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June 2021, № 3 (231), pages 20-31

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-20

Grishin V.S. PEDAGOGICAL CONTEXT OF ADULT LEGAL CULTURE FORMATIONIn modern Russian society, the attitude of social subjects to normative attitudes is critical, which is due to the new evaluation format of culture, the weakening of its integrating values, which is largely facilitated by the influence of consumer hedonism, when “greed replaces the incentive, will and everything that we strive for with a simple and healthy lifestyle” (J. Lax).
In the consciousness of an adult, legal culture occupies a special place, since it determines the cultural, pedagogical, psychological and anthropological factors that guarantee the stability and predictability of thinking patterns, attitudes that underlie his behavior.
Modern legal culture as a set of cultural values of a normative order, designed to prevent antisocial and anti­cultural deviations in the behavior of an individual, is formed in the context of a crisis of patterns of normative social relations, expressed in a dual perception of reality.
The pedagogical context of the formation of the legal culture of an adult is determined by the need for him to carry out effective legal activities that allow him to evaluate actions not only from the position of legal expediency, but also moral value.
For the pedagogy of adult education, axiological, culturological and andragogical approaches are of particular interest, based on the methodological principles of the personality­oriented paradigm of education and including a set of basic concepts, principles of adult education and training, value orientations, and reflecting the relationship of cultural values and the values of the individual and society.
In the personal dimension, legal culture is a multidimensional quality of an adult that determines the positive orientation of his actions and actions in situations of legal choice.
The identity of the legal culture of an adult is manifested in interaction with other categories, primarily with norms of behavior, values, and ideals. This is largely facilitated by the fact that legal culture, being a universal “Abinteriora” (directly related to the inner world of a person), is at the same time “Adextra” (a universal that affects the surrounding reality).
The pedagogical problem of forming the legal culture of an adult should be considered in connection with the peculiarities of his worldview, life experience and socio­cultural characteristics of the socio­professional group of which he is a part.
Key words: andragogy, pedagogy, legal culture, education, legal consciousness, worldview, scientific approach.


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About this article

Author: Grishin V.S.

Year: 2021

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-20

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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