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№ 11š(172),š2014


Vasilyeva Y.V., Belonovskaya I.D. METHOD OF PROBLEM SITUATIONS AS TOOLS FOR FORMATION OF TEAM SKILLS OF STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIESThis article discusses the concept of "team", "team", "problematic situation". Defined skills specific to teamwork. The materials research materials were questioning students. On the basis of questionnaires revealed levels of communicative and organizational aptitudes, personality level of conflict. The examples of the production of problematic situations that allow you to build and develop the students' team skills.Key words: team, team skills, general competence, communication and organizational tendency, conflict, questioning students, manufacturing problem situation.
Kaliyeva O.M., Demina T.A. THE EXPERIENCE OF BRANDBUILDING OF A PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL CENTEROn the basis of the parents of Lyceumš№š1, Orenburg students survey results has been formulated a social order of the school, has been introduced the concept of the school founders, of the administration of the private educational center (kindergarten and school), have been carried out marketing activities and branding tools have been used. A slogan and a logo of the private educational institution "Educational Center in the Campus Martius" have been developed. Key words: brand, competition, marketing activities, a private educational institution, logo, slogan, external image and educational services.
Kargapoltsev S.M. EDUCATIONAL NEGATIVES OF PEDAGOGICAL ALGEDONICSSome aspects of pedagogical value of traditionally appreciated educational negative — an emotional row of displeasure that is presented at lives of educational subjects are described in the article.Key words: education, educational creation, pain, suffering, self-presence.
Petrova S.D., Kostryukov A.V. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OF DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGEIn article relevance of development of technical thinking of students (future training officers, technicians) in the conditions of university college is defined. Results of approbation of techniques of diagnostics of development of technical thinking of various categories of students are yielded. In a pedagogical context basic concepts, structure and specifics of the studied process are specified. Methods and forms of work of teachers of college are presented and resources of development of technical thinking are specified. Didactic opportunities of technical tasks, educational interaction, partner enterprises and potential employers, possibilities of competitions, development of working professions are discussed.Key words: technical thinking, educational resources, technician.
Sibirev V.V. THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS "FINDING SOLUTIONS TO TASKS"We consider the problem of internal and external management of the system "finding solutions to tasks". This article classifies the basic processes and the corresponding information flows in the system "finding solutions to tasks". In this work described step-by-step implementation of processes and corresponding management functions. We study links between elements, the patterns of development of the system. The transition to the area of teaching methods allows us to give practical recommendations to the teacher.Key words: finding solutions to tasks, process, management, management functions, information flows.
Sultanova T.A. NORMATIVE DETERMINANTS OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AS AN INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMThe article considers the provisions of international and domestic law governing the development of modern educational organization. The analysis presented in the perspective of clarifying the directions of development of schools, the organization of its activities in the innovation regime; clarify the status of the subjects of innovative educational process. The emphasis is on increasing the independence of educational institutions in choosing a strategy of its own development.Key words: innovations in education, development of educational organizations, regulatory determinants, international standards, national legislation, regional legal acts.
Shadrina I.M. ON EXPERIENCE OF TEACHER'S VALUE-ORIENTED ACTIVITYOn the basis of understanding of teacher's moral culture as experience of value-oriented activity the article reveals its originality. The author defines the notion "experience of teacher's value-oriented activity".Key words: teacher, moral culture, experience, value-oriented activity.


Pyriev E.A. EMOTIONAL AND CONCEPTUAL MOTIVESThe article reveals the motivational characteristics of emotion. It is proved that human behavior is influenced not only by any realized necessity but some subconscious processes as well. Having analysed the motivational capabilities of conscious sence-making motives set in A.N. Leontiev's concept and the subconscious motives theory by L.I. Bozhovich, the author states that emotion plays an important role in person's motivation. The term "emotional motivation" is regarded as possible to be introduced. Key words: emotion, motivation, emotional acts, incitement, necessity, emotional motives.

Philological sciences

Pykhtina Yu.G., Korobejnikova A.A. LEXICAL EXPLICATION PSYCHOLOGICAL SPACE IN M. LERMONTOV'S POETRYThe specifics and structure of model of psychological space in fiction on a material of poetry by M. Lermontov is considered in this article. Psychological space we call the image of an inner world of the lyrical hero which is modelled as a certain receptacle, a locus having the structure of the macrocosm. The main marker of psychological space in the lyrical text is the spatiality of all mental processes (memory, perception, thinking, imagination, etc.).Key words: M. Lermontov art space, spatial models, psychological space, lexical explication, inner world.
Annenkova N.A. "TRACES" GENRE OF SATIRE AND INVECTIVE IN DRAMATIC WORKS (FOR EXAMPLE, THE DRAMA " THE SPANIARDS ")The article deals with the functioning of the satirical genre in the context of a dramatic work. Identified composite units poetic drama "Spaniards" are compared with the model of poetic genre of satire and lyrical invective.Key words: M.Y. Lermontov, satire, invective, verse drama, "The Spaniards".
Borisova I.M. ON COMPOSITIONAL FEATURES GRAPHIC FORMANTSIN THE POEM M.Y.šLERMONTOV'S "DEMON"The article is devoted chart poem M.Y.šLermontov's "Demon"; analyzes the graphic equivalent of the text, "ladder", emphasis in terms of their functions; with cases of combining formants graphics; shows the interaction of graphics with the rhythm and syntax.Key words: Lermontov, the poem "The Demon", the graphics, the graphics look works formant graphics, graphic equivalent of the text, "ladder", italic.
Matyash S.A. ABOUT ONE LITERATURE "THEFT" OF LERMONTOV AND ITS FURTHER IMPACTThe article analyses the Lermontov's adoption of Zhukhovsky's method of describing a bird fly with enjambement. The author shows the character of reception of Zhukovsky's method in poetry of Lermontov and other Russian poets of 19–20 centuries. Key words: Lermontov M.Y., Zhukovski V.A., enjambement, adoption, memory of form.
Mironova E.N. M.Y. LERMONTOV AND LERMONTOV'S TRADITION IN THE POETRY OF A.D.šDEMENTYEVThis article examines A.D. Dementyev's poems, formed the poetry collection "And here is full of his name ..." in 2008, devoted to M.Y.šLermontov. Analyzes works related to the life of the great compatriot, and works inspired by his work.Key words: M.Y. Lermontov, A.D. Dementyev, lyrics, genre, motives, invective.
Kudryavtseva O.S. MU LERMONTOV AND OTHER CLASSICS IN MODERN RUSSIAN ADVERTISINGThe article analyzes the use of images and examples of works M.šLermontov and other literary classics in the Russian advertising. Determined by the motives and methods of treatment are typical for classical literature.Key words: M.Y. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkin, advertising, classic, advertising character, advertising theme, target audience.
Kamskova T.A. REPERTOIRE LERMONTOVSKAYA PUBLICATIONS FUND OOUNB MI. N.K.šKRUPSKAYA The article discusses the main types of publications Lermontov available in the fund Orenburg Oblast Universal Scientific Library N.K.šKrupskaya. General literature on the topic, the peculiarities of individual publications.Key words: Lermontov, OOUNB them. Nadezhda Krupskaya, type of publication, complete works, a collection of essays, selected works.
Gruzan I.E., Petishev A.A. MYTHOLOGEME "FIRE" IN WORKS OF I.šGONCHAROV, V.šRASPUTIN AND L.šLEONOVIn this article "primordial image of fire" examines, which exists coarctate with a wide system of other natural symbols, promoting displaying of world and personality conception. Accent is on that all conflicts, internal or external, are displayed with a help of symbol of fire in works of I.šGoncharov, V.šRasputin and L.šLeonov.Key words: mythologeme "fire", image of fire, internal and external plan of displaying, symbol of nature, aesthetic function, history of this question, position of author.
Skulacheva T.V. METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF VERSE WITH UNKNOWN SYSTEM OF VERSIFICATIONThe article contains algorhythm of treating verse when the main organizing parameter is unknown. System of versification is determined by calculating the number of syllables in a verse line, the number of stresses, the number of unstressed syllables between the stressed ones, correspondence of the unstressed intervals to the metrical schemes typical of syllabic-accentual meters, dolnik, taktovik, accentual verse, as well as other relevant parameters.Key words: system of versification, meter, dolnik, free verse, Khlebnikov.
Mosienko L.V. AXIOLOGICAL DOMINANT IDEAS IN WORKS OF FICTION OF GUILLAUME MUSSOThis article considers the interrelationship of linguistics and axiology. It determines the role of fiction as a value transmitter and precises such notions as "axiological analysis", "value", "axiological dominant ideas". The author defines dominant ideas in the novels of Guillaume Musso from the point of view of axiology.Key words: axiology, axiological analysis, work of fiction, axiological dominant ideas.
Khanova E.M. THE CREATIVITY OF RASHIT AKHMETZYANOV The problems of creativity by modern Tatar poet Rashit Akhmetzyanov are considered in the article, which reflected the feelings and expectations of the Tatar people and Tatar intellectuals. The peculiarity of this article is that the analyzed poems from the early 1960 until mid-1990, divided into three periods: 1) 1960–1970, 2) 1970–1980, 3) 1980–1995. During research discovered that creativity of the poet is brightly expressed and has distinctive features in each period. When the initial stage of creativity is dominated by socio-cultural problems, then the second one is dominated by philosophical problems, and the thirdš— national. The works of the last period reaches the highest point of the evolution of poet's work.Key words: evolution, poetry, creativity, the theme, issues, philosophical problems, socio-cultural problems, national problems.
Lagutina O.V. ANTI-DRUG TITLELS IN THE SYSTEM OF RUSSIAN PRINT MEDIAThe article researches a kind of periodicals new for Russian information marketš— special purpose newspapers and magazines on counter-drugs topic. We identify their typological characteristics, structural, ideological and thematic features. The article considers the functioning problems within contemporary information space. Key words: anti-drugs public relations, typology, special purpose title, newspaper, magazine.
Mironenko D.N. RUSSIAN AND CHECH LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEMIn this article the author compares the system of testing the foreign citizens for getting Russian and Czech citizenship in order to identify the cultural semantics in the testing texts. Rises the problem of necessity of teaching potential citizens of history and cultural realities of the country the citizens of which they want to become. The author tells about the necessity of teaching the foreign citizens of understanding cultural semantics of the words on the lessons of russian as a foreign language.Key words: cultural semantics, testing of Russian as a foreign, testing in the Czech as a foreign language tests for the citizenship, cultural realities.
Porol O.A., Prosvirkina I.I., Dmitriyeva N.M. MOTIVES OF THE BEGINNING AND THE END IN THE BIBLE DISCOURSE OF M.šVOLOSHIN In article specifics of space and time in a bible discourse of M.šVoloshin are considered. The analysis of poetic texts is carried out in semantic aspect with application of a method of text parallels. In work research in works of the poet of functioning of the bible text in the analysis of existential motives of the beginning and end is new.Key words: space, time, beginning, end, bible text, motiv.
Ulanov A.V. SPECIFICITY THE INTERFERENCE OF THE RUSSIAN MILITARY DISCOURSE XIXš— EARLY XXšCENTURYThe article is devoted mediscribes interference (the process of linguistic interaction of different types of discourse) military discourse of the Russian language XIXš— early XXšcentury and its such features. Analyzing the phenomenon of speech interaction of different types of discourses with the military discourse, the author comes to the conclusion that language interference was widespread in the military-discursive space of isleboro period. Key words: interference, military discourse, discursive language.
Agarkova O.A., Pakhomova A.P. PRAGMATIC ASPECT OF CIVILITY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CIRCULARThe article is dedicated to the civility research in the business written communication from the point of view of pragmatics. The authors define interrelation of civility and etiquette of speaking, grammatical categories, speech acts, modal words. The study of circulars reveals such civility units as nominative appellatives, passive voice constructions, imperatives, declaratives and modal words. The use of these units carries out the civility strategy and such functions in the business written communication as impact, regulating, harmonizing an dpresentation. The research allows to discover the most frequent formula of the speech etiquette functioning in greeting, invitation, request, parting speech acts. The article presents the grammatical categories of the verb used by an addressee for more effective influence upon an addresser. The modal units helping avoid the direct addresser's will, which is one of politeness strategies, are determined.Key words: pragmatic aspect, civility, request, address, imperatives, declaratives, modality, circular.
Bogomolova A.Y., Bochkareva T.S. THE PROBLEM OF DEFINING THE "CONCEPT" ATTRIBUTE AND THE HISTORY OF ITS DEVELOPMENT IN SCIENTIFIC THEORYThe article deals with the question of defining the "concept" attribute as an object of the cognitive sciences, its special status and role which it plays in the cognition processes. The term "concept" wide range in the cotemporary humanitarian sciences goals the different approaches studying to defining this very attribute.Key words: concept, conceptology, multydiciplinarity, lingvocognitivizm, ligvoculturology.
Galinskaya T.N. CONTENT-ANALYSIS OF G. ZYUGANOV'S INTERVIEWS TEXT CORPUSThe paper aims to reconstruct the axiological orientations hierarchy relevant to the politician's linguistic personality for detection of Zyuganov's image of the world by graph-semantic modeling method. Analysis of Zyuganov's extensive corpus radio interviews in 2010–2012 by means of the Information System Semograph allows to reconstruct the model representing the politician's image of the world, and to identify the basic principle organizing his mental space (collegiality, coming out of the traditional communist ideology), his real political setting (pretended cardinal opposition and conformity with the ruling political force), as well as degree of conscious control of verbal behavior.Key words: image of the world, linguistic personality, political communication, content-analysis, Semograph.
Lasitsa L.A., Streneva N.V. COMPOSITIONAL AND GRAPHIC FRAME OF THE TEXTUsing the frame model, authors of the given article try to answer the question what defines the text's location in space and the choice of graphical tolls presenting it. The article analyses different ways of presenting the texts as a frame system. The material was researched with the help of some statistic methods, the model of compositional and graphic frame of the graffiti-texts is also given. There are two components in it. The first is a graphical one that shows some graphical tolls and scriptological ways of writing used by a scripter in creating graffiti-texts. Compositional component is responsible for the location of a newly created text in scriptological space according to the sectors of scriptological net. Key words: graffiti, text, compositional and graphic frame, frame structure, scriptological space.
Moiseewa I.Y., Isaev D.V. LANGUAGE SITUATION PREDICTION BASING ON THE SOCIOLINGUISTIC MOTIVATION CHANGEThe article deals with the principles of language situation development prediction as a part of the diachronic approach basing on motivation studies in language subsystem functioning. The sociolinguistic motivation is being treated as the complex of language attitudes determining the possibilities of the use of the system and its unique components depending on the communicative situation. The part of motivational aspect in language system development is being analysed. The authors come to the conclusion that leads to the understanding of the leading role of the sociolinguistic motivation as the factor of determination of both language situation development and language policy success. Key words: social linguistics, language motivation, language situation, sociolinguistic markers, national variant, Canadian English, Canadian French.
Polatovskaya O.S. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF COGNITIVE SCENE "DISCREDIT" IN AMERICAN AND GERMAN POLITICAL DISCOURSEThis article is a study of cognitive scene "discredit" in American and German political discourse. The analysis held is based on works of A.A.šKibrik, N.N.šBoldyrev, Z.D.šPopova, I.A.šSternin and others. A created model of the cognitive scene "discredit" applied for political discourse of both languages certifies the existence of universal features in mental political pictures of Americans and Germans. Found differences (i.še. in the means of verbalization) state the presence of national specific features of the phenomenon. Key words: discredit, political discourse, cognitive linguistics, Ukraine.
Putilina L.V., Nesterova T.G. APPROACHES AND METHODS OF THE CONCEPT "WEALTH" INVESTIGATIONS IN DOMESTIC LINGUISTICSIn the article the different approaches and methods of Russian cognitive science to investigating of one of the basic conceptsš— the concept "wealth" are analyzed. Authors of article systematize methods of study of the concept "wealth" ontological entity within cognitive, linguistic-cultural, axiological, semantic, pragmatic and other approaches. As a result of analyses of the scientific research literature there were defined the most frequent methods of study of the concept "wealth" in domestic cognitive science. Key words: concept, conceptosphere, wealth, approaches, methods, cognitive science.
Ryzhkina A.A. ABOUT METHODS OF THE ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPTDescribe the most common methods and approaches of concepts' describing. It is given definition of the concept and of some methods of concepts' analysis. Show the role of conceptual, etymological, semantic and cognitive analysis. Distinguish the basic stages of semantic-cognitive research of the concepts according to Z.D.šPopova and I.A.šSternin. Identify features of the association experiment. Key words: concept, methods of analysis of the concept, conceptual analysis, etymological analysis, the association experiment, culture.
Solodilova I.A. EVALUATION OF IRONY MEANING Irony is studied in the aspect of meaning creation evaluating as a result of conceptual integration of two types of knowledge: literal, which is expressed in an utterance and the one it is referred to. Consequently, the author differs between two types of ironical sentences: based on textual and on discursive incoherence. Incoherence is hereby considered as a constitutive property of ironical meanings.Key words: irony, evaluation, incoherence, evaluating meaning, implication.
Strenadyuk E.B., Strenadyuk G.S. ABOUT A REPETITION ROLE IN ENSURING COHERENCE OF THE TEXTIn article the problem of the connectivity of the text provided with lexical repetition of primary nomination entered into the text therefore the so-called nominative chain is formed is considered. The classification of nominative chains by structure, extent and semantic filling developed by authors is offered. At the heart of workš— broad understanding of a mestoimennost in the text.Key words: repetition, nominative chain, proforma, mestoimennost, pronominalization.
Verzhinskaya I.V., Antonova A.V. ANTHROPONYMIC VERBALIZATION OF HUMOUR IN THE BRITISH AND AMERICAN ARTISTIC DISCOURSEThis article is dedicated to the problem of objectification of national cultural peculiarities of British and American humour through analysis of onomastic textual space of British and American humorous fantasy. National cultural peculiarities of British and American humour are identified through linguocultural analysis of comic anthroponyms, being not only the signs of comic contradiction, but also the signs, actualizing national humour.Key words: onomastic space, comic anthroponym, conceptual sign of comic contrastiveness, humorously actualized concept.
åremina N.V., Tomin V.V. ABOUT STYLISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH JOURNALISM IN THE FRAMEWORKS OF CROSSCULTURAL INTERACTION The article deals with some stylistic features of English journalism based on the authentic texts of The Times and its official translations. The comparative analysis is carried out; attention is paid to the difficulties of English newspaper heads translation according to the norms of Russian journalism style; to peculiarities of idioms translation; frequency of use of lexical units; to the problems connected to the difference in the frequency of their use; to the stylistic divergence of vocabulary and peculiarities of the translation of stylistically colored words. Key words: journalism, newspaper style, stylistics, heads translation, crosscultural interaction, equivalency.
Zaritskaya L.A. SOME ASPECTS OF STUDYING NEW WORDS AND TERMINOLOGY IN MODERN LINGUISTICSThe article deals with the modern lexical innovations, their entity in professional linguistic development. Great attention was taken into consideration for neologization. The main aim of the article is nontraditional aspects of studying innovations in modern linguistics.Key words: neologization, mental aspect, retrospective aspect, dynamic aspect, professional linguistic development.
Inozemtseva N.V. INTERTECTUALITY AND PRECEDING PHENOMENON AS THE BASIC SIGNS OF THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING COMPUTER DISCOURSEThe article is aimed at investigating the English discourse and also at revealing the peculiarities of the computer discourse. The following methods of modern linguistics were applied: a method of multiple choice, a method a discourse-analysis. It is established, that a preceding phenomenon as a sociocultural element is an important feature of the English discourse, especially of computer one.Key words: discourse, computer discourse, intertexuality, precedent phenomenon, preceding text, preceding situation, preceding name.
Perekhodko I.V. CROSS-CULTURAL ASPECTS OF STUDYING OF SEMANTIC SPACE OF TSVETOOBOZNACHENIYE IN THE RUSSIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGESThe article deals with the interrelation of language and culture; it is focused on national-cultural color naming specific character in the Russian and French languages. The material for research is represented by "color" component expressions taken from French-Russian dictionary with bulk sampling method. According to the conclusion of the article studying national-cultural color naming specific character gives a key to understanding peculiarities of a nation's cultural mentality which contributes to successful cross-cultural communication and is indispensible for adequate translation.Key words: consciousness, language, culture, linguistic consciousness, color naming.
Sakharova N.S., Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V. VARIABILITY OF ASPECT-TENSE FORMS IN PROSPECTIVE MEANING IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (DIACHRONIC ASPECT)This article describes microsystem of aspect-tense forms in prospective meaning from the point of view of semantic syntax. The main point deals with the diachronic aspect of the variability of aspect-tense forms. Key words: variability, modality, hypothetic modality, prospectivity, diachrony, aspect-tense forms.
Simutova O.P., Shidlovskaya I.A. MEANS OF GERMAN OCCASIONALWORDS IN RUSSIAN TRANSLATION OF U.šTIMM'S WORK "THE INVENTION OF SAUSAGE CURRY" The article is devoted to the issue of reproduction of occasional words from German into Russian. In the frame of the article the term "occasional word" is specified and principle means of translation of occasional words in the literary text by I.šSolodunina "The invention of sausage curry" are defined.Key words: occasional word, literary text, word formation, interpretation of text.
Fedorinov A.V. FEATURES OF LEXICAL TRANSFORMATIONS WHILE TRANSLATING A LITERARY TEXT INTO THE FRENCH LANGUAGE (ON THE MATERIAL OF A.S.šPUSHKIN'S TALE "THE SHOT"This article discusses the problems associated with cross-cultural communication: lexical transformations while translating of an authentic text into the French language. The study reveals inaccuracies and distortion of sense in the translation of an authentic text into the French language. A quantitative analysis of lexical transformations has been conducted. Various solutions for fixing translation errors are being provided.Key words: intercultural communication, translation, literary text, language picture of the world, authentic text, outbound language, translating language, lexical transformations.

Historical sciences

Grishakova L.V. PROBLEM OF INTEGRATION AND REINTEGRATION OF SPACE OF THE CIS IN MODERN RESEARCHES (HISTORICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECT)The historiographic review of modern researches on problems of development of foreign economic relations between countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States where the avtoryopredelyayutprioritetny directions of the foreign trade streams of the Post-Soviet states, allocate the reasons and factors complicating development of communications between the CIS countries is carried out reveal potential in adjustment of mutually beneficial cooperation, a rassmatrivayutznacheniye of the region of the CIS in the external economic strategy of Russia and its role in economic integration of the former Soviet Union.Key words: CIS, integration, reintegration, economic relations of the CIS countries, external economic strategy of Russia.
Peshkov V.S. THE REFORMS OF URAL COSSACK HOST PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT IN 1917The article analyzes the development and implementation of the guiding patterns and legal basis for various reform models for the Ural Cossack local public administration and self-government in 1917. In the Ural Cossack host a different approaches were realized from the uttermost transformation of the traditional cossack self-government system toward the modern type of the territorial autonomy, and, finally, to an independent state.Key words: Russia, cossacks, local public administration, self-government, autonomy, community, Ural Cossacks.
Janova M.V. PROBLEMS OF HISTORIOGRAPHY MODERN ORIENTAL (PEER-REVIEWED) The article discusses the lighting problems of historiography in the world of modern Oriental. Subject of researchš— it questions the history of knowledge of modern science in Oriental. Objectš— the state of the problem of Oriental Studies in modern historiography of science development. Key words: epistemology, problems of historiography, esoteric understanding of history, classical heritage, ethnic and political processes, ethnology today, ethnographic analysis system, inter-ethnic relations.

Philosophical sciences

Luttsev M.V., Manannikova M.V., Solonuk U.A. PERSONALITY AND TOTALITARIANISM: THE PROBLEM OF IDENTIFICATIONThe last of the twentieth century had left mankind a lot of unpleasant surprisesš— two world and lots of smaller, local wars, epidemiÓ, hunger. Humanity seemed to have forgotten the lessons of the past and has made "mistakes" more than in all its previous history. One of the reasons of these "mistakes" led to many tragedies and disasters in different countries and regions, has been the emergence and development of totalitarianism. A totalitarian regime is a direct product of ideological and ideological transformation of mass consciousness, which began in the XVII–XIX centuries and reached its apogee in the first half of the twentieth century. Totalitarianism supports the attraction of the state and society to social statics and maintains this state through maximum "restriction" of social freedom space and personal initiatives of citizens. The idea of human freedom is unacceptable, which, in turn, strives to realize its nature to conformism. The main objective of the article is the analysis of totalitarianism as a form of social thinking organization, implying a functioning reality of a special type. New intelligible Genesis constitutes a new reality and a corresponding mentality, destroying the previous installation consciousness. Elements of totalitarian consciousness and the factors contributing conformation of society, define the problem of our research.
The main product of totalitarian regimes is the human spirit, "captured" by the state and deprived of rights and freedoms. The historical destiny of the "new man", no longer an adequate representation of the existence and proper, is tragic. Alienation from his manhood deforms its moral and legal consciousness. The totalitarian regime impose imperatives, imposing the individuals of the antagonistic attitude of man to the world. Thus, he immerses them in immorale space of social hatred, taking away the possibility to realize themselves as the subjects of morality and law.
Key words: totalitarianism, totalitarian consciousness, personality, mass consciousness, identification.
Mishuchkov A.á. CIVILIZATION IDENTITYIN SYSTEM OF NATIONAL SAFETY OF RUSSIAArticle is devoted to the problem of preservation of civilizational identity of Russiancitizens as a geopolitical problem of state power in the national security and public safety in the Russian context of the challenges and threats posed by the ideology of globalism and globalization trends. Term civilizational identity as a categorical concept settles on a broad scientific material, it is considered the nature, structure and specificity, the author's definition is given. The challenge is substantiated, that is in front of countries of the Eurasian Union on the formation of a common civilizational ideology and policies of citizens' "civilization identity".Key words: Russian civilization, civilizational identity, national and public security, civilizational ideology, civilizational barbarism, globalization.


Konovalov V.A. ï SOME OF THE GAPS IN THE LEGAL ANTI-CORRUPTION IN RUSSIAIn the article the author explores the concept of corruption and its qualifying features defined by applicable law, differentiated itself of corruption and Kolokotroni offences specified in the gaps in the Russian legislation, associated with the research.Key words: corruption, the gaps of legal regulation, station, public relations.

Economic sciences

Yermakova Zh.A., Pergunova O.V., Parusimova N.I. ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESThe current situation in the field of economic evaluation of information and communication technologies is characterized by an extremely small amount of material formally published methodologies and schemes of assessment. The diversity of modern information and communication technologies requires clarification and adjustment of the economic effect of each individual project. Evaluation of the effectiveness of using information and communication technologies in industrial enterprises should be carried out using a system of indicators that reflect a quantitative assessment of the degree of achievement.Key words: information and communication technology, efficiency, methods of evaluating the effectiveness of information and communication technologies, industrial enterprises.
Parusimova N.I., Shestakova E.V. SUBSTANTIAL ASPECTS OF THE MOTIVATIONAL MECHANISM OF SELF-ORGANIZATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISEThe article covers the basics of motivational mechanism of self-organization, as one of the structural components of the integrated mechanism of self-development of the industrial enterprise. The content of the elements of the motivational mechanism is opened: subjects, objects, objectives, principles, methods, tools and resources. The Ólassification of methods of the motivational mechanism on different grounds is presented. On the basis of the marked-out features of development of the enterprise at various stages of process of self-organization the essence of methods and tools of the mechanism of motivation is opened.Key words: integrated mechanism, self-organization, motivational mechanism, enterprise, self-developing system, social and economic system, dynamic equilibrium, bifurcation.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

¿ üÌÅËÔÒÏÎÎÏÅ ÐÅÒÉÏÄÉÞÅÓËÏÅ ÉÚÄÁÎÉÅ: ÷åóôîéë ïçõ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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