№ 12š(173),š2014
Natural sciences
Avdeev R.V. MORBIDITY AND TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH GLAUCOMA IN THE VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT The article provides information on the General and primary incidence of glaucoma layout at this stage, the volume of surgical and laser treatment in the regions of the Volga Federal district. A comparison with the national figures for 2012. All information is presented by the main extraordinary ophthalmologists of regions.Key words: glaucoma, incidence, stage, surgical and laser treatment.
Aprelev A.E., Pashinina R.V., Karaulova E.S. EVALUATION OF SOME ASPECTS OF LIFE QUALITY IN CONJUNCTION WITH ASSOCIATED PATHOLOGY INSTUDENTS WITH MYOPIAThe article highlights some aspects of quality of life in conjunction with associated pathology in students from 1 to 3 year of The Orenburg State Medical Academy. Revealed, that students with a high myopia is more concerned about their eyesight regardless of the presence of concomitant somatic pathology. Least discomfort at work at close range, housework occurs at students with a low myopia, and the highest — with a high myopia. Myopia takes a leading place (14.6š%) among chronic pathology at students. Key words: myopia, quality of life, somatic pathology, students.
Arlanova ô.I. A CASE OF ACUTE POSTERIOR MULTIFOCAL PLACOID PIGMENT EPITHELIOPATHYDescription of a rare inflammatory disease — an acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy, its diagnostics. This relapsing disease is well stopped by corticosteroids. According to the literature uncomplicated cases do not need treatment, the process is stopped independently in 2–3 weeks. Often this is a two-way process; clinical aspects on the second eye can join in a few years. The disease is often associated with other somatic pathology.
Astasheva I.B., Kan I.G., Degtyarev D.N., Degtyareva A.V. FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT AND COURSE OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY WITH THE USE OF NEW APPROACHES TO RESPIRATORY THERAPY ON STAGE OF NEONATAL RESUSCITATIONThe authors studied 2 groups of infants: the first group — 260 infants — received high concentrations of oxygen in the breathing mix (50š%) during resuscitation, they were on the long-term invasive mechanical ventilation. The second group — 66 children — received low concentrations of oxygen during resuscitation (not more than 45š%), there were dominated non-invasive methods of respiratory therapy (CPAP and non-invasive ventilation). It was found that in group 2, the disease is more favorable, later starts, early and often spontaneously regresses, it is characterized by a short period of the active phase of ROP, develops fewer severe ROP, which are requiring laser treatment, III stage of ROP occurs less frequently, the timing of its occurrence is later, it regresses faster, there is no aggressive posterior ROP, do not develop retinal detachment, ROP proceeds more favorably even with the wide avascular zone.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity, back aggressive retinopathy of prematurity, neonatal resuscitation.
Babailova O.M., Perevoznikova E.S. RESEARCH OF PERSONALITY TYPE OF THE PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMAThe personality types and levels of neuroticism among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and the control group is investigated. Found that patients with glaucoma is increasingly characterized by an introverted individual psychological orientation, more unstable and poorly adapted, compared with the control group.Key words: glaucoma, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, extroversion, introversion, neuroticism.
Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I. OPTIMIZATION OF THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE AND SECONDARY GLAUCOMA The article gives an algorithm for a differentiated approach to the surgical treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma and secondary glaucoma with use of advanced glaucoma interventions (non-penetrating, partially fistulizing, fistulizing and combined), developed on the basis of a complex of clinical studies, the results of surgical treatment of 424 patients (438 eyes) with a follow — up to 3 years (304 patients, 311 eyes).
Balalin S.V., Fokin V.P. OPTIC NERVE TOLERANCE AND INTOLERANCE IN NORMAL TENSION GLAUCOMA Definition of tolerant intraocular pressure and sensitivity index of the optic nerve to the intolerance of IOP with enhanced diagnostic capability of primary open-angle glaucoma. Normal pressure glaucoma should be considered as one of the clinical entities of primary open-angle glaucoma with a low level of tolerance of the optic nerve.Key words: normal tension glaucoma,tolerant intraocular pressure, sensitivity index of the optic nerve to the intolerance of IOP.
Balashevich L.I., Nigmatov B.F., Dzhusoev T.M. HYDRORETINOPEXY EFFICIENCY IN SURGERY OF PRIMARY RHEGMATOGENOUS RETINAL DETACHMENTThe main stages of surgery extrascleral primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment are the localization of its rupture, creating a contact with the choroid retinal detachment, retinal tear and blocking software stand chorioretinal adhesion around the retinal break. Key words: retinal detachment, hydroretinopexy, drainage of subretinal fluid.
Baranov I.Y., Shiryaev I.V., Perevedentseva L.A. TRANSCORNEAL ACTIVATION OF THE PREVIOUS HYPOTENSIVE SURGERY SITETo evaluate the efficiency of transcorneal activation of the previous hypotensive surgery site (100 eyes). In early postoperative period in all cases normal level's IOP achieved without the use of antihypotensive drops eye. In long-term compensation achieved in 18,5š% cases without the use of antihypotensive drops eye. On background of 1 or 2 eye drops compensation achieved in 72,7š% cases.Key words: the operated primary open-angle glaucoma, transcorneal activation of previous hypotensive operation zone, sclerosis of intrascleral area.
Bachaldin I.L., Sorokin E.L., Egorov V.V. RESEARCH OF PATTERNS OF A CLINICAL COURSE OF PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA AT VARIOUS LEVELS OF PERMANENT NORMALIZATION OF AN INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE AGAINST SYSTEMATIC METABOLIC THERAPYFeatures of a clinical course of POAG with stable normalized intraocular pressure (IOP) in interrelation with the reached extent of its depression were investigated during periodical courses of metabolic therapy. All patients with POAG with "the purpose pressure" had a stabilization of process and in 18š% — positive dynamics of visual functions. In group with the tolerant level of IOP stabilization appeared less effective. In 25 eyes with average norm of IOP narrowing of a field of vision for 11,3š% was noted.Key words: glaucoma, tolerant pressure, purpose pressure.
Bachinin E.A., Khalfin R.N. INTRAOPERATIVE ARTERIAL HYPOTENSION AT THE SEVORAN GENERAL ANESTHESIA IN THE OPHTHALMOSURGERY IN PATIENTS WITH PATHOLOGY OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMPatients with accompanying cardiovascular pathology have high risk of complications from vitals during operation and the general anesthesia. Results of carrying out thesevoran anesthesia during ophthalmosurgery in 60 patients with cardiovascular pathology were analyzed. Complications menacing to life weren't observed. Depression of arterial pressure at the sevorananesthesia stages was stopped by injection of microdoses of a vasoconstrictor.Key words: ophthalmosurgery, sevoran, cardiovascular pathology.
Belyiy Yu.á., Novikov S.V., Kolesnik á.I., Yudina Yu.á. INTRAVITREAL IMPLANT FOR DRUG DELIVERY TO THE POSTERIOR SEGMENT STRUCTURES OF THE EYEDevelopment and experimental substantiation of the method of drug delivery to the structures of the posterior segment using biodegradable intravitreal implant are considered. The peculiarity of the implant is the possibility of alternation of saturated and unsaturated medicinal substance layers. During studying of process of degradation of unsaturated implant was found that the degradation of the polymer backbone of the implant was by hydrolysis. The proposed implant provides periodic selection of the active substance that prevents the excess of the therapeutic drug concentrations in the environment due to the design of the implant.Key words: delivery of medicines, the intravitreal implant.
Berdnikova E.V., Solyannikova O.V., Ekgardt V.F., Tur E.V. EVALUATION OF COLOR AND MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE OPTIC DISC IN NORMAL SUBJECTS AND IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMAThis article describes a method for evaluating of colour grade and morphometric parameters of the optic nerve disc, which shows its state and the dynamic changes in primary open-angle glaucoma. This method can be used for patients' follow-up as a tool for objective assessment of the excavation and the neuroretinal rim size of optic nerve, as well as for control the degree of optic disc discoloration.Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma, disc of optic nerve, photo documentation, case follow-up.
Bikbov M.M., Yafaeva L.R. COMBINED TREATMENT OF BULLOUS KERATOPATHYThe proposed two-step treatment mode (step 1 — CXL, step 2 — automated endothelial keratoplasty) was performed with optical and curative purpose and it has been proven its efficiency.Key words: bullous keratopathy, automated endothelial keratoplasty, corneal collagen crosslinking.
Blinkova E.S., Dzhashi B.G. THE CHOICE OF SURGICAL TECHNIQUE INDUCED CORRECTION OF AMETROPIA AFTER KERATOTOMYLASIK technique allows for correction of ametropia induced keratorefractive after surgery. For the correction of ametropia induced on background hyperopic refraction with ectasia and in the absence of progression of corneal changes preferred phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. Key words: induced refractive errors, LASIK, IOL implantation.
Boriskina L.M., Solodkova H.G., Melikhova I.A. MODIFICATION OF CORNEAL COLLAGEN CROSSLINKING IN TREATMENT OF PROGRESSIVE KERATOCONUSThere were studied treatment results in 61 patients with keratoconus of the I–II degree. I group comprised 25 patients (25 eyes), treated by conventional CXL method; II group included 36 persons (36 eyes) who had their surgery performed according to a modified technique. The latter has clinical efficiency and safety which are similar to the corresponding figures of the conventional method, but is distinguished by uncomplicated postsurgical period and a more pronounced positive dynamics in restoration of visual functions, which counts in its favor when choosing method of progressive keratectasia treatment. Key words: Óorneal collagen crosslinking.
Borshchuk E.L., Voronina A.E. COMPARATIVE ESTIMATION OF CRITERIA OF QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH OPHTHALMOPATHOLOGY A person gets about 95š% of the information about the world around through the organ of sight. Even a slight decrease in vision can have a significant negative impact on quality of life. An anonymous survey of patients who first applied in Orenburg branch of "The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex", in the period 2012–2014 years was carried out. Cataract was most often found in the age of 70–79 years. Most respondents with cataract, glaucoma, eye diabetes and retinal detachment rated their health as "mediocre", and the cause of their health status more often marked "Eyes".Key words: quality of life, cataract, glaucoma, diabetes, retinal detachment.
Botabekova T.K., Kanafyanova E.G., Baiyrkhanova A.O. SOME ASPECTS OF ETIOPATHOGENESIS OF PROLIFERATIVE VITREORETINOPATHYProliferative vitreoretinopathy is a typical pathological intraocular process accompanying such serious diseases of the vision as retinal datachment, hemophthalmus, diabetic retinopathy, trauma. Despite the successful development of ophthalmic surgery, the question of the treatment strategy for patients with PVR remains debatable and open. Recent researches of scientists, based on the knowledge of PVR etiopathogenesis are aimed at finding methods to influence the proliferative processes in the eye.Key words: proliferative vitreoretinopathy, etiopathogenesis, pigment cells, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, cytokines.
Burkhanov U.K., Usubov E.L. FEMTOSECOND LASER-ASSISTED CATARACT SURGERYThe study involved 199 patients (199 eyes) with cataracts. The main group — 95 patients (95 eyes) underwent femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery with IOL implantation. In the control groupe– 104 patients (104 eyes) — performed standard ultrasound phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. Energy performance of ultrasound during phacoemulsification were lower in group underwent of femtosecond laser surgery, and the difference between the groups used ultrasound decreased with the growth of the density of the lens. In the main group the better visual acuity was observed in earlier periods — 1 week after surgery, and in the control group — after 1 month. The use of the femtosecond laser in cataract surgery reduces the energy performance of ultrasound up to 35š% during the phacoemulsification, achieve of high visual acuity in patients in the early postoperative period and maintance of a stable visual functions, regardless of the density of the lens nucleus. Key words: cataract phacoemulsification, femtosecond laser.
Bykova å.V.,Klokov á.V., Sogolovskaya å.å., Sotnikova ô. ï., Gabriel ô.P., Kiselev á.V. USING AUTOLIMPHOSORPTION IN COMPLEXTREATMENT OF UVEITISThe structure of uveitis etiologyis various and constantly suffers changes which depend on different external factors. According to different authors, exudative uveitis, endophathalmit in pseudophakia are 1,0–37š% among other uveitis. Hard rehabilitation after disease, frequent relapses, epiphenomenon progression, insufficient effectiveness of traditional treatment complexis forced to continue the search for more effective treatment methods of severe eye disease. Using Alloplant biomaterial for autolimphocyte helps to improve blood circulation of the choroid, to correct nutritional processes in the outer retina layer, to enhancesorptive function forresorption of exudates and hemorrhages, reduce compartment of the retina. During the operation of autolymphocyte draining suprachoroidal space takes place,which leads to increase duveoscleral path of the outflow, to the activation of metabolic processes in the choroid and retina, which promotes more rapid relief of flammation.Key words: conservative treatment of uveitis, alloplant, autolymphocyte operation, relief of flammation.
Vasiliev A.V., Egorov V.V., Smolyakova G.P. EFFICIENCY OF POSTOPERATIVE IMMUNOPROPHYLAXIS OF PROLIFERATIVE COMPLICATIONS IN SURGERY OF A CONGENITAL CATARACT WITH IMPLANTATION OF AN INTRAOCULAR LENS IN CHILDREN OF THORACAL AGEEfficiency of application of a pharmacological immunocorrection by preparations Viferon and Derinat in prophylaxis of posterior lens capsule opacification after a congenital cataract surgery in children of the first year of life was studied. It was noticed decrease by 2.2 times of frequency of a posterior lens capsule fibrosis and retention of its transparency in 1 year after excision of a congenital cataract with implantation of an intraocular lens in children receiving combination of Viferon and Derinat in comparison with control group of patients.Key words: congenital cataract, primary implantation of an intraocular lens, pharmacological immunocorrection, Viferon, Derinat.
Galeeva F.S., Gabdrakhmanov L.M., Karlova E.V., Nikiforova E.B. ORGANIZATION OF THE HELP TO PATIENTS WITH GLAUCOMA IN THE SAMARA REGIONGlaucoma is the leading cause of blindness and visual disability in Russian Federation. The organization of public healthcare system for glaucoma patients in Samara region was developed over the last decade. In conditions of primary eye care shortage Regional glaucoma center, Health centers and Mobile eye care offices create new opportunities of early case finding and treatment of glaucoma patients. This article is intended to analyze the main indicators of glaucoma in the region over the last six years: morbidity, case-finding activities, disability, quantity of surgical and laser procedures and others. Hypotensive laser surgeries performed in Mobile eye care offices are also discussed. In general, the their work not only allowed to perform a greater number of laser procedures for glaucoma in 2013, but almost two times increased the incidence of this disease among the examined population. Thus, the work with glaucoma patients is an important part of eye care system, which afforded to achieve stabilization or positive dynamics of basic indicators in the last six years.Key words: glaucoma, epidemiology, morbidity, case-finding activities, disability, free glaucoma medication.
Gil'manshin T.R., Faizrakhmanov R.R., Gilyazova I.I., Yarmukhametova A.L. MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CENTRAL ZONE OF THE RETINA INTERFACE IN PATIENTS WITH RETINAL VEIN THROMBOSISStudied basic morphometric and structural indicators of the macular area of the retina in 15 patients with retinal vein thrombosis using optical coherence tomography. Revealed that the swelling is the main morphological substrate contributing to structural changes in the central area of the retina retinal vein thrombosis, and is cystic in nature. Increase in total retinal thickness (up to 386,97±16,26 m) in this pathology is largely due to structural changes zones covering outer plexiform, inner nuclear layer and the layer of nerve fibers with internal limiting membrane. At the same time there is a significant increase in the thickness of the outer screen (up to 94,94±5,08 mm) and inner nuclear (up to 54,6±3,26 mm) layers, which determines the selectivity of the pathological process.Key words: thrombosis, retinal vein occlusion, macular edema, optical coherence tomography.
Goncharenko O.V., Zabolotniy A.G., Matsko V.V., Martsinkevich A.O. PROVIDING AND IMPROVING THE LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGICAL SAFETY OF CATARACT SURGERY BASED ON CLINICAL USING THE FEMTOSECOND LASEROne of the main directions of improvement of modern cataract surgery is the introduction into clinical practice of new energy technologies that reduce surgery traumatic factor. Using the femtosecond laser depends on the degree of cataract and density of the lens nucleus, allow reducing the time of effective phacoemulsification. It, in turn, helps to improve the safety of cataract surgery — reducing the risk of postoperative corneal edema and reducing the degree of loss of the endothelial cells.Key words: femtosecond laser LensX, phacoemulsification, cataract surgery, capsulotomy, lens fragmentation, corneal incisions.
Grusha Ya.O., Ambartsumyan A.R., Fettser E.I., Sheptulin V.A. CASE OF NON-SURGICAL CORRECTION OF EXPOSITIONAL CORNEAL ULCER AND LAGOPHTHALMOS AT ACUTE FACIALIS PALSY (CLINICAL CASE)Correction of paralytic lagophthalmos using hyaluronic acid upper yeylid injection is a new and little known approach. In this paper the authors describe the possibility of modeling of the effect with duration more than 18 months in patient with acute facialis palsy, exposure keratitis and corneal ulcer. Key words: Paralytic lagophthalmos correction, hyaluronic acid gel, exposure keratitis, corneal ulcer, ultrasound biomicroscopy.
Gusev A.N., Borisov A.F., Klimenko E.V., GusevÁ E.V. DOPLEROGRAPHY STUDY OF EYE ARTERY BLOOD FLOW IN PATIENTS WITH IMMATURE CATARACTThe aim of the investigation is studying hemodynamics of the eyeball for finding possible deviation for cataract patients before conduction of phacoemulsification. The received results proved decreasing hemodynamics of the eyeball for cataract patients with retinal dystrophic diseases at the average by 35 persent and 18 persent without retinal changes in comparison with control investigation. The results of the ultrasound investigation of ophthalmic artery hemodynamics are diagnostic criteria for functional results for cataract patients treatment with the use of phacoemulsification. Key words: cataract, phacoemulsification.
Dashenko K.N., Ryshkova E.P., Baimakova M.M. VISUAL FUNCNION IN TERM FOLLOW-UP AFTER LASER COAGULATION OF THE RETINA IN PATIENTS WITH NONPROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHYThe analysis of outpatient card 120 patients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy after 3–5 years after laser photocoagulation. Patients were conditionally divided into 2 groups according to the number of coagulates. The decrease in visual acuity in both groups, but in the group with a large number coagulates decrease occurred earlier and more significant. Under similar initial state picture of the fundus in both groups, the need for a greater amount of laser photocoagulation was due progression of retinopathy in the background of the worst of diabetes compensation.Key words: diabetic retinopathy, laser photocoagulation of a retina, visual acuity.
Drozdova E.A., Khokhlova D.Yu. DEPENDENCE OF THE EFFICIENCY OF ANTI-ANGIOGENIC THERAPY OF COMPENSATION HYPERTENSION IN PATIENTS WITH RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSIONThe article is devoted to the actual problem in ophthalmology — treatment of macular edema (ME) in patients with retinal vein occlusion (RVO). Leading risk factor for RVO is hypertension (62š%). Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of anti-VEGF therapy, depending on the stage of hypertension and blood pressure (BP). Results: the efficiency of anti-VEGF therapy is increased in blood pressure control in patients with non-ischemic type of occlusion, regardless of the stage of hypertension, which is manifested in the increase in visual acuity (average of 0,29) and a decrease in the height of defense.Key words: retinal vein occlusion, macular edema, ranibizumab, hypertension.
Ezhova E.A., Melikhova I.A., Balalin S.V., Makovkin E.M. CYTOMORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOMECHANICAL CHANGES IN CORNEA ASSOCIATED WITH APPLICATION OF ORTHOKERATOLOGICAL CONTACT LENSES IN MYOPIC CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Corneal status was assessed in 54 myopic patients (108 eyes) by means of confocal microscopy and rigidometry of corneoscleral membrane before and over the period of orthokeratological lens application. It was revealed that confocal microscopy enables evaluating cytomorphological changes in cornea, while rigidometry makes it possible to assess biomechanical after-effects of OCL wearing as well as their safety on a customized basis with regard to histomorphological state of corneal structures, findings of corneoscleral rigidity factor and level of intraocular pressure. Key words: orthokeratological contact lenses, cornea, confocal microscopy, rigidometry.
Ermak E.M., Pozdeeva O.G., Dulyba O.R. CHOROIDAL BLOOD FLOW IN YOUNG PATIENTS WITH PERIPHERAL RETINAL DEGENERATIONSRetinal degeneration in the periphery is a major cause of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, resulting in low vision, blindness and disability 2–9š% in young adults [4]. It is enough to examine the nature of hemodynamic disturbances in the ophthalmic artery, central retinal artery and short posterior ciliary arteries in young patients with peripheral retinal degeneration [3]. The speed parameters of choroidal blood flow in patients with risk forms of peripheral vitreohorioretinal dystrophies were studied with the help of an integrated ultrasound examination. The speed characteristics and choroidal blood flow pulsator index were significantly low in the projection hearth of lattice and "snail track" degenerations.Key words: Peripheral retinal degeneration, hemodynamics, choroidal blood flow.
Erokhina E.V., Tereshenko A.V., Tereshenkova M.S., Panamareva S.V. ULTRASOUND BIOMICROSCOPY SELF-DESCRIPTIVENESS IN ACTIVE STAGES OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY DIAGNOSTICSTo study anatomical-topographical features of the anterior segment of the eye at different stages of retinopathy of prematurity. Material and metods. Ultrasound biomicroscopy was performed at 217 eyes of 122 premature babies with different stages of retinopathy of prematurity. Results and discussion. Ultrasound biomicroscopy expands the data of comprehensive eye examination, that allows to use it as an additional tool in determining of the management of retinopathy of prematurity in combination with the data of other objective methods.Key words: ultrasound biomicroscopy, retinopathy of prematurity.
Zhilyaeva O.V., Panova I.E., Prokopieva M.Yu., Kuznetsov A.A. RANIBIZUMAB IN THE TREATMENT OF THE CLASSICAL FORM OF CHOROIDAL NEOVASCULARIZATION IN DEGENERATIVE DISEASES OF THE EYEThe study included 74 patients with classic choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in pathological myopia and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) receiving intravitreal ranibizumab to clinical stabilization process. The mean follow — 24,8±13,1 months. An average of 1,5±0,8 injection in groups with myopic refraction, 2,4±2 in the group of patients with AMD was required. Results: The use of ranibizumab in patients with classic CNV in complicated myopia and exudative AMD is an effective treatment. Classic CNV in AMD require more injections of ranibizumab for stabilizing than in complicated myopia.Key words: pathological myopia, ranibizumab, choroidal neovascularization.
Zaynutdinova G.Kh., Fayzullina A.S., Farkhutdinova A.A., Bikbov M.M. EVALUATION OF CLINICAL RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY USING MODERN METHODS OF DIAGNOSTICSAt the present stage in connection with the improvement of the care of premature infants and an increase in their number the problem of early diagnosis and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is becoming increasingly important [1]. Optimization of diagnostics PH using modern equipment, such as a pediatric retinal camera, the use of computer programs for the quantitative measurement of retinal vascular caliber [3], [4], holding optical coherence tomography [2] — all this allows ophthalmologists to receive more information about the activity and localization of the process in the retina, which is very valuable in screening and monitoring of the ophthalmopathology. Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, optical coherence tomography.
