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№ 9 2010


Alekhina O.N. THE EXPERIENCE OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF TRAINING THE FUTURE TEACHER OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN THE CONTEXT OF COMPETENCE APPROACHThe author described the experience of the improvement of the professional training of the future teacher of elementary school in the context of competence approach; the results of the realization of the organizational-pedagogical conditions for its preparation for the activity in molding of the information literacy of junior pupils are examined. Key words: information competence, information literacy, innovation extra-disciplinary.
Blagovistnaya A.N. PORTFOLIO ON MATHEMATICAL DISCIPLINES AS THE MEANS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL I- CONCEPT OF A STUDENTThe author examined the possibilities of applying the educational technology "portfolio" in the classes on mathematical disciplines for the development of the professional I-concept of students. She represented work experience with portfolio on mathematical disciplines, analyzed the results of applying the technology "portfolio" in the process of the teaching of discipline "mathematical methods of the protection of information". Key words: the study of mathematical disciplines, professional-personal development, professional I-concept, portfolio.
Dzhenzher V.O. THE PLACE OF PROGRAMMING IN THE COURSE OF THE INFORMATION THEORY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLThe author examined the prevailing approaches to the instruction of programming and proposed the method of instruction in programming in the elementary school. Key words: information theory, programming, elementary school, Scratch.
Ignatushina I.V. KONSTANTIN ALEXANDROVICH TOROPOV (TO THE 150- ANNIVERSARY FROM THE BIRTHDAY)The author gave the survey of life K.A. Toropov, characterized his scientific achievements, and showed some of his methodological findings. The author represented the sufficiently detailed analysis of work of K.A. Toropov "Magic number and its application to the solution of problems", which is interesting from a methodological point of view, since in it he described the method of solving the triangles in a very simple way for the understanding. With the help of this method it is possible to solve any task for the calculation of any of element in the triangle on its known three elements.Key words: the history of mathematical formation, Konstantin Alexandrovich Toropov.
Kulish N.V., Tarasova T.N. THE PEDAGOGICAL TRACKING OF THE STUDENT KNOWLEDGE CHECKING IN MATHEMATICThe authors reveale the significant for pedagogy problem of the checking of the knowledge of students in mathematics in the little studied aspect — designation and content of the pedagogical tracking of this process. The authors substantiate the significance of the checking of knowledge as tentative basis for the realization of the reflection of the training achievements of students.Key words: the personally oriented instruction, pedagogical tracking, the checking of knowledge.
Milokhin D.B. THE ESTIMATION OF THE READINESS OF THE STUDENTS OF VUZ FOR THE REALIZATION OF DISTANCE STUDYINGThe author represents the method of evaluating the readiness of students for the realization of distance studying. The problem of the development of criteria and levels of the formation of this readiness is examined, and a number of recommendations regarding training of students for the work in the sphere of remote instruction also is advanced.Key words: remote instruction, the criterion of readiness, an increase in the qualification, pedagogical university, information technologies, independent work.
Minina I.V. THE INFORMATION TRAINING OF PUPILS UNDER THE CONTEMPORARY CONDITIONSThe author represents the characteristics of the contemporary stage of school information formation, its tendency and prospect, examines questions about the real today level of the information training of the contemporary graduates of schools.Key words: information technologies if education, information preparation, e-learning, information space, information education.
Pashkevich M.S. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CORPORATE INTERACTION SKILLS IN STUDENTS DURING THE PROCESS OF THEIR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE FORMATIONThe author examined a question of molding of the skills of the command cooperation of the students within the framework of practical and laboratory works.Key words: command, the student command.
Rassokha E.N., Antsiferova L.M. TO THE PROBLEM OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MATHEMATICAL ABILITIES OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES STUDENTSThere is topical character of the problem of the development of the mathematical abilities of the students of technical specialties. The substantiation of the base determination of mathematical abilities, undertaken the basis, was the result of the analysis of experiments on the problem. The authors examined the content, purpose and tasks of the instruction of future engineer. Didactic requirements for the renovated content of the instruction of students are revealed, and concept and structure of the mathematical abilities of the students of technical specialties is, as a result, determined. Key words: mathematical abilities; students; knowledge; skill; experience; mathematical thinking; the mathematical simulation.
Sadova V.A. MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AS A FACTOR OF COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPMENT BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTSIn the article is considered the role of information technologies in development of student's cognitive independence. The emphasis is made on the axiological characteristic of university's education informatization, the focus is made on the value and rational development of personality with the help of information technologies. The main figures of cognitive independence development of university's students are shown; the examples of Web-technologies use in university's educational process are given. Key words: cognitive independence, Web-technologies, axiological aspect of informatization of education.
Semenova N.G., Tomina I.P. THE MULTIMEDIA TRAINING SYSTEM IN MATHEMATICS AS A MEANS OF MOLDING OF THE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTIVITY OF THE INSTRUCTION OF THE STUDENTS OF ELECTRIC POWER SPECIALTIESThe authors substantiated the formation of the professional directivity of instruction in mathematics by means of the structured content of the created multimedia training system, and revealed the psychological and pedagogical special features of instruction in mathematics of the students of electric power specialties.Key words: professional directivity, the technology of multimedia, the multimedia training system, mathematics.
Shakirova D.U. EDUCATIONAL METHOD COMPLEX ON DISCIPLINE "LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY" AS THE FACTOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE OF THE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITYMathematical sciences play enormous role in the education of contemporary competitive specialist, allowing to it the apparatus for experiment and the logic of the construction of design activity. In the article the author examines basic questions of the construction of the educational methods complex of mathematical disciplines within the framework of the standard of higher education of the third generation. She bases the value of educational method complex on discipline "linear algebra and analytical geometry" as the factor of the development of the cognitive independence of the students of university. Key words: mathematical disciplines, educational method complex, the cognitive independence of student, mathematical tasks.
Shukhman A.E. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFILE PROGRAMS OF TRAINING BACCALAUREATES FOR THE BRANCH OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESIn the article the author represents the technology of the development of profile educational programs for the basic professions of the branch of information technologies on the basis of professional standards. The author examined in detail the construction of the program of preparation along the profile "information resources".Key words: the profile training of baccalaureates, professional standards, the development of educational programs, the branch of information technologies.
Shukhman A.E., Gerasimenko S.A. APPROACHES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROFILE PROGRAMS OF TRAINING SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE REGION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESThe authors represent the program of the professional training of the schoolchildren in the region of information technologies with the specializations, based on the professional standards of IT-branch. They examine the possibilities for cooperation of the establishments of formation and IT-companies.Key words: the profile training of schoolboys, professional standards, the development of educational programs, the branch of information technologies.


Gerasimenko S.A., Zubkova I.K., Petukhova T.P. MATHEMATICAL FACULTY: HISTORY, PRESENT TIME, FUTUREThe authors describe the formation and the development of mathematical faculty in Orenburg State University from the moment of creation the first mathematical chair within the framework of the Orenburg branch of Kuybyshev industrial institute.Key words: mathematics, education, history, mathematical.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Bolodurina I.P., Arapova O.S. MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF INTERACTION OF MICROELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN ORGANISMThe work deals with the problem of environment factors influence on the people health status. There are some results of applying the model of integral index, which generalizes the characteristics of twelve chemical elements, to the health status estimation of people working at industrial enterprises in Orenburg, and also the model of interelemental interaction in the human organism.Key words: health, environment, bioelement status, simulation and control.
Bolodurina M.P., Ogurtsova T.A. OPTIMAL CONTROL AND SIMULATION OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATION BRANCHThe work offers dynamic model of enterprise behavior in the telecommunication field in the form of the system of differential equations with the delay. The parameters of the represented model are determined on the base of real data of the volume of user base and tariff policy of the operators of mobile connection. The problem of optimal control of the behavior of enterprises taking into account delay is numerically solved.Key words: Mathematical model, differential equations with the delay, optimal control, the identification of the parameters, Pontryagin
Bolodurina I.P., Lugovskova Y.P. THE SIMULATION OF THE STOCHASTIC FLUCTUATIONS OF THE NONLINEAR SYSTEM OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, DESCRIBING THE DYNAMICS OF IMMUNE RESPONSE WITH THE INFECTIOUS DISEASESThe work represents the results of the program realization of the numerical algorithm of the solution of the stochastic differential equations, describing the dynamics of the development of infectious diseases at the cellular level, based on the standardized decomposition by Taylor — Ito in terms of the repeated stochastic integrals with their subsequent approximation with help of the polynomial set of functions. Key words: immune response, stochastic model, the mathematical simulation.
Zubova I.K., Rassokha E.N. APPROACHES TO THE DETERMINATION OF CONVEXITY AND CONCAVITY OF PLOTTED FUNCTION.The authors examined three determinations of the concept of convexity and concavity of plotted function with help of the method of tangents, chords and analytical method. The historical conditions for their formation are shown from the position of the development of differential calculus. The diagram of the account of this theme is offered to the students of physico-mathematical specialties.Key words: the convexity (concavity) of plotted function; the continuity of function; the differentiability of function; tangential straight line; secant straight line; chord.
Ivashkina G.A. ON ONE BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEM WITH THE DISPLACEMENT FOR MIXED ELLIPTICAL-HYPERBOLIC TYPE EQUATIONSTasks with displacement were for the first time set by Nakhushev A.M. In this work task with the displacement is examined. Uniqueness and existence of the solution are proved. Key words: elliptical-hyperbolic type, uniqueness, existence of the solution, singular differential equations.
Kucherov A.A., Pikhtilkov S.A., Pikhtilkova O.A. ON THE HOMOLOGOUS DESCRIPTION OF LOCALLY NILPOTENT RADICAL FOR THE SPECIAL ALGEBRAS OF LEE.In the work the authors discussed the possibility of determining the locally nilpotent radical of the special algebra of Lee in the form the intersection of the nuclei of irreducible ideas, irreducible PI-ideas and finite-dimensional irreducible ideas. It is shown that the locally nilpotent radical of the special algebra of Lee above the field of characteristic zero is contained into the intersections of the nuclei of irreducible PI-ideas and this part is strict. Key words: Lee's algebra, PI-idea, irreducible idea, locally nilpotent radical.
Medvedeva N.N. DEVELOPMENT OF THE GRAPHIC METHOD OF THE ADDITIVE THEORY OF PARTITIONS IN THE WORKS OF J.J. SYLVESTERThe article examined the history of the development of the graphic method of the additive theory of partitions in the works of English mathematician J.J. Sylvester and its application to the proof of the theorems about the partitions. Key words: the additive theory of partitions, the history of combinatory analysis, partition, the graphic method of the additive theory of partitions.
Polkunov Y.G., Karakulina E.O. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRACKS IN THE DISCRETE MEDIA WITH DIFFERENT DIAMETER OF GRAIN.Article is dedicated to the development of model, which describes the process of destroying the grainy materials. Laws governing formation and development of cracks in the discrete media are established here. The results of the numerical calculation of the coefficients of the intensity of the stresses of the first kind taking into account the diameter of grain are represented. Key words: destruction, grainy material, crack.
Polkunov Yu.G., Spiridonova E.V. THE MAHTEMATICA MODEL OF UNWEDGING MATERIAL WITH DIFFERENT LENGTH OF THE BASIC AND GAPING CRACKThe article represents the numerical solution of the task of the development of the wedging crack in the undivided material with different length of the basic and gaping crack. Solution of problem was achieved by the torn-tape system displacement. Key words: unwedging material, the gaping crack, the coefficient of the intensity of the stresses of the I kind.
Pushkov S.G., Gorelik A.A. THE USE OF METHODS OF INTERVAL ANALYSIS FOR ENUMERATING THE DIMENSIONALITY OF THE FINITE-DIMENSIONAL REALIZATION OF LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEMThe article examined the task of constructing the model in the state space on the basis of the data about the behavior the input-output of linear stationary dynamic system with the discrete time. The authors investigated the problem of obtaining the numerical algorithms of the calculation of finite-dimensional realization in the state space of mapping input-output, represented by the pulse sequence of matrices. They proposed the method of enumerating the dimensionality of this realization, based on the use of interval analysis. Key words: dynamic systems, state space, the problem of realization, numerical methods, interval analysis.
Rustanov A.R., Shchipkova N.N. THE DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY OF THE ALMOST CONTACT METRIC VARIETIES OF THE CLASS S11.The work examined the new class of almost contact metric varieties, the generalizing class of cosimplect varieties. The authors got the complete classification of the AS-varieties of the class S11 of a constant F-holomorphic sectional curvature.Key words: almost contact metric variety, cosimplect variety, the tensor of holomorphic sectional curvature.
Kharitonova S.V. THE TENSOR OF TWISTING THE FIRST CANONICAL CONNECTEDNESS LOCALLY OF CONFORMALLY ALMOST COSIMPLECT VARIETIESThis author calculated the components of the tensor of twisting the first canonical connectedness locally of conformally almost cosimplect (further lcACS-) varieties, studied the geometric sense of rotation into zero on the space of the connected G- structure of the components of the tensor of twisting the connectedness of such varieties. Key words: almost contact structures, conformal conversions, the tensor of twisting, connectedness.
Shukhman E.V. APPROXIMATE CALCULATION OF SOME MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS IN THE PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED WORKS OF L. EYLER. There is the published work of Eyler and note from his notebooks, connected with the calculation of the constant of Eyler — Maskheroni γ and constant of Erdesh — Borveyn α.Key words: history of mathematics, Leonard Eyler, Eyler — Maskheroni constant, Erdesh —Borveyn constant.

Technical sciences

Volkova T.V., Boldyrev P.A. THE PROCEDURE OF CALCULATION THE COEFFICIENT OF THE BOOK PROVIDING OF TRAINING PROCESS AT THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITYThe authors examined the problems of the analysis of book providing of training process in VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). The authors analyzed the existing procedures of calculation of the coefficient of book providing, revealed deficiencies and proposed the methods of their elimination. They represented the development of its own procedure of calculation of the coefficient of book providing, which makes it possible to obtain the objective values, which reflect the state of training fund.Key words: the fund for library, the coefficient of book providing, the integrated automated information system.
Buresh O.V., Kalieva O.M. THE CONCEPT OF MARKETING INFORMATION SPACE AS THE SOURCE OF INFORMATION PROVIDING OF MAKING ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONSThe authors proposed the concept of marketing information space as the source of information providing of making administrative decisions by the regulation of the activity of regional enterprises, participants in the sale market on the base of the realization of OLAP-technologies. Key words: space, information, marketing, regulation, control.
Vlatskaya I.V., Kozhevnikova V.E., Maksimenko A.V. THE ALGORITHM OF THE TRAJECTORY CALCULATION OF NONLINEAR SYSTEM UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTYThe authors examined questions of the development of nonlinear systems with the discrete time under the conditions of uncertainty. There is the program realization of the algorithm of the trajectory calculation of nonlinear systems with the initial conditions and the external actions. Key words: nonlinear system, uncertainty, state.
Vlatskaya I.V., Tatzhibaeva O.A. THE APPLICATION OF METHODS OF IMITATION SIMULATION IN REENGINEERING OF BUSINESS-PROCESSESThe authors examined the task of reengineering of business- processes in an example of the enterprise OOO "Orenburggeofizika". The model of enterprise on the basis of queueing theory is proposed. The authors carried out the imitation simulation of the system in the sphere Stratum 2000. According to the results of simulation they obtained the economic measures of the effectiveness of reengineering of the work of the redesigned system.Key words: reengineering, business-process, imitation simulation, queueing theory.
Vlatskiy V.V. THE SIMULATION OF RIVER DRAIN WITH HELP OF GIS-TECHNOLOGIESThe work is dedicated to the task of the simulation of the river drain of the ponds of the rivers of the Urals and Sakmara of Orenburg region. The procedure of the use of Gis- technologies for the definition of the characteristics of aqueous objects and visualization of the results of simulation is represented. Key words: river drain, relief, mathematical model, geo-information systems, program set.
Garmash M.I. APPROACHES TO THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF VISUAL POSITION FINDING IN ACCOMMODATIONOne of the essential problems of the present appears to be the problem of locating in different situations. The solution of this problem under the conditions of the closed accommodation is, as a rule, complicated by many factors. The classical methods of solution of this problem are discussed in the present work, and the alternative method of the solution with the use of search algorithms by the model is also proposed.Key words: navigation in the accommodation, the method of search on the model, panoramic images, the geometry of catadioptric systems.
Gergel V.P., Polezhaev P.N. THE THEORETICAL BASES OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ALGORITHMS OF PLANNING TASKS FOR THE COMPUTATIONAL CLUSTER WITH HELP OF SIMULATORThis work represented the theoretical bases of an experimental study of the algorithms of planning tasks for the computational cluster, carried out with help of the simulator of cluster and its manager of system. The authors developed the models of computational cluster, its manager of system and computational load, and also the system of criteria and certificates of the comparison of the algorithms of planning.Key words: the simulator of computational cluster and its manager of system, planning parallel tasks, highly productive calculations, imitation simulation.
Nesterenko M.Yu., Nesterenko Yu.M. HYDROGEOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND THEIR SIMULATION IN THE REGIONS IF HYDROCARBON MINING BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE SOUTH CIS-URALThe authors examined technogenic changes in the underground waters and the geological medium of the regions of the hydrocarbon mining in the South Cis-Ural. With the development of petroleum and gas fields decrease in stratified pressure and a change in the level of stratal water is unavoidable. The hydrodynamic connection of the water-bearing horizons of the South Cis-Ural is proved. They proposed the filtrational model of the development of depression funnel in the region of the developed layers of oil and gas.Key words: gidrogeodynamics, seismology, the South Cis-Ural, technogenic changes, the hydrocarbon mining.
Nikiforov I.A., Nesterenko M.Yu., Vlatskiy V.V. THE GEO-INFORMATION SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF GEOLOGICAL MEDIUM UNDER THE TECHNOGENIC-CHANGED CONDITIONS BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE SOUTH CIS-URALThe successful solution of the problems of seismic monitoring assumes the deep unification of the information description of many subject areas of different nature. The general geometric space is the basic prerequisite of their integration into the united geo-information model of complex structure. Key words: South Cis-Ural, natural-technogenic seismic phenomena, geo-information system.
Polishchuk Yu.V., Chernykh T.A. THE PROCEDURE OF QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE INFORMATION VALUE OF THE DOCUMENTS OF THE COMPLETE SET OF PROJECT DOCUMENTATIONThe work examines the procedure of the synthesis of project documents, which ensures increase in their quality due to the use of the quasi-structure models of their information filling. The mathematical interpretation of the model of the quasi-structure information filling of electronic documents is examined and the parameters of the quantitative assessment of the information value of a document according to its model are proposed. Key words: the simulation of documents; the quasi-structure information; project documentation.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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