact that most of the well and collected the most " profitable " taxes go to the capital. However, Chechen Republic, by contrast, wants to become a donor region.Key words: dependence on subsidies, transfers.
Mokhnatkina L.B. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL AID ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN REGIONSThe dynamics of financial assistance to subjects of the Russian Federation from the Federal budget over the ten-year period. Implemented the author's approach to the structuring of the financial flows in the intergovernmental fiscal relations in terms of their degree of centralization, and also from a position of direct and indirect influence on the development of territories. Assessment of the effect of aid on economic growth using the metric of elasticity.Key words: regional economic security, territorial redistribution, financial aid, interbudgetary relations, intergovernmental transfers, economic growth.
Sadykova L.M., Korobeinikova E.V. CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA INSURANCE PRODUCTThe article discusses the concept of "insurance product", "insurance service." We study the basic features of the classification of insurance products. A new approach to the existing classification of insurance products on the basis of selection criteria of consumer preferences for insurers and appeal for insurance companies.Key words: insurance product, insurance service, the insurer, insurance agency.
Saraeva M.G. ABOUT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FISCAL STIMULUS SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MUNICIPALITIESThe article considers the approach to the estimation of efficiency of stimulation of development of municipal entities on the basis of the analysis of various forms of granting of budgetary funds the higher budget. Carried out on the example of Orenburg region the analysis made it possible to give an overall assessment of the effectiveness of fiscal incentives of municipalities of the area as not providing significant socio-economic development.Key words: efficiency, bodies of local self-government, fiscal stimulus, budget funds of the municipality.
Chigrova N.V., Soldatovа L.A. PROBLEMS OF FINANCIAL SECURITY TRAINING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING SPECIALTY WORKERSThe article identified the major problems associated with the functioning of financial institutions and organizations implementing a vocational training program staff working specialties based on analysis of experience in financing vocational schools and the legislation on vocational training. The authors suggest possible solutions to the problems identified by the combination of different methods of financial support of institutions and organizations implementing vocational training programs of professional training of working professions.Key words: staffing, initial vocational education, vocational training, financial support, financial mechanism.
Erzhenin R.V. INCOMPLETE AND CONTRADICTORY IDEAS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF ACCOUNTINGThe problem of development and implementation of information systems of public and municipal finance in Russia. Spotted an instability in the organizational and methodological environment of the Russian system of state accounting information system and identifies the reasons for its imperfections infological model. The causes of imperfections programming and interaction problems of "man" and "machine" that arise in the organization of electronic records.Key words: managementof public finances, electronic records.
Ostrovenko T.K., Grebnev G.D. OPTIMIZATION OF THE ANALYSIS METHOD OF THE ECONOMIC SAFETY OF A BUSINESS AND ITS SUPPLYING WITH INFORMATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE POTENTIAL BANKRUPTCYMethodical aspects of the analysis of the economic safety of a business in modern economics and a problem of its investigation, based on new approaches to informational sources of analysis with a view to the earlier diagnostic of financial crisis and potential bankruptcy of the debtors are revealed in this article.Key words: economic safety, exchange relations, imperfection of the analysis method of the potential bankruptcy, insufficiency of the information analysis base, ways of the mobilization of the economic safety stock, ways of the realization of the debtors financial position.
Aralbaeva F.S., Kharkova O.M., DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE ON THE BASIS OF THE NEW FARE COLLECTION SYSTEMThe article studies the application of marketing approach in the management of public transport services market, outlines the elements of the market for transport services, particularly transport services as a marketing product. As a basic element of the fare covers modern methods of payment of public transport services, studied Russian and foreign fare collection system.Key words: public transport services, consumer services, marketing approach, public transport infrastructure, payment, payment method.
Buresh O.V., Kalieva O.M. HOLISTIC PARADIGM MARKETING AS A RESULT OF THE EVOLUTION OF MANAGEMENT CONCEPTSThe article describes the author's vision of becoming a holistic marketing concept. Considered traditional management concepts, as well as modern marketing concept, bor Vova from Western sources in terms of their applicability to Russian enterprises. A generalized model of the evolution of management concepts depending on the scope and purposes of the study, as well as shows the grouping of factors, divide them into traditional and modern. The specificity of the most important views on the nature of the paradigm of holistic marketing. The problems of communication range marketing. Key words: holistic marketing, management concept, marketing concept, the concept of holistic marketing.
Buresh O.V., Safonov N.S. MODELLING OF THE FORMALIZED STRUCTURES OF ACCUMULATION OF KNOWLEDGE OF PROCESSES OF SERVICE OF OBJECTS OF MONITORING OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES OF APARTMENT HOUSESIn article topical issues of synthesis of process and object-oriented approaches for development of the formalized structures of accumulation of knowledge of objects of housing and communal services of apartment houses are considered. The developed formalized structures of accumulation of knowledge can be integrated into the distributed information system of poobjektny monitoring of management processes by housing and communal services of apartment houses.Key words: housing and communal services, monitoring, information system, systems of support of decision-making, accumulation of knowledge.
Vyazikova G.V., Yane I.S. TO THE QUESTION OF EVALUATION OF ENTERPRISES' MARKETING ACTIVITIES This article discusses current approaches and methods of analysis of enterprises' marketing activities. The peculiarities of the application of marketing performance indicators of the enterprise in the short and long term are shown. Key words: evaluation of marketing activities, marketing metrics.
Kaydashova A.K. FEATURES OF MARKET RESEARCHES ON THE MARKET OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SERVICES The article deals with the necessity of complex study of the demand for higher education services and the methodology of market research for search and maintenance of dynamic compliance of demand for professional educational services by requirements of a national economy is offered.Key words: higher education, consumer demand, marketing of educational service.
Lapaeva M.G., Maslennikova A.Yu. TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: THEORY AND PATTERNSThe article presents a theoretical analysis of economic systems, the general laws of their transformation. Key words: economic system, the transformation, of the general laws of transformation.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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