№ 11 2011
Belaya G.V. ROLE OF CORPORATE CULTURE IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENTIn article the corporate culture as one of components of intrahigh school management in pedagogical high school is considered, its functions in educational process are allocated, its influence on personal and professional development of the student and the teacher is defined. As a kernel of intra-university corporate culture the idea intrcultural communications is proved, its value for perfection of management by pedagogical education reveals.Key words: university management, intrahigh school corporate culture, a kernel of university corporate culture, intercultural communications, a university education component.
Belonovsky I.D., Filippova E.O. MODELING OF PROBLEM SITUATIONS IN THE PROGNOSTIC TO PREPARATION OF THE FUTURE LAWYERPedagogical means of formation of actual aspect of professional competence of the future lawyer — its prognostic abilities in legal activity are presented. In this aspect the analysis of structure of professional work of lawyers of various qualifications with orientation to preparation of bachelors and masters is given. Procedures and results of diagnostics of prognostic ability of students are analyzed. Possibilities of situational modeling as factor of an intensification of prognostic preparation in jurisprudence sphere are estimated. Specificity of models of problem situations is presented on examples of applied branches of jurisprudence. Key words: the future lawyer, prognostic preparation, prognostic ability, a problem situation, modeling in jurisprudence.
Bobryashova O.V. THE RESEARCH OF AN "YOUTH SUBCULTURE": AXIOLOGICAL ASPECTIn article are analysed high class skill teacher, as follows so, in one of the variant possible to explain the idea pedagogical technology master-class and creative workshop. The Author presents axiological approach to study pedagogical technology for future designer as one of main, defining value of the representatives given to professions.Key words: determination of the notion pedagogical technology, master-class, creative workshop, axiological approach, aesthetic relations future designer.
Vitvitsky Л.А. COMPETENCE APPROACH IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONThe article deals with theoretical aspects of research competence approach in higher education, which were the basis for studying the problem of interaction between the subjects of the educational process, review of models of subject-subject interaction.Key words: competence, competence-based approach, core competencies, the essential characteristics of competence, professional competence (key, basic, special), the interaction, the interaction of various levels, models of interaction.
Genisher E.S. PEDAGOGICAL FACTORS OF BREEDING STUDENT'S LEGAL CULTUREThe article describes the basic characteristics of sound and experimentally tested pedagogical factors of breeding student’s legal culture. These pedagogical factors are: teaching tutors how to use speech educational situations; organization of legal aid centre, program-modular training; application of technology of debate, self-presentation, case study.Key words: culture, breeding legal culture, pedagogical factors, speech educational situation, situation of perception, formulation and impact, legal aid centre, technology of debate, self-presentation, case study.
Matveeva E.A. PROJECT TECHNOLOGIES OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE IN FORMATION OF THE FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN THE FIELD OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERINGThe problem of professional competence ' formation of the future specialist in the field of biotechnology and engineering is discussed in the article. The structural components of professional competence are determined and disclosed by the author. A project-technology is characterised from the point of view of the competence-based approach. The conditions of usage of the project-technology for a future specialist’s professional competence formation are described in the article.Key words: professional competence, professional training, components of the professional competence, a project-technology, value attitude.
Matushkin S.E. UPBRINGING OF PATRIOTISM AS PEDAGOGICAL ISSUEContent-conceptual and component characteristics of patriotism as the most important quality of personality are examined, the main directions of its educative development are described, educational functionality of pedagogical instrumentation of this process is qualified. Key words: patriotism, Motherland, Fatherland, valuable orientations, socio-moral values.
Mosienko L.V. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR CASE STUDY OF PERSONAL SELF-DETERMINATION The article contains theoretical study and generalization of different interpretations of the concept "personal self-determination" in the context of data from various branches of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, sociology, pedagogics. Key words: personal self-determination, self-actualization, search for living values, course of life selection.
Nefedova Z.U. AESTHETIC ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF PERSONALITY'S ECOLOGICAL COMPETENCE Some content-conceptual aspects of the formation of personality's ecological competence in educational sphere of aesthetic approach are discovered in the article. Aesthetic-valeological characteristics of "nature" as basic ecological category are described. Key words: aesthetic activity, aesthetic attitude, nature, health, beauty, ecological competence.
Petukhova T.P. STUDENTS ASYNCHRONOUS INDEPENDENT WORK FUNDAMENTALSThe given article is aimed at the representation of the asynchronous independent work fundamentals. This work is directed to the creation of graduates willingness to perform professional activity under the conditions of information society. Subject-activity, competence and resource approaches form the bases of this concept. The theoretical aspects of students asynchronous independent work are represented in procedural model.Key words: asynchronous independent work, concept, model, information society, competence oriented training.
Popov E.B. ONTOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL ACTUALITYThe article deals with a phenomenon of educational actuality as a junction of essentials of three multiaspect planes: personal educational domain, pedagogical actuality, and educational context.Key words: educational system infrastructure, educational actuality, educational environment, educational context, external reality, ontology, pedagogical actuality, pedagoguism, pedagogical discourse, professional pedagogical consciousness, subjective reality.
Samoylova Y.V. EXPIRIENCE OF SPIRITUAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIAN EMIGRATIONIn the article the Russian emigrant pedagogy is presented as the social and cultural phenomenon, the periods in elaboration of pedagogical science in emigration are marked. Here are analyzed the main characteristics of spirit and spirituality according the representations of philosophers and teachers of Russian emigration. Key words: pedagogy of Russian emigration, religious philosophy and education, spirit and soul, person’s spirituality, formation and development of human’s spirituality.
Silkina I.A. THE GENESIS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE OF HOLISTIC IMAGE OF THE WORLD OF THE MODERN TEENAGERWe consider the axiological aspects of formation of the world image of the modern teenager. We investigate the objectivity and objectification, intangible and secondary images of the world, their reflective nature, subjective relation of personality to objects and events around the world. The main phase of the student's orientation to the world around him objective values of nature and society.Key words: image of the world, a teenager, the orientation of the world's values.
Tyomkina V.L., Fadeeva M.Y. LANGUAGE EDUCATIONAL SITUATION IN THE FORMATION OF LINGUOCOMMUNICATIVE CULTURE IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONThe article is devoted to the problem of the use of language educational situation in the formation of linguocommunicative culture in business communication. Linguocommunicative culture representing integrity of personality and its aspiration to individual self-evolution is characterized by the sum of processes, connected with verbal activity, in which language educational situation plays an important role.Key words: culture, communicative culture, linguocommunicative culture, business communication, language educational situation.
Yudin V.V. CADET FORMATION: CONCEPT, THE MAINTENANCE, VALUEThe intrinsic maintenance of concepts cadet formation and cadet education is investigated, on the basis of historical experience and work of modern military schools and boarding schools approaches and principles of the organization of activity of educational institutions of cadet type are generalized, the list of the priority problems realized by cadet educational institutions is made, distinctive features of cadet educational institutions at the present stage are revealed. Key words: the cadet, cadet formation, military school.
Utyamisheva T.U. EMOTIONAL-MORAL CONSTITUENT OF PERSONALITY'S SOCIAL EXPERIENCEEmotional-moral, emphatic component of personality’s social experience is essentially concretized in the article, basic educational means of its forming development, including historic-pedagogical address to moral category of sympathy is examined.Key words: emotional-moral responsiveness, empathy, sympathy, experience of social interrelation.
Philological sciences
Afanasieva Y.A. POETICS OF SASHA CHERNY'S EPIGRAMSThe article analyses 52 epigrams by Sasha Cherny — written in 1908–1924 — in terms of the genre poetics. The author considers the corpus of epigrams, metric repertoire, frame complex, remarks, graphics, expletive constructions and epigrammatic plot. The article shows the ways in which the poet deformed the classical genre. Key words: Sasha Cherny, satire, irony, genre, epigram.
Guseva T.K. ON THE ISSUE OF TYPOLOGY: THE IMAGE OF THE WAR OF G.GAZDANOV AND M.DE UNAMUNO The paper regards the comparative analysis of the war theme in the creation of G.Gazdanov and M.de Unamuno. The author examines the stories and the novels "The evening at Cler's", "Shot" of Gazdanov and "Peace in the war" of Unamuno, viewing the issue from the perspective of anthropological oriented approach of the Russian and t he Spanish authors as their basic constant and their existential humanism. The author proceeds from the point of the Russian and the Spanish literatures as the organic part of the European policultural system, uses the contextual-hermeneutical method making an attempt of reveal the wide contextual connections, convergences, determine the basic regularity of the literary progress, examined as the common dialectical process. The author uses the type of of epoch artistic consciousness category that supposes the supranational integrating complex point of view of the process. Key words: Miguel de Unamuno, Gaito Gazdanov, existentialism, type of artistic consciousness, chaos, absurdity, phantasmagoria
Korobejnikova A.A., Pykhtina IU.G. THE GAME AS INDIVIDUAL SPATIAL IMAGE IN LEONID ANDREEV 'S STORY "BIG HELMET"The article considers the artistic space in Leonid Andreev 's story "Big helmet". Following the accepted linguistic theories of space perception, the authors define the game as an individual space image, which can be modelled by the author.Key words: artistic literary space, perceptive space, individual spatial images, Russian literature, Leonid Andreev.
Matyash S.A., Chekasina N.A. VERSE ENJAMBEMENTS IN BARATYNSKY 'S LIRICS IN CONTEXTS OF PUSHKIN’S TRADITIONThe article presents the results of studies on Yevgeny Baratynsky 's lyrics from point of view of verse enjambements functioning. Searched by the authors material is analyzed by its frequency and structure. Statistics results are interpreted in contexts of analogical data in Pushkin’s lyrics. The authors show peculiarity in transformation of Pushkin’s tradition by Baratynsky-poet, who sought his "own way" in poetry. Key words: Yevgeny Baratynsky, theory of verse, verse syntax, enjambement, prosody, lyrics.
Porol O.A. THE POETIC CONCEPT OF SPACE AND TIME IN LYRIC POET BY A.A. AHMATOYAThe author of article considers the poetic concept of space and time in A.A.Ahmatova creativity. The review of texts of the period of the Silver age is offered to the reader. In research consideration of poetic texts in ontologic aspect is new. Key words: space, time, a bible name, eternity, the poetic concept.
Skibina S.N. INVECTIVE GENRE IN HORACE’S CREATIVITY AND IT RECEPTION BY G.R. DERZHAVINIn article the comparative analysis of "The 7th epode. To the Roman people" by Horace and its translation "To the Roman people" by G.R. Derzhavin is carried out from the point of view of the genre content. During the analysis signs of invective genre in Russian poet’s reception are defined.Key words: Horace, G.R. Derzhavin, reception, genre, invective.
Lasitsa L.A. PECULIARITIES OF TIME ORGANIZATION OF FICTION TEXTSPeculiarities of functioning of grammatical and lexico-semantic temporal markers in prose are described in the article. The ways of representation of category of tense are presented as systems with complicated, hierarchical structure, possessing prognostic potential. Key words: text, category of tense, temporal markers, system.
Pogrebnyak Y.V. SPATIO-TEMPORAL MODELING INTERNALIZED DISCOURSEThe article deals with spatial and temporal characteristics of the internalized discourse, which in our view is a model of mental processes occurring in the mind of the hero created by author.Key words: internalized discourse, art, chronotope, spatial-temporal modeling, cognitive space, self-reflection, a stream of consciousness.
Pykhtina Y.G. NATIONAL SPATIAL IMAGES IN RUSSIAN LITERATUREThe spatial image of a country town like a specifically national one is analyzed in the article on the example of the stories "The Town of Okurov" by M. Gorkiy and "The fathers ' country" by S. Gusev-Orenburgskiy. Connection between spatial descriptions and the character of Russian people, their mentality is determined in these works.Key words: the national spatial images, the country town’s image, Russian character, M. Gorkiy, S. Gusev-Orenburgskiy.
Dmitrueva N.M. LANGUAGE FEATURES OF ETHIKAL CATEGORIES OF RUSSIAN MENTALITYFeatures of Russian mentality are investigated, ethical categories of Russian mentality are defined, is analysed concept "spirituality". Influence of orthodox church on formation of ethical standards in Russian cultural tradition is studied. Key words: mentality, concept, ethical loading, language ethics, ethical, religious, spiritually-moral.
Prosvirkina I.I., Levina E.N. ORAL SPEECH ORENBURG IN AN ESTIMATION OF MIGRANTSArticle is devoted the analysis of a condition of modern speech in an estimation of migrants. It is revealed: that migrants put in concept definition "qualitative speech"; the relation of group interrogated by us to quality of speech which they perceive in household life, in mass-media; a degree of quality of speech which is heard by migrants in communicative space of Orenburg; as the relation to the speaking is connected with quality of its speech. Key words: communicative space, oral speech, "qualitative speech", the standard of speech.
Sirotkina T.A. ETNOTERMYNS AS A WAY OF CATEGORIZING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGEThis article discusses the functioning of ethnonyms in scientific discourse as an example of scientific texts by Perm scientists. The author defines etnotermyns, distinguishes three degrees of terminologization of ethnonominations, builds a terminological field "ethnicity" and concludes that etnotermyms perform orienting function, ie function of orientation in the cognitive-communicative space.Key words: discourse, ethnonyms, ethnicity, terminological field.
Yakimov P.A. ABOUT ESSENCE OF CONCEPT RELIGIOUS VOCABULARY IN MODERN LINGUISTICSIn this article essence of concept "religious lexicon" is examined through his correlation with concepts "church lexicon", "biblical lexicon". During reasoning an author comes to the conclusion that these concepts must be examined from the point of view of hierarchical relations. In conclusion of article the classification of religious lexicon including in the structure both church and bible lexicon is resulted. Key words: a lexicology, religious lexicon, church lexicon, bible lexicon, religious representations.
Danilova N.K. MODE SEMANTICS AND THE SUBJECT OF UTTERANCEThe paper is devoted to the problem of mode semantics and its role in the process of constructing the discourse semantic field. The main types of discourse, cognitive and communicative, which regulate the process of meaning creation, are singled out; the role of the position of the subject in this process is explained. Key words: mode, discourse, cognitive use of language, communicative use of language, situation, subject function.
Sobchakova N.M., Kostrova O.A. THE INTERACTION OF LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL CODES IN COMPLEX TEMPORAL SENTENCES IN GERMAN AND ENGLISHWhile describing compound temporal sentences (CTS) we usually take into consideration type of connection, meaning of conjunction, positioning of clause, usage of tenses and moods. For compound temporal sentences type of connection is usually defined as syndetic, the meaning of conjunction — as that of simultaneity or diversity, clause position — as variable, choice of tenses is not strictly regulated, indicative mood is believed to be natural. The interaction of all the factors mentioned above is not systematized. Key words: taxis, semantically-defined taxis, temporality, compound sentence with temporal clause, taxis temporality, temporal conjunction, lexical and grammatical codes, communicative register.
Puzanova N.A. SEMANTIC CORE OF A WORD AS MEANS OF DIFFERENTIATION IN THE LANGUAGE SYSTEM. (E.G. THE VERB "TO TAKE" AND "TO GRASP")The paper is concerned with determination of nature and cognitive realization of lexical polysemy. A primary goal is to identify the lexical prototypes of the verbs "to take" и "to grasp" that will help to draw the boundaries of their systemic meaning. Our procedure accounts for semantic differentiation of lexical items in the language system. The verb appears to have one systemic meaning, or its semantic core. In speech all senses of the verb evolve from the lexical prototype. Key words: the immediate lexical prototype, the invariant lexical prototype, language system, systematic meaning of a word.
Talalaj T.S. TO A QUESTION ON AN ADVERTISING DISCOURSE (ON A MATERIAL OF TEXTS OF GERMAN ADVERTISING)Given article is devoted prominent features of language of German advertising and structure of the advertising message. Here main principles of the effective advertising, some laws of construction of the advertising message are considered, levels of psychological influence of advertizing are allocated; and also features of the advertising focused on youth.Key words: an advertising discourse, the advertising message, youth language, a composition, structure of the advertising text.
Turlova E.V. PRAGMALINGUISTIC TRAITS OF TITLES NOMINATION PARADIGM BASED ON THE MANUALS PUBLISHED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING CATALOGUESBasic functions of manuals titles published in the English Language Teaching Catalogues are studied in the paper and general factors influencing these functions are discovered as well; manuals titles are considered as compact texts and linguistic traits are described to characterize the manuals titles from the point of view of their pragmatic potential; the paper gives the manuals titles content.Key words: compact text, functional paradigm, advertising discourse, nomination paradigm.
Belousov K.I., Zelyanskaya N.L. IMAGE DISCOURSE AS THE MECHANISM OF ORIENTATION OF AN ELECTOR IN THE POLITICAL FIELDThe article is devoted to the description of the theoretical basis of study of the image discourse as a new branch of linguistic research made in the interdiscipline field of the applied linguistics and political marketingKey words: the image discourse, linguiopolitology, linguiopracsiology, mediatexts, conceptsphere, web-monitoring, frame.
Zelyanskaya N.L., Nikhiforova J.A. LINGUISTIC REPRESENTATION OF THE POLITICAL COMPONENT OF THE PICTURE OF THE WORLD IN THE HEADLINES OF MASS MEDIAThis article is devoted to the research of the means of language representation of the political component of the world picture in media.The leading method is a method of grafosemantic modeling of semantic space of newspaper headlines. Key words: concept, politics, conceptsphere, mass media, headline, newspaper text, the picture of the world, representation.
Inozemtseva N.V. PARCELLING AS THE MAIN SYNTACTICAL MODEL IN THE TITLES OF THE ENGLISH ARTICLES DEALING WITH PROBLEMS OF TEACHING METHODSParcelling as a syntactical model is discussed in the paper dealing with the corpus of the titles used for the English articles on the problems of teaching methodology. Key words: parcelling, scientific article, title, scientific methodical discourse.
Pavlova A.V. WORD-FORMATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEMANTIC PREDICATES MEANING THE STATE OF BEING ILL IN THE ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGESThis research aims to compare word-formative models of predicates meaning the state of being ill in the English and Russian languages with the help of word-formative analysis.Key words: derivation models, productivity, word-formative analysis.
Ovseiko V.I. COMPETITIVE STRUGGLE IN THE ORENBURG MARKET OF THE PRINTED MATTER OF THE END OF XIX CENTURYIn clause considered the poorly studied a question on struggle for a reader's audience between the state and private editions. As a material of research publications of the Orenburg newspapers of the end of XIX century when struggle for the reader became especially sharp have served and quite often got character of competitive war. The paper identified, analyzed examples and reasons of competition between the state "Turgay newspaper" and private "Orenburg leaf".Key words: local press, public and private media, the competition, readers, circulation, finance media.
Philosophical sciences
Batezhenko V.V. THE PHENOMENON OF CREATIVITY: THE EXPERIENCE OF PHILOSOPHICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSISThe article describes the main philosophical approaches to understanding the phenomenon of creativity. The author addresses the methodological foundations of creativity in order to find the most appropriate methodological approach is essentially the problem, based on which you can find and define the essence of the phenomenon of creativity.Key words: the phenomenon of art, literature, freedom, necessity, contradiction, the essence of the practice, the potential, methodology, evrilogiya.
Belyaev I.A., Maksimov A.M. FREEDOM OF HOLISTIC HUMAN IN SOCIAL-PERSONAL MEASURINGThe article is devoted to research of the freedom of man as personality, which is realized in the society. Based on the alternative views of philosophers of different ideological orientations, the authors examine the social freedom in relation to the processes of assimilation and alienation, and the establishment and overcoming boundaries, with the features inherent to man, society and relations between them.Key words: man, freedom, society, personality, social-personal measuring.
Gorokhov PA MIKHAIL VASILYEVICH LOMONOSOV AS A THINKERThe article presents the historical and philosophical analysis of the achievements and naukovedchesky great Russian thinker who was able in a short time not only to make a number of fundamental and vital discoveries in all branches of natural science, but also to create the original historical, linguistic and philosophical works. Lomonosov rightly be called a thinker, his work is compatible in the scientific and artistic approach to the development of the world.Key words: philosophy, linguistics, history, poetry, science, materialism, deism.
Historical sciences
Mishanina E.V. THE HISTORY OF THE ESTATE AKSAKOVS NOVO AKSAKOVO (ZNAMENSKOYE) ORENBURG PROVINCEIn the village of Aksakovo Buguruslan district of Orenburg region was the estate of nobles Aksakov, called the Novo-Aksakovo or Znamenskoye. It spent his childhood, adolescence and the first few years after his marriage, famous Russian writer Sergey Aksakov. In the old "noble nest" of his children were born: Constantine (1817 p.) — A famous writer, literary critic, and ideologue of the Slavophiles, Vera (1819 p.) — A reliable aide and secretary of his father, memoirist, Gregory (1820 p.) — a great statesman, Ufa, Orenburg, Samara Governor. In Aksakovo buried: father of the writer Timothy S. Aksakov, his mother Maria Aksakov, the brother of Arcady Aksakov, great-nephew of Nikolai Sergeyevich Aksakov and other descendants of the famous family. In the surrounding villages Neklyudova ashes of his grandfather, Stepan Mikhailovich Aksakov, the grandmother of the writer Irina Aksakov, nee Neklyudova, buried in the nearby village of Mordovia Buguruslan.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |