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№ 8 2011

Economic sciences

Amirkhanova L.R., Iskhakova I.N. INCREASE OF SELF-SUFFICIENCY OF LOCAL BUDGETS DUE TO THE FASTENING OF ADDITIONAL TAX INCOMESThe article represents the algorithm of the procedure of the establishment of the united and differentiated norms of allocations for local budgets from separate federal and/or regional taxes and the charges, the taxes of those provided by special tax regimes, subjected to enrollment into the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation. Purpose of procedure — increase in the budgetary self-sufficiency of the municipal regions (the urban districts) of the subject of the Russian Federation by an increase in the portion of tax incomes due to the decrease of financial aid.Key words: tax incomes, budgetary security, financial aid, the norms of allocations from the taxes.
Aralbayevа G.G., Akhmetova D.F. THE ESTIMATION OF THE COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe authors represented the procedure of the estimation of the competitive ability of Orenburg region, based on the system of the indices, which characterize the level of economic development in the region, the standard of living of population, investment attractiveness. The procedure of the estimation of competitive ability is based on the comparison with an average Russian level, accepted as the criterion.Key words: competitive ability, region, estimation, the criterion.
Aralbayeva F.Z., Kuzayeva T.V. THE ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL OF THE FORMATION OF REGIONAL INNOVATION SUBSYSTEMThe authors represented the organizational model of interaction of different administrative structures of region, which are the structural element of control of innovation subsystem in the regional social and economic system. The innovation infrastructure of region, which ensures the balanced innovation development, is formed with the help of this model. Key words: the mechanism of control, organizational model, innovation infrastructure, innovation development, innovation activity, innovation subsystem, regional social and economic system.
Bazhenova T.L. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE RUSSIAN MODEL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE END OF THE ХIХ — BEGINNING OF THE ХХ CENTURY The authors examined the special features of the Russian model of economic development from the second-half of XIX till the beginning of the XX century. The factors, which not only impeded "great" undertakings, are investigated by the author, but they now and then contributed to their completion by the revolutionary breaking of that social and economic system, toward improvement of which reformatory efforts were directed. Key words: Russia, model, the economy, development, reform, economy.
Bulyarskiy S.V., Sinitsyn A.O. THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF INVESTMENTS IN THE INDUSTRIAL CLUSTERSThe authors investigated the processes of formation and activity of the economic clusters of industrial enterprises. As the tool of analysis a system method of interbranch balance is used, augmented by the mathematical model, based on the thermodynamic analogy of Gibbs's energy in the economy. The author developed the mathematical model of the distribution of the means of the production within the framework of the economic clusters of industrial enterprises. The analytical dependence of the optimum distribution of the resources between participants in the association of industrial enterprises is obtained on the basis of balance method. Key words: economic clusters, industrial enterprises, investment.
Dubrovina N.A., Tatarskikh B.Ya. ON SYSTEM TRENDS IN ORGANIZATIONAL-TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN MACHINE BUILDING: MODERNIZATION ASPECT The represented article examines basic trends in organizational-technological development of machine building in Russia. Analysis showed that according to the qualitative technical and economic characteristics machine building in Russia has significant delay from machine building of basic industrially developed countries. It seems that a change in the situation is possible only with raising the technical-organizational level of production potential on the basis of the introduction of achievements of scientific-technological progress and formation of development strategy of domestic machine building as the bases of the modernization potential of entire industrial sector of economy of the Russian Federation. Key words: machine building, innovation, investment, material and technical base, industrial-technological potential.
Yermakova Zh.А., Trishkina N.I. THE FORMS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP OF STATE AND BUSINESS IN THE REGION The authors investigated the form of the social and economic partnership of state and business in the region. They developed the classification of the economic-oriented social partnership, the objects of agreements are determined. The set of instruments of the regional economic-oriented social partnership is established and classified. The authors also carried out the results of investigating the agreements about the collaboration between the government of Orenburg region and the corporations, which function on the territory of the region.Key words: social partnership, state, region, business.
Zenchenko I.V. THE ESTIMATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE FACTORS OF BUSINESS-MEDIUM ON THE BUSINESS-PROCESSES OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES The author based the importance of the analysis of the business-medium of enterprises as the bases of process control, the criterial estimation of the dependence of the factors of business-medium is proposed.Key words: business-medium, business-processes, process control, the procedure of the criterial dependence of factors.
Lapayev S.P. THE ESTIMATION OF THE LEVEL OF THE INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS ON THE BASIS OF CREATIVITYThe author conducted the analysis of the indices of the innovation development of the regions of Russia on the basis of the procedure, proposed by American economist R. Florida, which includes such indices as the index of talent, technologies and tolerance, and also the summary index of innovation development. Key words: creative class, the index of creativity, creative centers, tolerance, the summary index of innovation development.
Lyndin D.I. THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY OF FIRMS BY MEANS OF THE COMBINATION OF THE MARKETING MODELS OF CONTROL BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ENTERPRISES OF FURNITURE INDUSTRYThe author carried out the survey of economic scientific literature for the purpose of the systematization of the conventional marketing models and their practical approval in the sphere of management of the enterprises of furniture industry. The author also revealed the direct interrelations between the models, which indicates their possible mutual addition. The joint use of models with the centralization to the side of the elements most important in the concrete economic situation is proposed. Key words: the marketing model of control, furniture industry, optimization, methodological simplicity of application.
Magdanov P.V. ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTION: CONCEPT AND DEFINITIONThe author examined the concept "administrative solution" and "administrative problem". The author formulates definitions and reveals the essence of data of concepts in application to organizations as economic systems. Special attention is paid to the special features of making administrative decisions under the contemporary conditions of management. Key words: administrative problem, the administrative solution.
Matushkina A.I. STATE AND PROBLEMS OF IMPROVEMENT OF THE LABOR NORMING ORGANIZATION IN RUSSIAN INDUSTRY The author determined the essence of concept "system of the organization of labor norming". The foreign and domestic experience of control of labor norming is examined, estimation of the state of the organization of control of norming in Russia under the contemporary conditions is given. The order the constructions of rational organizational structure and control function at the different levels of the organization of norming in enterprise are determined. Key words: the system of the organization of labor norming, the state of the organization of labor norming, the organizational structure of control of labor norming.
Mukhsinova L.Kh., Zhukov P.I. THE INTEGRATION OF THE POTENTIAL OF THE OIL-PRODUCING COUNTRIES OF CIS ON THE SPACE OF THE SHELF OF CASPIAN REGIONThe purpose of article consists of substantiation and guarantee of institutional conditions, favorable to development integrations of the potential of the companies of the petroleum business of the countries of the CIS on the shelf of Caspian Region, which will have paramount importance in increase in the effectiveness in oil production, retention of its bioresources and ecology. Key words: natural gas resources, oil service business, integration, institutional, association, business-association, oil service companies, premium-segment.
Nemirova G.I., Chaiko Yu.V. TO A QUESTION ABOUT TYPOLOGIZATION OF MUNICIPAL FORMATIONSThe authors represented the results of studies, directed toward the development of the mechanism of the balanced social and economic development of municipal formations. Author's typologizations of municipal formations depending on the nature of near-boundary position, proximity to the administrative to center are proposed and substantiated. Key words: typologization, municipal formations, classification signs, near-boundary position, control.
Nikulina Yu.N. PROFESSIONAL PREPAREDNESS OF THE YOUNG SPECIALISTS: THE VIEW OF THE GRADUATES OF VUZ (INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION) AND EMPLOYERSThe basis of this article is the materials of marketing studies of graduates and enterprise-employers, connected with the estimation of the level of the professional preparedness of young specialists. They are proposed to recommendation regarding an increase in the competitive ability of the graduates of Orenburg state university on the contemporary labor market and to development of partner relations with the enterprises-employers.Key words: professional preparedness, the contemporary labor market, the key scopes of young specialists, demand of employers, the competitive ability of the graduates.
Osokina N.V., Vaneyeva T.V. THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL BANK BUSINESS ON THE ECONOMY OF THE COUNTRIES WITH THE DEVELOPING MARKETS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATIONThe authors gave the definition of the essence of financial globalization as the new state of world economy, the characteristic features of transnational banks and their role in the development of financial globalization. Purposes and mechanisms of the effect of foreign bank capital on the national banking systems of the countries with the developing markets are examined. Key words: financial globalization, transnational banks, international bank business.
Rogachev K.I. THE INFLUENCE OF THE SEPARATE ELEMENTS OF CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION ON THE COST OF COMPANYThe author examined the results of investigating the influence of the separate elements of corporate administration on the cost of company from the point of view of the institutional economy and corporate finances. Key words: corporate administration, the cost of company, the asymmetry of information.
Semenov S.N., Bobrova V.V., Semenov K.M., Vasilyeva A.D. ON THE MODERNIZATION OF AGROINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIONIn the article the factors and the reserves for an increase in the effectiveness in competitive ability and modernization of agroindustrial production are examined. As the reserves the authors separate the accelerated integration and intensification. These processes must complexly and systemically cover functionall, productive, territorial-production, organizational-administrative and social-economic structures of Agro-Industrial Complex. Key words: innovation breakthrough, intensification, the steady development of the agribusiness, the reserves for an increase in the effectiveness.
Smirnova E.V. THE EVOLUTION OF THE SYSTEMS OF PLANNING ENTERPRISES, THEIR MODIFICATION AND INTERRELATION WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe appearance of modifications of the base (for the concrete economic system) model of planning system in the dependence on the level of economic development is theoretically substantiated. Development stages of planning system under the conditions of the administrative- command and market economy are isolated. Key words: the evolution of planning systems, economic system, the modification of planning.
Smirnova E.V. THE PURPOSEFUL ORIENTATION OF THE MODIFICATION OF THE SYSTEMS OF PLANNING INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE MARKET ECONOMYThe need of using the modification as the tool of the adaptation of the systems of planning industrial enterprises to the conditions of the market economy is substantiated. The purposeful orientators of modification and the separate tools of their realization are determined. Key words: organizational-economic changes, uncertainty, adaptation, modification, purposeful orientation, planning system.
Soldatkina O.V. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF BAKING ENTERPRISEThe article is dedicated to the development of marketing strategy of baking enterprise. In the market economy the enterprise must ensure to itself the specific income level, successfully realizing its products on the market. This goal is achieved by means of the realization of the complex of measures, which compose marketing strategy of enterprise. Key words: market, marketing strategies, consumer preferences, bread, baked articles, confectionery articles,portfolio analysis.
Sycheva N.V. TOURIST RESOURCE AS THE FACTOR OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF REGION The article is dedicated to the procedure of the study of the resource potential of territory. The structure of the information aspect of tourist potential, according to the results of a study, forms, draws tourist flows, enlarges fundamental image characteristics in the tourist potential of region. The most common approaches to the formation of the function of the usefulness of production and exerted services are isolated. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the estimation of the potential of tourist resource are determined. Key words: the procedure of the study of the tourist potential of territory, tourist resources, the information tracking of tourist activity, the tourist potential of territory, the index of tourist investments.
Khabibulina V.M. ON THE THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF STRATEGIC CONTROL AT THE ENTERPRISE The author focuses attention on the fact that among scientists there is no unanimous opinion relative to concept "strategic administration" and "strategy". In the article the stages and the theoretical aspects of strategic control in machine-building enterprise are examined. Key words: strategy, strategy of control, the aspects of control, motivational mechanism, the culture of organization, organizational development.
Kharitonova N.G., Ryabikov R. FORMATION OF THE INFORMATION BASE OF THE ANALYSIS OF ENTERPRISE AS THE BASES OF THE STABILIZATION OF THE ECONOMY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe authors examined the problem of the development of regularities and special features of the formation of enterprise in Russia and regions, the theoretical and practical significance of the questions, connected with an increase in the effectiveness of owner's activity and the insufficient degree of its development.Key words: enterprise, the small and medium-sized business, regional economy.
Khannanov K.M. THE ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AND THE ESTIMATION OF THE COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF REGIONS The article is dedicated to a study of the competitive ability of the Russian regions of the federation subjects, which form a part of Volga and Ural federal regions. Ranking and grouping of regions on competitive ability level are realized, control capability of the competitive ability of the regions through the conducted regional policy at the federal and regional levels is shown. Key words: region, territory, competitive ability, the integral index.
Shavrin I.P., Suleymanov M.S., Mushinskaya G.N. ON AN INCREASE IN THE ECONOMIC EFFECTIVENESS OF THE STERN BASE OF MEAT CATTLE BREEDING (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE TO ORENBURG REGION)The authors analyzed the trend of development of the branches of the meat stock raising of field, the reasons for the reduction of the production of beef are revealed. The basic directions of the effective use of a stern base in meat cattle breeding are determined. Solution of problem by the optimization of its structure is proposed. Key words: the dynamics of the carrying out of meat production, meat cattle breeding, economic effectiveness, the system of feed production, simulation, Orenburg region.
Baltin A.V. AN INCREASE IN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SYSTEM OF THE SEPARATE CALCULATION OF EXPENDITURES IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANYThe analysis of the operational system of the separate calculation of expenditures, used in the important telecommunication companies, is conducted and methodological errors are revealed and the possible ways of the optimization of the distribution of expenditures are proposed. Key words: telecommunication, the separate calculation of expenditures, base of allocation.
Baltin V.E., Skobelyeva Ye,V. THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE TAX FLOWS OF HOLDING The authors proposed the recommendation regarding the optimization of taxation in the holdings of the within the framework acting tax legislation for purposes of an increase in the effectiveness in control of the flow of money.Key words: holding, the optimization of taxation, money flows.
Melnikova T.F., Kashchenko Ye.G., Marchenko V.N., Simonova N.Yu. THE ESTIMATION OF THE COMPETITIVE CAPACITY OF ENTERPRISES OF BANK SPHERE (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGION) The authors examine definition, essence and estimation of competitive ability. They represented the results of marketing studies of the competitive ability of VTB Bank 24 (privately held company) (Orenburg city). Key words: competition, competitive ability, the estimation of competitive capacity of enterprises.
Monastyrskaya G.M. CONFIDENCE AS THE FACTOR OF THE COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF BANKThe author investigated the role of the confidence of the clients of bank in the development of bank business, the guarantee of competitive ability of bank, determined the factors, which cause the degree of the confidence of bank clients. Key words: confidence, competition, the factors of confidence, the reputation of bank, the openness of bank, brand, attitude to the services, the selection of bank.
Soldatova L.A. SPECIFIC-PROGRAM METHODS OF FINANCING THE HOUSING CONSTRUCTION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONThe author analyzed state action on formation and development of the structure of mortgage complex in the Russian Federation. The author also investigated the result of the realization of the basic indices of special-purpose program "the guarantee with the housing of young families in Orenburg region" for the years 2003-2010. She substantiated the need for development and realization of priority national programs and projects, which can change situation in the sphere of housing construction activity and ensure the solution of the most important social and economic problem. Key words: national priority program, the specific-program methods of financing, housing construction activity, mortgage complex, housing subsidies.
Fedotkina O.P., Taradayeva A.V. THE MULTIBANK DEPOSITS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE INSURANCE OF BANK DEPOSITS The author showed the need of introducing the multibank deposits as the tool of the national system of the insurance of the bank deposits for the purpose of the making more active of the process of the transformation of the economy of population in the investment for the development of the real sector of economy. In the article the author represented the diagram of the functioning of regional interbank association for work with the multibank deposit. Key words: multibank deposit, the economy of population, confidence, the system of the insurance of the bank deposits.
Chigrova N.V. THE FORMATION OF THE FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF BUDGETARY AND AUTONOMOUS ESTABLISHMENTSThe author carried out the comparative analysis of the types of state (municipal) establishments for the criteria, which determine their financial independence. Differences in the formation of their financial resources are determined. The author also refined the definition of concept "financial resources" within the framework of the activity of autonomous and budgetary establishments. Key words: budgetary establishment, autonomous establishment, financial independence, financial resources.
Chudinova O.C. THE RANKING OF THE CATEGORIES OF UNEMPLOYED ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF THEIR BEING IN DEMAND ON THE LABOR MARKETThe author examined two approaches to the ranking of the categories of unemployed, that are distinguished by their sex, age, formation, profession, presence of work experience, according to the degree of their being in demand on the labor market. The first approach is based on the regression models of panel data, the second — on the model of binary selection. Both approaches are realized based on the example of data of the center of the employment of the population of Orenburg city. Key words: unemployment, ranking, the model of panel data, model of the binary selection.
Zyuk M.A. ESTIMATION OF SINERGETICHESKY EFFECT OF VIRTUAL INTEGRATION CHAINS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SUBJECTS OF REGIONIn article the estimation mechanism synergetic effect of steady interactions of social and economic subjects of region forming an integration chain and through business process is presented. Interactions are carried out within the limits of the virtual integration platform functioning in economic-information field region, as segment of a global information infrastructure.Key words: integration, network economy, economic-information space region, virtual business process, through business process, multyagent systems.



Technical sciences

Kartashov L.P., Ushakov Yu.A. ON THE CONTROLLED PARAMETERS OF THE VACUUM SYSTEM OF MILKING INSTALLATIONThe influence of the form of the technical state of milking installation to the effectiveness of the milking of cows is investigated. The connection of estimated indices (air flow rate by milking installation, the air flow rate by the regulator of vacuum, the sum of expenditures and their difference) with the parameters of vacuum system is established. The sensitivity of the controlled parameters is analyzed. The Key words: milking installation, vacuum line, [molokoprovod], milking apparatus, the air flow rate.Key words: milking installation, vacuum line, milk delivery line, milking apparatus, the air flow rate.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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