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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Kudashova J.V. THE POLITICAL DISCOURSE OF THE ELECTIONS IN 2016In the global mediatization of modern political discourse is the main force used in modern political communication. The article discusses the modeling of the concept “discourse” within various scientific disciplines and schools. The communicative nature of the term “discourse” emphasizes the concept of “discursive practice”. It is revealed that political discourse is what he says, and describes how verbal shows, “communicates” itself in the political system. Characteristics of political discourse are closely linked to characteristics of the media, advertising and PR discourses. The practice of political discourse define its main stakeholders (politicians, officials, public representatives, society, media). Public political field simulated media. Special position in public political discourse take the experts, having different role statuses. It is emphasized that during elections the problem of reaching target groups, messages that could influence their mindsets, attitudes and value preferences becomes a priority. Discursive practices are used extensively today in the area of political marketing management as a brand-image communication, which aims at modeling the competitive image of the specific institutions and actors through specialized technology ImageReady, branding, advertising, media framing etc. The structural components of discourse brand-image communication are positioning strategies. The analysis of the discursive practices of elections in 2016, held in the Russian Federation, has allowed to reveal features of formation of pre-election Programs of political parties, the main topics of discussion during the forums, the content of the slogans used in the positioning of the Programmes of political parties, their main sections. An important element of political discourse was a debate and meeting with voters. Special attention deserves the practice of holding primaries of the party “United Russia”.Key words: discourse, political discourse, political communication, discursive practices, PR-discourse, the discourse of the brand image communication, elections 2016.


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About this article

Author: Kudashova Yu.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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