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№ 2š(202),š22šfebruaryš2017



Kabisheva M.I., GlasinÁ T.A. FUNCTIONFL DISORDERS MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM STUDENTS (AN EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY)Musculoskeletal system is the basis of posture and is of great importance in human life. Violation of posture are quite common among students. During medical examinations at universities revealed a significant number of students with defects of posture and flat feet. After identifying functional on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, UTS utstvuet complex system of physical culturÅ molecular rehabilitation students. In this regard, the study functional violations GRO angles motor apparata requires constant monitoring and surveillance. Revealed functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system OSU students. In 36š% of the students are incorrect posture, and in 48š% there is a slight asymmetry. In 44š% of the students is determined by the flat and 24š% of the students have, and incorrect posture and flat feet. These data suggest that students who have flat feet, there are problems with posture. Currently existing techniques and methods for diagnosing disorders of the musculoskeletal system are directed, or the diagnosis of flat feet, or the diagnosis of posture disorders. No integrated system diagnosis of the condition of the musculoskeletal system that allows you to evaluate a complex morphoš— functional state of the spine, feet and muscular system. It is therefore necessary to develop a system aimed at creating a radically new innovative integrated program of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of sports complex functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system at the students.Key words: musculoskeletal device, functional violations, program of early diagnostics, complex of sports rehabilitation, student.
Simonenkov V.S., Gilazieva S.R., Shumilina N.S. GENERAL PHYSICAL TRAINING WHEN TRAINING SHOOTING STUDENTSWhen shooting the body of a student is experiencing significant physical stress. It's caused by a monotonous static effort, which is the cause of poor circulation Hold weapons in postures, breath-hold when aiming lead to stiffness of the chest and development of shallow breathing, which leads to lower lung capacity. Posture hand posture worsens, develops a stooped posture that distorts the spine. In addition to physical activity, and arrows are experiencing great stress. To withstand the high training and competition loads on the muscular and nervous system need to be well prepared physically. It is necessary to use different means of general and special physical training. General fitness exercises aimed at developing strength, overall endurance, speed, agility. They are also a means of active recreation arrow. One of the most important means of general physical training arrow are general developmental exercises. Complexes of these exercises are made with taking into account the impact on different muscle groups. The next group of assets constitute some cyclic kinds of sports: swimming, running, walking, skiing, skating. By means of general physical training and sports are: volleyball, badminton, basketball, handball, football, tennis. To develop strength endurance arrow advisable to use complexes of isometric exercises. Classes can be conducted by the method of circuit training. The overall physical fitness necessary to include complexes shooters breathing exercises that are aimed at improving the work of the respiratory muscles, increase lung capacity and ventilation. Dosing exercise, its direction is determined by the individual functional state and physical development of the shooters. Special physical preparation arrow promotes more rapid acquisition and development of specific motor skills.Key words: shooting, a program set by the TRP, general physical exercise, general developmental exercises, cyclic sports, isometric exercises, sports, special physical training arrow.
Udovichenko E.V., Gorban I.G., Zaikin M.V. THE SOCIAL IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTSOne of the main accents of normal and healthy activity of the person is driving. Driving in its various manifestations is the basis for any activity in which the person makes personal growth, self-actualizes and shown. The activity sociality in a wide comprehension of this thesis is that the person as a building block of society self-expresses and mediated only in activity which at various stages of socialization is characterized by interaction of the person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (a class, team, work collective) and finishing society in general. Still some time ago it was considered that in the conditions of a reorganization of the social and economic mechanism of our country, emergence and development of labor market, transition to informational society the need for experts with a high level of intellectual creative activity, in deepening of integration of science, production and education began to be felt more. Modernization of system of vocational training of specialized shots assumed providing national economy with the experts capable to work in the conditions of informational community, ready to master and develop the latest technologists without prejudice to a surrounding medium and the person. However the analysis of experience of development of education of the majority of the countries developed industrially allowed to reveal a number of the most significant tendencies of development of professional education from the point of view of education of personal physical culture of the person and her inclusiveness in a social context of corporate behavior model on production, such as: tendencies the professiograficheskikh of researches of physical qualities of the expert, formation of culture of individual and group health, a sociocultural orientation of professional and applied physical culture, ecology of health of the expert and ekologo-valeological approaches to the organization of activity on production. Physical culture can be effectively used to improve mental and psycho-physiological qualities of students which are necessary in the formation of professional competences: stress resistance, psychological stability, personal and situational anxiety. Physical culture of future expert, and also the culture of his health integrating in themselves ecological, valeological unity, physical perfecting and ability to opposition to factors of production risks are the new formed pattern of justification of a significance of a social role of physical culture, perception by future professional of the image in production space and collective existence in the conditions of exercise of professional activity.Key words: social aspects of physical education, integration physical culture physical culture professional, corporate culture, production team, social opportunities of physical culture.

Philological sciences

Krapivina M.Yu., Streneva N.V. LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH TEACHING FOR SPECIAL PURPOSESIn this paper, we present a study of the problem of organizing the process of teaching students of the university English language for special purposes, taking into account linguocultural features. The author assesses the role of English in the modern world and in the global economy. English continues to change the language behavior of people around the globe and is currently the main tool for large-scale bilingualism. In this regard, the article identifies and analyzes the main linguocultural features inherent in representatives of different regional business communities and are reflected in the language of professional communication. The article shows the growing need for a cross-cultural component of the ESP course program. The basic requirements for this course, such as analyzing the needs of students and the pragmatic focus of the content, should be adjusted taking into account the cultural characteristics of potential professionals in their field of economics and language users. This implies taking into account not only the language and professional needs of students, but also their cultural experience. They should gain a deeper understanding of cultural values, corporate culture norms, verbal and non-verbal communication, professional jargon inherent in representatives of different cultures. Further in the article, the main requirements for the design of ESP courses at the university are described: the communicative orientation and consideration of the linguocultural features of professional communication. Based on this, the main stages of the organization of the English language course for special purposes are presented: basic, modeling, and productive. The main components of each stage are described: cognitive, activity, motivational and value. Thus, the author substantiates the need to develop a methodological and theoretical basis for the implementation of this component of the English language course for special purposes.Key words: linguocultural features, English for special purposes, communicative behavior, international business communities, communicative orientation of training, potential users of the language.
Moroz V.V. CREATIVE APPROACH TO ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES TEACHINGOne of the main goals of higher education in the modern world is producing universal knowledge beyond geographical and political boundaries, mutual understanding and cultural cooperation. Knowledge of professionally oriented foreign language expands professional competence of a future specialist, opens access to the world resources, and improves his competitive advantage not only nationally but worldwide. Creativity being the strategic component of the modern period is characterized by generating new ideas rather than information acquisition. But until now there is a controversy between the declaration of the necessity to develop students' creativity and dominance of reproductive style in a student-teacher interaction in a university educational process. Applying creative approach to teaching process facilitates the use of the most important resource that is human resource. Creative-value interaction stimulates every participant's individual and creative abilities while co-activity enriched by mutual values, knowledge and experience leads to a creative product development. The scope of creative activities that improve ESP teaching is rather wide. Applying some principles such as principle of change, random, associations, withholding– information, and creating certain conditions will help to effectively use creative approach in foreign language teaching.Key words: creative approach, creative interaction, foreign languages teaching.
Raptanova I.N. LEARNING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE THROUGH USAGE OF COMMUNICATION INTERNET TECHNOLOGYModern university graduates should be characterized by such qualities as: the ability to apply existing knowledge in practice; the ability to suggest new ideas, to think extraordinary; the ability to work professionally with the flow of information (to find information, analyze it, synthesize, compare, establish regularities, draw conclusions); the ability to communicate, work in a team; the ability for self-development. In other words, society needs independently thinking citizens capable for self-realization on the basis of objective self-assessment. The number of students, who are aware of the vital need for self-assertion and self-realization, is constantly increasing. To help future graduates to become competent citizens is the duty of a teacher, who nowadays plays the role of a facilitator and a consultant in the implementation of students' self-cognitive-search activities. Teacher's activity should be directed not only to control students' knowledge and skills, but also to diagnose their educational process. Learning a foreign language at the University is associated with the formation of students' communicative competence, which is understood as the ability to match the linguistic means with the certain situations, capabilities and communication objectives. After mastering the communicative competence the graduate can use foreign language in his future career. The implementation of communication and Internet technologies into the educational process will greatly facilitate the process of a student's communicative competence forming. These new information technologies will fully reveal the potential of teachers and students.Key words: information and communication technologies, telecommunications, foreign language, communicative competence, independence, independent work.
Fomichenko A.S. FEATURES OF SOCIAL PERCEPTIONIn psychological and pedagogical aspect the problem of interpersonal perception has been seen by many Russian and foreign psychologists and teachers. According to obtained data person's images of other people, recycled and summed up, transform into information, which regulates the production of person's certain forms of behaviour. In other words, in the process of interpersonal perception and understanding of human, a certain set of attitudes, generalizations, and standards allows attributing persons to a specific category in the process of interaction with other people. Among socioš— perceptual mechanisms, that is, the ways in which people understand interpret and appreciate other people, one can distinguish the mechanisms of empathy (understanding another person by emotional entering in his feelings), projection (unconscious vesting another person with person's own motives), identification (understanding and interpretation of another person by identifying himself with him), reflection (a process of understanding other person by thinking for him), stereotyping (the perception and evaluation of others through the distribution the characteristics of a particular social group) and attribution. In the attributive theories the process of interpersonal knowledge is reduced to the desire of people to build a certain system of interpretation of the behavior of each other, particular its reasons. The result of interpersonal perception, according to them, is a subjective judgment about the causality of the behavior of another person or a whole system. Such judgments are called “causal attribution”.Key words: social perception, interpersonal perception, the mechanisms of perception, causal attribution.
Mosienko L.V., Khazhgalieva G.Kh. THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLYLINGUAL CULTURE AS THE GOAL OF MODERN LANGUAGE EDUCATIONGlobalization, integration processes taking place in the world, in the world community, bring to the forefront new urgent issues related to the formation of a personality capable of active life in a multinational, multicultural environment with a developed sense of respect and understanding of other cultures and peoples. In this connection, there is a need to reorient the aims of education to polylogic communication methods based on respect for the diversity of cultures, traditions, languages of different peoples, taking into account the principles of multiculturalism and linguistic pluralism for the formation of an integral picture of the world, the value self-determination of the individual in the polyilingual educational space. The polylingual educational space, in our understanding, is a complex, open, dynamic reality filled with diverse and polyphonic meanings that help the participants of the educational process to join the cultural heritage and the cultural process as a whole for the subsequent self-identification and self-realization in life, knowledge, work and communication, On the one hand, on the other handš— it allows us to gain valuable personal senses, develop the ability to be personally involved in the process of cognition and self-knowledge. Analysis of the literature on the research problem made it possible to clarify the pedagogical essence of the term “polylingival culture”, which globally means a set of indicators reflecting the level of “prevalence of languages” in the educational space, as well as the level of possession of native and non-native languages in the space of a particular society. In a narrower sense, the polylingual culture is a complex integral personality formation that includes cognitive, value and activity components characterized by a certain level of linguistic, linguistic, cultural and cultural knowledge, a value attitude to the languages and cultures of the peoples of the languages studied and to their native language and culture, Active creative, communicative activity.Key words: the purpose of language education, polylingual educational space, polylinguistic personality, polylingival culture, value self-determination.
Osiyanova A.V. LINGVO-COMMUNICATIVE PORTFOLIO AS A MEAN OF PHILOLOGY STUDENT REFLEXIVE EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS The renovation of the strategies of for the preparation of the specialists ready for the professional skills realization, active socially, competent, able to perform interpersonal interaction. It needs relevant means for self-esteem of lingvo-communicative culture as a mark of verbal activity subjects development. The portfolio given in the article is considered as a mean of reflexive educational achievements of a philology student studying a foreign language. Lingvo-communicative portfolio is a personal document that allows a student to define his level of lingvo-communicative culture by himself, to be taught to appreciate relevantly educational achievements, to see the goal of lingvo-communicative culture acquirement, to built the route of its perfection. Being the mean of control and appreciation the results of education. The lingvo-communicative portfolio is oriented to the systemization of the experience of lingvo-communicative culture acquirement and to help a philology student with self-searching and self-esteem of his educational activity. What has been already achieved and what are the potential abilities. The structural parts of the lingvo-communicative portfolio are presented: the table of the self-esteem of students lingvo-communicative culture, control sheets for the self-esteem, individual programme to improve lingvo-communicative culture, student's experiences of working with the portfolio. The control sheets for the self-esteem coincide three levels of the lingvo-communicative culture according to which the self-esteem is realized. LevelšA is reproduce, levelšB is reproduce-creative, levelšC is creative. For each level in the lingvo-communicative portfolio philology students are given integral descriptors according to indexes of emotive, cognitive, pragmatist and reflexive components of the lingvo-communicative culture which can be used as the manual for the teachers dealing with the lingvo-communicative culture formation within the educational process of a higher school. The importance of student's understanding of the given experience of the reflexive activity in the lingvo-communicative culture formation based on the studied subjects. The conditions to help the lingvo-communicative portfolio individuate the process of philology student's lingvo-communicative culture formation in a foreign language are presented. Key words: lingvo-communicative culture reflexive portfolio, descriptors, self-esteem table, control sheets, individual programme, self-esteem, self-searching.
