№ 3 (231), 24 june 2021
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Николай Александрович ЗАЙЦЕВ (1939–2018) — российский педагог-новатор. Разработчик уникальных методик по обучению чтению, математике, русскому, английскому и ряду других языков. В 1958 году учился в педагогическом университете имени Герцена на филологическом факультете. В 1963 году работал переводчиком и преподавателем русского языка в Индонезии. Там же опробовал на иностранных сотрудниках авторскую систему обучения чтению русскому языку с использованием «складов». Методика оказалась коммерчески успешной.
Bykova A.S., Sakharova N.S., Kirillova I.N. MODERN TENDENCIES OF INTERPRETING THE CONCEPT OF “CRITICAL THINKING”Nowadays, there is a complete computerisation in the society of the XXI century and there is unlimited access to all types of information. The main requirement for a successful person is the ability to carry out a critical understanding of the information coming from outside, to give an objective assessment of the current events, to separate important information from insignificant one. There are many different studies of the concept of “critical thinking” in pedagogy, psychology, and philosophy. It is interpreted by scientists quite variably depending on the field of science, for example, the ability, special type or form of thinking, the type of cognitive activity, a set of cognitive skills, the process of evaluation and analysis, a set of elements. Having studied theoretical research, we came to the conclusion that critical thinking is independent, open, social and reflective. It was found that the researchers agree that the main components of critical thinking are purposefulness and controllability of thinking, the validity of the opinion, the logic of argumentation, selfregulation, the involvement of all types of mental operations that are necessary in working with continuously incoming information (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, concretizing, evaluation, interpretation). It is concluded that the information space is constantly updated with new data and ideas, and, consequently, many modern scientists add such important characteristics of critical thinking as reasoning, the ability to search for alternative ideas, introspection and analysis of incoming information, creativity and flexibility in finding ways to solve problems, the ability to predict possible results in decisionmaking, basic knowledge in psychology and conducting an effective dialogue. Summarizing the results of the study, despite a large number of different interpretations of the concept of “critical thinking”, modern scientists continue studying the type of thinking and finding new elements of the concept in terms of the conditions of intensive mobility in modern life.Key words: critical thinking, purposefulness, type of thinking, information.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V. SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP SYSTEM DESIGN SUBJECTS OF EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS IN ACTIVITY HEAD OF AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONThe transition from the command-administrative system to democratic transformations in the field of public relations requires the transformation of the socio-cultural sphere of Russia, which determines the need to study the peculiarities of the development process of the interaction of participants in educational relations in the field of education in order to design a system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization. The need to design a system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization is dictated by the need to intensify the interaction of all participants in educational relations in solving problems of the functioning and development of an educational organization; the objective need for an educational organization to play a leading role in organizing social partnership; the requirement of the state educational policy in the field of education for the development of new requirements for the system of relations between the educational organization and society, the mechanisms for the formation of this system of relations are not developed. The aim of the study was to determine the organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization. As a result of a theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature, it was revealed that the concept of «interaction», «partnership», «social activity» are essential characteristics and components of the content of the concept of «social partnership». In the course of the study, a model for the formation of a system of social partnership of an educational organization has been developed; it consists of 5 functional blocks: target, methodological, substantive, technological, productive and analytical. Organizational conditions for organizing social partnership between an educational organization and the parent community: introduction of effective technologies for interaction between subjects of social partnership into the educational process; continuous functioning of the negotiation process between the subjects of social partnership; the formation of an open information space for the effective implementation of social partnership between the educational organization and the parental community. The developed model of the organization of social partnership of an educational organization is a set of interrelated components, the implementation of which creates opportunities for the mutual growth of the potential of an educational organization.Key words: social partnership; social interaction; subjects of educational relations
Grishin V.S. PEDAGOGICAL CONTEXT OF ADULT LEGAL CULTURE FORMATIONIn modern Russian society, the attitude of social subjects to normative attitudes is critical, which is due to the new evaluation format of culture, the weakening of its integrating values, which is largely facilitated by the influence of consumer hedonism, when “greed replaces the incentive, will and everything that we strive for with a simple and healthy lifestyle” (J. Lax). In the consciousness of an adult, legal culture occupies a special place, since it determines the cultural, pedagogical, psychological and anthropological factors that guarantee the stability and predictability of thinking patterns, attitudes that underlie his behavior. Modern legal culture as a set of cultural values of a normative order, designed to prevent antisocial and anticultural deviations in the behavior of an individual, is formed in the context of a crisis of patterns of normative social relations, expressed in a dual perception of reality. The pedagogical context of the formation of the legal culture of an adult is determined by the need for him to carry out effective legal activities that allow him to evaluate actions not only from the position of legal expediency, but also moral value. For the pedagogy of adult education, axiological, culturological and andragogical approaches are of particular interest, based on the methodological principles of the personalityoriented paradigm of education and including a set of basic concepts, principles of adult education and training, value orientations, and reflecting the relationship of cultural values and the values of the individual and society. In the personal dimension, legal culture is a multidimensional quality of an adult that determines the positive orientation of his actions and actions in situations of legal choice. The identity of the legal culture of an adult is manifested in interaction with other categories, primarily with norms of behavior, values, and ideals. This is largely facilitated by the fact that legal culture, being a universal “Abinteriora” (directly related to the inner world of a person), is at the same time “Adextra” (a universal that affects the surrounding reality). The pedagogical problem of forming the legal culture of an adult should be considered in connection with the peculiarities of his worldview, life experience and sociocultural characteristics of the socioprofessional group of which he is a part.Key words: andragogy, pedagogy, legal culture, education, legal consciousness, worldview, scientific approach.
Drobotenko Yu.B., Nazarova N.A. THE REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE FORMATION OF LEARNERS’ FUNCTIONAL LITERACYThe development of learners’ functional literacy is one of the most urgent issues in modern education. The interrelationship between the quality of general education and the level of functional literacy formation is substantiated in pedagogical researches and reflected in the international assessment results of learners’ educational achievements (PISA) and the provisions of the normative documents that determine educational policy in the country, critically comprehended and meaningfully interpreted by experts in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, etc. The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of learners’ functional literacy formation, reflecting different approaches to the formation process of all its components (content, procedural, resultative). The article describes personalityoriented, activitybased, contextcompetence concepts that allow to present the process and results of students’ functional literacy formation in a holistic way. The authors of the article also distinguish: searchcreative and reproductivealgorithmic concepts that characterize the features of the procedural aspect of the functional literacy formation; a participatory concept, the leading idea of which is the development of functional literacy, considering life experience, as well as cultural and individual characteristics of students; the concept of a comprehensive assessment showing the necessity of considering the multicomponent structure and multiple contexts of functional literacy while assessing the level of its formation; an innovative and infrastructure concept that focuses on the necessity of the school infrastructure development which would create the conditions for the functional literacy formation. The article was prepared within the fundamental research of State Assignment implementation on the topic “Methodological and linguodidactic basics for the functional literacy formation of schoolchildren as a condition for improving the quality of general education” (Supplementary Agreement of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “OMSPU” No. 073032021027/2).Key words: functional literacy, students, educational achievements, psychological and pedagogical concepts, aspects of functional literacy formation.
Krapivina M.Yu. DEVELOPING COURSE OF ENGLISH FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES The requirements of the modern global economy for university graduates dictate new approaches to university linguistic training of future specialists. Students of nonlinguistic specialties are focused on equal entry into the world professional community. Therefore, it is essential to develop foreign language courses, taking into account the academic, social, professional and personal needs and interests of students. Research shows that a large proportion of future language users are interested in the special language of their profession and the language skills required in their future work. The strategy of the Orenburg State University is to maximize the convergence of training outcomes with the needs of the regional economy, taking into account the needs of the key industries, the requirements of potential employers. Thus, the teacher's task is to develop the content of the curriculum for foreign language courses. On the one hand, they should be wide enough to meet the requirements of a number of profiles and areas of training, on the other hand, they should be as specific as possible to meet the needs of specifically defined professional tasks. With regard to the subject of our research, we believe that when developing an English language course for special purposes (ESP), a teacher should rely on the principles of reverse course design, reflexive teaching, activitybased approach to teaching, professional orientation of teaching, intercultural orientation of teaching, and also principles of transparency, accessibility, mobility of the teaching process. Taking into account the specifics of the problem under investigation and focusing on the above principles of developing the ESP course, the main spheres and situations of foreign language communication were selected and tested as guidelines for building training courses. The theoretical approaches and principles developed in the course of the study aim to scientifically substantiate the procedures for analyzing, evaluating and implementing educational materials, to serve as guidelines for creating ESP courses for students of various fields of study, helping to purposefully achieve the development of the desired competencies.Key words: English for Special Purposes (ESP), course design principles, content selection, taking into account the needs of the economy, foreign language communication in the professional sphere.
Kucherenko M.A., Ogerchuk A.A. UNIVERSITY OLYMPIAD IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FUTURE APPLICANTPHYSICS FORMATIONTo obtain a systematic and fundamental education in the naturalmathematical and engineeringtechnical areas of training in higher educational institutions of Russia, the applicant must master the conceptual apparatus of the school physics course, master methodological skills, learn to apply knowledge to explain physical phenomena and solve physical problems at an advanced and high level difficulties. Participation in the Olympiad activities is one of the most effective ways to form, develop and improve the subject knowledge and skills of the future physicist entrant. The object of our research was the Eurasian multidisciplinary Olympiad for high school students “Search” in the “Physics” nomination as an element of the system of preparing high school graduates for continuing physical education in Russian universities. The aim of the study was to develop a conceptual framework for the methodological preparation of the Olympiad in physics and to determine effective ways to further improve it. Content analysis and study of the experience of holding the Olympiad in 2016–2021 allowed to determine the methodological content of the conceptual framework. Its basic elements are: a propaedeutic approach based on the transformation of the thematic and structural form of control and measuring materials of the unified state examination; selection of content elements that are most important for continuing education at a university and focused on the “zone of proximal development” of the student; preparation of assessment criteria that are of a teaching nature and built in accordance with the provisions of the technology of “advanced learning”. Based on descriptive statistics of the qualifying and final rounds of the subject competition of schoolchildren in 2016–2021 proposed and substantiated three directions of improving the schoolchildren's Olympiad activity in the subject area “Physics”. These areas are of a procedural, educational and research and educational nature. They should include: facetoface analysis of the solutions to the tasks of the Olympiad based on the hermeneutic approach; an experimental tour expanding the range of the student's methodological skills; subject seminars and lectures by leading scientists of the Faculty of Physics of the University with the aim of developing intrinsic motivation and subject erudition of the future applicantphysicist.Key words: Eurasian multidisciplinary Olympiad for high school students in the category “Physics”, principles of the methodological commission, criteria for completing the tasks of the Olympiad, ways to improve the Olympiad in physics.
Lapina A.S. FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES AND TRAINING FOR IT IN THE XXI CENTURY ABROADTo date, difficulties in teaching — whether it is the training of pedagogical personnel, or the pedagogical activity itself, are trying to resolve state policy. Often these difficulties are not unique and they don’t exist only in our country, which means the need for a broader view than domestic policy to overcome them, namely, considering the experience of world pedagogy in solving the most common problems in this professional environment. To this end, this article considers the realities of foreign pedagogical activity: the main requirements for the qualities of the personality of the teacher and his competence, ensuring his effective work; different approaches to teacher training in countries such as Great Britain, Germany, France, USA, Japan. It was revealed that approaches to the training of future teachers, having a pedagogical orientation, dominate those that promote substantive, in other words, the formation of personal and professional qualities necessary for successful work as a teacher, is a more significant task compared to the teacher’s training in information transfer. Further, the author seemed logical to combine the requirements for the personality of the teacher in the category, an attempt was made to group them as follows: a number of specific personal and professional qualities; theoretical pedagogical training of the highest quality; in a practical way, developed pedagogical abilities and formed competencies. It is noted that requirements consonant with the groups formed by us are included in the main criterion for assessing the quality of training of students of a Russian university — assessing the level of formation of competencies, and similar to them are noted by foreign researchers to describe a successful teacher for more than 10 years. Based on these classifications of requirements for a successful teacher, it is shown that in order to meet these criteria, the teacher must immediately possess some of them as a person, but, moreover, acquire a significant part of them in the process of professional formation. General actions on the reformation of foreign teacher training systems are indicated, the conclusion is made about the possibility of their applicability in our country.Key words: pedagogical activity, teacher training, requirements for the teacher, key qualities of the teacher, effective work of the teacher, competence of the teacher
Mokshev D.P. LEGAL DISCUSSION AS A MEANS OF FORMATION OF THE SENIOR SCHOOL PUPILS’ VALUE ATTITUDE TO LEGAL RULESIn modern conditions, the problem of educating modern youth of true patriotism, fullfledged personal citizenship, respect for national traditions and values is becoming more and more urgent. One of such values, without any doubt, is the domestic system of law and legal norms, as its primary elements. The most important component of the value attitude of high school students to legal norms is the ability to critically comprehend the content of the norms of law, formulate their subjective position in relation to it, argumentatively defend it in the context of polemics, listen to and take into account the arguments of the opposing side. All this complex of personal characteristics can be formed within the framework of educational legal discussion. The use of legal discussion in valuebased legal classes reflects one of the main characteristics of modern education — its dialogic nature. A wellorganized and conducted educational legal discussion contributes to the formation of the emotional and value component of the value attitude of high school students to legal norms. The author identifies the types of legal discussion (planned and improvised) and presents their comparative characteristics with specific examples. The basis for writing this article was the experimental work carried out by the author in the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years on the basis of the State Budget Educational Institution “Kurgan Regional School of Distance Learning”. Within the framework of the additional education program “Values of Law” developed by us, we conducted legal discussions of both types in the classroom with students. As a result, it was revealed that a planned legal discussion is more effective in terms of forming the value attitude of high school students to legal norms than an improvised one.Key words: value attitude, high school student, legal norms, legal discussion, normative legal acts.
Ryndak V.G., Allagulov A.M., Chelpachenko T.V. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONDue to the processes of adaptation of the educational environment, inclusion is able to provide students with special educational needs with an adequate form of education. The role of digital technologies in the development of domestic and foreign inclusive education is revealed on the basis of the experience of inclusive education at the Orenburg Pedagogical College named after N.K. Kalugin. We have determined the role of inclusion in the reconstruction of the social ecology of persons with disabilities, shown the restructuring of the value orientations of education and upbringing of “special children”, their socialization and rehabilitation in the process of teaching with children of the norm. The main models of teaching children with disabilities abroad and in Russia are highlighted, the episodic nature of digital resources and technologies in inclusive education is noted. The theoretical foundations of digital technologies in the development of inclusive education, the system of indicators of the level of digitalization of inclusive education have been clarified. A brief description of the methods of the electronic educational environment and models of its organization is given. The students' judgments about understanding the essence of the architecture of the educational platform are given. The structure and content of informational and methodological support of the educational process are disclosed. Digital technologies provide a quality transformation of inclusive education. This is confirmed by largescale projects for the implementation of inclusive education. Digital Learning Affiliate Programs provide assistance and support to the family of a student with a disability.Key words: inclusion, “inclusive school” (“regulation”, “initiative”, “director”), digital technologies, digital devices, principles of digital learning, digital transformation of inclusive education, information and methodological support of inclusive education.
Dmitrieva N.M., Duzhnikova M.A., Porol’ O.A. LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL COMMENTARY AS A WAY OF FOREIGN STUDENT IMMERSION IN THE RUSSIAN MENTALITY (ADVANCED LEVEL)Teaching Russian as a foreign language when working with literary texts is aimed at developing skills in foreign students that allow them to comprehend a text filled with meaningful vocabulary, which can be used later in the process of communication with native speakers of the Russian language. The tool for this type of work is a linguistic and cultural commentary, which contains linguocultural information that contributes to the understanding of the text at all stages of working with it: pretext, pretext and posttext. Linguistic and regional commentary on the story of I.A. Bunin's “The Grammar of Love” includes brief information about the era in which the events of the work unfold; definitions of linguistic culture found in the text; commenting on the literary images of the story that are found in other works of Russian literature, constant epithets. The attention of foreign students is also drawn to the material illustrating episodes, images, characteristic features of the era of the story: paintings, music, songs, and other literary works. Working with other literary works in teaching Russian as a foreign language can also be based on a linguistic and cultural commentary. The use of linguistic and cultural commentary in the lessons of RFL when working with literary texts that reflect the life of the Russian people will allow foreign students to understand not only the peculiarities of everyday life, customs and traditions, but also spiritual and moral values. This work has a practical orientation and allows you to use the materials obtained during the research in the lessons of RFL in order to form the linguistic and cultural competence of foreign students.Key words: linguoculture, linguistic and cultural commentary, mentality, spiritual and moral values, ethical concepts, culturally significant vocabulary.
Askhadullina N.N., Eremina A.P. INNOVATIVE WAYS OF ORGANIZING EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONModern sociocultural conditions determine new requirements for the personality of a student who is at the center of science, politics and the state. A graduate with creative thinking, capable of creative transformative activity, mobile and flexible, ready for social and individual changes, for participation in them and acceptance of the new as a value, is in demand. The development of personal potential, a reference point for the prospect of life growth and change are important areas of personality education, a significant role in which belongs to the educational component. The study of the theoretical and scientificpractical foundations of the organization of educational activities in vocational education is gaining great importance. Educational activity is studied within the framework of the theory of pedagogical activity and is determined by the activity content and structure. The organization of educational activities is the ordering of all parts and activities of all its participants in order to give it a sense of purpose, to optimize its functioning and development. It is thanks to the organization that all structures are formed: the structure of management, the structure of pedagogical actions, the structure of relations in the team. The article reveals the theoretical and scientific and practical foundations of the organization of educational activities. The ideas of modern authors in the aspect of solving the problem are updated. The results of the content analysis of the concept are presented, the content and structure of educational activities in vocational education are revealed. Scientific and practical foundations are revealed through innovative ways of organizing educational activities at the adaptivemotivational, activityidentification, assessment and prognostic stages, subject to organizational and pedagogical conditions: actualization of the motivational potential of the educational and educational environment; enrichment of the content of vocational training with an educational component; inclusion of students in network project activities.Key words: upbringing, educational activity, vocational training, vocational education.
Akhmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M. ANALYSIS OF BARRIER RESTRICTIONS IN THE ASSIMILATION AND PRESENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE BY A STUDENT AT A UNIVERSITYIn this work, on the basis of a systematic approach, the barriers of the student at the university are analyzed, which hinder both the deep assimilation of knowledge and their worthy presentation at various levels of control. A multilevel model representation of the learning process allows you to identify bottlenecks and outline ways to eliminate the identified barriers. However, as this analysis shows, the most serious barriers, as well as a large number of them, are still in the minds of students, therefore, almost all pedagogical means of overcoming these barriers become indirect, convincing, and motivating. On the other hand, it is possible to imagine, of course, punishments, the main of which is the deprivation of the scholarship. Several levels of professional knowledge transfer have been identified, depending on the pedagogical means by which this is carried out. So theoretical knowledge is transmitted through lectures, skills are acquired in practical classes and laboratory work, and finally, skills are developed in work with elements of creativity: essays, term papers, final qualification works. The transferred knowledge is then compared with the results of control procedures at the corresponding levels, and only then the degree of development of competencies and the general competence of the student at the highest level are determined. Accordingly, corrective actions from the upper levels will depend on the results obtained. It is important for the learning process that there are objective and subjective barriers. The first group of barriers is associated with students with disabilities and persons with disabilities. Since there is an arsenal of special pedagogical tools for their training (inclusive education), only subjective barriers are investigated in the work.Key words: Multilevel presentation, learner barriers, systems analysis, competencies, model of the learning process
Gladkikh V.G. FUNCTIONALTARGET DOMINANTS OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe need to study the independent work of students is due to socioeconomic transformations, the development of technologies and unforeseen risks affecting the results of vocational education. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to specify the priorities of independent work of university students. Independent work is considered as an integral way of training a competent employee, implemented in the unity of classroom and extracurricular forms of activity. The characterized tasks of the professional context, level tasks and problem situations are an effective tool for its formation. The students ‘ mastering of the algorithm of independent work in extracurricular conditions is initially carried out in the classroom form and is accompanied by the methodical guidance of the teacher. Of particular importance in this process is the tutoring activity, which ensures its individualization and the achievement of students ‘ independence as a quality of personality. Electronic educational resources have a certain potential in the formation of independent work of university students. The functional and target specificity of independent work is characterized by six aspects. The first one includes a focus on personal development and contributes to the improvement of the organizational culture of intellectual work, familiarization with creative activities. The second involves information education and enrichment, embodied in individualized results. The third aspect is aimed at stimulating “professional acceleration”, presented in the perspective vision of oneself in the chosen profession. The fourth involves the education of professionally significant personal qualities in combination with universal, enriching the culture of professional activity. The fifth aspect is characterized by the inclusion of students in research activities, the acquisition of research experience in educational and cognitive activities. Finally, the sixth is focused on learning the experience of control, selfcontrol, selfassessment in the feedback process.Key words: independent work, content of students ‘independent work, classroom form of independent work, extracurricular form of independent work, functional and target priorities of students’ independent work, electronic educational resources, tutor activity.
Saitbaeva E.R., Kriskovets T.N., Sidorova V.O. MODEL FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONModern updates of Russian preschool education (its conceptual foundations, targets, content and technologies, quality assessment, management, financing, informatization) require changes in the thinking and style of activity of leaders in relation to the management of the preschool education quality assessment system in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool education. For this, in a preschool educational organization, appropriate conditions must be created, by which in the theory and practice of management are meant resources (regulatory, motivational, personnel, information, scientific and methodological, financial, material and technical) and methods of their use. However, in the scientific and methodological literature there is no description of the experience of designing a model for improving the system for assessing the quality of preschool education in a preschool educational institution. The authors of the article made an attempt to create a similar model. For this, the concept of “quality of preschool education” has been clarified as a complex category that includes the quality of the main educational program, the conditions for its implementation and the results of mastering the educational program. The parameters of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of preschool education are highlighted, namely: the actual state of the educational program, conditions and results achieved and their compliance with the standard and consumer requirements. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the system of assessing the quality of preschool education have been identified: development of local documents regulating the system for assessing the quality of preschool education in a preschool educational institution; creation of a motivational resource aimed at supporting teachers who improve the system for assessing the quality of preschool education; organization of professional retraining and advanced training of teaching and management personnel; creation of a humanitarian information and educational environment. These conditions were tested in the course of experimental work in the municipal preschool educational autonomous institution “Kindergarten No. 116” in Orenburg. The result of approbation of the model was the mastering by teachers of knowledge about the features of the new system for assessing the quality of preschool education, criteria and indicators of quality assessment; mastering modern technologies for assessing the quality of preschool education; increasing motivation and professional readiness for its implementation. As a result of the study, the assumption was confirmed about the positive influence of the developed model of improving the system for assessing the quality of preschool education on the development of professional competencies of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.Key words: quality; preschool education; a system for assessing the quality of preschool education.
Strizhkova O.V., Streneva N.V. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF STIMULATING STUDENTS’ COGNITIVE ACTIVITY IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGESThe learning process is complex and multifaceted. The question of how to motivate and stimulate a student’s cognitive activity, how to involve them in the process of cognition, conscious acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities is significant for teachers of a foreign language. The increase of cognitive activity requires a teacher to understand the feasibility of the applied forms, methods and teaching aids. Thus, the work of a lecture should be aimed at using such content, forms, methods, techniques and teaching aids that enhance activity, creative independence of students in the knowledge assimilation, the formation of skills and abilities, and their application in practice. The study allowed us to determine that a practiceoriented approach to learning as one of the means of enhancing cognitive activity has a number of advantages and makes it possible not only to form the student’s desire to be ready to perform tasks, but also the ability to apply the knowledge gained in solving vital tasks and problems. The use of the global Internet and the solution of communication problems when considering blogs of people of different professions and social statuses, as well as modeling such situations and finding the solutions, gives students the opportunity to learn how to make a dialogue in the virtual space and feel socially significant in society. Thus, the teacher forms a positive image of a foreign language and the relevance of its study.Key words: cognitive activity, practiceoriented approach, the global Internet, blogging discourse, teaching of a foreign language.
Charikova I.N., Osiyаnova O.M. EPISTEMIC STYLE OF COMMUNICATION INTERACTION OF SUBJECT PROJECT ACTIVITY Modern project activities organization technologies are based on interactive communication and group interaction of specialists with various professional specializations. The implementation of innovative, inherently unique project activities cannot be carried out in a confined space outside the interaction of the subjects of its activity. The space of group targeted information exchange is conditioned instability of the situation of the individual’s entry into a multidimensional, dynamic space of widespread globalization and digitalization, which requires the individual’s ability to adequately respond to changes in professional activity, society, and the world. Mainstreaming of process of integration and interpenetration of knowledge in productive dialogue of practiceoriented activities subjects of is the subject of discussion of many pedagogical studies on the concept of communicative educational interaction. In this regard, to determine the essential characteristics and role of the epistemic style in the communication interaction of the subjects of project activity is the current pedagogical task. The article established that the epistemic style of communication interaction is based on a wellbuilt dialogue that takes into account the professionalvalue and personal orientations of subjects. It was revealed that the epistemic style is inextricably connected with the cognitive structures of the personality and acts as a characteristic feature of cognitive, personal attitude to the activity of transforming the world and himself.Key words: interaction, communication, university, professional education, knowledge, activity.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |