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2011, № 4

Kargapoltsev S.M. PEDADIGICAL AXIOLOGY OF JOYSubstantial and semantic aspects of joy as educational and cultural phenomenon and the main humanistic condition of realization of humanistic potential in pedagogical interaction are designated in the article.


1. Augustin Avreliyi. Confession // Maze of soul / Augustin Avreliyi. Confession; Blez Pascal. Letters to provincial. — Simferopol: Renome, 1998. — P.21-206.

2. Adamov, V. Sensations // Adamov, V. Textbook on elementary psychology / V.F. Adamov. — 2nd ed. rev. and add. — SPb.: Tipo-litographiya "Energiya", 1906. — P. 91-123.

3. Anthology of world philosophy / Ed. coll.: V/V/ Sokolov [and oth.]. — V.1. Phlosophy of old and middle ages — M.:Myisl, 1969. — 936 p.

4. Arnold, M.B., Gasson, J.A. Feelings and emotions as dynamic factors of personality's integration // Villunas V. Psychology of emotions / M.B. Arnold, J.A. Gasson. — SPb.: Piter, 2004.- P.197-209.

5. Bart, P. Formation of feeling // Bart, P. Elements of upbringing and teaching. Pedagogical part: tr. from 3rd germ. publ. / Paul Bart. — SPb.: Publishing of O.B. Bogdanova, 1913. — P.85-102.

6. Burns, R. Development of I-conception and upbringing / Robert Burns : tr. from eng. — M.: Progress, 1986. — 422p.

7. Blonskiyi, P.P. Psychological essays / P.P. Blonskiyi. — M.: Novaya Moskva, 1927. — 173 p.

8. Breslav, G.M. Psychology of emotions / G.M. Breslav. — M.: Sense; Publ. center "Akademiya", 2004. — 544 p.

9. Vagner, R. Selected articles / Richard Vagner; tr. from germ. — M.: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1935/ — 108 p.

10. Victorov, P.P. Study about personality and moods / P.P. Victorov. — 2nd ed. — M.: Publ. of the shop "Knizhnoe delo", 1904. — 188c.

11. Vladislavlev, M. Sensations // Vladislavlev, M. Psychology. Research of main occurrences of soul life / M.I. Vladislavlev. — V.1 [Notes of historic-philological faculty of Imperator's univers. of SPb]. — SPb.: tip. V. Bezobrazov and comp., 1881. — p. 438-615.

12. Vundt, V. Soul of person and animals / Vilghelm Vundt: tr. from germ. — V. 2. — SPB.: tip. N. Tiblen and comp. (N. Nekludova), 1866. — 551 p.

13. Glebov, N.F. Sensational force // Glebov, N.F. Psychology / N.F. Glebov. — 1st ed. — Ryazan: tip. Gub. Pravleniya. 1863. — P. 64-87.

14. Dal, V. Glossary of Russian language / Vladimir Dal. — V.4. — M.: Rus. yaz., 1982. — 683 p.

15. Dal, V. Glossary of Russian language / Vladimir Dal. — V.1. — M.: Rus. yaz., 1981. — 699 p.

16. Dal, V. Glossary of Russian language / Vladimir Dal. — V.2. — M.: Rus. yaz., 1981. — 779 p.

17. Darvin, Ch. Expression of soul emotions / Ch. Darvin. — SPb.: tip. A. Porohovshchikova, 1896. — 224 p.

18. Decart, R. Passions of soul // Decart, R. Exp. works: tr. from fr. and lat. / Rene Decart. — M.: Gos izd. polit. lit., 1950. — P. 595-700.

19. E.F.D. Mentor or guideline for the formation of mind, heart and taste, taken from speculative beginings and experience, especially to youth upbringing / tr. from germ. / E.D.F. — 2nd art. "About the formation of heart" — M.: in Sinodal tip., 1808. — P. 107-259.

20. Zinchenko, V.P. How the feeling of trust appearance / V.P. Zinchenko // Pedagogika. — 1998. — № 6. — P.27-35.

21. Izard K. Emotions of a person / K.E. Izard. — M.: Izd. MSU, 1980. — 440 p.

22. Izard K.E. Theory of differential emotions // Vilyunas, V. Psychology of emotions / K.E. Izard. — Spb.: Piter, 2004. — P. 232-243.

23. Izard K.E. Psychology of emotions / K.E. Izard: tr. from eng. — SPb.: 2000, — 464 p.

24. Illustrated dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of XVIII-XIX cent. — Orenburg: Orenb. knizhn. izd., 1988. — 280 p.

25. Ilyin, I.A. Road of spiritual renewence // Ilyin, I.A. road to evidence / I.A. Ilyin. — M.: Respublika, 1993. — P. 134-164.

26. Kazmin-Viyugov, N. Upbringing of cheerfulness (Lecture, given in General Meeting of Parential Commetee in Snt. Petersburg) / N. Kazmin-Viyugov // Russial school. — 1914. — № 3. — P. 1-13.

27. Karakchioli, G. On moral and physical joy, that has influence on all conditions of human life / tr. from for. pancr. deacon Ivan Mikhailov / G. Karactchioli. — M.: in Univ. tip. of Ridiger Claudia, 1797, — 240 p.

28. Book on child. Collective work of specialists in questions of upbringing of children and care of them / tr. from germ. — V.2. Upbringing of child. — M.: Izd. V.M. sablin, 1912. — 575 p.

29. Lunacharskiy, A.V. From the speech on first All-Russian congress on enlightment // Revolution-Craft-Children: materials and documents: from history of esthetic upbringing in mod. school.: teacher's book. / ed. N.P. Staroceltseva; 2nd ed. rev. / A.V. Lunacharskiy. — V.1. 1917-1923. — M.: Prosveshchenie, 1966. — P. 77-82.

30. Lapshin, I.I. Sensations // dictionary; publ. F.A. Brokgauz (Leipzig) I.A. Efron, 1903. — P. 941–956.

31. Makarenko, A. S. On upbringing / Comp. and auth. int. article V.S. Helemendik. / A.S. Makarenko. — 2nd ed. rev. and add. — M.: Politizdat, 1990. — 415 p.

32. Manaseina, M. Basements of upbringing from first years of life till graduating from University / Maria Manaseina. — Ed. 5A. Upbringing of feelings, moods, character, will, self-control, moral, conscience and esthetic side of person. — Spb., 1899. — 404 p.

33. Montel, M. Experiences. Selected chapters / tr. from fr./ Mishel Montel. — Rostov-na-Donu: Fenix, 1998. — 544 p.

34. Nurkova, V.V., Berezanskaya, N.B. Psychology: textbook / V.V. Nurkova, N.B. Berezanskaya. — M.: Visshee obrazovanie, 2005. — 484 p.

35. Ozhegov, S.I. and Shvedova, N.U. Glossary of Russian language: 80 000 words and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov, N.U. Shvedova. — 4th edition, add. — M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. — 944 c.

36. Experience of a thousand years. Middle ages Renaissance: mode, moral, ideals. — M.: Urist. 1996. — 575 p.

37. Patcholi, L On devine proportions // Esthetics of Renaissance: Anthology / Luka Patcholi. — V. 2. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1980. — P.376-387.

38. Pedagogic dictionary / Head ed. B/M/ Bim-Bad; ed.col., 2002. -528 p.

39. Late Latin poetry / tr. from lat., comp. and int. article M. Gasparova. — M.: Hudozh. lit., 1982. — 719 p.

40. Prishvin, M.M. Collection of works. Diaries (1905-1954)/ M.M. Prishvin. — V.8. — M.: Hudozh. lit., 1986. — 759 p.

41. Psychology of happiness / Argail, M. ; tr. from eng. / Michael Argail. — 2nd ed. — SPb.: Piter, 2003. — 271 p.

42. Rubinstein, S.L. Emotions // Willunas, V. Psychology of emotions / S.L. Rubinstein. — SPb.: Piter, 2004. — P.244-256.

43. Russo, J.-J. Walk of lonely dreamer // Russo, J.-J. Confession / J.-J. Russo. — M.: Gospolitizdat, 1949. –P. 585-672.

