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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Simonenkov V.S., Gilazieva S.R., Shumilina N.S. GENERAL PHYSICAL TRAINING WHEN TRAINING SHOOTING STUDENTSWhen shooting the body of a student is experiencing significant physical stress. It's caused by a monotonous static effort, which is the cause of poor circulation Hold weapons in postures, breath-hold when aiming lead to stiffness of the chest and development of shallow breathing, which leads to lower lung capacity. Posture hand posture worsens, develops a stooped posture that distorts the spine. In addition to physical activity, and arrows are experiencing great stress. To withstand the high training and competition loads on the muscular and nervous system need to be well prepared physically. It is necessary to use different means of general and special physical training. General fitness exercises aimed at developing strength, overall endurance, speed, agility. They are also a means of active recreation arrow. One of the most important means of general physical training arrow are general developmental exercises. Complexes of these exercises are made with taking into account the impact on different muscle groups. The next group of assets constitute some cyclic kinds of sports: swimming, running, walking, skiing, skating. By means of general physical training and sports are: volleyball, badminton, basketball, handball, football, tennis. To develop strength endurance arrow advisable to use complexes of isometric exercises. Classes can be conducted by the method of circuit training. The overall physical fitness necessary to include complexes shooters breathing exercises that are aimed at improving the work of the respiratory muscles, increase lung capacity and ventilation. Dosing exercise, its direction is determined by the individual functional state and physical development of the shooters. Special physical preparation arrow promotes more rapid acquisition and development of specific motor skills.Key words: shooting, a program set by the TRP, general physical exercise, general developmental exercises, cyclic sports, isometric exercises, sports, special physical training arrow.


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About this article

Authors: Simonenkov V.S., Gilazieva S.R., Shumilina N.S.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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