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2011, № 4

Smirnova O.A. THE NOVEL "OBLOMOV" AND DISCUSSION ABOUT ITS HERO IN XIX — BEGINNING OF XX CENTURY AS SOURCE FOR RUSSIAN NATIONAL CHARACTER SPECIFIC UNDERSTANDING STUDYINGThe article is devoted to the analysis of the discussion that took place in the Russian intelligentsia environment in the second half of the XIX — beginning of the XX century, on the occasion of "Oblomov" by I.A. Goncharov. The author shows that this novel was perceived by the main part of the intellectual society like a concentrated expression of national traits of character and a world outlook of a Russian person.Key words: social conception, Russian understanding tradition, social and psychological approach, moral philosophy, labour motivation, national character.


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2. Annensky I.F. Goncharov and his Oblomov // Russian school. — 1892. — № 4.

3. Annenkov P.V. Letters from abroad // Annenkov V.P. Paris letters / edit. I.N. Konobeevskaya. — M.: Science, 1984.

4. Ashkharumov N. Oblomov. Novel by I. Goncharov. 1859 // Russian journal. — 1860. — № 1-2.

5. Belinsky V.G. V.G. Belinsky — to V.P. Botkin (2-6 February 1847) // Omnibus edition — M.: AS USSR, 1956. — V. 12.

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8. Goncharov I.A. Oblomov // Collected works: in 6 v. — M.: State literary publishing house, 1959. — V. 4.

9. Goncharov I.A. Frigate "Pallada" // Collected works: in 6 v. — M.: State literary publishing house, 1959. — V. 2.

10. Goncharov I.A. I.A. Goncharov — S.A. Nikitenko (8 July1860) // Collected works: in 8 v. — M.: State literary publishing house, 1955. — V. 8.

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16. Ivanov-Razumnik R.V. The history of Russian social thought: in 3 v. M., 1997. V. 1.

17. Kluchevsky V.O. A course of Russian history // Kluchevsky V.O. Essays: in 9 v. M.: Idea, 1987. V. 1.

18. Korolenko V. I.A. Goncharov and the new generation // Russian wealth. — 1912. — № 6.

19. Kushelev-Bezborodko G.A. The meaning of novel of manners nowadays, about the new novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov // Russian word. — 1859. — № 7

20. Merezhkovsky D.S. Goncharov // Merezhkovsky D.S. Omnibus edition: in 17 v. — St. Petersburg: publishing house of M.O. Volf partnership, 1911. — V. 13.

21. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky D.N. The history of Russian intelligentsia. The outcome of Russian literature of XIX c.: in 2 v. — M.: V.M. Sablin publishing house, 1906-1907. — V. 1.

22. Pisarev D.I. Oblomov // Essays: in 4 v. — M.: Fiction, 1955. — V. 1.

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25. Trubetskoi E.N. E.N.Trubetskoi — to M.K. Morozova // New world. — 1993. — № 9.

About this article

Author: Smirnova O.A.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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