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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Anpilogova L.V. MODELING OF THE CONCEPTUAL POTENTIAL OF THE CONCEPT “SOCIETY” BASED ON THE ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPER HEADLINES “KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA”In the modern periodical press there are different views about society, understanding of which requires a systematic integrated approach, enabling the study of definitions of the term “society” used in modern print media, and most objectively reflecting the essence of it. Using the method of graphic-semantic modeling the article shows the integrated model exploring the concept of “society” based on the analysis of titles of periodicals of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”. Modeling of the conceptual potential of the definition of society under the headlines of the newspaper proceeds through the following stages: component analysis of the headers in order to distinguish the conceptual component of the unit; their field analysis, contributing to the formation of semantic fields; the graphic-semantic representation, including the determination of the quantitative relations between fields in the framework of the semantic space of the headers of the Newspapers and the count of the total number of interactions. Building of the graph-semantic model of the concept of society was based on the survey of readers of the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, which was attended by 40 people — residents of the city of Orenburg (Russia) and Aktobe (Kazakhstan). According to the analysis of newspaper headlines lexical-semantic interpretation of the concept of society was implemented, which allowed to assess the thematic specifics of the Kazakhstan newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, which is based on the solvation of different questions varied in their specificity and complexity of topics. The article concludes that the newspaper to a greater extent considers the problem of the unity of the people, globalization, national security, mentality and culture, addresses matters of Economics, law, social life, the insufficient attention is paid to problems of policy and media.Key words: society, concept, semantic field, the component-units, title, graphic-semantic simulation.


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About this article

Author: Anpilogova L.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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