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2011, № 11

Utyamisheva T.U. EMOTIONAL-MORAL CONSTITUENT OF PERSONALITY'S SOCIAL EXPERIENCEEmotional-moral, emphatic component of personality’s social experience is essentially concretized in the article, basic educational means of its forming development, including historic-pedagogical address to moral category of sympathy is examined.Key words: emotional-moral responsiveness, empathy, sympathy, experience of social interrelation.


1. Aristotele Summaries. — Vol. 1. — M.: Mysl, 1975. — 550 p.

2. Bahan’kov, A.E. Dictionary of Russian language. For pupils of secondaru school / A.E. Bahan’kov [and oth.] — Minsk: Narodnaya asveta, 1975. — 416 p.

3. Bahtin, M.M. Author and character in aesthetic activity // Bahtin, M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creative work / M.M. Bahtin. — M.: Art, 1979. — P. 7–180.

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9. Diogen Laertskiy. On life, studies and quotes of famous philosophers. — M.: Mysl, 1979. — 620 p.

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11. Kargapoltsev, S.M. Music and development of emotional-moral responsiveness of primary school pupils / S.M. Kargapoltsev. — M.: Pedagogicheskiy vestnik, 1994. — 88 p.

12. Kompere, G. Elementary course of psychology in application to upbringing / G. Kompere ; tr. from French. — St.P.: Com. of publ. and ed. deals "Труд", 1992. — 288p.

13. Lay, V.A. Experimental didactics / V.A. Lay ; tr. from germ. — St.P.: Publ. N.P.Karbasnikov, 1910.-455 p.

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15. Ozhegov, S.I., Shvedova, N.U. Dictionary of Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.U. Shvedova. — 4th ed. add. — M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. — 944 p.

16. Pen’evskaya, L.A. Upbringing of responsiveness and development of elemental forms of mutual assistance of children on the 4th and 5th years of life // Moral upbringing of preschool child / L.A. Pen’evskaya. — M.: Pedagogica, 1972. — P. 112–156.

17. Petrovskyi, V.A. Principle of reflected subjectivity in psychological research of personality / V.A. Petrovskyi // Issues of psychology. — 1985. — №4. — P. 17–30.

18. Platon Dialogues / tr. from ancient Greek. — M.: Myisl, 1986. — 607 p.

19. Rubinshtein, S.L. Basis of general psychology / S.L. Rubinshtein. — 2nd ed. M.: St. ed.-ped. publ. Min. educ. RSFSR, 1946. — 704 p.

20. Russo, Zh.Zh. Emil and about the upbringing / Zh.Zh. Russo ; tr. from fr. — St.P.: Publ. "School and life", 1912. — 491 p.

21. Selihanovich, A. Note on general pedagogics / A. Selihanovich — 4th ed. — Petrograd-Kiev: Book-publ. "Sotrudnik", 1917. — 161 p.

22. Syelli, J. Basis of generally available psychology and its use to upbringing / J. Syelli ; tr. from Eng. — 2nd ed. — St.-Petersburg: Bubl. V.I. Gubinskiy, 1987. — 351 p.

23. Modern dictionary on pedagogics / Comp. RapatsevichE.S. — Mn.: Modern Word, 2001. — 928 p.

24. Thoma, F. Upbringing of feelings / F. Thoma; tr. from Fr. — St.P.: Publ. F. Pavlenkov, 1900. — 245 p.

25. Egolinskiy, Ya.A. Emotions of human and physical activity / Ya.A. Egolinskiy. — L.: Znanie, 1978. — 19 p.

26. Ekzemplyarskiy, V.M. Elements of pedagogics / V.M. Ekzemplyarskiy. — M.: Publ. V.Karyakin, 1914. — 144 p.

About this article

Author: Utyamisheva T.Yu.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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