Pykhtina Yu.G., Korobejnikova A.A. LEXICAL EXPLICATION PSYCHOLOGICAL SPACE IN M. LERMONTOV'S POETRYThe specifics and structure of model of psychological space in fiction on a material of poetry by M. Lermontov is considered in this article. Psychological space we call the image of an inner world of the lyrical hero which is modelled as a certain receptacle, a locus having the structure of the macrocosm. The main marker of psychological space in the lyrical text is the spatiality of all mental processes (memory, perception, thinking, imagination, etc.).Key words: M. Lermontov art space, spatial models, psychological space, lexical explication, inner world.
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About this article
Authors: Korobeynikova A.A., Pyhtina Yu.G.
Year: 2014
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |