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2011, № 11

Puzanova N.A. SEMANTIC CORE OF A WORD AS MEANS OF DIFFERENTIATION IN THE LANGUAGE SYSTEM. (E.G. THE VERB "TO TAKE" AND "TO GRASP")The paper is concerned with determination of nature and cognitive realization of lexical polysemy. A primary goal is to identify the lexical prototypes of the verbs "to take" и "to grasp" that will help to draw the boundaries of their systemic meaning. Our procedure accounts for semantic differentiation of lexical items in the language system. The verb appears to have one systemic meaning, or its semantic core. In speech all senses of the verb evolve from the lexical prototype. Key words: the immediate lexical prototype, the invariant lexical prototype, language system, systematic meaning of a word.


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6. Beljaevsky, E.G. Semantic structure of a word in nominative and communicative aspects: The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the Doctor of Philology. — M., 1992. — 401 p.

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8. Viluman, V.G. Century English synonymy (Introduction in the theory sinonimis and techniques of studying of synonyms). — M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1980. — 128 p.

9. Gardiner, A. Razlichie between "speech" and "language" // History of linguistics 19–20 centuries in sketches and extraction / V.A. Zvyagintsev. — М: Education, 1964. — 466 p.

10. Demjankov, V.Z. Kognitivnaja linguistics as a version of the interpreting approach // linguistics Questions. — 1994. — №4. — P. 9–10.

11. Kantselson, S.D. Typology of language and speech thinking. — L.: the Science, the Leningrad branch, 1972. — 216 p.

12. Kolshansky, G.V. Century Contextual semantics. — M., 1980. — 149 p.

13. Kubryakova, Е.S. About the text and criteria of its definition // the Text. Structure and semantics. — М., 2001. — Т. 1. — 72 p.

14. Pesina, S.I. A lexical prototype in semantic structure of a word. — the dissertation on competition of degree of Cand.Phil.Sci. — SPb: РГПУ of A.I.Herzen, 1998. — 158 p.

15. Ufimceva, A.A. Lexical value: a principle семиологического lexicon descriptions / S.Stepanova. 2, stereotypic. — М: Editorial URSS, 2002. — 240 p.

The list of lexicographic sources

1. Cob–Collins C English language Dictionary.-London-Glasgow:Collins, 1990.-1703.—COBUILD

2. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary/Ed. By A. M. Macdonald.-Edinburg: T A.Constable LTd, 1976. p.1649.Chambers.

3. LDELC-Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture.-Harlow:Longman, 1999.-p.1568

4. Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary-http://www

5. Heritage-The American Heritage Dictionary-Forth Edition-

6. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language.-New York: Cramercy Books, 1996-P.2256.-Webster

About this article

Author: Puzanova N.A.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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