Ignatushina I.V. KONSTANTIN ALEXANDROVICH TOROPOV (TO THE 150- ANNIVERSARY FROM THE BIRTHDAY)The author gave the survey of life K.A. Toropov, characterized his scientific achievements, and showed some of his methodological findings. The author represented the sufficiently detailed analysis of work of K.A. Toropov "Magic number and its application to the solution of problems", which is interesting from a methodological point of view, since in it he described the method of solving the triangles in a very simple way for the understanding. With the help of this method it is possible to solve any task for the calculation of any of element in the triangle on its known three elements.Key words: the history of mathematical formation, Konstantin Alexandrovich Toropov.
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About this article
Author: Ignatushina I.V.
Year: 2010
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |