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№ 1 (162), 2014

Humanitarian sciences

Andreyeva V.G. "THE OBNOSKOV FAMILY" BY ALEKSANDR SHELLER-MIKHAILOV AND "ANNA KARENINA" BY LEO TOLSTOY: ART LOANS, GENETIC AND TYPOLOGICAL SIMILARITIESThe author of the article considers the question of possible influence of the novel "The Obnoskov Family" by Aleksandr Sheller-Mikhailov on the process of the creation of the novel "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy, reason on borrowings and creative mastering events, on their place and value at creation of the artistic system, special in its world-likeness by Tolstoy.Key words: novel, loans, creative development, art world, L.N. Tolstoy, A.K. Sheller-Mikhaylov, subject elements, realism.
Vdovina A.A. INCREASING THE ROLE AND PROFILE OF WOMAN IN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF THE URAL REGION DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WARThe article analyzes the activities of public authorities, the party-political and social organizations of the Ural region during the GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR and the role of women in the task of strengthening the socio-political structure of the state.Key words: government authorities, political structure, war, emergency management agencies, the women's movement, women's councils, the agitation, the women of the Urals.
Zavadskaya A.V. "OUTRAGEOUS" ADVERTISING AS A COMPONENT OF THE MODERN MASS MEDIA DISCOURSE: LINGUISTIC ASPECTThe paper presents the ways of linguistic manipulation in the ad copy. Special attention is paid to such method as scandalous behavior. Analysis of lexical level of advertising copies has allowed to the author to conclude that the epatage in advertising occurs due to the use of units of emotive and occasional vocabulary words, and words with incompatible lexical values. Key words: advertising text, outrageous advertising, outrageous, occasional vocabulary.
Karavaeva E.E. HENRY VIII AND MAXIMILIAN I: REPRESENTATION OF POWER IN ANGLO-IMPERIAL RELATIONS, 1509–1519The article focuses on the personal contacts between Henry VIII Tudor and Maximilian I Hapsburg and explores symbolic dimension of Anglo-Imperial relations: approaches of both monarchs to political propaganda, images of rule, means of representation of power and their evolutionin the first decade of the 16 century.Key words: England, Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, International relations, Henry VIII, Maximilian I, Representation of power.
Konnova S.M. PREPHILOSOPHY ESSAY — DEFINITION OF SPIRITUALITYSpirituality in prephilosophical understanding is investigated. The essential moments of Spirituality are found: creative, logical, self-determination. The treatment of the prephilosophical essay — determination of DSpirituality is offered. The vital issue of Spirituality — the translation is established.Key words: Dukhovnost, subjectivity initiation, Spirituality ekzistentionality, essay.
Pakhomov A.V. SOCIAL SHAPE OF POLITICAL ELITE OF THE BASHKIR ASSR IN 1964–1991. One of the most popular directions of modern science is the problem of studying of the Soviet political elite. In too time in some regions this subject practically wasn't studied. In particular the political elite of the Bashkir ASSR didn't receive due studying. In this article on the basis of not published earlier archival materials the complex analysis of social characteristics of political elite of the Bashkir ASSR in 1965–1991, among which national and gender structure, age, level and quality of education, length of service in a post is carried out.Key words: elite, political elite, nomenclature, leading party shots, higher school party, social composition.
Cherkashyna T.Y. PRINCIPAL THEMATIC BLOCS IN SRUCTURE OF THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY AS GENREThe article is devoted to the theoretical study to the structural peculiarities of the autobiography as self-writing's genre. The author of the article analyzed the integral and discrete obligatory autobiographical thematic blocs in the structure of autobiographical text. In totality these thematic blocs can identify the autobiography as genre and recreate autobiographer's life, its interior and exterior evolution. Key words: autobiography, genre feature, thematic bloc, structure.
Sharipov A.A "HUSAINIYA'S" REVIVALThis article discusses the process of revival of Orenburg madrasah "Husainiya". A brief review of modern educational activities "Husainiya", showing the role of this institution in the development of education.Key words: islam, muslim education , madrasah, Khousainov, Ahmad–bai Khousainov, Orenburg mufti.

Economic sciences

Guselnikov D.V. REFINEMENT OF THE CONCEPT AND CONTENT OF ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF A BUILDING ENTERPRISEThe article considers the approaches to definition of essence of the concept of economic potential. Presents the author's interpretation of the concept of economic potential, taking into account the location of the enterprise to the branch of building industry. The problems of the definition and analysis of the elements of the economic potential of the building enterprise.Key words: economic potential, building sector, the structure of economic potential, level of development.
Egorychev S.A. ORGANIZATIONAL-ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUNICIPALITYThe paper describes the organizational-economic mechanism of management of sustainable development of the municipality, including the principles, directions, methods, stages and tools of management.Key words: organizational-economic mechanism of management, strategy, tools, strategic directions.
Korabeynikov I.N. FEATURES OF TRANSFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE MARKET INFORMATION SERVICESThe article substantiated theoretical aspects of the transformation of infrastructure information services market. The characteristic directions of the transformation of the infrastructure market information services. Refined the concept of "network infrastructure", "knowledge infrastructure", "infrastructure information services market". Systematization proposed subjects and functions to network and knowledge infrastructure.Key words: market infrastructure information services, network, information, knowledge, information and communication infrastructure, transformation.
Lapaeva M.G., Egorychev S.A. ORGANIZATIONAL-ECONOMIC MODEL OF MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPALITIESThe article presents the organizational-economic model of management of sustainable development of municipalities, given the characteristics of the process of management of sustainable development of municipalities, directions of their sustainable development.Key words: municipal education, sustainable development, organizational-economic model of management, process management.
Chmyshenko E.G., Chmyshenko E.V. DETERMINING THE OBJECTS OF REGIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNINGStages of forming the objects of regional strategic planning are determined. Targets of regional development are presented.Key words: Region, strategic planning, target segments, needs.
Shepel V.N., Akimov S.S. THE USING HILL'S ASSESSMENT FOR DISTINGUISHING OF HEAVY — AND EASILY-TO- TAIL LAWS OF PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONThe problem of the using Hill's assessment for determining of tail's weight for the purpose recovery of density probability distribution using sampling. The limit index the heavy tail of the easily is distinguished.Key words: tail's weight, Hill's estimation, weight index, the law of probability distribution.

Natural sciences

Berezina T.V., Savin E.Z. FEATURES OF GROWTH OF FRUIT CROPS ENTRE RIOS OF SAMARA AND BUZULUKIn this article soil and climatic microconditions and the conditions of a microrelief promoting safety and high efficiency of fruit plantings in a forest-steppe zone of Cisural area are considered. Optimum conditions develop on the sites protected from adverse climatic conditions by forest plantings, settling down on slopes, excepting the southern and southwest directions and with a close arrangement of water sources.Key words: microrelief, microclimate, apple-tree, pear.
Gurevitch K.G., Fesyun A.D., Suin P.A. TRANSVERSE PLATYPODIA OF PROFESSIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM AT THE INTERNAL ARMY AVIATION FLIGHT PERSONNEL OF RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRSThe indirect signs of the transverse platypodia possible development, the backgrounds to it's development and further progression at the considerable quantity of persons at the Internal Army aviation flight personnel of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs are revealed in the research paper conducted. The received data indicates the necessity of the purposeful complex examination of the pilots with the musculoskeletal system disease during the preparation for the annual medical examinations by medical flight committees.Key words: flight personnel, transverse platypodia, degenerative dystrophic changes, statistical deformation, foot's first ray hypermobility, Internal Army aviation of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Zaika Y., Kobzev GI Futterkneht Z. GEOMETRIC STRUCTURES AND VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA OF BI-AND TRIMOLECULAR COMPLEXES IN ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITIONGeometric structures of small gas components H2O-M; 2H2O-M; H3O+-M; H3O+-H2O-M where M — N2, O2, CO2, NO2, SO2, H2S on the basis of DFT-D/ROB3LYP/6-311G ** method, their stable equilibrium is evaluated. Vibrational spectra in an equable state are calculated and analyzed. Key words: hydronium ion, small gas components of the atmosphere (SGC), vibrational spectrum.
Kanygina O.N., Kravtzova O.S., Volkov E.V. MICRORHEOLOGY OF BRICK CLAYS FROM ORENBURG REGIONWe investigated the dependence of the viscosity of water-clay suspensions from the dispersion of the particles. To identify the dominant physical and chemical processes occurring in the system "clay — water" applied Khodakov's rheological model. Determined that the main parameters influencing the suspension viscosity, are: the actual volume concentration of the solid phase, diminished in the process of interaction of clay with water, and the relative amount of occluded aggregates of particles of the dispersion medium depends on the dispersion of clay particles.Key words: brick clay, microrheology, viscosity, dispersion, occluded volume, the actual volume concentration.
Kaspruk L.I., KanyukovaYu.V. TO THE QUESTION OF MODERNIZING NURSING MEDICAL EDUCATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF HEALTH SOCIAL ASSISTANCE IN ELDERLY AND SENILE AGE ORENBURG REGIONThere was carried out geriatric care in addressing contemporary issues of quality of life in elderly subjects of the Russian Federation (Orenburg region). There was estimated the current status and development of nursing and nursing medical education, identified training and retraining of medical personnel nursing. The main directions of modernization of nursing medical care in elderly and senile age were defined.Key words: Key words:geriatrics, modernization, prevention, emergency care, nursing care, nursing staff, rehabilitation.
Kobzev G.I., Zvereva T.V. STABILITY THREE — AND THE TETRAINTERMOLECULAR COMPLEXES CONTAINING ATOM OF ZN (QUANTUM AND CHEMICAL RESEARCH)Possibility of education three — and tetramolecular oxygen complexes in a gas phase at low temperatures. Method DFT/ROB3LYP/6-31 (1p, 1d) calculated geometric and electronic properties of the tri-and tetramolecular complexes which include Zn, N2, O2, H2O. MKSСF method in space (20,12) calculated energy terms equilibrium complexes 1,3(Zn — N2 — O2 — H2O).Key words: three-, tetramolecular oxygen complexes, electronic terms.
Kochukova A.A., Ryabinina Z.N., Sankov A.N. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE MAIN INDICATORS OF THE QUALITY OF THE MEDICINAL PLANT RAW MATERIAL "TANSY FLOWERS" (FLORES TANACETI) FROM THE BIOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE PLANT (TANACETUM VULGARE), GROWING ON THE TERRITORY OF THE ORENBURG REGIONStudies show the dependence of the accumulation of biologically active substances from the General state of plants and conditions of its growth. For greater availability of the study were selected plant that grows everywhere нетребовательное to care and is easy to cultivation — Tanacetum vulgare L.Key words: Tanacetum vulgare L., medicinal plants, biometrics, vegetable raw materials.
Kuksanov V.F., Clementyev A.I., Kuksanova E.V. SPECIAL PROTECTION OF SOILS OF ORENBURG REGION: SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL ASPECTSThe ecological concept and structure of the Red List of the soils, being scientific and legislative base of special protection of a soil cover and a variety is stated. For the purpose of special protection allocated soil таксонов for the Orenburg region the landscape and ecological network of especially protected soil territories is designed. Need of development of the legislative base providing certain guarantees of preservation of soils and other components of the live, lifeless nature and the biosphere, the Red List based on the status is proved. The developed concept and structure Red the book of soils of the Orenburg region lies in line with the Red List of soils of Russia.Key words: ecological functions and special protection of soils, soil standard, OOPT, Red List of soils of the Orenburg region and Russian Federation, soil legislation, biosphere.
Kucherenko M.G., Nalbandian V.M. MODIFICATION OF THE SPECTRUM OF THE ELECTRIC DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY OF A CLUSTER OF TWO CONDUCTING SPHERICAL NANOPARTICLES IN AN EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELDOn the basis of the expression obtained in the approximation of quasi-point dipoles dipole dynamic polarizability tensor of the cluster formed by two spheroidal composite nanoparticles in a monochromatic electromagnetic field of the optical frequency range, we examined the change of the spectra of the cluster polarizability in constant external magnetic fields of various sizes induction. Taken into account that the particles cluster have anisotropic characteristics and their own polarizability as dielectric permittivity, submitted a second rank tensor. Key words: polarizability of cluster with nanoparticles, magnetic field, plasmonic resonance, anisotropy of polarizability
Lyubichankovskiy A.V. HYPOTHESIS OF EMERGENCE OF THE PASSIONARITY' PUSHThe hypothesis according to which the reason of emergence of new ethnic integrity is fluctuation of a geophysical field of Earth are locates in the article. L.N.Gumilev's hypothesis on this problem is considered as consequence interpretation, instead of the ethnogenesis reasons.Key words: passionarity' push, geophysical field, ethnogenesis.
Mikhaylova N.R., Kalinina T.N., Vyulcin S.V., Michailovsky A.M. CHARACTERISTICS OF DEATHS OF PATIENTS WITH HIV-INFECTION AT AIDS STAGE IN ORENBURG IN 2012Abstract: The article presents characteristics of deaths of HIV-infected patients in Orenburg in 2012. The main cause of death was tuberculosis, largely in generalized form. 5% of patients had pulmonary tuberculosis combined with pneumonia of other etiologies. Almost 40 % of patients were first registered already with severe immunosuppression, at the time of death a number of CD4 cells averaged 139,6+13,3 per 1 mcl of serum. There were cases of overdiagnosis of tuberculosis, especially in cases with cryptococcal infection. Complexity of diagnosis of cryptococcosis are demonstrated on the example of a medical case.Key words: HIV-infection, immunosuppressive, tuberculosis, Cryptococcus.
Miazina N.G LAKE CASPIAN BASIN HER FRAME AND THEIR PRACTICAL VALUEIn the present work the basic laws of formation and placing brines Near-Caspian syneclises are considered. Are analysed paleogeografichesky conditions solenakopleniye in territory of a hollow and the role tectogeneses and galogeneza in formation of brines is shown. The characteristic of the basic geochemical and genetic types of underground waters and brines is given, their genesis is considered. The chemical compound of brines is resulted and possibility of their complex use in the balneal purposes or as hydromineral raw materials is considered.Key words: lakes, rapa, dirts. underground hydroarea, the North-Caspian artesian pool, Perm hydrochloric galogenez, brines, rather waterproof the sulfate-halogen thickness, a chemical compound and a mineralization, the basic geochemical and genetic types, polycomponental hydromineral and balneological raw material.
Polkunov U.G., Loboda M.U. CRITERIA OF DEMOLITION OF HARD VISCOUS ROCK BY CONICAL DISK TOOLSThe article is devoted to the development of criteria of sustainable crack growth on a mixed mechanism of demolition of hard rock by disk conical tools. Adequacy of modeling results was proved with experimental researches.Key words: loading, disk tool, coefficients of stress intensity, tensile crack, shear crack.

Technical sciences

Berestova А.V., Zinukhin G.B., Mezhuyeva L.V. ABOUT THE FEATURES OF FOOD OIL AND FAT EMULSIONS TECHNOLOGIES OF FUNCTIONAL ORIENTATION The article gives the results of research analysis in the sphere of food oil and fat emulsions producing of functional orientation. The emulsions are received by the means of product caloric content decreasing, introducing of biologically active additives, exception or replacement of traditional ingredients with the functional. Key words: functional product, food emulsion, oil and fat industry, functional ingredient, mayonnaise.
Vanshin V.V., Tuktamisheva A.R., Novikova L.V., Khalitova E.Sh., Zinukhina A.G. MULTICOMPONENT MIXTURE EXTRUDING OF STARCH-CONTAINING RAW MATERIAL AND FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CROPS PULPThe article brings forward the research results of swollen extrudates production with the usage of starch-containing raw material based on grits and enriched by dietary fibers, which are contained in carrot and pumpkin pulp with the aid of supplement dose determination to grits. The article also considers the influence of this production on extrusion process and quality of swollen extrudates.Key words: extrusion, grits, pumpkin pulp, carrot pulp, extruder, dietary fibers, extruding temperature, swelling degree, porosity, extruder productivity, structure, consistence.
Volnov A.S., Tretyak L.N. A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN OPERATION ON THE ECOLOGY OF CITIESRequested to review the criteria for evaluating the toxic effects of vehicles on urban air quality in view of factors, including such factors as the composition of the exhaust gas combustion engines, engine oils, motor fuels, products, tire wear and the composition of asphalt pavements. The necessity to conduct toxicity index of vehicles on the ecology of cities, defined methods available operating road transport operators.Key words: internal combustion engines (ICE), the exhaust gases (exhaust gas), air quality, the criteria of the technical condition of the car, fuel additives and motor oils, the rate of toxicity.
Gavrilov A.A., Morozov N.A., Vlasov U.L. ESTIMATION OF THE STRENGTH OF THIN-WALLED RODS AT FLEXURAL VIBRATIONS USING A FICTITIOUS LOADSThe technique of estimation of the strength of thin-walled rods, performing free flexural vibrations. This method allows to determine the fictitious loads acting on the rods are in the process of vibrations, and data loads to carry out calculations the strength of static rods.Key words: rod, vibration, strength, fictitious load, tension.
Dogareva N.G., Bogatova O.V., Stadnikova S.V. INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT VEGETABLE FATS OVER QUALITY OF RECOMBINED CONDENSED MILK.The lack of milk-product problem has been examined. It is possible to solve this problem replacing milk fat by fat of vegetable origin. The problem of directed and balanced nutrition can be also solved using fat methods in food industry in terms of vegetable oil. The results of experimental researches according to the usage of different vegetable oils in recombined condensed milk production are analyzed in this article. The best results are obtained replacing milk fat by "Soyuz 5/2 L" fat. Key words: milk-product, vegetable oils, technology, recombined condensed milk.
Isakov S.V., Shklyaev V.A. DETERMINATION OF TOTAL IMPACT OF ANTHROPOGENIC CHANGE SURFACES, ON THE OCCURRENCE OF THE EFFECT OF "URBAN HEAT ISLAND" WITH THE USE OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMSInvestigate an important element of the urban climate — the "urban heat island", considered currently used approaches to its study. A brief overview of the current use of satellite data and processing tools popular geographic information systems in order to meet the elements of microclimate evaluation, in particular, the albedo of the territory. An approach to the definition of albedo areas on satellite images is given.Key words: climate, albedo, urban heat island, geographic information systems.
Ishakova E.N., Zubkova T.M., Medvedev A.S. PROGRAM SYSTEM OF THE ASSESSMENT OF RISKS IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION AREA WITH THE USE OF PRODUCTIONAL AND FRAME MODELIn article the program system, permissive to estimate risks in the higher education area with the use of productional and frame model of representation of knowledge, is described. The algorithm of the solution of a task and model of data are described.Key words: risk, frame, slot, knowledge base, algorithm of an assessment of risks.
Ishmaeva D.D., Vdovin V.M. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF RIGID CONNECTION GLUED LAMINATED BEAMS ELEMENTS WITH GLUED-IN STEEL WASHERSThe problems associated with designing, calculation and production of rigid joints of laminated wooden beam elements are investigated. The results of experiment on rigid joints laminated beams formed by using glued-in steel washers are presented. The method for testing and designing rigid connection of glued wooden cross-beam structure elements is proposed.Key words: beam, glued laminated beams, steel washers, rigid connection, design model.
Kamenev S.V., Lapynina M.Yu., Fot A.P, Chepasov V.I. INTENSE THE DEFORMED CONDITION OF PLATES LINKS OF DRIVING ROLLER CHAINSArticle is devoted to an assessment intense the deformed condition of plates of links of driving roller chains and to definition of a rational form and the sizes of plates. Key words: driving roller chain, chain link, plate of a link, intense the deformed condition of a plate.
Nazarov V.V., Kushnarenko V.M., Nazarov S.V., Boriskina P.A., Aleeva O.N. SUBSTANTIATION OF HYPOTHESES DO NOTNEWTONIAN FLOW SOLUTIONS IN CENTRIFUGAL RHEOSEPARATORSThe article analyses the main provisions of the classical and hydrodynamic theories centrifugal rheoseparation. Proposed use of new mathematical dependences for calculation and design of rheoseparators and rheocentrifuges high performance, with a high degree of separation solutions for the faction.Key words: Navier-Stokes, the foundations of the centrifugal rheoseparation, rheological model, the speed of the motion of fluid particles, the performance of the rheocentrifuges.
Pischuhina O.A., Serdyuk A.I. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE DEFECTS READING SUBSYSTEM FROM TESTING WEAVE IN FABRIC INSPECTIONThis paper views the main types of arrangement the defects reading subsystem from testing weave in fabric inspection. The basic mathematical relationships were derived to determine distance between the illuminator, camera and testing weave for the most common linen weave.Key words: fabric inspection, arrangement, system of defects reading from testing weave, linen weave, automation of the fabric inspection process.
Sukhinina E. A. ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS IN ARCHITECTURAL-URBAN DESIGNFormation of environmental regulations in the historical development of society is seen as an example: laws of the various epochs of manuals in the field of architecture, environmental architectural and urban planning projects. The analysis is conducted by: the emergence of environmental measures; ecological approach to designing, building environmental policy, the rise of "green" standards in Russia and Europe. Today, the improvement of environmental legislation in Russia is needed. Orientation national environmental standards towards architectural and construction ecology with a minimum of engineering technologies and intelligent systems that depend on energy resources.Key words: environmental regulations, environmental certification system, "green" technology, natural environment.
Kanygina O.N., Chetverikova A.G., Ogerchyk А.А. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF BRICK CLAY FROM ORENBURG REGIONThe thermal conductivity coefficients of ceramics, synthesized from brick clay are determined. The dependence of them from a dispersed and firing mode is established.Key words: thermal conductivity, brick clay, fraction, sintering, ceramics.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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