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№ 4 (140), 2012

Humanitarian sciences

Afanasyeva O.V. SPEECH DEVELOPMENTO OF PERSONALITY IN MONTESSORI-EDUCATION AS SOCIALIZATION FACTOR Some aspects of speech socialization of personality in the developing space of Montessori-educational environment are examined in the article. Speech development of personality is understood as the most important component of substantial mastering of social role of "pupil" by maturing person. Key words: speech development, Montessori-education, socialization of personality.
Erofeeva N.E., Sholohova G.P., Kuvandykova L.Z. SCHOOL (ACCORDING TO SURVEYS OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS)In the article features of the organization of the asynchronous form of independent work of students are considered, is given aspect the analysis of results of high school questioning of a condition of independent work in Orsk humanitarian-pedagogical institute (branch)OGU.Key words: asynchronous form of independent work, educational process, out-of-class work, an educational route.
Kayasova T.A. THE METHOD WORKS WITH WORDS WITH UNVERIFIABLE WRITING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLIn this article the author talks about the necessity of learning the dictionary words, that are united into thematic groups; she explains the logic of forming these groups in primary school while studying the Russian language, talks about her own method of learning the dictionary words.Key words: dictionary words, thematic groups
Kostrukov A.V., Skachkov K.S. COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS AS A MEAN TO DEVELOP TRACK RECORDS IN YOUTH TABLE TENNISThe article describes how communicative skills effect sport training of table tennis players.Key words: communicative skills in sports.
Mahrova E.I. APPROACHES TO THE NOTION OF LEGAL SOCIALISATION STUDENTS AS PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM.In article on the basis of the analysis various approaches to studying of concept of legal socialization of students as pedagogical problem are presented. The author has considered modern understanding of process of socialization as interdisciplinary phenomenon. Its specificity is defined by features of development of legal culture in a modern Russian society. The high school carries out preparation of experts as carriers of professional knowledge, being socialization space in which process students receive for the first time vocational training and education.Key words: socialization, legal culture, personality, training, education, social process, individual, student.
Rassoha E.N., Antsiferova L.M. ABOUT RESEARCH WORK OF STUDENTS AND SENIOR PUPILS IN MATHEMATICS AREAModern views on mathematical education in the "school-higher educational institution" system are being examined. Historical-pedagogical analysis of the problem of involving researching work into educational programs of schools and institutes has been done. Methodical aspects of implementation of researching activity into the content of mathematical training of modern students in middle and higher educational schools are specified.
Afanasieva Y.A. TYPES OF SATIRICAL OBJECTS OF SASHA CHERNY'S EPIGRAMSThe article analyses satirical types (specific, generalizing, impersonal) of Sasha Cherny's epigrams. The article shows the ways in which the poet deformed the classical genre. 52 epigrams by Sasha Cherny — written in 1908-1924 — served as work material for the article.Key words: Sasha Cherny, satire, irony, genre, epigram, subject-object structure.
Dmitrieva N.M. ETHICALLY SIGNIFICANT IEXICON IN POETIC CYCIE "POEMS OF YURY ZHIVAGO" OF B.PASTERNAKFeatures of Russian mentality are investigated, ethical categories of Russian mentality are defined. Features of lexicon with high ethical loading in poetry by B. Pasternak are investigated. Preservation of ethical loading in words of religious subject in internal structures is studied.Key words: mentality, concept, ethical importance, language etchings, ethical, religious, spirityally-moral.
Zavadskaya A.V., Chekasina N.A. LEXICAL MARKERS OF GENDER-RELATED ADVERTISINGIn article the analysis of gender-related advertising is carried out. "Men" and "female" advertising texts are distributed on several lexical sets, lexical markers of a gender within each lexical set are identified.Key words: the advertising text, a gender, the gender addressee, lexical markers, a lexical set.
Lyashenco M.N. SUICIDE IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHT OF ANCIENT GREECEThe article is devoted to the first steps of philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of suicide in ancient Greece. Considering the phenomenon of suicide, the author identifies three main aspects of his study: ontological (the base), moral-ethical and social (derivatives) and states that the ancient Greek philosophers, condemning this vital step, it was considered a manifestation of non-being, bearing in the human world destruction and disharmony.Key words: suicide, logos, people, world "byvaniya" world of ideas, non-being, teleology.
Porol O.A. BIBLE DISCOURSE IN EARLY CREATIVITI OF A. BLOKThe author of article in ontologic aspect considers the poetic concept of space and time of creativity of A.Blok. Semantic fullness of a concept "circle" is most in detail considered.Key words: eternity, circle, secret, morning, dream.
Pykhtina Y.G. THE STRUCTURE OF THE ART SPACE IN L. ANDREEV'S NOVELETTE "RED LAUGHTER"Two variants of the analysis of structure of the art space in L. Andreev's novelette "Red laughter" are offered in article: on the one hand the spatial model based on opposition "war space / house space", on the other hand — model of the psychological space which elements are sensory (acoustical, visual, tactile) and physiological feelings of story-tellers are characterized.Key words: L.N. Andreev, "Red laughter", art space, psychological space, spatial model.
Yakimov P.A. SOME FEATURES OF THE LEXICAL EMBODIMENTS OF THE RELIGIOUS PICTURE OF THE WORLD IN SIMEON LIPKIN'S POETRYIn given article some features of a lexical embodiment of fragments of a religious picture of the world in Simeon Lipkin's poetic texts are presented. At first the author represents features of functioning of lexemes the potter and clay in texts of Shabby and New Precepts, and also in texts of myths of the people the world where they contextually get a religious component of value. Then in detail analyzes a poetic paradigm of representations about world and person creation, in system of which lexical embodiment dominants are analyzed lexemes. Key words: a religious picture of the world, a religious component of a word meaning, a lexical embodiment.
Bogomolov S.A. THE THEORETICAL PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION OF EGYPT IN BRITISH EMPIRE IN 80-90 YEARS OF XIX CENTURYThe article is devoted to the issue of debates about theoretical problems of modernization and defense of Egypt in British Empire in 80-90 years of XIX century. The author holds that the British politics and experts created an effective model of reforms of economy, legislation, government, army and policy. At the same time the British reforms bring to rise of Egyptian nationalism and anti-British movement. Key words: Kew words: British Empire, Egypt, colony, protectorate, modernization, Egyptian nationalism, W. Gladstone, W.C. Blunt, E. Dicey.
Denisov D.N. THE SOURCES OF LIVELIHOODS AND ECONOMIC SITUATION OF MUSLIM CLERGY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG PROVINCE)This article analyzes the sources of livelihoods and gives a general assessment of economic situation of Muslim clergy on the example of Orenburg province. The author concludes that his wealth is directly dependent on the financial position of his parishioners, who provided to him donations, payment for performance of religious rites and for education of children in religious schools.Key words: Islam, Muslim clergy, mullah, muezzin, income, economic situation, Orenburg province.
Egorova J.V. HOUSEHOLD ASPECT OF LIFE OF THE URAL WOMAN-KAZACHKI (MORAL WAY, FAMILY RELATIONS, TRADITIONS, WAY OF LIFE AND OTHER COMPONENTS)In article the various parties of home life of the woman-kazachki are considered. The author marks the numerous traditions of wedding ceremonies connected with a choice of the bride, the groom; specifies in the status of the woman-kazachki after marriage. The author mentions problems of mutual relations of spouses, and also shows the attitude of Cossacks to carrying out of various holidays.Key words: Key words and phrases: Cossack, a family, wedding, traditions, the bride, the groom, a holiday.
Polyakov A.N. THE FORMATION OF THE TERRITORY OF ANCIENT RUSSIAThe article deals with the problem of forming the territory of Kyiv Rus. On the basis of written and archaeological sources, the author offers a vision of the solution. The formation of the territory of Russia is seen through the prism of civilization. Key words: Ancient Rus', Kievan Rus, Old civilization, the ancient Russian city, the East Slavic lands.
Kozarova G.S. DIALOGUE OF COMPOSER AND PERFORMER: TO THE HISTORY OF CREATION OF VOCAL COMPOSITIONS BY VALERY GAVRILINThe research is switched to the study of creative dialogue of a Russian composer of the second half of the XX century Valery Gavrilin and the first performers of his music. The footnote from the history of creation of vocal compositions (according to archival materials, interviews with the first performers of his music, N.E. Gavrilina, widow of the composer, recollections of contemporaries and his recollections) is shown in the article. The special role of performers in artistic conception is pinpointed. Herewith accomplished and unaccomplished compositions, projects of vocal opuses and accomplished but unrecorded works are analysed.Key words: Valery Gavrilin, vocal compositions, manuscripts, the first performers.
Kolomiets G.G. FROM LIBERAL VALUES TO OVERNATIONAL VALUES IN MODERN CULTURAL SPACEThe revaluation importance of the values increases with a new force in the modern cultural space of postindustrial community. This demands reconsideration of consumer society values parity with fundamental, absolute values. The dialogue of cultures demands transition from liberal values to values of new type, such as overnational. The author represents the value of human dignity as the basis of new ethics. The author pays special attention to the connection of ethical and aesthetic consciousness.Key words: value; absolute, universal, overcultural, overnational, supernational, liberal values; modern cultural space, globalization, dialogue of cultures, tolerance, human dignity, ethics and aesthetics.
Zhelondievskaya L.V., Barysheva V.E. SYMBOLIC FORMS OF VISUAL IDENTITY OF THE CITYThe article deals with symbolic forms of territorial identity. The authors analyze the semantic and cultural basis of the territory identification from heraldry up to the modern symbols of cities.Key words: Regional branding, heraldry, identification of the city, development strategy for the city;
Savelieva I.N. INTERACTION MECHANISMS OF CREATIVITY AND TECHNIQUES OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE IN THE DESIGN OF CLOTHING DESIGNThe article deals with a wide range of concepts relating to the philosophy of creativity in the arts and sciences, which are used purposefully or spontaneously in the process of creating objects and objects of intellectual labor.Key words: art, science, perception, association, inspiration, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc.

Economic sciences

Bobrova V.V., Mordvinova M.G. THEORETICAL BASIS OF INNOVATIVE-INVESTMENT AND INTEGRATION STRATEGY OF FOOD COMPLEX STEADY DEVELOPMENTThis paper highlights the system of active problem — oriented project management, its essence and structure. The conditions of this system effective performing are analyzed.Key words: the system of active problem–oriented project management, innovative-investment renovation of branches' contours, innovative system elements.
Ermakova Zh.A., Korabeynikov I.N. DEVELOPMENT OF MARKET INFORMATION SERVICES: THEORETICAL ASPECTSIn the article are adjusted the theoretical aspects of development of market information services through a critical analysis of theories of industrial organization, economics, industry and market development. Stages and directions of research devoted to problems of industrial organization. Determined by market participants of information services. The author "clarification of the concept of "market information services".Key words: market information services, the economy of the industry, knowledge, corporate structure, suppliers, customers, users.
Zuzin O.V. ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT IN SMALL ENTERPRISEThe paper analyzes the investment activities of small businesses, as well as the impact of management accounting in managerial decision — making affecting the strategic investment. Key words: investments; small business; managerial accounting; investments planning.
Korabeynikov I.N., Gamova O.N. THEORETICAL SUBSTANTIATION OF CONVERSION OF THE ECONOMICS TO THE INFORMATION-ORIENTED SOCIETYIn this article theoretical foundation of conversion of the economics to the information-oriented society is determined. Cases of conception of the information-oriented society, attainments-economics, derivative economics, theory of technological modes, social networks conception are afforded here. The author's conception of transformation of socio-economic progress by conversion to the information-oriented society is suggested.Key words: information-oriented society, network economics, knowledge, technological mode, social networks conception
Krivtsov A.I., Korjаkin K.N. THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT REPORTING INVESTMENT ANALYSIS COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONSThis article addresses the role of financial information in the process of implementation of investment projects, examines the relationship of different levels of users and provides the necessary adjustments of the existing reporting.Key words: investment, the forecast financial information, strategic analysis, public reporting
Portnova L.V. THE PRACTICE OF APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF CLUSTER ANALYSIS IN THE ASSESSMENT AND PREDICTION OF THE LEVEL OF REGIONAL UNEMPLOYMENTThe article deals with the analysis of unemployment, its evaluating and territory locating. The component analysis has been made to decrease statistical aggregate weighting. It helps much defining the particular combinations of clusters presenting the regional labour market situation in full. Special attention is paid to forecasting the unemployment level for each cluster based on regression models.Key words: unemployment level, regression equation, cluster analysis, impact analysis, main components analysis, forecasting.
Rustenova E.A. FORMATION OF STRATEGY AND MECHANISM OF INCREASE OF SCIENTIFIC — TECHNOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF A MACHINE-BUILDING COMPLEX OF KAZAKHSTANThe modernization of manufacture in branches of a technological nucleus should be carried out at direct financial support of the state, that will enable to create the material preconditions for the subsequent modernisation of all mechanical engineering of Kazakhstan by the modern high-efficiency equipment of enough high quality at the acceptable price.Key words: Formation of strategy, machine-building complex of Kazakhstan, modernization of manufacture, technological nucleus, way of reforming.

Natural sciences

Anisina I.N., Chetverikova A.G., Kanygina O.N. ACTIVATION ASPECTS OF SILICEOUS CERAMICS SYNTHESIS FROM MONTMORILLONITE CONTAINING CLAYResults of the analysis of activation ways of montmorillonite containing clay sintering are presented in the work. Possibilities of process activation of sintering at the expense of initial clay raw materials enrichment at batch mixture reception are considered. The factors characterizing degree of activation of ceramics synthesis from montmorillonite containing clay are resulted.Key words: the synthesis, montmorillonite containing clay, dispersion, sedimentation, fraction
Baklykov A.A., Pushkov S.G. FUZZY LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEM AS A SYSTEM OVER SEMIRINGSWe study the problem of describing the dynamics of the process with some degree of uncertainty. The concept of linear dynamical systems over a semiring is introduced, and a number of its properties is described. Fuzzy set is represented as a semimodule over the semiring of real numbers from the interval [0,1]. We study the possibility of such a representation for the theory of fuzzy linear dynamical systems.Key words: linear dynamical systems, semiring, semimodule, fuzzy set, fuzzy systems.
Baranov D.A., Vlatskaya I.V., Senchishak T.I., Travkin S.A. SPHERICAL APPROXIMATION OF THE FIREBALL BASED ON TWO SHOTSThis article focuses on the automated processing of experimental data obtained in the study of flammable liquids explosions with the formation of fireballs. The algorithms of fireballs allocation in a picture using fuzzy clustering and construction of the sphere, which approximates the surface of the fireball based on two shots were proposed.Key words: fireball, approximation, recognition, clusterization, digital images.
Gammas T.A., Mosalova E.I. RESULTS OF THE STUDY OF THE PARTICULARITIES OF THE GROWING OF THE WHEAT, ОВСА AND CORNS ON POLLUTED HYDROCARBON GROUNDIn article is considered question of the test the development of the agricultural plants under different concentration in ground метанола, oils and hydrocarbon condensate and удобрительной to abilities hydrocarbon. Key words: метанол, oil, hydrocarbon condensate, wheat, oats, corn.
Golovina E.J., Volodin, A.A. THE REACTION OF SOME ANTIOXIDANTS BARLEY SEEDLINGS TO ACID RAIN, AND THE IMPACT VIBROZVUKOVOEThe influence of acid rain model (MCD) and the accumulation of some vibrozvuka antioxidants. Found that a single treatment plant MCD (pH = 1,8) increases the content of ascorbic acid, rutin, anthocyanins, carotenoids in barley than usual. Vibrozvuk at 30–60 Hz with an amplitude of microvibration 2.8–5.4 micron at 30 minut exposure stimulates the accumulation of ascorbate acid and rutin.Key words: acid rain, vibrozvuk, ascorbic acid, rutin, anthocyanins, carotenoids.
Gritsenko V.A., Zhurlov O.S., Andreychev V.V. ANALISIS OF INTERCONNECTION OF SERUMRESISTENCE AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ESCHERICHIA COLI WITH THEIR ABILITY TO FORM BIOFILMSThe article includes materials about variability of 45 strains Escherichia coli from patients with infectious-inflammatory diseases of an urogenital tract and biliary ways to serumresistence, integral physico-chemical properties (hydrophobicity, electrokinetic potential — z-potential) and ability to form biofilms. Bacterial isolates forming biofilms and "biofilm" fraction of E. сoli are less resistant to bactericidal activity of serum and more hydrophobic, than isolates E. coli not forming biofilms, and cells from "planktonic" fraction was established. Key words: Esсherichia coli, biofilms, planktonic cells, serumresistence, hydrophobicity, z-potential.
Kaspruk L.I., Kanyukov V.N. DELFI METHOD USAGE IN SOCIOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS AT SPECIALITY PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE SERVICE An important role of evaluation in the process of professional analysis of medical care quality needs the presence of special attitude to the estimation of medical staff work. In the investigation there have been determined the main criteria in the estimation of health workers activity with the help of Delfi method (Delfi method, Osipova G.V., 1998).Key words: inspection; medical care quality; Delfi method; criteria in the estimation of health workers activity; primary medical care to the population.
Kirillov V.V., Vaulin S.D. METHOD OF CALCULATING THE FLOW OF GAS IN A LOW-TEMPERATURE GAS GENERATORS FLUESA method of solving boundary-value problem of gas flow in the low-temperature flue gas generator based on the implicit finite difference scheme and the orthogonally sweep.Key words: low-temperature gasifier, gas duct, the difference scheme, the orthogonal sweep
Klimov A.V., Berdinskiy V.L. MAGNETIC STATES OF BUILDING BLOCKS OF THREE-NUCLEAR MOLECULAR ANTIFERROMAGNETS.The ground magnetic and spin states of triangular hetero-ionic complexes [M'(M")2]L3 containing ions M' and M" with different electron spins have been studied. These ions are supposed to interact via exchange interactions with negative exchange constants J and J'. Noncoplanar magnetic and spin structures are possible. Spin functions are independent of J'/J. The ratio J'/J affects only realization of one of the possible spin states. Such complexes with noncoplanar magnetic structures can be used for designing 2D and 3D lattices of new molecular ferrimagnets. Key words: molecular magnets, three-nuclear complexes, spin states.
Lazarev D.A., Kanygina O. N. ABOUT DEFINITION OF THE SIZES OF AREAS OF COHERENT DISPERSION OF CRYSTALS OF QUARTZ IN CLAY SYSTEMSThe sizes of areas of coherent dispersion of quartz in brick clay depending on temperature of roasting and fractional structure are defined. Connection between the sizes of areas of coherent dispersion and meso– and macroparameters of ceramic samples is established. The method of calculation of the sizes of areas of coherent dispersion is developed for quartz particles in clay polymineral objects with good reproducibility.Key words: area of coherent dispersion, quartz, ceramics, brick clay.
Rusanov A.M., Teslya A.V., Prichogai N.I., Turlibekova D.M. THE CONTENT OF TOTAL AND MOBILE FORMS OF HEAVY METALS IN SOILS OF ORSK CITYThe aim of this article was to study of problems of soil contamination by various forms of heavy metals. At the same time in the studied areas the excess of minimal allowably concentration of some heavy metals was detected. Note, that nickel is the major polluting element in the influence zone of the Southern Urals Nickel Plant. At the same time, the assessment of the investigated areas in terms of risk to public health, the data on the chemical composition of the investigated soils can be attributed to the category of permissible contamination levels.Key words: soils, urbanized soil, toxicity, heavy metals.
Chepasov V.I., Popov O.B., Kolesnik A.N. TRANSITION PREDICTION DAYS AVERAGE DAILY AIR TEMPERATURES ON THE AMPLITUDE SPECTRA TIDAL CHANGES IN GRAVITYIn the amplitude spectra of the characteristics of tidal changes in gravity are harmonic with the maximum amplitude, and on days zero values of these harmonics are predicting the transition days of daily mean air temperatures over zero.
Shelamova S.А., Tyrsin Y.А. THE ROLE OF CARBOXYL GROUPS IN THE ACTIVITY OF LIPASE I RHIZOPUS ORYZAE 1403 Participation of carboxyl groups in catalytic action Lipase I Rhizopus oryzae 1403 is proved inactivated carbodiimide (EDC) at presence nucleophile — glycine ethyl ester. The amino acid analysis modified enzyme has excluded an opportunity reacted with EDC tyrosine and histidine, and absence of restoration of activity hydrocxylamine — with serine. At practically complete loss of activity enzyme was modified 11 carboxyl groups; under condition of the pseudo-first order of reaction hydrolysis — three. Research of kinetic hydrolysis triolein and tributirin have shown, that Vmax differed on both a little substrates, and KM on tributirin has increased in 1,47, and on triolein — in 1,18 times. It results in a conclusion, that of carboxyl group answer for creation active conformation enzyme at linkage with certain substrate.Key words: lipase, Rhizopus, carboxyl group.

Technical sciences

Bogdanov A.V., Muravieva E.A., Sazonova T.V. MULTIDIMENSIONAL ACCURATE LOGIC CONTROLLER ON THE SITUATIONAL SUBPROGRAMMESUse of a multidimensional accurate accurate logic regulator on the testing of production rules in the situational subprogrammes is offered. The structural scheme of the multidimensional accurate logic regulator based on performance algorithm is developed.Key words: scheme of algorithm, accurate therms, the system of production rules, multidimensional accurate logic regulator, technological process.
Gavrilov A.A., Morozov N.A. THE STRENGTH AND STIFFNESS OF THIN-WALLED RODS AT FLEXURAL VIBRATIONS.The technique of calculations of the strength of thin-walled rods, performing free flexural vibrations, taking into account the need for these rods stiffness. The dependence of the relationship between arising tensions and admissible deflections.Key words: rod, vibration, strength, stiffness, bending moment, tension.
Zhadanov V.I., Arkaev M.A., Lisov S.V., Stolpovsky G.A. ESTIMATION OF THE INTENSE-DEFORMED CONDITION OF CONNECTIONS OF WOODEN DESIGNS ON TWISTED CORES BY MEANS OF NUMERICAL METHODSWe represented results of numerical researches of the intense-deformed condition of connections of wooden designs with application of new type of twisted cores with cross-shaped section with the help of program APM WinMachine. We studied the intense-deformed condition of these connections with twisted cores working to a wrest. Comparison of the received results with the data of experimental researches is spent.Key words: twisted cores, the numerical researches, the intense-deformed condition, settlement effort, a design procedure.
Katyushin V.V. DESIGN OF BASE UNITS OF COLUMNS ON THE CRITERION OF THE SIMULTANEOUS LIMIT STATES OF THE BASE PLATE AND CONCRETE FOUNDATIONRewieved a model of joint action of the base plate, that is deformed by a load along the cylindrical surface, and the concrete foundation, which is impacted by the first as a cylindrical punch. Also suggested a method of design of the columns base units and pillars on the criterion of simultaneous limit states of the deformed base plate and concrete foundation under the load of a cylindrical punch.Key words: base plate, concrete foundation, limit state.
Kolokolov S.B. ABOUT CALCULATION OF WIND LOAD ON ARCH CONSTRUCTION The article dedicates to a question of distribute the wind load intensity along arch construction. It is proposed to compute aerodynamic coefficient, while calculating the wind load on arch construction, with use of parabolic type of function. Author shows and analyses the results of comparative calculation of steel arch based on traditional and proposed in the article method of aerodynamic coefficient computing.Key words: arch construction, wind load, aerodynamic coefficient.
Kushnarenko V.M., Chirkov Yu.A., Repiah V.S., Stavishenko V.G. ENDURANCE FATIGUE OF DETAILS AND CONSTRUCTIONSIn article fatigue failures of details and construction under the influence of variable loadings are considered. Principal causes of refusals and methods of increase of working capacity of products are presented.Key words: metal fatigue, endurance fatigue, causes of refusals, pressure, a stress.
Loganina V.I., Davydova O.A., Karpova O.V. LIME COMPOSITION FOR THE RESTORATION AND FINISHING OF BUILDINGS AND FACILITIESThe article presents the results of studies of the properties of limestone decorative compositions with zolcontaining supplements designed for finishing and restoration of buildings and structures. Key words: decorative plaster, decontamination of buildings, water vapor permeability finishing layer, adhesive and cohesive strength.
Kushnarenko V.M., Chirkov Yu.A., Fot A.P., Repyach V.S., Stavishenko V.G. THE MECHANISM OF DAMAGE OF DETAILS AND DESIGNS AT INFLUENCE NAVODOROZHIVAYUSHCHIKH OF ENVIRONMENTSIn article the main reasons for destruction of details and designs are considered at influence of navodorozhivayushchy environments. The mechanism of corrosion cracking and hydrogen stratification of steel products and the designs contacting to navodorozhivayushchy environments is presented.Key words: navodorozhivaniye, crack, destruction.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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