Ivanov A.N. CREATION OF OPTIMAL CONDITIONS BY ND-YAG LASER DESTRUCTION BEFORE VITRECTOMYThe article is aimed to present a variant of Nd:YAG LASER treatment of vitreous body pathology (Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis), capable to destroy vitreous body's synechia, to eliminate the development of synechioformation, to cause lyses of vitreous body's conglomerates before vitrectomy in haemophthalmos. 251 patients with hemophthalm underwent (power from 0,8 up to 9,2 mJ, quantity of impulses 2–150, 3–30 courses of laser treatment). Nd:YAG laser treatment has led to the destruction vitreous body's synechia and blood conglomerates, lyses and dilution of vitreous body according to ultrasonic examination (more than 80š% in 184 cases). Secondary hemorrhage occurred in 31 case (12,4š%). Hemolytic effect of Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis was seen as well in cases of laser treatment without impulse shots. After laser treatment 25G vitrectomy was performed. Key words: Key word: vitrectomy, Nd-YAG laser vitreolysis.
Ioyleva E.E., Krivosheeva M.S., Smirnova M.A. THE RESULTS OF THE EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH OPTIC NEURITIS AT THE ONSET OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSISStudied a set of diagnostic parameters in the two groups of patients with the first manifesto of optic neuritis at the onset of multiple sclerosis. 21 patients (42 eyes). Optic neuritis with ophthalmoscopically visible changes of the optic disk was combined with pronounced changes in OCT (no excavation, thickening of the retinal nerve fiber layer), the gross violations of EFI and demyelinating lesions in the optic nerve. Thinning of the layer of retinal ganglion cells was observed in all patients, as it took place at the thickening of retinal nerve fiber layer, and under normal terms RNFL. The combination of focal lesions of the optic nerve and the presence of lesions in the brain substance increases the probability of a definite diagnosis of MS.Key words: multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, optical coherence tomography, MRI of the orbits.
Kadatskaya N.V., Marukhnenko A.M., Fokin V.P. IMPLANTATION OF A THREE-PART IOL WITH SUTURE FIXATION IN THE CILIARY SULCUSIOL implantation with flexible optics and rigid haptics through phacoemulsification incision 2,75 mm with suture fixation of the support elements of the lens in the ciliary sulcus with the initial absence of capsular support allows you to achieve high clinical and functional outcomes, reduce the risk of complications during surgery and in the postoperative period, to optimize social rehabilitation of patients with severe initial state of the eye. Key words: IOL implantation with fixation in the ciliary sulcus.
Kazakova A.V., Eskina E.N. THE DIAGNOSIS OF GLAUCOMA IN AXIAL MYOPIC PATIENTSThree groups of patients at the same age (glaucoma and myopia, glaucoma without myopia, myopia without glaucoma) underwent through ophthalmological examination including morphometric assessment of the retina and optic disc. During the research work, we identified special features of the glaucomatous process manifestations in patients with axial myopia, which may be used for the diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma in patients with axial myopia.Key words: myopia, glaucoma, diagnostic features, optical coherence tomography.
Kanyukov V.N., Stadnikov A.A., Trubina O.M., Yakhina O.M. EXPERIMENTAL MODELING OF TRAUMATIC CORNEAL INJURIES There was modeled erosion of the cornea by the method of S. Hanna, J.E. O'Brien, alkaline corneal burn by Obenberger method, acid burn of the cornea, by analogy with the alkali burn in the eyes of experimental animals (rabbits). The state of the animals was assessed clinically and morphologically in dynamics. The study has shown that these models reflect the essence of reparative processes and the data, obtained in the experiment, can be extrapolated to the clinic.Key words: corneal erosion, alkaline corneal burn, acid burn of cornea, experimental model.
Kanyukov V.N., Chesnokova E.F. PECULIARITIES OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PARALYTIC STRABISMUS — PLASTY WITH EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES WEAKENINGParalytics trabismusis characterized by the state of oculomotor system, at which one or more extraocular muscles completely or partially lost their function. Treatment of this disease is staged and not always effective. There was developed a technique of plastyof extraocular muscles with lengthening of strong muscle as the 1st stage of surgical treatment at paralytic strabismus which is effective and achieves satisfactory functional and cosmetic results of the treatment of this pathology. Key words: paralytic strabismus, stage surgical treatment, weakening with extraocular muscles lengthening.
Kanyukova Yu.V., Borshchuk E.L. ORGANIZATION OF HIGH-TECHNOLOGY MEDICAL CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH DIABETES IN THE REMOTE TERRITORIESThere was developed an optimal organizational approximation scheme of tertiary eye care, provid in gearly diagnostic testing and timely laser treatment of persons with diabetes mellitus (DM), by creating mobile structures and its effectiveness was evaluated. It is proved that the organization of adistinct system of detecting and treating of diabetic retinopathy (DR) should lead to adecrease in the incidenceof blindness that will be expressed in a significant economic effect. There are four organizational models of regimen for DR treatment by laser photocoagulation.The system of mobiles tructures which was created in Orenburg branch of the S.Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex is for improving of ophthalmic care in remote territories of the region; it has been thoroughly testedaccording to the modern technologies, involved and has its positive results. Key words: diabetes mellitus, screening, medical technology, mobile structures, laser treatment.
Kireeva G.N., Panova I.E., Chervonyak I.A., Tagieva E.P. RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY IN THE CHELYABINSK REGION: THE PROBLEM AND ITS SOLUTIONSThe article presents the model of the organization of eye care to children at risk for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in the Chelyabinsk region. The main statistical indicators of the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in the region. The proposed phasing of activities to ensure early diagnosis, timely treatment and reduction in the incidence of debilitating stages of the disease. Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, Chelyabinsk region, organization of eye care.
Klokova O.A., Sakhnov S.N., Zabolotniy A.G. LONG-TERM RESULTS OF ACCOMMODATIVE STRABISMUS TREATMENT ON THE BASIS OF LASIK TECHNOLOGYExcimer laser correction of average and high degree hypermetropia with astigmatism in patients with convergent accommodative strabismus by LASIK technology is pathogenetically oriented, effective and safe method: eliminates dependence on spectacle correction to compensate for strabismus, asthenopic complaints when performing visually intense work. Long-term observation confirms the stability of the patients rehabilitation results with combined ophthalmopathology and allows to recommend this approach for use in clinical practice.Key words: accommodative strabismus, LASIK, complex hyperopic astigmatism.
Kolenko O.V., Egorov V.V., Sorokin E.L. THE ANALYSIS OF THE REMOTE CLINICAL RESULTS OF TRANSPUPILLARY ARGON LAZER COAGULATION OF A RETINA AT A RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITYThe remote results of treatment of threshold stages of a retinopathy of prematurity in 135 children (245 eyes) were analyzed. To all children transpupillary laser coagulation of a retina was carried out by the argon laser. All avascular retina of II and III zones of an eyeground was exposed to laser influence. Coagulation was carried out also in the presence of sites of ischemia and exudation in the I zone. Efficiency of retinal laser coagulation made 86,9š%. Primary children's disability in vision was reduced by 1,9 times within 5 years. Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, transpupillary argon lazer retinal coagulation.
Koshelev D.I., Galautdinov M.F., Vakhmyanina A.A. THE PRACTICE OF THE APPLICATION OF THE FLASH VISUAL EVOKED POTENTIALS FOR THE VISUAL SYSTEM'S EVALUATIONThe practice of the registration of flash visual evoked potentials (VEP) is described. The particular characteristics of VEP of the following groups of patients were analyzed: children and adults with serious dysfunctions of the visual system, children under 3 years old and patients with low vision of one eye. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are indicated. The examples of VEP for each group of patients are shown.Key words: flash visual evoked potentials, low vision, children visual functions.
Krasnogorskaya V.N., Gusev A.N., GusevÁ E.V. CITOFLAVIN USE IN MODERN OPHTHALMIC PRACTICE IN THE TREATMENT OF NONSTABILIZED PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA IN SEVERE STAGEComplex therapy of primary open-angle glaucoma in the severe stage, including surgery (sinustrabeculectomy and posterior trepanation of sclera), then medication (subconjunctival injection of the drug Citoflavin 10 mg (0,5ml)) and physiotherapy (magnitolaserstimulation of the optic nerv), followed by 10 days, was conducted. 71 patients (71 eyes) were examined. The results of complex treatment showed the improvement of visual functions and stabilization of glaucomatous process in 87 percent of cases.Key words: glaucoma, magnitolaserstimulation, Citoflavin.
Kuznetcov A.A., ôur å.V., Kuznetcova N.V., Bystrov A.M. DYNAMICS OF MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE MACULA ACCORDING TO OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION AFTER CATARACT PHACOEMULSIFICATION WITH INTRAOCULAR LENS IMPLANTATIONThis article describes an analysis of morphometric parameters of macula according to optical coherence tomography after simultaneous cataract phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation and intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF ranibizumab. Key words: phacoemulsification cataract, macular degeneration, optical coherence tomography, morphometric parameters.
Kuznetzov A.S., Skrebkov A.I., Shakmakov E.A. COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO TREATMENT OF VITREOMACULAR TRACTION SYNDROMEIn this paper we show our experience in long-term use of local steroid and nonsteroid therapy in patients after surgery with vitreomacular traction syndrome. The advantages of an integrated approach to the treatment of this disease.Key words: vitreomacular traction, cystic welling, non-steroidal therapy, optical coherence tomography.
Kuchenkova I.A., Gunter E.I., Arakelyan A.E., Vlasova O.S. TO THE QUESTION OF RELAPSING BASAL CELL CARCINOMA OF THE EYELID SKIN IN CHELYABINSK REGION PATIENTSThe article presents a number of clinical and morphological characteristics of a basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid skin in patients of Chelyabinsk region. Set the average age of patients with relapsing basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid skin, sex distribution, according to the forms of the disease and its stages, reflected most frequent terms of recurrence of malignant disease.Key words: relapse, basal cell carcinoma, epidemiology.
Lyashenko I.E., Elizarova M.A., Zheltova V.I. HISTORIC ASPECTS OF TRACHOMA CONTROL IN ORENBURG REGION (IN THE LATE XIX — EARLY XX CENTURIES)There are presented materials on the history of the study of the diagnosis, clinical features, treatment, epidemiology and prevention of trachoma in the Orenburg region. The importance of social and hygienic, household and climatic factors in the spread of trachoma is emphasized. Organizational and preventive measures for the elimination of trachoma in the territory of the Orenburg regionare analyzed.Key words: trachoma, social and hygienic, household conditions, prevention, treatment, Orenburg region.
Malov V.M., Eroshevskaya E.B., Malov I.V., Gorbunov A.E. MODIFIED CORNEOSCLERAL TUNNEL ACCESS DURING PHACOEMULSIFICATION OF CATARACTComparative analysis of the results of phacoemulsification cataract showed that the proposed corneoscleral incision reduces the likelihood of induced astigmatism compared with traditional access operation in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Key words: phacoemulsification, tunnel incision, induced astigmatism.
Malyugin B.E., Sakhnov S.N., Zabolotniy A.G., Simonova A.N., Martsinkevich A.O. EFFECT OF A SINGLE SUBTENON INJECTION OF BETAMETHASONE ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND FUNCTION OF THE MACULAR RETINA IN DIABETIC PATIENTS AFTER UNEVENTFUL CATARACT SURGERYMacular edema is most likely to present in patients with diabetes after uneventful cataract surgery. NSAIDs in combination with corticosteroids, significantly reduces the risk of this complication. Posterior subtenon steroid injection demonstrates morepronounced and prolonged therapeutic effect in the prevention of postoperative macular edema.Key words: phacoemulsification, diabetes, cystoid macular edema, prevention, corticosteroids.
Machekhin V.A. THE DEPENDENCE OF TOLERANT INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE ON DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE IN A.BRACHIALISThere was made a comparative analysis of the examination results of the true intraocular pressure limit, based on the intraocular blood circulation model, developed by the ophthalmologists in the last century using the ophthalmodynamometry and the maximum tolerant intraocular pressure, based on the vast clinical data according to S.V. Balalin. In both cases the accurate dependence of the true intraocular pressure on the diastolic blood pressure value, more marked in mathematical calculation, was observed.Key words: glaucoma, tolerant pressure, diastolic blood pressure.
Moroz Z.I., Tokmakova A.N., Volkova O.S., Kovshun E.V. INTRASTROMAL KERATOPLASTY WITH INTRACORNEAL RING SEGMENTS IMPLANTATION FOR THE CORRECTION OF ASTIGMATISM AFTER PENETRATING KERATOPLASTY. FIRST RESULTSThis article demonstrates our first results of intrastromal keratoplasty with intracorneal ring segments implantation for the correction of astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty. ICRS implantation is a safe technigue with good visual, refractive and topographic outcomes. Key words: keratoconus, correction of astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty, intrastromal keratoplasty, intracorneal ring segments implantation.
Muldashev E.R., Kornilaeva G.G., Muslimov S.A., Karushin O.I., Kornilaeva M.P., Gafarov I.Z. RETINAL AND OPTIC NERVE MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN DRAINING OF THE RABBIT EYEBALL POSTERIOR PART There was used a model of the optic nerve experimental neuritis accompanied by the introduction of methyl alcohol into the rabbit retrobulbar space. The enucleated eyeballs following the drainage surgery of the eyeball posterior part with the use of spongy allograft of a new generation were investigated by histological methods. It was revealed that the surgery retards the development of pathologic processes in the optic nerve and eye tunics.Key words: optic nerve neuritis, optic nerve atrophy, spongiform allograft.
Musina L.á., Khismatullina Z.R., Balkhiyeva L.Kh., Baygildin S.S., Vakhitova E.A. CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES OF THE EYE RETINAL RADIAL GLIOCYTES OF EXPERIMENTAL RATS WITH PIGMENTED DEGENERATIONIt was established that eye retinal radial gliocytes of WAG/Rij experimental rats with differences of genotype as per Tag 1A locus of DRD2 are characterized by destructive and proliferative changes accompanied by the expression of various degree of GFAP acidic glial fibrillar protein.Key words: WAG/Rij rats, retinal degeneration, radial gliocytes.
Mukhamadeev R.A., Trubina O.M., Petrosyan E.A. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF SENSITIVITY TO REDThe peculiarities of perception of the stimulus of red in the visual field when using natural and artificially imposed (conservative and free) criteria decision chromaticity of the stimulus. We investigated the relationship of severity of cognitive style "field-dependence/field-independence" the size of the color visual field. It is shown that field-independence individuals differ wider color field of view with any criteria for the detection of the stimulus. For field-independence and field-dependence individuals characterized by the narrowing of the color visual field when using a conservative criterion and extension of the color visual field when using the free criterion. Field-independence individuals narrowing of the visual field on a conservative criterion exceeds the extension of the visual field when using the free criterion across all test meridians.Key words: color visual field, the criterion of detection signal, field-independence, field-dependence.
Mushkova I.A., Semenov A.D., Sobolev N.P., Zakharova I.A., Karimova A.N., Maychuk N.V. EVALUATION OF RESULTS FOR INDUCED AMETROPY REFRACTIVE CORRECTION IN PATIENTS AFTER RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY WITH IMPLANTATION IRIS-LENS DIAPHRAGMThe research is aimed to develop a diagnostic and treatment algorithm of choice kerato-refractive surgery after reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm and evaluate the results of induced ametropy correction. We observed 41 eyes (41 patients) with residual ametropy after reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm before and after keratorefractive operations. The developed algorithm of choice in patients with induced ametropy after reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm, taking into account the data pachymetry, the localization of the scar and the state of anterior surface of the cornea, provides personalized comprehensive approach in determining the techniques of laser keratorefractive correction that allowed increasing uncorrected visual acuity in all cases. FemtoLASIK — effective and safe technologies allowing obtain high functional results in the correction of induced ametropia in patients after the reconstructive surgery with implantation iris-lens diaphragm.Key words: femtosecond laser, iris-lens diaphragm, induced ametropy.
Nikolaeva G.V., Sidorenko E.E., Sidorenko E.I. USE OF INHIBITOR OF A VASCULAR ENDOTELIAL FACTOR OF GROWTH AT AN ABNORMAL PROLIFERATIVE ANGIORETINOPATHY AT THE PREMATURE CHILDIn the article there was described the case of abnormal proliferative angioretinopathy in premature child of bihoreal biamniotic twins. Pregnancy is the result of in vitro fertilization. Childbirth is operational at time of 34 weeks gestation, the baby's weight at birth is 1920 grams. An inhibitor of VEGF was intravitreally injected once at a dose of 0,0125 ml per eye. Activity of blood vessels and vascular proliferation were successfully cropped.Key words: inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor; intravitreal injection; premature infants; proliferative angioretinopathia
Panova I.E., Shaimova T.A., Shaimov T.B. FREQUENCY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMAThe research is devoted to determine the frequency of combined pathology and identify the characteristics of the clinical course of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Key words: age-related macular degeneration, primary open-angle glaucoma, the frequency, clinical features.
Pashtayev N.P., Zotov V.V. LOCAL FEMTOCROSSLINKING VERSUS STANDARD CORNEAL COLLAGEN CROSSLINKING IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROGRESSIVE KERATOCONUSThere is carried out described comparison and evaluation of clinical and functional results of the local femtoÓrosslinking and standard corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) in patients with progressive keratoconus. 50 eyes of 42 patients with progressive keratoconus stage 2–3 (classified Amsler) were included in clinical follow-up, and were divided into 2 groups of 25 eyes undergoing femtocrosslinking and standard CXL. The observation period was 2 years. Local femtoÓrosslinking is safer and more effective treatment of progressive keratoconus that improves functional parameters as well as the standard CXL.Key words: cross-linking of corneal collagen, femtosecond laser, femtocrosslinking.
Perevozchikov P.A., Zharov V.V., Lyalin A.N., Vasiliev Yu.G., Karban O.V. EFFECT OF REVITALIZATION IN THE SKIN UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONSInfluence of the mechanoactivated biological material of a human placenta on a condition of rat skin in experimental conditions was studied. It was shown that its application on the ointment basis induces endogenous mechanisms of revitalization which are characterized by considerable strengthening of proliferative and regenerator processes in connective tissue formations of a rat accompanied by strengthening of angio-and kollagenogenesis. It appeared in the form of expressed fibroblastic with formation of neogene connective fibers in epidermis and a derma, angiogenesis and expansion of its capillaries.Key words: skin, the mechanoactivated biological material, human placenta, revitalization.
Petrachkova M.S., Zhukova O.V. REFRACTOGENES FEATURES IN CHILDREN WITH THRESHOLD RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY STAGE AFTER PERFORMED LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION OF THE RETINARetinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is one of the most urgent problems of modern pediatric ophthalmology. Among many of unfavorable factors related to basic disease, a special place is occupied by refractive errors. The article is devoted to the refraction in children with threshold ROP stage and aggressive posterior ROP after laser photocoagulation avascular zones of the retina. Refraction study was conducted in 6-8 months post-conceptual child age. Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, retinal laser coagulation, refractive error.
Pivovarov N.N., Dementyev D.D., Pashtaev N.P., Surkova E.N. IS THE "VIRTUAL PINHOLE" JUST A SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE TO MULTIFOCAL IOL One of the key features of human vision is an activity of perception. The presented objects of different contrast are "turning on" mechanism of the lateral inhibition of neighboring receptor fields of retina to underline and to strengthen the differences. The realization of this mechanism for improvement of the quality of vision, increasing the depth perception and contrast, minimizing diffraction distortion lie in graduated apodization by using intraocular lenses with a virtual aperture (the "virtual pinhole").Key words: IOL, virtual pinhole.
Pozdeeva O.G, Oleynichuk O.P. CHANGES IN LOCAL HEMODYNAMICS AS A RISK FACTOR OF FORMATION BILATERAL IDIOPATHIC MACULAR RUPTUREExamined the state of the local ocular hemodynamics and characteristics of choroidal blood flow in patients with idiopathic macular ruptures. Identification of low speed characteristics of choroidal blood flow and blood flow in the short posterior ciliary arteries as in the eye with the IMR, and the pair "health" of the eye, which can be used to predict the course of the disease.Key words: idiopathic macular rupture, choroidal blood flow, ocular hemodynamics, short posterior ciliary arteries.
Savelyev V.V., Savelyev V.N. DEFINITION OF PHOTOCHROMIC PROPERTIES OF ARTIFICIAL LENS IN VIVOIn clinical practice photochromic properties of artificial lenses are defined based on the developed device application. There application of the device determining photochromic properties of the artificial lens is effective and safe.Key words: cataract, photochromic artificial lens.
Sirotkina I.A., Bukharina E.S. RECONSTRUCTION FEATURES OF LOWER ORBITAL WALL BY PATIENTS WITH ANOPHTHALMIAThe features of the reconstruction of the lower wall (bottom) of the orbit in patients with anophthalmos. With the combination of severe eye injury with fracture of the bottom of the orbit performed enucleation with support locomotor stump (SLS); reconstruction of the bottom of the orbit is done the next step. In patients with anophthalmia and bottom fracture orbit the first step recovers the bottom, SLS formed the second stage. With the combination of anophthalmia and absence of the bottom of the orbit on the big stage reconstruction is performed during orbit and plastic.Key words: lower wall of the orbit, anophthalmos, reconstruction.
Sirotkina I.V., Fakhretdinova D.A., Koshelev D.I. VISUAL ACUITY AND THE PARAMETERS OF THE FIXATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE LOSS OF CENTRAL VISION OF DIFFERENT ORIGINVisual acuity, size of the preferred retinal location and eye movements were studied in 45 patients with different pathology of either retina or optic nerve. Visual acuity was compared to the maximum resolution of the locus of fixation. Correlations between the eye movements and the level of visual acuity were identified. Key words: eccentric fixation, eye movements, abilities of the visual system.
Slonimskiy Yu.B., Slonimskiy A.Yu. HYDROPS CORNEAE. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTHydrops Corneae is a serious complication by severe progressive keratectasia cases. Quite often the primary diagnosis is wrong with inadequate treatment prescribed. There are many controversial approaches to the treatment.Key words: Hydrops Corneae, acute keratoconus, pellucid marginal cornea degeneration, cornea perforation, penetrating keratoplasty, postkeratoplasty ametropia.
Smetankin I.G., Ovchinnikov V.A., Agarkova D.I., Maksimova I.Y., Ovchinnicov E.A. COMPRESSION INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE OF OUTFLOW OF AGUEOUS HUMOR IN PATIENTS WITH THYROID NODULES (PRELIMINARY REPORT) In the study of the hydrodynamics of the eye in 6 patients (11 eyes) with compression of the internal jugular vein of thyroid nodules greater degrees of increase, confirmed by the data of duplex scanning of neck vessels and multislice computed tomography of the neck, before and after the removal of compression was determined in all cases, the improvement in the outflow of aqueous humor.Key words: aqueous humor, ophthalmohypertension, the coefficient of ease of outflow, thyroid nodules.
Sogolovskaya E.E., Gabriel T.P., Bykova E.V., Kiselev A.V., Sotnikova T.O. OCUMETIL ADMINISTRATION IN GIANT PAPILLARY CONJUNCTIVITIS IN CONTACT LENS WEARERSEach user of contact lenses is a potential patient with a giant papillary conjunctivitis, so the correct selection and timely clinical supervision are the basis of prevention. Complex treatment of giant papillary conjunctivitis includes corticosteroids, antihistamines, you should give preference to complex preparations with Polyvalent action (Ocumetil, Opatanol etc.).Key words: Giant papillary conjunctivitis, Ocumetil, contact vision correction.
Solyannikova O.V. QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF OPTIC DISC COLOUR — PARALLEL WITH DATA OF CLINICAL AND INSTRUMENTAL METHODSThis article describes a method for evaluating the color of optic nerve head, gives the correlation with changes in the blood flow linear velocity in the vessels of the eye and orbit, with the activation of oxidative stress, dynamic changes in the antioxidant defense system and pro-atherogenic lipid profile changes. This method can be used to control the degree of optic nerve head discoloration. Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma, optic nerve head, photo documentation, instrumental methods.
Sorokina E.V. INTEGRATED APPROACH TO TREATMENT OF REFRACTIVE AMBLYOPIA BY HIGH MYOPIA PATIENTSApplication of complex therapy to patients with high myopia and refractive amblyopia, which includes eximer laser refractive surgery (Epi-LASIK) in combination with drug Ceraxon and electrical stimulation of retina and optic nerve, allows to carry out full optical correction of myopic refraction, improve trophicity of retina and optic nerve, stimulate processes of nervous impulse transfer on visual way, and leads to increase of visual acuity and reduction of postoperative rehabilitation period.Key words: high myopia, refractive amblyopia, Ceraxon (citikolin), electrical stimulation of retina and optic nerve, Epi -LASIK.
Surkova V.K., Bikbov M.M., Usubov E.L., Zaynullina N.B CLINICAL OUTCOMES PELLYUTSIDNOY DEGENERATION OF THE CORNEA CORNEAL COLLAGEN CROSS-LINKING METHODWe observed 18 patients (27 eyes) with pellucid corneal degeneration who underwent a standard CXL technique. The given treatment stabilized the disease process in 85š% of cases (23 eyes) and improved optometric indices due to reduction of corneal refractive power by an average 1,0 D in 6–12 months, improvement of best corrected visual acuity by 1,5 times (from 0,41 to 0,59), corneal flattening and compaction. Key words: corneal collagen cross-linking, pellucid corneal degeneration, "Dextralink".
Temnov A.A., Belyj Yu.A., Mirgorodskaya S.A., Semenov A.D., Revishchin A.V., Pavlova G.V., Kust N.N. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE LOCAL SUBRETINAL INJECTION XENOGENIC STEM CELLS LABELED WITH MAGNETIC PARTICLESThere has been developed a technique for local subretinal injection of xenogeneic stem cells labeled with magnetic particles and to prove experimentally its effectiveness. In the experimental group we used original complex of polymer elastic magnetic implant (PEMI) with laser probe, then we made a median vitrectomy and injected HEK-293 GFP under the retina using a specially designed dispenser. In the control group PEMI was not fixed. Results. The morphological study results showed that cells were located in the subretinal space up to 14 days in the experimental group, and only up 3 days in the control group. Conclusion. The suggested surgical technique enables to control the injection of cells into the subretinal space, reduces the risk of tissue damage and exit cells in the vitreous space. Key words: stem cells, magnetic particles, subretinal injection.
Tereshchenko A.V., Trifanenkova I.G., Sidorova Y.A., Panamareva S.V. PATTERN RETINAL PHOTOCOAGULATION FOR ACTIVE STAGES OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITYThe article is aimed to develop a differentiated approach to laser treatment for active stages of retinopathy of prematurity using pattern retinal photocoagulation and evaluate its effectiveness. The study was conducted at 1158 eyes 613 premature infants. In the main group pattern retinal photocoagulation (Pascal) was performed, in the control — in single pulse regime. Pattern photocoagulation advantages as compared with standard are the significant reduction in the duration of the intervention (not less than 2 times) and high dosage of impact.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, pattern retinal photocoagulation, differentiated approach.
Trifanencova I.G., Yudina N.N., Yudina Yu.A. PECULIARITIES OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF LOCAL TRACTION RETINAL DETACHMENT FOR RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITYThe article is aimed to design vitrectomy technique under air for retinopathy of prematurity progressing after the laser treatment with local traction retinal detachment. 30 patients (42 eyes) 7–11 weeks aging, who had the progression of the disease 2–3 weeks after laser treatment for stage III retinopathy of prematurity and aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, underwent early vitrectomy under air. The advantages of vitrectomy under air are the improved visualization and stabilization of the retina surface, that contributes to the most favorable anatomic results.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, retinopathy of prematurity progressing after the laser treatment, local traction retinal detachment, vitrectomy under air.
Turutina Al.O., Malishev A.S., Turutina An.O., Fadeeva A.V. REMOTE RESULTS OF SELECTIVE LASER TRABECULOPLASTICThe remote results of Selective laser trabeculoplastic (SLT) in treating primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) were estimated. The remote results are retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into 3 groups: In 1 group of patients with POAG Ist. — 10 patients (15 eyes), In 2 group of patients with POAG II st. — 12 patients (17 eyes), In 3 group of patients with POAG III st. — 9 patients (12 eyes). 36 month postoperatively, normal IOP in 1 group remains on 8 eyes (53,3š%) and makes (18,5š±š1,3)šmmHg, in 2 group remains on 7 eyes (41,1š%) and makes (17,9š±š1,3)šmmHg, in 3 group remains on 2 eyes (16,6š%) and makes (17,5š±š1,3)šmmHg.Key words: glaucoma; selective laser trabeculoplastic; remote results.
Fadeeva A.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTORECEPTOR LAYER PATIENTS WITH SUBRETINAL NEOVASCULARIZATION FOLLOWING PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY AND ANTI-VEGF-THERAPYThis article describes the problems in the treatment of subretinal neovascularization. A comparative analysis of the photoreceptor layer thickness in patients with subretinal neovascularization after photodynamic therapy and anti-VEGF-therapy for age-related macular degeneration.Subretinal neovascularization is one of the leading reasons for the decline of central vision in the age group of patients older than 50 years. With the introduction of the treatment of this group of patients photodynamic therapy and anti-VEGF-therapy there was a significant improvement in treatment outcomes.Since November 2002, in the laser department of the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after ophthalmic T.I. Eroshevsky performed PDT using the photosensitizer Vizudin (firm Novartis Ophthalmics) and laser photoactivators OPAL (firm Lumenis).). Since 2009, the practice GBUZ SOKOB by T.I. Eroshevsky technique has been introduced anti-VEGF therapy with Lucentis. During this time held in 1536 intravitreal injections of Lucentis (IVVL) in 591 patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This treatment was carried out in the framework of the Programme,developed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Samara region "in order to implement the activities of the priority national project in the field of health care, improve the quality and availability of high-tech medical aid to the population of the Russian Federation." There were analyzed 31 patients with subretinal neovascularization developed against age-related macular degeneration after photodynamic therapy and anti-VEGF-therapy. Of these patients after PDT, 16 (9 patients after PDT, patients after PDT combined with corticosteroids 7), 15 patients after IVVL photoreceptor layer measurement was carried out at a distance of 500 to1000 m from the edge of the subretinal membrane optical coherence tomography RTVue.Key words: vizudin, subretinal neovascularization, photodynamic therapy, anti-VEGF-therapy.
Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Zaynullin R.M., Gil'manshin T.R., Yarmuhametova A.L. MAPPING FOVEOLAR ZONE IN IDIOPATHIC MACULAR HOLEThe estimation of the state of foveolar area of the retina in idiopathic macular hole from the morphological side using optical coherence tomography and functional — with the help of the method Microperimetry. Revealed that the occurrence of idiopathic macular rupture accompanied by gross morphological disorders of the central area of the retina with a lesion mainly the inner layers, as well as a decrease in light activity in all sectors from the periphery to the center of the fixation point offset in the temporal direction.Key words: idiopathic macular hole, optical coherence tomography, microperimetry, fixation point.
Fedotova T.C., Hakkanen V.M., Trofimova S.V. PATHOGENETIC ASPECTS OF AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION OF THE RETINA Age-related macular degeneration of the retina is currently ranked third among eye diseases that may lead to blindness. Main causes of the disease are considered to be aging of Bruch's membrane, local inflammation and oxidative stress. Due to modern research methods scientists have isolated a lot of various genes. On the one hand, mutations in these genes contribute to the development of the disease, on the other hand, they can be protective factors.Key words: age-related macular degeneration, gene, retinal pigment epithelium, Bruch's membrane.
Fokin V.P., Makovkin E.M., Kuznetzova O.S. LONG-TERM RESULTS OF LASIK IN EYES WITH ULTRATHIN CORNEAThere were analyzed results of myopic LASIK performed in 105 patients (210 eyes) with ultrathin cornea. Use of mechanical linear microkeratome "Moria" One-Use-Plus SBK provides a thin predictable corneal flap. Application of excimer laser Schwind Amaris allows achieving high visual functions and stable refraction in remote postsurgical period. Myopic LASIK is a safe, effective and highly-predictable surgery in patients with ultrathin cornea.Key words: LASIK, cornea, microkeratoma, corneal flap.
Tsurova L.M., Milyudin E.S. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF USING DIFFERENT ORBITAL IMPLANTS TO FORM POSTENUCLEATIONAL LOCOMOTOR STUMPOperation of removing of the eye without the formation of locomotor stump can lead to anoftalmic syndrome. There are many types of different orbital implants (synthetic and allogeneic). The aim of this study is to analyze the results of implantation and features of early and late postoperative period after using different types of orbital inserts. 60 patients were operated and divided into three groups depending on the type of orbital implant. The first group included 30 patients who were implanted the bone liner "Lioplast" without changing the shape and size. The second group included 22 patients who were implanted the bone insert "Lioplast" with shape and size modeled intraoperative, depending on the length of the anteroposterior axis of the fellow eye and anatomical parameters of the orbit. The third group — 8 people implanted with the orbital insert "Bionic" in the orbital cavity, the amount of which depended on the length of the anteroposterior axis of the fellow eye. In the early postoperative period clinical manifestations, the presence of pain syndrome, closure of the eyelids, the position of the prosthesis, the mobility of postenucleation stump, the presence of complications were evaluated. In the late postoperative period condition of postenucleation stump, the position of the prosthesis and the position of eyelids, the mobility of postenucleation stump and prosthesis, the presence of complications were assessed. Analysis of the results of using different orbital implants showed that implantation of bone orbital (interoperational maded) liner reduces the likelihood of severe inflammatory reaction and reduces the risk of postoperative complications. One of the most important properties of the bone implant, in contrast to the polymer, is the ability of its structure to be modeled intraoperatively, which makes the orbital bone liner "Lioplast" an implant of choice and provides further qualitative of prosthesing for patients with anophthalmia.Key words: bone implant, orbital liner, enucleation, musculoskeletal postenucleational stump.
Chernyavskaya M.A., Efremov A.V., Chernyh V.V. CONCENTRATION FEATURES OF IL-10 IN PATIENTS WITH CHOROIDAL MELANOMAThe article is aimed to study the concentration of IL-10 in patients with choroidal melanoma. The study was conducted on 72 eyes of 36 patients with choroidal melanoma. The concentration of IL-10, as in the eye with choroidal melanoma, and the "health" of the fellow eye was significantly higher than the control group, p <0,05. Values of IL-10 when T1 and T4 stages of the process are significantly higher than control values, p <0,05. IL-10 in the tear fluid with localization in preequatorial significantly higher levels of IL-10 in the extensive zone and the level of IL-10 in tumor with preequatorial and with extensive zone localization process was significantly higher than the control, p <0,05. Key words: inerleukin-10, choroidal melanoma, anti-inflammatory cytokines, tear fluid.
Churakov T.K., Nikulin S.A., Kachanov A.B., Naumenko V.V., Zavyalov A.I. OPTIMIZING THE USE OF CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY OF THE CORNEA IN THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLINICAL STUDIESThe paper presents the results of a study of the ultrastructure of the cornea by confocal microscopy. Given the particular interpretation of the results obtained using this diagnostic method. By the example of changes after LASIK studied the opportunities of layer-by-layer visualization of corneal tissue and prospects of application of the method of confocal microscopy in research and clinical practice.Key words: confocal microscopy, pachymetry, corneal thickness, refractive surgery, LASIK.
Shangina O.R., Musina L.á., Gaynutdinova R.D., Bulgakova L.A EXPERIMENTAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL SUBSTANTIATION OF THE USE OF LASER RADIATION IN MODELING THE GRAFTS FOR OPHTHALMOSURGERYThere was carried out and experimental and morphological investigation of allografts for ophthalmosurgery modeled by laser radiation. It was established that modeling with laser cutting mode selection and peculiarities of the graft fibroarchitectonics taken into account allows to make the most of retaining their structure and it doesn't have a negative effect on the process of substitution and regeneration of tissues in grafting.Key words: ophthalmosurgery, connective tissue, allografts, laser modeling.
Shatskikh A.V., Agafonova V.V., Frankowska-Gierlak M.S., Khaludorova N.B., Solomin V.A. MORPHOLOGY OF IRIS OF THE EYE WITH PSEUDOEXFOLIATION SYNDROMEThe aim of the research was to study the morphological and clinical changes of the iris in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX). In donor Åyes with PEX the destruction of the endothelium and basement membrane of the vessels of small and medium diameter, was detected with the appearance of the vessels-shadow and the regions of poor blood supply. In general the ischemic changes caused the destructuring of stroma and the iris muscle and could cause the changes of its functional state. The vascular disorders of the iris were revealed by carrying out the iris fuorescein angiography to patients with a cataract and various stages of pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Key words: pseudoexfoliation syndrome, iris, light microscopy, iris fluorescein angiography.
Shevchuk N.E., Bikbulatova A.A., Mannanova R.F. LEVEL ASSESSMENT PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES AND PROSTAGLANDIN E2 IN THE TEAR FLUID BIPSEUDOPHAKIC EYES IN PATIENTS AFTER IMPLANTATION EXTENSION IOL SULCOFLEXThis article presents the analysis of changes in concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-β) and prostaglandin E2 in the lacrimal fluid of 28 patients (32 eyes) with pseudophakia and residual ametropia before and after add-on IOL Sulcoflex implantation. The concentration of TNF-α, IL-β and prostaglandin E2 in lacrimal fluid of bi-pseudophakic eyes was determined by polarization fluoroimmunoassay and test kits (R & DSystems, USA). The obtained results showed that the intraocular correction of residual ametropia does not cause a pronounced local inflammatory response.Key words: proinflammatory cytokines, prostaglandin E2, add-on IOL.
Shukhaev S.V., Tomilova A.V., Nemsizcveridze M.N. DYNAMICS ENDOTHELIAL CELL DENSITY AFTER PHACOEMULSIFICATION CATARACT FEMTO LASER ACCOMPANIMENTMean endothelial cell loss was significantly lower after femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery as compared with conventional manual phacoemulsification.Key words: Femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery, phacoemulsification, endothelial cell loss.
Ekgardt V.F., Dashenko K.N., Avdeeva O.N. THE DYNAMICS OF THE MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE RETINA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER COAGULATION IN PATIENTS WITH NONPROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY IN TYPE II DIABETESDynamic observation of patients nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy on the background of diabetes mellitus after laser treatment has allowed to establish a significant decrease in the thickness of the retina in 2 weeks with the prevailing trends persist up to 6 months.Key words: diabetic retinopathy, laser coagulation of a retina.
Yadykina E.V., Drozdova E.A. MODERN APPROACHES TO COMPLICATED CATARACT SURGERY IN CHILDREN WITH UVEITIS RELATED TO JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS (JIA)Asses effiiciencyof the surgery of the uveitis cataract related to Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis depending on the aphakic correction method. Complicated cataract developed in 15 (22,4š%) patients, 22 eyes. The level of visual acuity with the implantation of IOL is higher than without it (0,52±0,2); the longterm post surgery uveitis process does not depend on the presence of IOL. The secondary glaucoma is often observed when implantation IOL is used. Key words: juvenile idiopathic arthritis, uveitis, cataract.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |