Chudinova O.C. THE RANKING OF THE CATEGORIES OF UNEMPLOYED ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF THEIR BEING IN DEMAND ON THE LABOR MARKETThe author examined two approaches to the ranking of the categories of unemployed, that are distinguished by their sex, age, formation, profession, presence of work experience, according to the degree of their being in demand on the labor market. The first approach is based on the regression models of panel data, the second — on the model of binary selection. Both approaches are realized based on the example of data of the center of the employment of the population of Orenburg city. Key words: unemployment, ranking, the model of panel data, model of the binary selection.
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About this article
Author: Chudinova O.S.
Year: 2011
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |