Kanygina O.N., Kravtzova O.S., Volkov E.V. MICRORHEOLOGY OF BRICK CLAYS FROM ORENBURG REGIONWe investigated the dependence of the viscosity of water-clay suspensions from the dispersion of the particles. To identify the dominant physical and chemical processes occurring in the system "clay — water" applied Khodakov's rheological model. Determined that the main parameters influencing the suspension viscosity, are: the actual volume concentration of the solid phase, diminished in the process of interaction of clay with water, and the relative amount of occluded aggregates of particles of the dispersion medium depends on the dispersion of clay particles.Key words: brick clay, microrheology, viscosity, dispersion, occluded volume, the actual volume concentration.
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About this article
Authors: Kravtsova O.S., Kanygina O.N., Volkov E.V.
Year: 2014
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |