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2012, № 4 (140)

Polyakov A.N. THE FORMATION OF THE TERRITORY OF ANCIENT RUSSIAThe article deals with the problem of forming the territory of Kyiv Rus. On the basis of written and archaeological sources, the author offers a vision of the solution. The formation of the territory of Russia is seen through the prism of civilization. Key words: Ancient Rus', Kievan Rus, Old civilization, the ancient Russian city, the East Slavic lands.


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4. Nasonov, A., "Russian land" and the formation of the territory of the ancient state. The Mongols and Russia / A. Nasonov. St. Petersburg.: Science, 2006. 412 p.

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12. Shinakov, EA Starodub and his district at the end of X — XII centuries. (Some results of the study) / EA Shinakov, NE Yushchenko / / words, Jani Russ i have naukoviy spadschini DY Samokvasova. Chernigiv: Siveryanska Dumka, 1993. Pp. 57 — 61.

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16. Uzyanov, AA Selishche Romenskaya culture at the village Zhernovets / AA Uzyanov / / AO 1983. Moscow: Nauka, 1985. S. 89 — 90.

17. Tales of Saints Boris and Gleb. St. Petersburg.: Type. Imperial. Acad. Science, 1860. 147 p.

18. Dubov, IV Cities majesty shining / IV Dubov. L. Univ Leningrad University Press, 1985. 182 p.

19. Dubov, IV archaeological study of the cities of the North-Eastern Russia. — Oaks IV Zaleski edge. Era of the early Middle Ages. Selected Works. St. Petersburg. Univ "Ego", 1999. 394 p.

20. Cuza, Alexander V. Novgorod Land / A. Cuza / / Old Duchy X — XIII centuries. Moscow: Nauka, 1975. S. 144 — 201.

21. Darkevich, VP Origin and Development of Cities of Ancient Rus (X — XIII cc.) / VP Darkevich / / Questions of history. In 1994. Number 10. Pp. 43 — 60.

22. Sedov, VV Smolensk land / VV Sedov / / Old Duchy X — XIII centuries. Moscow: Nauka, 1975. S. 240 — 259.

23. PSRL. V.3. First Novgorod Chronicle senior and junior plagues. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 2000. 720 p.

24. PSRL. V.2. Hypation Chronicle. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1998. 648 p.

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About this article

Authors: Polyakov A.N.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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