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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Polyanichko M.V., Urbanovich L.Yu. TYPICAL MISTAKES OF STUDYING ENGLISH PHONETICS IN NON-LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITIESThis article considers phonetics not only as a brunch of linguistics but also as one of the main reasons of typical mistakes which students of non-linguistic universities often commit while beginning to start learning a new foreign language. Aspects needed for the more successful learning of phonetics as the first step of mastering international communicative skills are viewed, as well as the ways of avoiding these mistakes for a more productive studying of a new foreign language. Special attention is dedicated to the specifics of studying English in non-linguistic universities, as well as to the phonetic exercises as the essential way in mastering the skills of international communication. Social role and meaning of phonetics in everyday life is viewed and also its presentation in the world literature. A lot of different ways of studying phonetics, practical recommendations, examples of using phonetic symbols and typical mistakes (as well as the ways to avoid them) are thoroughly studied. A very important role of studying phonetic transcription, articulation, sound system, speech structure, diphthongs, intonation, homographs, stress and phonetic exercises in studying English language phonetics is researched. Phonetics is discovered to be one of the reasons of typical mistakes which students of non-linguistic universities often commit while beginning to start learning a new foreign language to help to avoid these mistakes and to achieve the best results in mastering the subject.Key words: phonetics, transcription, articulation, sound system, speech structure, phonetic alphabet, communication, sounds, diphthongs, intonation, homographs, English language, stress, phonetic exercises.


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7. Laver, J. Principles of Phonetics / J. Laver. — Cambr., 1994. — Malmberg.

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About this article

Authors: Polyanichko M.V., Urbanovich L.Yu.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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