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2014, № 1 (162)

Pakhomov A.V. SOCIAL SHAPE OF POLITICAL ELITE OF THE BASHKIR ASSR IN 1964–1991. One of the most popular directions of modern science is the problem of studying of the Soviet political elite. In too time in some regions this subject practically wasn't studied. In particular the political elite of the Bashkir ASSR didn't receive due studying. In this article on the basis of not published earlier archival materials the complex analysis of social characteristics of political elite of the Bashkir ASSR in 1965–1991, among which national and gender structure, age, level and quality of education, length of service in a post is carried out.Key words: elite, political elite, nomenclature, leading party shots, higher school party, social composition.


1. Russian State Archive of Socio-political History (RSASPH) File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 416.

2. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 417.

3. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 418.

4. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 419.

5. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 420.

6. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 629.

7. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 630.

8. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 631.

9. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 632.

10. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 633.

11. RSASPH File No. 17 List No. 39. Rule No. 634.

12. Tatar newspaper. — 1999. — January 26.

13. Central State Archive of Public Associations of the Republic of Bashkortostan (CSAPARB). Guide. — Ufa, 2009.

14. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 74. Rule No. 231.

15. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 75. Rule No. 3.

16. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 75. Rule No. 239.

17. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 75. Rule No. 253.

18. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 287.

19. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 331.

20. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 405.

21. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 425.

22. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 481.

23. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 517.

24. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 520.

25. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 527.

26. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 135. Rule No. 531.

27. CSAPARB File No. 122 List No. 203. Rule No. 27.

About this article

Author: Pahomov A.V.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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