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№ 13 2010

Economic sciences

Burech О.V., Bekbergeneva D.E. REGIONAL ASPECT OF DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STATE OWNERSHIPIt is revealed that the estimation of productivity of management of state ownership in regions Russian Federations is directed, on the one hand, on revealing of essence and the maintenance of management by state ownership, and with another — on results of managerial process by state ownership. Methodical recommendations are developed according to management efficiency by state ownership system in the regions Russian Federations promoting, on the one hand, achievement of the property purposes of region, and with another, to increase of property incomes in budgetary system.Key words: property, management, region, economy.
Girina A.N. TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMIC TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM IN CONTEMPORARY CONDITIONS The paper studies the transformation of economic trends in the regional socio-economic system under modern conditions. Substantiated mechanism of socio-economic development of the region. Proposed stages of development and system adaptation of the regional economy in modern conditions. Key words: transformation, economics, information, networking, post-industrial society, mechanism, management, region, development.
Davletbaeva L.F. LIFE CYCLE GOODSThe article describes the different approaches to the definition of the product life cycle, carried out ordering the product life cycle stages and are characterized by types of indicators that reflect the transition of the product life cycle from one stage to another. Key words: life cycle stage indicators.
Denisov V.T., Avdeeva E.S. BASIC STRATEGY OF THE ENTERPRISES OF THE GLASS INDUSTRYIn article strategy of development of the enterprises of the glass industry at the present stage are analyzed. Processes of merges and absorption are considered: their purposes and a consequence. The basic problems and development tendencies are described.Key words: development strategy, strategy of the integrated growth, merge, absorption.
Zinyukhina N.A. STUDY OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY ON THE LABOUR FORCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES OF THE REGION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGION)The article is devoted to research of problems of the demand and supply on the labour force in the region. The basic data on the employment structure of the population in the region, substantiates the necessity of integrated analysis and forecasting demand for labour force.Key words: labour resources, employment of the population, forecasting demand, The Orenburg area.
Lapaev S.P. FORMATION MODEL REGIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM The paper considers various approaches of economists to model the formation of a national innovation system and regional innovation systems, their structure and interaction. The model of regional innovation system. Key words: concept of economic development, national innovation system, regional innovation system, innovation, knowledge economy, economics education, globalization, competition, the typological model.
Lapaeva O.F. TRANSFORMATION OF POWER SECTOR OF ECONOMY AT TRANSITION TO POWER SAVING UP TECHNOLOGIES AND RENEWED ENERGY SOURCESIn article the prospects focused on radical innovations in power sector of the Russian economy, caused by its re-structuring because of decrease in stocks of non-renewable power resources, complication of process of their extraction, processing and transportation, wear process petro- and gas pipelines, and also deterioration of ecological conditions are considered.Key words: a fuel and energy complex, innovations, power sector, the power strategy, power saving up technologies, nonconventional renewed energy sources.
Luzhnova N.V. THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN A SYSTEM OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONSThe essence and structure of integrated marketing communications. The role of advertising in this system. Investigated approaches to the definition of "advertisement". Presented by the author's view on the nature of commercial advertising. Key words: system of integrated marketing communications, advertising, retail advertising.
Melnikova T.F., Kashchenko E.G., Luzhnova N.V., Mikhailova O.P. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL ADVERTISING The paper discusses the definition, nature, history and topics of social advertising. Studied the nature and criteria of the concept of "reklamosposobnost". The analysis of the effectiveness of social advertising based on marketing research. Key words: social advertising, marketing research, communication effectiveness
Semenov S.N., Semenov K.M., Baskov I.G., Bobrova V.V. METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES OF IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE INTEGRATIVE MANAGEMENT OF RESERVES, QUALITY AND COMPETITIVENESS OF THE BREWING SUBCOMPLEX OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.This article describes some items about the efficiency of the brewing industry in Russia, its evaluation and improvement, and reserve management and competitiveness. It proposed methods for determining the calculation base for the effectiveness of using the reserves of quality, systematic identification and implementation of the reserve of quality brewing industry over the years, and to identify the effect of the integrative quality development of brewing productsKey words: agro-industrial integration, the reserves of quality and competitiveness, efficiency, integration management.