Osiyanova O.M. SYSTEM OF METHODOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE OF STUDENTS' UNSUPERVISED WORK IN COMPETENCY-BASED UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONOne of the main tasks of modern university education is training graduates with a high level of professional competency and all-round personal development. The system of methodological assistance of philology students' unsupervised work introduced in the article constitutes the phenomenon helping develop a person capable to long-life learning, enriching his knowledge and practical experience. Students' unsupervised work is defined as a planned activity realized according to a certain task and under a teacher's methodological guidance but without his direct participation. It is characterized by personal cognitive needs and motives, personal working time pattern, self-assessment, free choice of its place and time realization. In order to manage philology students' unsupervised work, guarantee its purposefulness, continuity and productivity a system of methodological assistance has been developed. The system includes teachers and students, aim, content, methods, forms, means, activity of educational process members. This system is open, dynamic, purposeful, anthropocentric, complicated and self-managed. The management of students' unsupervised work on the part of teachers and self-management on the part of students is carried out with the help of necessary points of orientation (objectives, principles, knowledge, experience, stimuli), which function as an instrumental orientation foundation, providing a transition from the passive form of learning to the active one. Students' acquisition of orientation points is carried out in three stages: teacher's orientation in the arrangements of unsupervised work; mutual discussion of possible points of orientation usage; unsupervised construction of points of orientation system according to the tasks set. An important role in unsupervised activity skills progress is played by group work at extracurricular time, cooperation “in horizontal direction” and proper assessment of the attained results. The importance of basic didactic materials is marked; effective conditions of students' unsupervised work management with the help of points of orientation are formulated. In conclusion it is noted that the system of methodological assistance of students' unsupervised work aimed at “reflexive management” (self-management) is very important for effective learning of domain knowledge. Key words: unsupervised work, reflexive management, points of orientation, orientation activity, cooperation “in horizontal direction”.
Platova E.D. THE POTENCIAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN STUDENTS' INTERACTION SKILLS DEVELOPMENT The article regards cross-cultural communication as university interactive educational environment and describes its potential in students' interaction skills development. Among skills of interaction they distinguish communicative, creative and reflexive ones which are realized in accordance with communicative situation on the basis of present knowledge. Communicative skills of interaction include speech and non-speech skills. The first ones are connected with the speech skills of perception, expression and influence. The second ones deal with the non-verbal behavior of a subject in interaction. Creative skills of interaction contribute to the creation of emotional comfort in communication, help a subject to act confidently in new conditions, to find an approach to any interlocutor. Reflexive skills concern the subject's demonstration of the objective treatment both to interlocutor and situation. Cross-cultural communicationš— is the reality of subjects' interaction (individuals, groups, organizations), belonging to different cultures and subcultures, aiming to exchange valuable information adapted to the current norms and traditions with the help of corresponding system of signs, rules and techniques. The potential of cross-cultural communication in development of interactive skills (communicative, creative and reflexive ones) is revealed in creation of interactive educational environment, providing their development by way of culture. Being distinguished by plurality, situational and unpredictable character, cross-cultural educational environment includes ethno-socio-cultural context, situation, background knowledge, speech act as subjects' interaction that give it interactive quality. Being the basis of any interactive learning method, communicative-interactive task is regarded as the main unit of interaction skills development. Key words: skills of interaction; cross-cultural communication; potential; interactive educational environment; communicative-interactive task.
Polyanichko M.V., Urbanovich L.Yu. TYPICAL MISTAKES OF STUDYING ENGLISH PHONETICS IN NON-LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITIESThis article considers phonetics not only as a brunch of linguistics but also as one of the main reasons of typical mistakes which students of non-linguistic universities often commit while beginning to start learning a new foreign language. Aspects needed for the more successful learning of phonetics as the first step of mastering international communicative skills are viewed, as well as the ways of avoiding these mistakes for a more productive studying of a new foreign language. Special attention is dedicated to the specifics of studying English in non-linguistic universities, as well as to the phonetic exercises as the essential way in mastering the skills of international communication. Social role and meaning of phonetics in everyday life is viewed and also its presentation in the world literature. A lot of different ways of studying phonetics, practical recommendations, examples of using phonetic symbols and typical mistakes (as well as the ways to avoid them) are thoroughly studied. A very important role of studying phonetic transcription, articulation, sound system, speech structure, diphthongs, intonation, homographs, stress and phonetic exercises in studying English language phonetics is researched. Phonetics is discovered to be one of the reasons of typical mistakes which students of non-linguistic universities often commit while beginning to start learning a new foreign language to help to avoid these mistakes and to achieve the best results in mastering the subject.Key words: phonetics, transcription, articulation, sound system, speech structure, phonetic alphabet, communication, sounds, diphthongs, intonation, homographs, English language, stress, phonetic exercises.
Tuchkova E.Yu. INDUCING EFFECT OF IMPROVISATION IN COMMUNICATION SITUATIONS MODELLINGModern tendencies of language learning are focused on the formation of a man of culture, aimed at maximum result and self-realization in global information context. Activity features of communication determine the choice of educational means and techniques, which most benefit the development of communicative competence and balanced personality growth. Herewith, communication situations serve as an essential and sufficient condition for oral activity in the process of learning. The enhancement of communication situations features in the process of foreign language teaching leads to the necessity of revelation of problem-speech situations potential in the aspect of their influence on the speech activity of learners. This brings us to the phenomenon of improvisation seen as one of possible means of verbal activity intensification, as well as to the inducing effect of improvisation understood as ability to affect the length and the quality of speech in highly realistic communication situations. The main summary of the research presented is the idea that improvisation is able to form the skill of spontaneous decision making and action within the suggested situations and, thus, influences the learners' abilities to make communicative decisions and be responsible for their communication aims.Key words: verbal communication culture, communicative situations, problem-speech situations, improvisation.
Korobejnikova A.A. SPEAKING IN SINGING VERSUS PRONOUNCING STANDARDSThe man's voiceš— is the clearest sign of individuality. Possession of voice is caused by human experience and the level of its social and cultural education. Since the time of ancient rhetoric research interest in the nature of the human voice continues unabated and is reflected in the writings of modern scientists. The latter is partly due to the ever-increasing number of people wishing to become professionals in the field of academic, pop, folk and choral singing. Having the experience of teaching the subject “Russian language and culture of speech” in the Orenburg State Institute of Arts L. and M. Rostropovich, we wondered about, in no way should be followed vocalists pronouncing norms of the literary language. The study of the pronunciation in the process of singing leads to a deeper understanding of the laws governing the functioning of the language system as a whole, because it is a vocal part of the language culture. Singing as “omuzykalennaya speech” is being implemented in its oral form. Therefore, ignorance of the rules of Russian literary pronunciation, as well as failure to comply with the basic rules and methods of articulation negatively affect the perception and understanding of the lyrics listeners. However, singers need to thoughtfully approach the correlation of singing pronunciation with a natural voice.Key words: Russian literary language, speaking, orthoepy singing.
Egorova N.V. THE WORD-“CENTAURS” IN THE TEXT OF DOCUMENTSThe appearance of a significant number of words in a foreign writing in the texts of different styles and genres contributes to active borrowing of lexical items. Not all the words in Latin script eventually disappear from the lexical structure, giving way to Cyrillic units mastered by the language; some of them are fixed in the language not only as words, but as the first part of a compound word, the second component of which is a word in Russian writing. A relatively new phenomenon is the formation of the so-called words-”centaurs”. There are different approaches to vocabulary classification: according to one of them, these words are denied affiliation to the Russian language and the ability to fix them lexicographically. According to another approach, one can not deny their existence in the lexical system of the Russian language and exclude them from the description in the dictionaries. This article deals with the features of the words-”centaurs” functioning in the texts of the documents at the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21, fixing them in the composition of dictionaries, dictionary entries are analyzed. The study showed that the words-”centaurs” underwent the secondary borrowing, now internal, without going through all the stages of the borrowed words adaptation in the host language. It is worth to emphasize that internal borrowing was done by one of the most rigorous and conservative linguistically functional stylesš— the official business style of literary language. The use of the words-”centaurs” in the text of the official-business style indicates that the sources of vocabulary enrichment can be the words from the texts of other styles, in particular journalistic and scientific.Key words: word-“centaurs”, a loan word, officially-business style, dictionary, document.
Khrushcheva O.A. MODERN RUSSIAN BLENDS REFLECTING CULTURE Language study on the ground of cultural linguistics is a promising and popular activity; its results provide the basis to judge not only the language itself but also its speakers' mind. The paper analyzes language units of the secondary word building type, i.e. blends. Meanwhile they are getting more widespread in various languages due to their extraordinary form and content. The author focuses on blends functioning in the modern Russian language and their links with national culture, in particular the way culture concepts are reflected in language units. The paper defines and describes culture blends, as well as provides the analysis of their potential source words. A standard word unit as well as a precedent phrase or an idiom may serve the basis for culture blends. The given lexemes are characterized by specific emotional and attitudinal shades of meaning. Appealing to the term everyday culture has allowed pointing out thematic fields of Russian blends. Analyzing Russian blends with culture connotations allows to figure out speakers' nature and current circumstances in the country and to evaluate historical events and innovations through the insider's eyes as well as to observe the people's attitude to some realia. Culture blends are key words of the epoch that need to be studied on the ground of political and social sciences. Key words: blend, blending, everyday culture, national culture, culture blends, cultural linguistics.
Evstafiadi O.V. TRANSFORMATIONS OF ENGLISH SEMI-PREDICATIVE CONDITIONAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN TRANSLATION INTO RUSSIANSemi-predicative conditional constructions that make the structure of an elementary sentence complex are the variant of the prolonged syntactical form with the semantics of condition. Such structures imply a conditional situation. The author examines an urgent problem of interlingual transformations which make the translation adequate. The main purpose of the article is to describe interlingual transformations used while translating the compressed forms of an elementary sentence which have a semi-predictive character from English into Russian. The author uses such linguistic methods as the analysis of structure and function, the analysis of semantics and context, the comparative-contrastive method. The research shows the types of semi-predicative constructions which are capable to imply condition in the English fiction texts such as the combinations of the noun, the pronoun, the gerund with the prepositions with, without, but for; the combinations of the gerund with the preposition by; the infinitive and the gerund functioning as the subject of the sentence; the for-to-infinitive construction; the absolute construction with the participle. The markers that help to interpret these structures as conditional are defined. The author determines two main tendencies in transferring semi-predictive conditional constructions from English into Russian and the interlingual transformations which either provide the preserving of an implied condition in the translation or make it explicit. The transference of the semi-predictive conditional structures requires the usage of grammatical transformations such as zero transformation, conversion, changes of a semi-predicative construction for a synonymic predicative one, which involve the change of the word-order and semantic changes. Key words: semantics of condition, semi-predicative constructions, prolonged syntactical form, markers of implicit condition, interlingual transformations, the English language.
Inozemtseva N.V. TRANSFORMATIONS WHEN TRANSLATING HEADINGS OF ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTICLES OF METHODOLOGICAL CONTENTIn the conditions of globalization of industrial, scientific, socio-political and cultural projects of the international value there is an obvious need for effective use of methodical base for English training as a foreign language as today English by right takes the leading place among the languages of the international communication. This research paper deals with the titles of the English articles published in the magazines which are intended for theorists and practitioners in the field of English training as a foreign language, and also the materials of Internet forums placed on the global Internet are included into the scope of our investigation and are formed the base for our research. The Russian translations of these titles are also taken into consideration. The results of our research show that complex nature of translation transformations makes it possible to translate the titles of the English articles perfectly well though this process is difficult and labor-intensive.Key words: an article, a methodical article, a transformation, translation transformations, a title.
Shidlovskaya I.A. MEANS OF ACHIEVING EQUIVALENCE OF THE REGULATORY IMPACT WHEN TRANSLATING POETRY FROM GERMAN INTO RUSSIANThis article is devoted to the issue of an equivalent impact on the reader's original and translated poetic texts. The study raises issues not only to the adequacy and the translation equivalence, but also, increasingly emotive content. Man every day experience many different emotions. The experiences emotions he may feel like at this point in time, so many years later. In fact, our life is made up of emotions, because we constantly experience emotions, we are sad, angry or pleased, and some emotions are replaced by others. A characteristic feature of poetic literature is the expression of man's emotional state. A concentration and semantic content distinguishes it from other literary movements. Of course, we all know that the main purpose of literature have an emotional impact on the reader. Call the reader the psychological resonance, and by sensory messages to provide him with a bright, clear picture of the rational side of a work of art, to present a conceptual, ideological, aesthetic intent of the author in a lively and organic form. The relevance of this study is determined by the need for more in-depth study of emotions displayed in the poetry of the Russian language, as well as ways to transfer them into German. Translation of poetry is considered one of the most difficult and the most prone to “losses” types of translation. It always is a certain difficulty, but at the same time provides a special interest in this subject on the part of the translator. However, despite all the difficulties and the inevitable transfer of losses cannot be denied that the fruits of the labor of translators has long served and continue to serve as the leading means of cultural communication between the nations, the foundation of their mutual spiritual enrichment. The analysis showed that for the accurate transmission of the emotional impact are not only interpreting the transformation characteristic of the genre, but also quite unusual ways to display the sensual world of man.Key words: poetry, verse translation, informative density, emotion, translation transformation, semantic similarity.
Simutova O.P., Zakharova S.V. LANGUAGE GAME IN ORIGINL AND IN TRANSLATION (ON THE BASIS GERMAN-SPEAKING MEDIA TEXTS) The article is devoted to the issue of reproduction of language game from German into Russian. In this article we attempt to define the basic translation techniques of language game that appears in the German-speaking media texts, in order to establish the most appropriate matching options and its transfer into the Russian language. The study of language game in media texts seem relevant today, because these texts contain a large arsenal of linguistic material that promotes the study of the translation system concepts and generalization of positive experience in the translation of theory and practice. During our research we found out that the authors of the translation of language game used various translation techniques, it is caused by several factors. So, descriptive translation is required due to the inability to pick up the translation equivalent in the target language. Moreover, the described facts that are the basis of the language game in the text often require explanation for Russian-speaking readers. Without this it is impossible to adequately understand the author's intention, and therefore the text. Generalization allows the author to preserve the full value of the translation at the level of emotional and aesthetic perception. Loan translation as a translation method applies to the language units, which do not have direct correspondence in the target language. Lexico-semantic substitution is used to transmit the lexical units that have no direct correspondence in the Russian language, but they can be inferred. Transliteration is required when it is important to observe the lexical brevity of notation, and at the same time highlight the specificity of the named concept. In our opinion the most common translation techniques of language game, in German-speaking media texts are loan and descriptive translation. It should be noted that this article is not intended to be a complete and exhaustive description of the translation methods of language game from German to Russian. This problem is multifaceted and requires more detailed study.Key words: language game, media text, loan translation, generalization, descriptivetranslation, contamination, translation.
Perekhodko I.V., Myachin D.A. QUALITY EVALUATION OF COMPUTER TRANSLATIONThe following article considers the issue of language quality assessment of machine translation owing to the growing internet-communication on one side and the inadequate research of automatic translation, that aren't currently inadaptable, on the other side. Such a study reveals key reason of machine translation's mistakes. This article attempts to examine strategy of interaction “human-to-machine” in the translation and to analyse translated texts of web-sites executed by automatic systems, based on linguostylistic analysis and automated language processing with the use of METEOR on the lines of N-gram. Case study shows that the largest number of mistakes is due to translation of semantic constructions. The practical implications lies in the fact that the development of a system of quality assessment of machine translation makes it possible to identify and to systematize any shortcomings of software with a view to further development, since the automation of translation has become crucial, allowing for the accommodation of a higher workloadKey words: internet communication, machine translation, linguostylistic interpretation, lexical errors, syntax error, error of style.
Pasechnaya L.A. JUDICIAL VOCABULARY IN THE NOVEL OF F. KAFKA “THE PROCESS”: TRANSLATION ASPECTOne of the most important means of intercultural communication is literary translation. Writers, putting severe problems in their works, refer not only to the representatives of the nation, but to the entire world community. One of these writers is F.šKafka. Many linguists such as A.V.šBelobratov, L.G.šAndreyev, J.J.šDanilkov devoted a large number of their studies to the works of F. Kafka. The subject of the research in this article is ways to translate the judicial vocabulary, which Kafka, a lawyer by training, uses in his works. Kafka's novel “The Trial” in the original and two translationsš— by R.šWright-Kovaleva and G.šNotkina into Russian served as the material of the study. The use of judicial vocabulary in writing and orally requires extreme accuracy, which is achieved primarily through terms and a large number of different standardsš— “cliché”, reflecting certain legal concepts. When translating special vocabulary and, in particular, the terms translator faces with certain difficulties. Special knowledge in the particular science is needed for scientific terms require particularly accurate translation. Terminology translation is carried out by various methods. The study identified three most frequently used author's methods of translation: loan-translation, selection of equivalent vocabulary and semantic development that are best suited for the adequate representation of the legal vocabulary. Despite using the same ways of translation of judicial vocabulary, translators have resorted to various terms of native language, which confirms the presence of synonyms when defining legal concepts and allows both translations of the novel to be equivalent and adequate. The translation of terminology is a very important task for the translator. Despite the expansion of relations between peoples, the use of more effective means of communication, the translator must take into account that each language develops independently: it has its own linguistic realities and cultural-historical realities that have no equivalent at the time of translation into other languages.Key words: judicial vocabulary, special vocabulary, terminology, methods of translation, equivalent.
Zaharova T.V., Snigireva O.M. LANGUAGE SPECIFICITY OF GERMAN-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER HEADLINES AND PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATING THEM INTO RUSSIANNowadays it is impossible to imagine the modern society without mass media. The role of the mass media is so huge, so that they are often called as “the fourth power”. Today a newspaper performs an important function, so that it is impossible to imagine the state and social life without the periodical editions. The title is an integral part of the news-publication, because a good title substantially increases the competitiveness of a periodical edition and takes up the strongest position in the press. That's why in the first instance readers pay attention to it. The ability to understand and to translate quickly a newspaper title has a considerable importance for a translator by the work with information-descriptive materials. This ability is especially necessary in an oral translation, unseen translation, and abstracting. A translator can return to the problem of a right translation of a title after the whole article has been translated and its content has been totally comprehended. But an interpreter on the contrary doesn't have such possibility, because an interpretation usually begins with translation of a title, and in the event of an abstracted material of a periodical edition the situation becomes complicated, because a translator has to define by a title,whether the material belongs to the given theme. It's quite difficult to understand and to translate newspaper titles and moreover it demands a great skill. The article presents an analysis of certain difficulties connected with using of lexical-stylistic and grammatical means. The materials of the research are titles of such modern German newspapers as “Die Zeit”, “Die Welt”, “F.A.Z.”, “Das Handelsblatt”, “Bildzeitung” etc. Key words: title, metaphor, lexical-stylistic particularities, grammatical particularities, paraphrase, metonymy.
Anpilogova L.V. MODELING OF THE CONCEPTUAL POTENTIAL OF THE CONCEPT “SOCIETY” BASED ON THE ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPER HEADLINES “KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA”In the modern periodical press there are different views about society, understanding of which requires a systematic integrated approach, enabling the study of definitions of the term “society” used in modern print media, and most objectively reflecting the essence of it. Using the method of graphic-semantic modeling the article shows the integrated model exploring the concept of “society” based on the analysis of titles of periodicals of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”. Modeling of the conceptual potential of the definition of society under the headlines of the newspaper proceeds through the following stages: component analysis of the headers in order to distinguish the conceptual component of the unit; their field analysis, contributing to the formation of semantic fields; the graphic-semantic representation, including the determination of the quantitative relations between fields in the framework of the semantic space of the headers of the Newspapers and the count of the total number of interactions. Building of the graph-semantic model of the concept of society was based on the survey of readers of the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, which was attended by 40 peopleš— residents of the city of Orenburg (Russia) and Aktobe (Kazakhstan). According to the analysis of newspaper headlines lexical-semantic interpretation of the concept of society was implemented, which allowed to assess the thematic specifics of the Kazakhstan newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, which is based on the solvation of different questions varied in their specificity and complexity of topics. The article concludes that the newspaper to a greater extent considers the problem of the unity of the people, globalization, national security, mentality and culture, addresses matters of Economics, law, social life, the insufficient attention is paid to problems of policy and media.Key words: society, concept, semantic field, the component-units, title, graphic-semantic simulation.
Kudashova J.V. THE POLITICAL DISCOURSE OF THE ELECTIONS IN 2016In the global mediatization of modern political discourse is the main force used in modern political communication. The article discusses the modeling of the concept “discourse” within various scientific disciplines and schools. The communicative nature of the term “discourse” emphasizes the concept of “discursive practice”. It is revealed that political discourse is what he says, and describes how verbal shows, “communicates” itself in the political system. Characteristics of political discourse are closely linked to characteristics of the media, advertising and PR discourses. The practice of political discourse define its main stakeholders (politicians, officials, public representatives, society, media). Public political field simulated media. Special position in public political discourse take the experts, having different role statuses. It is emphasized that during elections the problem of reaching target groups, messages that could influence their mindsets, attitudes and value preferences becomes a priority. Discursive practices are used extensively today in the area of political marketing management as a brand-image communication, which aims at modeling the competitive image of the specific institutions and actors through specialized technology ImageReady, branding, advertising, media framing etc. The structural components of discourse brand-image communication are positioning strategies. The analysis of the discursive practices of elections in 2016, held in the Russian Federation, has allowed to reveal features of formation of pre-election Programs of political parties, the main topics of discussion during the forums, the content of the slogans used in the positioning of the Programmes of political parties, their main sections. An important element of political discourse was a debate and meeting with voters. Special attention deserves the practice of holding primaries of the party “United Russia”.Key words: discourse, political discourse, political communication, discursive practices, PR-discourse, the discourse of the brand image communication, elections 2016.
Dymova I.A. DOCTRINAL ISSUES ORTHODOX INTERNET-JOURNALISM: LANGUAGE AND STYLE ASPECTSUp-to datescientific works on religious journalism for the Orthodox journalism a little and even less, and the number of works devoted to the problem-thematic aspect studied, particularly in the linguistic and stylistic aspects, even negligible, due to a period of prolonged isolation of the Russian Orthodox Church of social and academic life, and hence the novelty threads in the scientific agenda is quite young scientific fieldš— the Orthodox journalism. Doctrinal issues of the Orthodox Internet journalism is quite representative: 31šmaterials from the 74šstudied texts of the problem-cluster, which demonstrate the tremendous thrust of the audience to the knowledge of the faith and the preaching of function Orthodox journalism are expressly dominant, since these topics of clergy are easy because it is a major part of their work. The semantic richness of speeches, topical themes and issues, the skillful use of rhetorical and linguistic means of expression contributes to the successful achievement of the objective of the Orthodox clergy, journalistsš— to testify to the truth of Christ's teaching.Key words: Gospel texts and stories, the sacraments of the church, preaching, linguistic means of expression, rhetorical and stylistic devices.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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