№ 4 2011
Kargapoltsev S.M. PEDADIGICAL AXIOLOGY OF JOYSubstantial and semantic aspects of joy as educational and cultural phenomenon and the main humanistic condition of realization of humanistic potential in pedagogical interaction are designated in the article.
Vasileva L.A. COOPERATION AS A METHOD OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCEA basic problem in vocational training is not the accurate performing discipline, and independence and creative activity, it promotes increase of informative activity and promotes formation of professional competence of the student already within the precincts of educational institution.Key words: professional competence, independence, informative activity, creative activity, a method of projects, working writing-books, education-research work of students.
Nefedova V.Yu. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING TEACHING IN THE SYSTEM OF SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION OF CHILDREN (ON THE BASIS OF THE COURSE FOR THE 8–10TH FORMS)The article deals with the process of object-oriented programming teaching without previous knowledge of algorithmic structures of structure programming for the pupils of the 8–10th forms in the children's supplementary education system.Key words: object-oriented programming teaching, children's supplementary education.
Philosophical sciences
Cherkozyanova T.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF ONTOLOGICAL FATE STATUS IN SUDJECTIVE IDEALISMFate Subject is marked by means of different approaches. But modern understanding of this subject by Russian philosophers was formed in the context of active paradigm. In its turn we can look through direct connection with the ideas of subjective idealists in ontological problems of this question. In this article author shows how it is observed the transcendental essence of fate out of dependence from activity principle.Key words: Fate, German classical philosophy, subjective idealism, KANT, Wolf, reproductive imagination.
Social sciences
Ivanova Z.I., Kofanov A.V., Elenev K.S. BRAND DEVELOPMENT MSSU AS A WAY TO DIVERSIFY THE CORPORATE CULTURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF HIGH SCHOOLIn the article is based on materials of concrete case studies of corporate subcultures and auditing brand MSSU. The development of the university program NIU and objectives of branding required to carefully study the shared values and the higher education community to analyze their relevance to the contemporary stage of development of the university.Key words: brand university, corporate culture construction of high school, university community, the types of corporate culture, the preferred corporate culture, diversification of the corporate culture of innovation, case studies of corporate culture.
Pozdeyev I.L. DEMOGRAPHIC BEHAVIOR CHARACTERISTICS OF FINNO-UGRIC YOUTHDemographic behavior characteristics of Finno-Ugric youth are studied on the basis of sociological research of Udmurt people and statistical data. The author considers that the alarming orientation on having small number of children is inherent either for Udmurt people or for Russian Finno-Ugric people in common. At the same time the youth has considerable potential for improving the demographic situation.Key words: demography, behavior, youth, Finno-Ugric people, social science.
Historical sciences
Semenova N.L. THE REASONS OF THE SENATORIAL AUDIT IN ORENBURG PROVINCE IN 1842–1843Given article is devoted to the analysis of the reasons of the Orenburg province which has lead by senator A.N. Peshchurov in 1842–1843. This audit became one of the largest checks of administrative, judicial, police establishments of province in the first half of the 19 century. The reason for its beginning became an anonymous denunciation of the civil governor I.D. Talyzin. In the research the new documents detected by the author in the funds of Russian State Historical Archive are used.Key words: the Senat, audit, governor, province governing, office-work, recruiting offices, officials, official list.
Smirnova O.A. THE NOVEL "OBLOMOV" AND DISCUSSION ABOUT ITS HERO IN XIX — BEGINNING OF XX CENTURY AS SOURCE FOR RUSSIAN NATIONAL CHARACTER SPECIFIC UNDERSTANDING STUDYINGThe article is devoted to the analysis of the discussion that took place in the Russian intelligentsia environment in the second half of the XIX — beginning of the XX century, on the occasion of "Oblomov" by I.A. Goncharov. The author shows that this novel was perceived by the main part of the intellectual society like a concentrated expression of national traits of character and a world outlook of a Russian person.Key words: social conception, Russian understanding tradition, social and psychological approach, moral philosophy, labour motivation, national character.
Economic sciences
Drogobytsky I.N. ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A NEW PARADIGM N ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENTThe article gives a systematic interpretation of administrative decision-making. At the same time, administration is interpreted as meeting obligations of economic entity by use of management energy of its regulatory body. It is established that in order to make a sustainable decision it is necessary to define four functional imperatives — what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who should do it. In order to fulfill it, it is necessary to provide a good combination of four energetic imperatives — power, will, enforcement and authority. There are suggestions made on measurement of administrative energy performance.Key words: administration, managerial decisions, decision-making, decision fulfillment, fulfillment, administration, entrepreneurship, integration, sustainable decisions, obligations, power, will, enforcement, authority, power, performance of management, effectiveness of management.
Kaydashova A.K., Ermakova Zh.A. MARKETING DEVICES FOR FORMATION OF DEMAND ON THE SERVICES OF HIGHER EDUCATIONThere are features of the formation of consumer preferences on the market of higher education in the scientific article. One of the preferences is exposure to demand the influence of marketing communication methods. The author reveals the devices and the purposes of using every method of communication, identified as a new method of "cooperation".Key words: higher vocational education, consumer demand, marketing, educational services, communication methods.
Geger E.V. THE ANALYSIS OF DISEASE OF A DIABETES IN AREAS OF BRYANSK AREA WITH VARIOUS DEGREE OF TECHNOGENIC POLLUTIONThe analysis of disease is carried out by a diabetes of the population of the Bryansk area living in areas with various degree of anthropogenous pollution. The tendency to annual growth of the given disease is revealed.Key words: Anthropogenous pollution, disease indicators, эндокринная a pathology, the register sick of a diabetes.
Kolesnik A.N., Mustafina D.R. DEFINING QUALITY OF GROUP CONDITIONING POLLUTION OF ATMOSPHERE BY DIVISIONS NOSTAFor definition qualitative group conditioning pollution of atmosphere by divisions NOSTA on an initial matrix of research study was conducted factor analysis. Factor analysis has given associations of parameters of research under four factors. According to the factor analysis the parameters which have united in one factor, have one nature of behavior. That is all parameters of pollution the atmospheres which have got to one factor, are caused by the ejections of divisions NOSTA which have got to this factor.Key words: factor analysis, the basic parameter, the group conditionality.
Neustroeva N.S., Vershinin V.L. SKELETAL DEVIATIONS OF FINGERLINGS OF TAILLESS AMPHIBIAN IN AN URBANIZINGUsing the method of illumination of the soft tissues the authors studied a sample of fingerlings of three species of tailless amphibian (Rana ridibunda, R. arvalis, R. temporaria) from populations living in urban and suburban areas of big industrial center — the city of Yekaterinburg, on the subject of deviant skeletal forms. It was established range, frequency and differences due to species affiliation and degree of anthropogenic transformation of the environment. It is shown that the most informative, well reflecting the gradient of anthropogenic transformation of the environment was kind of moor frog, which has high plasticity and variability of the adaptive strategy.Key words: deviation of the skeleton, amphibian genus Rana, urbanization.
Barbazyuk E.V. THE LITTLE BUSTARD POPULATION GROWTH AT THE EASTERN EXTREMITY OF ORENBURG REGIONThis paper addresses the case of gradual recovery of the Little Bustard population at the eastern extremity of the Orenburg Region (Russia) in recent years. The number of occurrences increased since 1994 (R2 = 0.33; p = 0.0194). The maximum number of occurrences (11) was recorded in 2006. The maximum and average numbers of birds changed in intermittent manner with slightly rising tendency (R2 = 0.44; p = 0.0054 and R2 = 0.41; p = 0.0071, accordingly).Key words: Little Bustard, Tetrax tetrax L., abundance, reserve, Orenburg Region, Russia, Kazakhstan
Fomina T.I. ALGAL BIOLOGY OF SOME SPECIES OF CAMPANULA L. Results of studying the biology of four species of flowering Campanula L. in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (Novosibirsk) are given in this work. In the seasonal rhythm of flowering significant species differences are observed. In antecological aspect fluorescent type of blooming flowers, the absence of autogamy and high pollen fertility were established in all types.Key words: Campanula, seasonal and diurnal rhythm of flowering.
Sukhenko L.T. PROSPECTS FOR THE ALLOCATION ANTIMICROBIALS BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES FROM SOME WILD PLANTS OF ASTRAKHAN REGIONAs a result of studying of distribution of investigational medicinal plants in the Astrakhan region it was established high enough reserves of Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench, Achillea micrantha Wild, as well as stocks and the prevalence of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. The author investigated habitats, and ecological and biological characteristics of these plants, studied of composition and biological (antimicrobial) activity. As a result, strong antibacterial effect of Helichrisum arenarium (L.) Moench, Achillea micrantha Wild and high anti-TB activity of the preparations Glycyrrhiza glabra L were found.Key words: Glycyrrhiza glabra L., liquorice, Achillea micrantha Wild, yarrow small-scale flowering, Helichrisum arenarium (L.) Moench, H. arenarium, distribution, inventory, chemical composition, extraction, antimicrobial activity.
Koksheeva I.M., Nesterov S.V. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SEEDS STORAGE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GENUS RHODODENDRON L. The article discusses the results of experiments of seed storage of various kinds of rhododendrons in a laboratory room (+18–20 °C), refrigerator (+4 °C), freezer (–18 °C) and in liquid nitrogen (–196 °C). The germination and the period of seeds intergrowth after storage are studied. It turned out that for many species of rhododendrons the best storage conditions for seeds are sealed packaging and temperature –18 °C. Seeds of Rh. luteum should be stored at +4 °C. For seed storage it is possible to use the method of cryopreservation.Key words: Rhododendron, seeds, storage, temperature, sealed packaging, germination, cryopreservation.
Kharitonov G.V., Manucharov A.S., Pochatkova T.N., Tyugay Z. EFFECT OF SOLUBLE SALTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OF CLAY MINERALSShown that the effect of soluble salts on the surface properties of clay minerals depends on the nature of the mineral properties of salt used and its state (in solution or adsorbed). Processing of clay minerals with solutions NaCl, MgCl2, Ca(CH3COO) 2 and ZnCl2 leads to an increase in their water-holding capacity according to the following series: NaCl > MgCl2 > Ca(CH3COO) 2 ≈ ZnCl2.Key words: clay minerals, soluble salts, surface properties, hydrophysical properties.
Mikhailov A.N., Mikhailov S.N. EVALUATION OF ALUMINUM ACCUMULATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS AS AN INDICATOR OF EXPOSURE OF CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT FACTORSThe paper assessed the accumulation of aluminum in biological media of boys and girls under the influence of chemical factors of the production environment of copper-smelting company.Key words: aluminum, boys and girls, copper-smelting plant.
Chepasov V.I., Konstantinova O.D. FORECAST OF DELIVERY TIME ON TIDAL GRAVITY CHANGES The application of factor and spectral analysis to find the basic parameters that are used as parameters-arguments in the parametric model prediction is considered in this work. The results of the forecast, carried out on models constructed using the least squares method and method of D. Brandon.Key words: analysis, factor, spectral, forecast error, base.
Bykov A.V., Mezhueva L.V., Miroshnikov S.A., Bykova L.A., Tyshchenko V.M. PROSPECTS OF USE OF CAVITATION HYDROLYSIS OF NON-STARCH POLYSACCHARIDESDuring the processing of grain into flour to 25–30% of the total weight of raw materials is waste flour production. Currently the known methods of recycling are not widely used. This article describes how to handle wheat bran, which allows reducing the amount of fiber and improve the indicators of the nutritional value of bran, which makes it possible to use them as a forage component.Key words: ultrasound, cavitation, non-starch polysaccharides, hydrolysis, cellulose, cavitation processing, carbohydrate composition, feeding.
Physical-mathematical sciences
Kislov D.А., Kucherenko М.G., Chmereva T.M. ENHANCEMENT OF NONRADIATIVE ELECTRONIC EXCITATION ENERGY TRANSFER BETWEEN MOLECULES PLACED NEAR A CONDUCTING BODIESIn this work radiationless electronic excitation energy transfer between molecules placed near conductive bodies is investigated. A mechanism involving localized surface plasmons may be an effective mechanism for energy transfer in this system is shown. A comparative evaluation of the efficiency of direct dipole-dipole and plasmon channels of energy transfer is carried out. A dominant contribution of the plasmon mechanism in the overall rate of energy transfer in the close proximity of molecules on the metal surface and the appropriate choice of the environment dielectric properties is predicted.Key words: nonradiative energy transfer, surface plasmon, dipole-dipole interaction, the donor, the acceptor.
Ryuichi Kikkawa, Yoshiya Inokuchi, Takayuki Ebata, Hiroyuki Saigusa MASS SPECTROMETRY FOR NONVOLATILE FUNCTIONAL MOLECULES BY LASER DESORPTION/VACUUM-ULTRAVIOLET PHOTOIONIZATION METHODLaser desorption (LD)/vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization (PI) mass spectrometry (LD/VUVPI MS) is presented for nonvolatile bio-related aromatic molecules (tyramine, L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine) and functional molecules (dibenzo-18-crwon-6-ether, calix[4]arene, calix[8]arene and calix[4]resorcinarene). A pellet of the sample mixed with graphite matrix was irradiated by IR laser for the desorption and the vaporized sample was ionized by a vacuum ultraviolet light at 10.5 eV, which was obtained by the high harmonic generation of Nd:YAG laser light. The ionized sample was mass analyzed by a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. LD/VUVPI mass spectrometry has been successfully carried out for the molecules examined. It was found that the bio-related aromatic molecules exhibit considerable fragmentation by the ionization at 10.5 eV, while those of the functional molecules show strong peak at the parent mass with less fragmentation.
Humanitarian sciences
Luybichankovskiy A.V. METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FORMAL-JURIDICAL APPROACH TO THE CULTURAL HERITAGE UNDERSTANDINGIn this paper the author shows the evolution of the formal-juridical approach to the cultural heritage, the strong and weak sides of this approach are cleared out.Key words: cultural heritage, formal-juridical approach.
Technical sciences
Tarasov V.N., Konnov A.L. THE ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTIVITY OF THE NETWORK OF THE CAMPUS ON THE BASIS OF IMITATING MODELLINGIn work the technique of research of a LAN of 1st and 2nd levels which are in turn subnets of corporate network OSU is resulted. For research of such networks the program system of discretely-event modeling Opnet Modeler is used. The method of decomposition of networks is applied to increase of degree of adequacy of modeling on a subnet proceeding from the real traffic.Key words: the network traffic, local computer networks, modeling, indicators of productivity of networks is discrete-event.
Vlasov Yu.L., Morozov N.A., Bocharov I.A., Gavrilov A.A. EFFECT OF DISPOSITION OF CARGO IN THE TRUCK BODY ON THE STABILITY OF THE CAR IN TURNS The dynamical model of a laden truck in the turns, taking into account the asymmetrical arrangement of the cargo relative to the car body and tilts the car body is regarded in this paper. The dependence of the coefficients of stability of the car from the center of mass coordinates of the goods is determined.Key words: dynamic model, stability, car, turn, the center of mass, inertia.
Nikiyan N.G., Yamansarin I.I. OPERATIONAL MODEL OF THE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS RELIABILITY IN UNDERGROUND MINE The operational model of electric motors reliability, taking into account the peculiarities of operating of an underground mine: dust, humidity and temperature of mine air, is proposed in this work. The model is based on observational data for machine failure from 2006 till 2010, using the methods of factorial experiment planning.Key words: induction motors, environmental factors, reliability, operating conditions, an underground mine.
Sazonova T.V. SLAG STONES PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT OF AUTOCLAVED SOLIDIFICATION FROM ASH-AND-SLAG WASTE OF THERMOELECTRIC POWER STATION BASED ON CLEAR LOGIC CONTROLLERSThe author of this work suggests the system of temperature and pressure regulation at the technological process of autoclaved solidification of gas-ash-silicate slag stones on the basis of the PID-controllers in which a discrete change of the transmission coefficients of proportional, integral and differential components is produces by a clear logical controller, having compared with the typical fuzzy controllers more speed and less accuracy.Key words: resource saving; set of clear terms, the system of production rules; slag stones mixture, autoclaved solidification; ash-and-slag waste; production schedules.
Gurieva V.A. EFFECT OF ALUMINA-MAGNESIA RAW ON FORMATION OF BUILDING CERAMICS PROPERTIES According to the research it is found that heat treatment of high-magnesia silicate man-made materials is accompanied with complex processes of change in phase composition and structure, which determine the formation of a complex of necessary properties of ceramic products.Key words: building ceramics, man-made magnesia raw materials, mineral composition, burning, structure, phase transformations.
Sergeev A.I., Kornipaeva A.A., Milickij A.I., Kondusov D.V. INCREASE OF VALIDITY OF DECISION-MAKING AT PARAMETRICAL SYNTHESIS OF FMSThe algorithm of generation and choice of variants of replaceable tasks is developed for a statistical estimation of efficiency and sensitivity FMS. The algorithm of calculation of indicators of efficiency FMS by results of sample of the received variants is offered. It is offered to use results of statistical processing in algorithm of parametrical synthesis FMS.Key words: flexible industrial system, the replaceable task, parametrical synthesis.
Mironov S.V., Kuleshov I.V. IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS AND RELIABILITY OF GROUND CRANE WAYS TO OPTIMIZE THEIR GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERSThe situation of normative and technical support of the norms requirements of tolerance of horizontal and vertical characteristics of the ground crane ways is investigated in this work. Some inconsistencies and lack of depth to develop a range of requirements of acceptable branching are revealed here. The authors identified critical factors for the efficient and reliable operation of a single mechanical system "Crane — the way". Also they suggest ways to determine the norms of tolerance. It is recommended that requirements for crane way at the design of the crane, depending on the features of their design.Key words: crane, way, road safety, load variations, tolerance, warped condition, slope, ledge, "wheel — rail", "crane — the way", calculation scheme.
Chepasov V.I., Mullabaev A.A., Phot A.P. GENERATION OF A SET OF CALIBRATED SIZES USING REGRESSION LIMITSThe technique of generation of the source array of calibrated sizes (for example, a set of end measures, probes, etc.) to produce an output array of calibrated sizes (compiled using the dimensions of a set of measures) with optimal characteristics is regarded in this work. As the inequality constraints are used difference estimates obtained using regression equations.Key words: optimum regression, limits, error, size.
Fedotov V.A. EFFECT OF GRAIN HARDNESS OF SPRING WHEAT AT ITS MERCHANDISING FEATURES The paper assessed the impact of grain hardness of 13 most common varieties of spring wheat from three natural geographic zones of Orenburg region zoning on the merchandising characteristics of wheat grain and its conversion products. The authors revealed significant relationships between indicators of quality of grain, flour and finished products, constructed mathematical models describing the relation in the microhardness of grain and baking qualities.Key words: grain hardness, merchandise, spring wheat, zoning areas, the regression equation.
Tretiyak L.N. TECHNOLOGY OF BEER PRODUCTION WITH GIVEN FLAVOR PROPERTIES AND REDUCED TOXICOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICSA complex of scientific and technological solutions that can be used together or separately in the organization of the technological process of beer production with the desired properties is worked out in this work. Proposed in the paper the technical solutions can serve as a technological tool in the fight with beer drinking.Key words: ozonation and micronization of grain raw material, filtration machine; brewing kettle, single tank of fret; control of the main fermentation, reduction of beer toxicity.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |