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2014, № 8 (169)

Saraeva M.G. ABOUT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FISCAL STIMULUS SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MUNICIPALITIESThe article considers the approach to the estimation of efficiency of stimulation of development of municipal entities on the basis of the analysis of various forms of granting of budgetary funds the higher budget. Carried out on the example of Orenburg region the analysis made it possible to give an overall assessment of the effectiveness of fiscal incentives of municipalities of the area as not providing significant socio-economic development.Key words: efficiency, bodies of local self-government, fiscal stimulus, budget funds of the municipality.


1. The budget message of the President of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly from.06.2013 "On budget policy in 2014 — 2016" [Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus [web site]. — Access mode: // http://www. (accessed on 16.04.2014)

2. Sorokina T.U. incentive Mechanism interbudgetary municipal regions and city districts on the results of efficiency of activity of local governments // Izvestia of higher schools. Series: Economics, Finance and production management. — 2011. — №2. — S. 55-60.

3. The decree of the RF Government from 30.12.2013 №2593-R "On approval of the Program of increase of efficiency of management of public (state and municipal) Finance for the period till 2018" [Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus [web site]. — Access mode: // http://base.;base=LAW; n=156759 (date of access: 16.04.2014)

4. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2008 №607 "On the assessment of efficiency of activity of local government of city districts and municipal regions" [Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus [web site]. — Access mode: // (accessed on 16.04.2014)

5. Budget code of the Russian Federation (the RF BC) from 31.07.1998 N 145-FZ [Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus [web site]. — Access mode: // http://www. (date of access: 16.04.2014)

6. The order of the Finance Ministry of the Orenburg region dated 30.09.2008 №50 "On approval of distribution of municipal raions (urban districts) in groups depending on the share of interbudgetary transfers and the establishment of conditions of granting of interbudgetary transfers from the regional budget"[Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus [web site]. — Access mode: // (date of access: 16.04.2014)

7. The RF Government decree of 17 December 2012 N 1317 "On measures on realization of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 28 April 2008 N 607 "On the assessment of efficiency of activity of local government of city districts and municipal regions" and subparagraph and paragraph 2 of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from may 7, 2012 N 601 "On the main directions of improvement of the system of public administration" [Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus [web site]. — Access mode: // http://base. (date of access: 16.04.2014)

8. Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region from 23 may 2013 №397-p "About estimation of efficiency of activity of local government of city districts and municipal areas of the Orenburg region" [Electronic resource] / the Government of the Orenburg region [web site]. — Access mode: // (date of access: 16.04.2014)

9. Decree of the Governor of Orenburg region from 24 April 2013 №437-UK "On the procedure for allocating grants to urban districts and municipal districts of the Orenburg region, the evaluation of the performance" [Electronic resource] / the Government of the Orenburg region [web site]. — Access mode: // (date of access: 16.04.2014)

10. Synthesis report of the Orenburg region on the efficiency of activity of local government of city districts and municipal areas by 2010 [Electronic resource] / the Government of the Orenburg region [web site]. — Access mode: // (date of access: 16.04.2014)

11. Synthesis report of the Orenburg region on the efficiency of activity of local government of city districts and municipal regions by 2011 [Electronic resource] / the Government of the Orenburg region [web site]. — Access mode: // (date of access: 16.04.2014)

12. Synthesis report of the Orenburg region on the efficiency of activity of local government of city districts and municipal areas by 2012 [Electronic resource] / the Government of the Orenburg region [web site]. — Access mode: // (date of access: 16.04.2014)

About this article

Author: Seryaeva M.G.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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