44. Sarovskiyi, S. On aim of Christian life (Talk of monastic elder Seraphim with N.A. Motovilov) // Person: Thinkers of past and present on life, death and immortality. XIX cent. / S. Sarovskiyi. M.: Respublika, 1995. — P. 367-386.

45. Sart, J.-P. Essay on emotional theory // Wilyunas V. Psychology of emotions / J.-P. Sart. — SPb.: Piter, 2004. –P. 176-196.

46. Safronov, B.V., Dorogova, L.M. World of a person (methodologigal questions of formation of spiritual world of personality) — B.V. Safronov, L.N. Dorogova. — M.: Myisl, 1975. — 2006 p.

47. Selihanovich, A.Upbringing of feelings // Selihanovich, A. Essay of general pedagogy / A.B. Selihanovich/ — 4th ed. — Petrograd-Kiev: Bookpubl. "Sotrudnik", 1917. — P. 97-114.

48. Sikorsiyi, I.A. About feeling // Sikorskiyi, I.A. Universal psychology with physiognomic in illustrated expression I.A. Sikorskiyi. — 2nd ed., add. — Kiev: tip. S.V. Kulzhenko, 1912. — P. 356-413.

49. Skiadan, M. Word on causes and actions of soul passions, also on way to moderate and tame pride for peacefull life / Michael Skidian. — M.: in Univers. tip. Ridiger and Claudia, 1794. — 33 p.

50. Modern pedagogical dictionary / Comp. E.S. Rapatsevich. — Mn.: Sovremennoe slovo, 2001. — 928 p.

51. Stolitsa, Z.K. Development of joyfulness in children and fight with pessimism / Z.K. Stolitsa. — SPb-M.: Izd. tov. M.O. Volf, 1912. — 82 p.

52. Feerbah, L. History of philosophy of New time from Bekon Verulamskogo to Benedikt Spinoza // Feerbah, L. Coll. of works in 3 vol.: tr. from germ; ed. and add. art. of M.M. Grigorian / L. Feerbah. — V.1. — M.:, 1967. — P. 65-414.

53. Feerbah, L. Representation, development and critics of Leibnitz's philosophy // Feerbah, L. History of philosophy. Collection of works in 3 vol.; under com.ed. M.M. Grigorian / L.Feerbah. — V.2. — M.: Myisl, 1974. — P.103-402.

54. Feyerbah, L. Pier Beil. To the history of philosophy and humanity // Feyerbah, L. History of philisophy. Works in 3 volumes; under gen. ed. M.M. Grigorian / L. Feyerbah. — V.3. — M.:Misl, 1974. — P. 5-318.

55. Feyerbah, L. Sence of Christianity // Feyerbah, L. Selected philosophic works; gen. ed. and add. article of M.M. Grigorian / L. Feyerbah. — V. 2. — M.: Gos. izd. polit. lit., 1955. –P. 7-405.

56. Shilling, G. Experience of philosophy of beautiful in music // Musical esthetics of Germany XIX cen. / G. Shilling. — V.2. — M.: Music, 1983. — C.110-118.

57. Shirshov, I.A. Glossary of word-formation of Russian language / I.A. Shishov. — M.: OOO "Izdatelstvo AST"; OOO "Izdatelstvo Astrel" ; OOO "Izdatelstvo "Russkie slovari""; ZAO NPP "Ermak", 2004. — 1022 p.

58. Shultse, G. On heart as ability to feel and aspirations // Gottlob Shultse. Psychological anthology or experiential study on its spiritual side; tr. from germ. — SPb.: tip. I. Glazunov, 1834. — P.248-502.

59. Shutz, U. Joy. Broadening of human conscious / William Shutz: tr. from eng. — M.: Publ. Eksmo, 2003. — 256 p.

60. J.A. Komenskiy. Maze of light and paradise of heart // Jan Amos Komenskii. Maze of light and paradize of heart: tr. from ch. by S. Skorvida, V. Korchagina, tr. from lat. I. Mahankova / J.A. Komenskii. — M.: MIK, 2000. — P.12-135.

About this article

Author: Kargapoltsev S.M.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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