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Orenburg State University october 20, 2024   RU/EN
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Лицензия Creative Commons

June 2021, № 3 (231), pages 87-93

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-87

Askhadullina N.N., Eremina A.P. INNOVATIVE WAYS OF ORGANIZING EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONModern socio­cultural conditions determine new requirements for the personality of a student who is at the center of science, politics and the state. A graduate with creative thinking, capable of creative transformative activity, mobile and flexible, ready for social and individual changes, for participation in them and acceptance of the new as a value, is in demand. The development of personal potential, a reference point for the prospect of life growth and change are important areas of personality education, a significant role in which belongs to the educational component. The study of the theoretical and scientific­practical foundations of the organization of educational activities in vocational education is gaining great importance.
Educational activity is studied within the framework of the theory of pedagogical activity and is determined by the activity content and structure. The organization of educational activities is the ordering of all parts and activities of all its participants in order to give it a sense of purpose, to optimize its functioning and development. It is thanks to the organization that all structures are formed: the structure of management, the structure of pedagogical actions, the structure of relations in the team.
The article reveals the theoretical and scientific and practical foundations of the organization of educational activities. The ideas of modern authors in the aspect of solving the problem are updated. The results of the content analysis of the concept are presented, the content and structure of educational activities in vocational education are revealed. Scientific and practical foundations are revealed through innovative ways of organizing educational activities at the adaptive­motivational, activity­identification, assessment and prognostic stages, subject to organizational and pedagogical conditions: actualization of the motivational potential of the educational and educational environment; enrichment of the content of vocational training with an educational component; inclusion of students in network project activities.
Key words: upbringing, educational activity, vocational training, vocational education.


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About this article

Authors: Ashadullina N.N., Eryomina A.P.

Year: 2021

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-87

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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