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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Simutova O.P., Zakharova S.V. LANGUAGE GAME IN ORIGINL AND IN TRANSLATION (ON THE BASIS GERMAN-SPEAKING MEDIA TEXTS) The article is devoted to the issue of reproduction of language game from German into Russian. In this article we attempt to define the basic translation techniques of language game that appears in the German-speaking media texts, in order to establish the most appropriate matching options and its transfer into the Russian language. The study of language game in media texts seem relevant today, because these texts contain a large arsenal of linguistic material that promotes the study of the translation system concepts and generalization of positive experience in the translation of theory and practice. During our research we found out that the authors of the translation of language game used various translation techniques, it is caused by several factors. So, descriptive translation is required due to the inability to pick up the translation equivalent in the target language. Moreover, the described facts that are the basis of the language game in the text often require explanation for Russian-speaking readers. Without this it is impossible to adequately understand the author's intention, and therefore the text. Generalization allows the author to preserve the full value of the translation at the level of emotional and aesthetic perception. Loan translation as a translation method applies to the language units, which do not have direct correspondence in the target language. Lexico-semantic substitution is used to transmit the lexical units that have no direct correspondence in the Russian language, but they can be inferred. Transliteration is required when it is important to observe the lexical brevity of notation, and at the same time highlight the specificity of the named concept. In our opinion the most common translation techniques of language game, in German-speaking media texts are loan and descriptive translation. It should be noted that this article is not intended to be a complete and exhaustive description of the translation methods of language game from German to Russian. This problem is multifaceted and requires more detailed study.Key words: language game, media text, loan translation, generalization, descriptivetranslation, contamination, translation.


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About this article

Authors: Zaharova S.V., Simutova O.P.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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