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June 2021, № 3 (231), pages 120-125

doi: : 10.25198/1814-6457-231-120

Charikova I.N., Osiyаnova O.M. EPISTEMIC STYLE OF COMMUNICATION INTERACTION OF SUBJECT PROJECT ACTIVITY Modern project activities organization technologies are based on interactive communication and group interaction of specialists with various professional specializations. The implementation of innovative, inherently unique project activities cannot be carried out in a confined space outside the interaction of the subjects of its activity. The space of group targeted information exchange is conditioned instability of the situation of the individual’s entry into a multidimensional, dynamic space of widespread globalization and digitalization, which requires the individual’s ability to adequately respond to changes in professional activity, society, and the world.
Mainstreaming of process of integration and interpenetration of knowledge in productive dialogue of practice­oriented activities subjects of is the subject of discussion of many pedagogical studies on the concept of communicative educational interaction. In this regard, to determine the essential characteristics and role of the epistemic style in the communication interaction of the subjects of project activity is the current pedagogical task.
The article established that the epistemic style of communication interaction is based on a well­built dialogue that takes into account the professional­value and personal orientations of subjects. It was revealed that the epistemic style is inextricably connected with the cognitive structures of the personality and acts as a characteristic feature of cognitive, personal attitude to the activity of transforming the world and himself.
Key words: interaction, communication, university, professional education, knowledge, activity.


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About this article

Authors: Charikova I.N., Osiyanova O.M.

Year: 2021

doi: : 10.25198/1814-6457-231-120

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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