Smirnova Е.V. THE ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF THE STATE PLANNING SYSTEMS ON THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESThe external liability employing to the research enterprise's planning by the system approach is proved theoretically. The typical attributes and the planning systems types applying on the industrial enterprises are abstracted. The principal pattern is developed.Key words: planning system, planning system"s elements, planning system's typology, organization design.
Timofeev D.N. ANALYSIS OF THE ECONOMIC SITUATION OF AGRICULTURE IN ORENBURG REGION The article reviewed the current state of agriculture in Orenburg region. Denote the strengths and weaknesses of regions and municipalities in the development of rural areas. The ways of development of socio-economic development of rural settlements. Key words: rural producers, rural areas, agriculture, sustainable development, regional policy.
Ushakova O.A. MONITORING SYSTEM FOR REGIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNINGThe article describes the features of formation and development of strategic planning in the practice of the Russian regions. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of regional strategic plans and evaluating results. It is proposed to create an effective regional monitoring system for tracking the quality of strategic nature at every stage of their development, validation and implementation, given the necessary conditions for the formation of a monitoring system, justified the list of indicators, criteria for evaluating the quality of planning. Key words: region, regional management, strategic planning, regional development strategy, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of strategic plans, regional monitoring system.
Sharipov T.F. THE OPTIMIZATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE WHILE MODERNIZING AN ENTERPRISE'S PLANNING ACTIVITY AT THE PRESENT STAGE This article describes the content and possibilities of centralized and decentralized planning process at an enterprise in period of its modernization. It puts a special focus on organizational and structural of planning at an enterprise and presents the organizing scheme for planning with a special group places at the top. The author studies the factors that form this group, its functions and structure. Besides, the article shows the role distribution between this group and other functional subdivisions in the modernization of planning process at an enterprise. Key words: modernization, instruments of planning, centralized and decentralized forms of planning, the organizing structure of planning, modernization's group of planning.
Shevchenko A.A. BALANCING "REGION-ENTERPRISE" SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONSIn the present article stages of forming for management decisions at all levels of management are presented. Features of management decisions acceptance at the regional level are allocated. The special attention is given to accountancy for decisions of the coordination of its purposes with the municipal unions in the conditions of economy modernization. The mathematical model for object in view achievement is presented. Related materials can be used in activity of control at different levels in educational process.
Arystanov А.А. ACADEMIK ANALYSIS OF DEFINITIONS "CLEARING SETTLEMENT" AND "PAYMENT SYSTEM"Academic analysis of definitions "credit transfer system" and "payment system" was held. The relation between two definitions has succession, and the key dereferences of the components depended on information technology influence. The main elements of the payment system were pointed out, which could direct the development in their coordination.Key words: clearing settlement system, payment system, account, payment, calculated document, mean of account, circulation of documents.
Arystanov А.А. REAL TIME GROSS SETTTLEMENT SYSTEMS (BANK OF RUSSIA)The basic tendencies of system of on-line gross accounting were analyzed. The main steps of formation in the Russian system, its characteristics and functions were pointed out. the importance of electronic bank due payments was considered as one of the main direction of payment system development in Russia.Key words: payment system, clearing settlement, intraregional electronic payments, interregional electronic accounts, special participant of accounting, associated participant of accounts.
Baltina A.M. BALANCED SCORECARD AS A TOOL OF THE RESULT-ORIENTED BUDGETINGThe concept of Balanced Scorecard is adapted for government sector: features and creation stages are allocated, levels are defined, the additional direction is introduced.Key words: balanced scorecard, the government sector, efficiency.
Bulatova Y.I. SOURCES OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE SUBJECT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONThe paper identified and analyzed the main sources of investment in the region and their place in the investment process, the author 's interpretation of the term "financial potential of the investment activity"; isolated elements of the financial potential of the investment activity.Key words: financial potential, investment, investment activities, financial resources.
Butko L.A. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF CONCEPT "LIFE-INSURANCE"A concept "Life-insurance" is analysed, summarizing determination of life-insurance is reasonable. The difference of life-insurance is shown from risk kinds, his aims, necessity, are marked for the participants of insurance.Key words: life-insurance, aims of life-insurance, underwriting, necessity of life-insurance.
Gorina I.V. INTERRELATION OF THE CREDIT AND REPRODUCTION PROCESS: THE THEORETICAL APPROACHThe theoretical importance of article consists in representation deepening about development the credit and reproduction process. The logic of research of interrelation of the credit and reproduction process, taking into account evolution of the points of view is proved. Functional and institutional bases of interaction of credit and real sectors of economy reveal. Key words: reproduction process, the loan capital, the credit, the naturalistic theory of the credit, capital the credit theory, reproduction credit function.
Dziuban S.V. PROCESS APPROACH TO EVALUATE THE QUALITY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS Investigated the use of modern process approach to quality management of banking activities and the possibility of using a standardized quality management in a commercial bank. The criteria of quality control. Key words: banking activities, standards for quality banking products, assess the quality of bank management.
Donetskova O.Yu. INTERSECTORAL COOPERATION FINANCIL INTERMEDIARIESInvestigated motive interaction of financial intermediaries in the process of financial intermediation. The factors that influence the interaction of financial intermediaries. Identified the need to create a single regulatory institution.Key words: financial intermediaries, the forms, motives and factors interactions.
Donetskova O.Yu. NATURE AND SPECIFICITY OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATIONInvestigated stages of development of financial intermediation. Defined functions performed by financial intermediaries. The features of the modern theory of intermediation.Key words: financial intermediation, financial industry and banks.
Zverkov A.I. THEORETICAL APPROACHES EXTENSION BANKING The article considers approaches Uppsala school, the theory of information advantages H. Grubelya, dynamic and evolutionary concepts Storpera M. and R. Walker, and the theory of the firm L. Hokanson as possible directions to the justification stage of the expansion of banks in modern conditions. Key words: approaches Uppsala school (J. Yuhanson), the theory of information advantages H. Grubelya, stage of expansion, the concept Storpera M. and R. Walker, L. Hokanson.
Zverkova T.N. RATINGS OF BANK BRANCHES In the article features the analysis of bank branches, analyzed, and suggested approaches to justifying the use of complex-rated activities of branches.Key words: rating score, analysis of bank branches, the method of analysis.
Zuyeva M.O. THEORY OF MONEY LOAN TRANSMISSIONThe paper considers the theory of money loan transmission. The channels of influence on business cycle are analyzed. Key words: money loan transmission, money supply, interest rate, loan issue, legal reserve ratios, credit limitation, money-market, liquidity deficit, real sector of economy, Central bank.
Izmalkova E.A. THE CENTRAL BANK IN THE REFINANCING SYSTEM OF COMMERCIAL BANKSThe article states the basic results of research of refinancing systems of commercial banks by the foreign central banks. In the article determined the main features of the central bank as a subject of commercial banks refinancing. Formulated proposals of increase the availability of commercial banks to the Bank of Russia Refinancing system. Key words: The refinancing system, the central bank, tools of refinancing.
Lupandina E.A. BANK CONTROL AND LESSONS OF THE CRISISMotivated need of the revealing the problems to bank activity on more early stage. The Certain role of the bank control for observance of the rules of the play. The Offered directions of the development надзорных measures in bank business.Key words: banks, bank risks, bank control and regulation.
Miheeva N.N. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOME WAYS TO ENHANCE THE CAPITAL OF COMMERCIAL BANKSThe article analyzes the possible sources of growth capital base of the Russian commercial banks are considered and their advantages and disadvantages. Particular attention is paid to capital increase regional banks than large banks. Key words: bank capital, capital base, increasing capital.
Monastyrskaya G.M. EVALUATION OF THE CONCENTRATION OF BANKING MARKETWe study the evaluation of the competitive environment in the banking market. Analysis of the concentration level of the banking market in Russia by assets, capital and deposits with Herfindahl — Hirschman Index. Key words: competition, regulation of competition, concentration, concentration ratio, Herfindahl — Hirschman Index.
Mordvintseva N.V. RETAIL BANKINGThe article analyzes the conditions and trends in the retail banking business in Russia. The deviation from the Russian retail banking in Central and Eastern Europe. The strategies to improve the profitability of retail banking business in Russia. Key words: bank, retail banking, consumer finance, marketing, product line, product.
Panina D.S. RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF TRENDS OF PAYMENTS TOOL: THE EXPERIENCE OF RUSSIA The article identified the major trends of historical development of payment instruments in the Russian practice. Based on a retrospective analysis concluded that the cyclicity of the vector and full compliance of its development objective, the real situation in the country's economic situation and changes in the payment tools can serve as a barometer of economic reforms as regressive and progressive nature. Key words: instruments of payment of money surrogates, payment transactions, the method of payment, trade relations, representative value, cash economy.
Proskurina N.S. SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURAL LOAN IN RUSSIA: STATE REGULATIONThis paper addresses the problem of the role of state regulation of the system of agricultural Loan in Russia, analyses the present forms of state support to agricultural enterprises in Russia, reveals their disadvantages and drawbacks. It is suggested to expand subsidies among all agricultural producers, simplify the Loan mechanism and facilitate the access to the bank loans. Key words: state regulation of agricultural loan, tax preferences, agricultural insurance, loan state guarantee.
Stahnyuk A.V. STATUS AND PROSPECTS OF THE BANKING EXPANSION The theoretical bases of expansion of banks. Reveals factors of the banking expansion and justified by the prospects of its development in the region. Key words: banking, banking, bank expansion, the bank's competition, the banking infrastructure.
Subhankulova A.I. CREDITING OF THE BUILDING INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA: THE PROBLEM OF THE ESTIMATION OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE BORROWERIn article we develop recommendations for application in work as banks for the purpose of decrease in risks and increase in efficiency of crediting of the building industry, ways of a solution of a problem of an estimation of a financial condition of the borrower — the building organization in particular are offered.Key words: crediting of the building industry, credit risks, an estimation of a financial condition of the borrower, modules of a complex estimation of credit status of the borrower — the building organization.
Fedoseeva J.A. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF FINANCIAL REGULATION OF REMUNERATIONThe article considers the approaches of contemporary authors to the concept of "financial regulation". Formulated by the author's definition of the term "financial regulation of wages; a classification of subjects, methods and tools of financial regulation of wages.Key words: financial regulation, wages.
Khabibulina V.М., Sadykov, L.M. CONTENTS AND LEVELS OF FORMATION OF THE STRATEGY DTVELOPTENT OF INSURANCE COMPANIESThe authors draw attention to the fact that among scientists there is no consensus the concept of "strategy". The article discusses the strategy of the insurance company, as an essential element for its further development, as well as the basic levels of its formation. Key words: strategy, insurance product, purpose, mission, an insurance company plan.
Buresh O.V., Batrov V.A. SHORT-TERM FORECASTING OF THE PRICES FOR THE BASIC GRADES OF BREAD MADE BY THE ENTERPRISE ON THE BASIS OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL TIME NUMBERSIn article results of forecasting of the prices for the basic grades of bread on the basis of adaptive models are resulted. At the simplicity these models, at the expense of a principle of discounting of the information, can yield more exact results, than difficult econometric model. Key words: the forecast, grades of bread, the price, adaptive models of forecasting.
Gushchina A.A. STUDY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS ON PRICE SQ. M. HOUSING IN THE SECONDARY MARKET OF BLAGOVESHCHENSK This article attempts to conduct a scientifically sound collection of data on the influence of quantitative and qualitative factors on housing prices in the secondary market of Blagoveshchensk. Existing laws are formulated in this market by identifying relationships by statistical methods: graphical, tabular, correlation. Key words: secondary housing market, the price of housing, the impact of factors on the price distribution, the relationship between factors and the price of housing.
Kurmanova A.H. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF FORMATION OF THE ACCOUNTING (FINANCIAL) REPORTING OF THE ECONOMIC SUBJECTThe general concepts of drawing up of the accounting (financial) reporting of the economic subject, opening principles of its preparation are considered. Basic principles and the principles providing qualitative characteristics according to domestic standards of accounting are defined. The qualities of the financial reporting providing utility for interested users in modern conditions are opened.Key words: the accounting (financial) reporting, preparation principles, qualitative characteristics, the accounting information
Pankova S.V., Kiseleva O.V. APPLICATION OF COMPLEX ECONOMIC ANALYSIS' TOOLS OF THE ENTERPRISE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE AUDITING PROCESS This article considered value of analytical procedures for auditor's understanding of client activity. Main objectives and functions of the complex economic analysis are stated; existing analysis techniques of a financial position and development of the organizations are considered, their acceptability for auditing is estimated, the dynamic approach to calculation of an integrated indicator of the organization development, based on application of relative sizes is offered.Key words: the economic analysis, audit, analytical procedures, an integrated indicator.
Tsypin A.P. COMPARABILITY OF INDICATORS, THE PHENOMENA AND PROCESSES IN TIME: PROBLEM STATEMENTIn article the available material in the field of comparability of time numbers is generalized and on this basis the author the technique of reduction of levels of a time number to the uniform basis is offered.Key words: comparability, statistics, time numbers, incomparability in dynamics, technique of comparison of levels.
Buresh A.I. FUNDAMENTAL COST THE ANALYSIS OF THE JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONOn the basis of the fundamental cost analysis selection of the enterprises which actions will be included into an investment portfolio is made. The most reliable, backbone and profitable enterprises are analyzed.Key words: investments, the SWOT-analysis, fundamental cost the analysis, model of Black-Scholes.
Buresh O.V, Beljaeva M.A. FUZZY ALTERNATIVE NETWORK MODEL ANALYSIS AND PROJECT PLANNING UNDER UNCERTAINTYWe propose an alternative fuzzy network model analysis and project planning to allow a multivariate analysis of project plans in the face of uncertainty, improve decision support on choosing the most viable options for the project.Key words: the project, uncertainty, network model, practicability, fuzzy graph.
Buresh O.V, Zhuck M.A. THE APPROACH TO FORMATION ECONOMIC-INFORMATION FIELD REGION ON THE BASIS OF THE AGENTIn article formation pressing questions economic-information field region within the limits of realization of the state strategy of modernization and an intensification of a regional industrial policy are considered. The offered concept the agent architecture regional economic-information field allows to realize systems of support of decision-making of regional level, adaptive to environment changes. Key words: region, an information field, economic space, the agent, multiagent environment, knowledge bases, accumulation of knowledge.
Zhuck M.A., Omelchenko T.V. MODELING OF PROCESS OF ACCUMULATION OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE LABOUR MARKET BASED ON FRAME-PRESENTATIONThis article explores current issues in intellectual information support management decisions to regulate the balance of the labour-market at the level of municipality on city of Orenburg. Principal stated intellectual information system is a system of accumulation of knowledge about the labour-market, modeling based on knowledge representation model frameset. Key words: labour-market, intelligent information system, knowledge base, frame.
Renner A.G. TO THE QUESTION ON CONSTRUCTION AND THE ANALYSIS OF ONE-SECTOR MODEL OF ECONOMYWithin the limits of certain assumptions about dynamics of employment the one-sector stochastic model of economy is under construction and analyzed.Key words: endowment fund, economic productivity, the formula of Ito, the stochastic differential equation.
Renner Y.A., Olhovaya O.N., Shajahmetova R.M., Yarkova O.N. TO THE QUESTION ON MODELING OF FUNCTION OF THE ACCESSORYIn article results approaches to modeling of function of an accessory and realization of these approaches on an example of a problem of an estimation of market cost of the enterprise of petroleum industry are presented. Key words: a linguistic variable, accessory function, a term-set, market cost, casual process.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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