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2011, № 11

Samoylova Y.V. EXPIRIENCE OF SPIRITUAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIAN EMIGRATIONIn the article the Russian emigrant pedagogy is presented as the social and cultural phenomenon, the periods in elaboration of pedagogical science in emigration are marked. Here are analyzed the main characteristics of spirit and spirituality according the representations of philosophers and teachers of Russian emigration. Key words: pedagogy of Russian emigration, religious philosophy and education, spirit and soul, person’s spirituality, formation and development of human’s spirituality.


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6. Education and pedagogy of Russian Emigration: Collection of articles and materials / Compilers М.N. Kuzmin, В.А. Vladikina. — М: Institute of national problems of education. — 1995. — 158 p.

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9. Russian school abroad. Historical experience of 20 years. Collection of documents / Compiler B.A. Vladikina, Т.U. Krasovitskaya. — М., 1996. — 196 p.

10. Bibliography of Russian emigration pedagogy (20-50 years of XX century) / Under edition and introduction Е.G. Osovskiy; Mordovskiy state pedagogical institute. — Saransk, 1999. — 56 p.

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About this article

Author: Samoylova Yu.V.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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