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№ 5 (228), 23 october 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Kiryakova A.V. ORENBURG BRANCH OF THE SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF AXIOLOGY OF EDUCATION T.K. AKHAYAN (TO THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH)The article is dedicated to the outstanding teacher, professor Tamara KonstantinovnaAkhayan, who has devoted fifty years to work at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen and service to pedagogy. Through the prism of relevant pedagogical problems of the modern world, the fundamentals of T.K. Akhayan’s scientific heritage, the significance of her views on social labor activity as a factor of schoolchildren’s education are shown. The ideas, once expressed by T.K. Akhayan, were developed and continued at a new stage in the development of pedagogy in the research of disciples and followers of her scientific axiological school. The name of the scientist is titlyconnected with Orenburg region because of herpupils who realized her ideas in theirpractical work.Key words: social and labour activity, values, beliefs, axiological ideas.
Erofeeva N.E., Melekesоv G.A. VALUES OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS' READINESS TO STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITYThe article analyzes the results of annual monitoring of the readiness of first-year students to study at the University. On the example of only one year, the questions typical for many higher educational institutions are identified. The results are interesting because they represent the responses of first-year students of the faculty of secondary vocational education and higher education faculties, indicating the perspective of the work of the teaching staff through overcoming randomness in the choice to form a stable interest in the future profession. The entire study is based on the basic principles of the axiological approach and allows to prepare an objective correction of the academic and educational process in an educational organization with a focus on the personal potential of a first-year student. The study focuses on several points — on the actualization, awareness and inherent worth of the teacher’s profession and his role in the professional choice of his students, as well as on understanding the value orientations of yesterday’s students who decided to devote themselves to the profession of an engineer or a teacher, an economist or a programmer, a psychologist, etc. Speaking about the values of modern education, many researchers pay attention to the need for proper professional orientation of school graduates. In the context of the pandemic, it has also become an urgent problem, since the distance of the educational organization from future first-year students has become significant. Nevertheless, students are making their choice now. What is the reason for this choice, what motivates the student, what values are most important for him on the way to entering the adult period of life and in the process of professional development, what role teachers, parents, friends play in his professional choice — all these are important aspects of the problem, which the article is devoted to.Key words: education, professional choice, readiness, values of education, first year student.
Zubova L.V., Tron O.S. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS DEFORMATION AMONG INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES EMPLOYEES AND MEDICAL WORKERSProfessional legal awareness of law enforcement officers and its formation is not limited to obtaining a special education. It continues in the process of professional activity. It is at this stage that its deformation is possible. Of interest is the presence of the relationship between legal awareness and its deformation, depending on the specifics of professional activity. Namienno empirical study of the relationship between legal consciousness and the specifics of professional activity. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took part in the survey. Most of the respondents, regardless of their profession, have average indicators. This reflects their susceptibility to changing their attitude towards norms and rules, depending on the situation. We have identified the necessary ideal features of professional consciousness among law enforcement officers. They consisted in a positive attitude towards the law. A correlation was obtained for the dependence of the factor assessing the concept of “law” on the professional activity of the respondent and the authorities. The trend was revealed in relation to the assessment factor and profession. The deformation of legal consciousness reduces the productivity of official activity and carries negative social consequences and demoralization of the individual. That is why the importance of psychological support for professional activities is beyond doubt.Key words: deformation, sense of justice, professional activity, law.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Oztyurk D.S. THE FORMATION OF MONTESSORI EDUCATIONAL SPACE IN ORENBURG REGIONThe implementation of the National Project “Education” to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education, the introduction of a national system of professional growth of teachers, the organization of systematic work on the continuous development of professional skills of workers in the educational system requires clarification of axiological foundations of training a teacher of modern times in region. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the formation of the Montessori educational space in the Orenburg region in the late XX — early XXI centuries, on the basis of adaptation and creative development of the unique system of Maria Montessori, recognized by UNESCO as a teacher who determined the method of pedagogical thinking in modern world, reflects the design and implementation of this system in the educational space of Russia. The results of the study of the problems of increasing the effectiveness of the process of professional development of the teacher’s personality based on the democratic values of world progressive pedagogy were successfully used in the system of training and advanced training of teachers, class teachers and teachers of additional education in the Orenburg region, for the continuous development of their professional pedagogical skills, as well as in special courses on practical the application of M. Montessori’s axiological ideas in the humanitarian context of modern regional education. The article also presents a brief analysis of research and creative works of students in the International Competition “In the World of Wise Thoughts of Maria Montessori” (2020), organized by the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, dedicated to her 150th birthday anniversary. In the modern space-time continuum, the experience of designing and significantly updating the content of training and advanced training programs for modern teachers has been updated, taking into account regional needs and explicating the best experience of world progressive pedagogy.Key words: formation, Montessori pedagogy, regional educational space, historical and pedagogical analysis.
Moiseeva A.N., Tavstukha O.G., Polkina S.N. DESIGNING A MODERN LESSON IN THE CHILDREN ADDITIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM Lesson in the system of additional education is the basic form of organizing the educational process. Features of the content, variety of forms, variants of classifications, design technologies and lessons are presented in scientific publications, educational publications, regulatory documents, teaching materials. Despite this, there is a need to disclose the design features of a lesson in the system of additional education. Within the framework of our theoretical research, the main requirements for a modern occupation were identified: designing an occupation based on a system-activity approach; providing the student with the achievement of personal and meta-subject results; adherence to the logic of designing and conducting classes as an integral system of educational activities of the teacher and students; implementation of the developmental nature of educational activities; adherence to basic didactic principles; development of the main components of educational activities. Our study of the activities of teachers of additional education shows that a significant part of them experience certain difficulties in designing a lesson, manifested in an insufficiently effective organization of students’ activities. In a number of cases, basic didactic principles are violated, and group activities of students are inappropriately organized. To eliminate the identified difficulties, we have proposed the following methods: achieving compliance of the structure and content of the lesson with regulatory documents; allocation and implementation of educational tasks as a strategic action plan for students at each stage of the lesson; defining the topic as a problem that needs to be solved in the lesson, defining the purpose of the lesson as disclosing the semantic key concepts of the topic; organization of work to assimilate the methods of activity by students; drawing up an initial model (product) of the final activity of students in class; selection of information taking into account the interests and needs of trainees; the use of research assignments, non-standard, entertaining tasks, educational problem situations; development of motivation; carrying out semantic reflection. In general, the teacher needs an understanding that in the classroom, pedagogical activities are carried out, which allow achieving modern educational results.Key words: occupation, additional education, design, personal results, meta-subject results.
Noskov E.A. INFORMATION INTERACTION AS A FACTOR OF TRAINING STUDENTS IN THE NATIONAL SECURITY FIELDTraining students in the field of national security in the education sphere is impossible outside the sociocultural information and educational environment. The information and educational environment is considered as a set of conditions that ensure the implementation of information interaction, both between users and between them and an interactive information resource, using information and communication technologies, both analog and digital forms of implementation. The leading concept of the information and educational environment is information interaction. Intensive interaction in the information and educational environment using the means of distance educational technologies requires the choice of an effective method of communication between the subjects of the educational process, which can be ensured by the development of methodological approaches to the implementation of pedagogically expedient communication. Under the influence of the new communication environment, the communicative, interactive and operational activities of both the teacher and the student are significantly modified. Of particular importance is the correctness of relations, the education of tolerance and a culture of communication in the context of mediated communication in a computer environment. An increase in the methodological activity of teachers, the activation of teaching and learning processes is ensured by the use of new teaching methods based on communication in small groups: project, problem, cooperative, collaborative learning. Thus, interactive information interaction includes goal-setting and activities with the use of technical means, which allows us to talk about communication with a specific educational goal in terms of using hardware and software. Under the influence of the sociocultural information and educational environment, the communicative, perceptual, operational, interactive aspects of the activities of students and teachers are undergoing serious changes. Psychological and pedagogical influence, ensuring the development of the student’s creative potential, the formation of competencies in the field of ensuring national security, provides informational interaction of the subjects of the educational process.Key words: information interaction, communication in the educational process, interactive information interaction, sociocultural information and educational environment.
Pak L.G. SOCIALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL SOCIETYDigital technologies have a global impact on the socialization of students in the educational organization of higher education. The theoretical and applied aspects of socialization of students in the era of digital society are of interest for study. As a result of the study of scientific literature, I described the phenomenality of the digital generation of students, the features of Net-thinking of “carriers of a new post-innovation reality” and identified risky situations that complicate the process of socialization of students in the era of digital society. The socialization of students in the era of digital society is understood by me as a purposeful process of expanding ideas about the surrounding world, information and social, through students mastering the standards and rules of working with information, mastering the tools of critical understanding and evaluating incoming information flows; developing motivation to build productive communication and team-individual interaction in online and offline worlds; formation of skills of social and behavioral competencies correlated with realization of optimal methods of self-education, self-realization, self-improvement in open information space. The study of the conceptual field of definition and features of the modern generation of students allowed me to substantiate the conceptual positions of socialization of university students in the era of digital society, correlated with the priority areas of pedagogical science and practice. They include: learning through action in new educational media formats and social reality; competent component in training — formation of digital competencies in the cross-cutting axis of social and professional competencies; Activation and initiation of mixed forms of learning. The conceptual provisions of socialization of students in the era of digital society are reflected in the development and testing of the option “Socialization navigation of a student in the media space of a digital society” using mixed forms of training, the potential of the Moodle electronic information educational environment, which updates the value of responsible cultural education, meaning formation, norm-setting, self-regulatory behavior in the digital information environment to expand the sphere of optimal integration of students into modern society.Key words: digital society, digital technologies, socialization, students, educational process of the university, risky situations of socialization, interactive online and offline interactions.
Ryndak V.G., Allagulov A.M., Chelpachenko T.V. PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE THROUGH THE PRISM OF A SYNERGY APPROACHThe methodology of pedagogical science at the present stage is undergoing significant changes. This is due to the complexity and multidimensionality of objects and subjects in the structure of pedagogical reality. The existing methodological arsenal does not allow taking into account all these features. At the same time, in pedagogical science, more and more attention is paid to the problem of an interdisciplinary approach in scientific research. And this requires an appeal to the general scientific level of pedagogical methodology. We established the functions of methodological approaches in pedagogical knowledge, actualizes the value of the synergetic approach. The appeal to the general scientific level of pedagogical methodology in the cognition of modern pedagogical reality actualizes the methods and principles of the theory of self-organization. Today, the penetration of the corresponding terminology into the sphere of pedagogical knowledge is noted. This process is quite natural, since the general theory of systems and synergetics provide a methodological basis for a full study and description of pedagogical reality, regardless of its nature, forms of existence, degree of complexity, and features of functioning. The optimal means of pedagogical cognition through the prism of a synergetic approach are proposed. The use of a synergetic approach in pedagogical cognition actualizes the need for its integration with a systemic approach.Key words: pedagogical cognition, pedagogical reality, synergetics, synergetic approach, system approach, methodology.
Sakharova N.S., Raptanova I.N. MODERN TENDENCIES OF PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTION IN THE COURSE OF ORGANIZING INDEPENDENT WORK OF BACHELORSFormation of the readiness of university graduates to independently search for the necessary information and knowledge with a view to their further application in the professional sphere is a priority task of modern higher education. In this regard, studies on the organization of independent work of bachelors have acquired particular relevance and priority. Being the main source of information and cognitive potential for increasing the effectiveness of training bachelors, independent work should be presented in the form of an integral system of its organization. Special attention is also paid to the definition of the teacher's role in organizing independent work. In other words, a certain pedagogical interaction should be organized between the teacher and the bachelors. Modern trends in pedagogical interaction are reduced to the subject-subject type of relationship. This type of relationship is characterized by the organizational, guiding and corrective functions of the teacher. The subjective position of a bachelor is the ability to set a goal, take steps to achieve it, as well as the ability to manage this process. The technologies chosen by the teacher make it possible to increase the proportion of independent work of bachelors in search of new information, mastering professionally significant knowledge. An example of such technologies is simulation technology, which is a strictly built algorithm of actions, the observance of which contributes to the formation of the necessary competencies of bachelors, as well as a number of professional and personal qualities. The organization of independent work by means of simulation technology contributes to the development of subject-subject pedagogical interaction between the teacher and bachelors. This type of pedagogical interaction stimulates the initiative, creativity of bachelors, forms their ability for self-education, self-identification. The use of simulation technology in the process of organizing independent work significantly changes the nature of the relationship between a teacher and bachelors. Subject-subject interaction is the highest level of pedagogical interaction, in which the teacher and the bachelor enter into an interaction relationship based on the concepts of compatibility and cooperativity.Key words: pedagogical interaction, organization, subject-subject interaction, independent work, subject position, simulation technology.
Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V. DIGITALIZATION OF EDUCATION: PROBLEMS, PROSPECTSDigitalization of education is viewed as an inevitable process of transformation of the content, methods and organizational forms of educational work, unfolding in a rapidly developing digital educational environment and aimed at achieving the goals of the country’s socio-economic development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and the emergence of the digital economy. The relevance of studying the development of the digitalization trend in education is determined by the special role of education in the life of modern society, which is guided by the principles and values of the post-industrial era. The quality of human potential, the readiness of people to withstand natural and social challenges largely depends on the efficiency of the education system. In the process of improving national education, modern technologies are acquiring an increasing role every year, the introduction of which contributes to the modernization and development of education, as well as improving the quality of training of future specialists and bringing education and science closer together. At the same time, such technologies require a revision of existing approaches to educational activities, as well as an analysis of their impact on society and individual social groups. In this regard, the study of issues of digitalization of education and its social consequences seems to be a very relevant area of scientific research. The purpose of this article was to identify the main problems and determine the prospects for the formation of digitalization in the field of education. The opportunities and threats of digitalization of the educational environment integrate the problems of socialization, the transfer of implicit knowledge. The main idea for the development of modern education is: “The education system is the field where we still have chances. Moreover, we are talking about not very large-scale investments. The main thing is new ideas”. Prospects for digitalization of education are aimed at solving practical issues related to the implementation of the state policy of digitalization of various spheres of public relations. They can contribute to the coordination of efforts of scientists, politicians, civil society institutions for the socio-economic and cultural development of our society. The results obtained allow a more objective and meaningful approach to the fundamental problems of managing the cultural policy of modern society. They are designed to stimulate the creation of new forms of culture on the basis of the priorities of harmonizing national cultural characteristics and the specifics of world techno-scientific processes.Key words: digital pedagogy, digitalization, digitalization of education, digital environment.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V., Muratova A.A. MENTORING AS A RESOURCE OF TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe study is of interest to the professional development of a teacher-mentor in the context of modernization changes in the Russian education system. The introduction of a national system for the professional growth of a teacher, a new model of attestation of teaching staff actualizes the implementation of the mentoring methodology to provide high-quality professional support for teaching staff. The aim of the study was to identify the professional deficiencies of teachers-mentors, to determine the professional difficulties identified during the participation of teachers-mentors in the competitive movement. Based on the study of the content characteristics of the concepts of “mentoring”, “professional development”, “professional competence of a teacher-mentor”, the author’s definition of the competence of a teacher-mentor is proposed as the ability and readiness of a teacher-mentor for effective informal mutually enriching interaction with the mentor, building his individual strategy for professional growth ... We noted that the professional activity of a teacher-mentor is considered within the framework of “horizontal” continuous education of a teacher and is determined by the degree of conscious professional advancement, professional growth of both the mentored and the mentor himself. This requires a special share of responsibility in solving specific problems of acquiring professional and life experience, developing new professional competencies. In our opinion, the teacher-mentor, being a key figure in the mentoring program, must have successful professional experience, positive professional, personal and life results, the willingness and ability to share their experience, and provide professional support to the mentor. To highlight the criteria for the professional competence of a teacher-mentor, we turned to the necessary qualities of successful mentors, indicated in the Methodology (target model) of mentoring. The results of the study show that for purposeful work on the development and improvement of the institution of mentoring in a modern educational organization, it is necessary to develop and implement an in-house mentoring program, to create its high-quality resource support.Key words: mentoring, teacher-mentor, professional growth of a teacher, professional competence of a teacher-mentor, criteria, levels of formation of professional competence of a teacher-mentor.
Goriainova T.A., Belonovskaya I.D. RESEARCH OF PREDICTIVE ABILITIES OF FUTURE ENGINEERS BY A CONTENT ANALYSIS METHODEngineering activity assumes the various abilities defining the forecast of behavior of a technical object, implementation of technology, future project. Structure and demanded predictive abilities of future engineer are investigated fragmentary that complicates process of their formation in the conditions of modern higher education institution. The method content of the analysis can become tools of a research. The prospect of use consists in receiving reliable data for creation of the corresponding content of programs of training of engineers in higher education institution. he content analysis for identification of structure of abilities of future engineers most often is guided by educational and professional standards. These texts act as the reliable materials characterizing requirements to qualification of the university graduate. Texts of the concept of engineering design on the basis of phasic life cycle of a product and a subject of dissertation researches on technical science can become addition to them. It is revealed that most often the mention of predictive activity meets in subjects of theses of scientific specialties “Construction” and “Mechanical engineering”. On the example of the industry “Construction” categories of a research of predictive abilities by a content analysis method — “forecast”, “model”, “assessment”, “resource”, “risk”, “development”, “plan”, “danger”, “prospect”, “consequences” are established. The demand of predictive abilities in engineering activity of future engineers is defined, their characteristic elements on the example of future builders are allocated: determination of prospects and a consequence of development of the project, assessment of resources for realization of future actions, modeling of representation of future objects and their behavior in time, risk assessment and dangers, planning of future actions in various production situations. Key words: predictive abilities, engineer, content analysis, civil engineer.
Kuznetsov В.В., Averyanova Е.В., Vorobyov В.К., Kostyuk D.D. TO THE ISSUE OF FORMATION OF CORPORATE CULTURE OF FUTURE BUILDERSIn the context of growing competition, construction companies consider corporate culture to be the most important way to increase the efficiency of design and production teams, the key to strengthening partnerships and creating an attractive business image. The basis for the formation of the corporate culture of future builders begins in the university, where students assign the basic professional value category to the construction industry, leading ideas and principles of norms and models of activity. The basic document defining the corporate culture of the industry is voluntarily the builder’s professional and ethical code, adopted by the All-Russian Intersectoral Association of Employers “Russian Union of Builders.” The goal of the study was to find means to increase the level of formation of corporate culture of a graduate of the university in the direction of “Construction” based on the study of components and models of corporate culture of leading enterprises in the construction industry of the region. A cluster analysis of companies and a questionnaire of successful employees of LLC NPP Promtekhnologia, Orenburg and LLC Akropolis, Kumertau were carried out. Based on the data obtained for students of construction areas of the Kumertau branch of the OGU and Orenburg State University, cases with tasks aimed at forming a corporate culture were developed, business trainings were held. The diagnostic results revealed a correlation of the main positions of the corporate culture of students - future builders and regional employers.Key words: corporate culture, corporate ethics, employer, student.
Matviyevskaya E.G., Saitbayeva E.R., Abdraimova Y.А. MANAGEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT OF A TEACHER IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONModern updates of Russian general education (its content and structure, technologies, assessment of the quality of educational results, management, financing, informatization) impose new requirements on the teacher’s professional competence, which manifests itself in constructive and competent pedagogical decisions in favor of the student in the face of uncertainty in the educational situation. In order for a teacher to be able to implement the tasks of modernizing education, he needs support from the system of additional vocational education, in which appropriate conditions must be created, by which in the theory and practice of management resources are understood (regulatory, motivational, personnel, information, scientific and educational -methodical, financial, material and technical) and methods of their application. The article describes the experience of designing a model for managing the development of professional competence of a teacher in the system of additional professional education. The authors clarified the content of the teacher’s professional competence as an integrated professional and personal quality, including motivational-value, cognitive and operational components. The conditions are identified that ensure effective management of the development of the teacher’s professional competence in the system of additional professional education, including: taking into account the specifics of the teacher’s professional activity, his capabilities and difficulties in the program of additional professional education; providing the opportunity to master additional professional educational programs by means of distance educational technologies; resource provision of distance educational technologies. The results of experimental work at the Institute of Continuing Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Orenburg State Pedagogical University” on approbation of the model of management of the development of professional competence of a teacher in the system of additional professional education are presented. Its effectiveness has been proven on the basis of performance criteria, optimality and efficiency.Key words: professional competence of a teacher; system of additional professional education; distance learning technologies.
Prosvirkina I., Frolova A. EDUCATING OF FOREIGN STUDENTS TO PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION WITH THE USE OF MOBILE VIDEOIn this article the theoretical base of the idea of creating and using the method of “Mobile video” during the process of teaching the foreign students to communicate in Russian language is proved. We give the review of different types of mobile video(video-review, video-speech, video-dialogue, video-polilogue), which we can use in educational process and also the way of the common work of teacher and students during creating of this educational product. We describe the way of work of the teacher and students during the creation of compositions with the use of different mobile devices for studing of different ways of speaking activities. We pay a great attention for it because of the obligation for the future doctors to the skill of oral and written practice and of course a good doctor must not only communicate, but also work with the documents such as medical card of ambulance and hospital patients. The methodology of creation of the professional mobile video consists of two parts: the first part is preparation for the lesson and the second part — is a creation of mobile video step by step with the analysis of the educational practice such as “Mobile video” and filling the form of ambulance card. There are before demonstration, demonstration and after demonstration steps in the structure of preparation lesson. We offer to the students different exercises which can improve the common and professional vocabulary and in the final all this could transform the doctor’s vocabulary. After that the students create the mobile video step by step. They use the instruction during the process: at first they create the script, after that they discuss it with the teacher and in the end the student work with the creation of his own study product. The method of the “Mobile video” helps to realize different educational tasks with a great effect, such as updating and development of the vocabulary and also teaching of the creation of professional monologue and dialogue in order to facilitate listening of the oral speech. By the way using of the professional mobile video within the educational process had already gone the process of testing on the base of Russian language’s department in the Orenburg’s State Medical University. The results of this practice have shown, that the method of the “Mobile video” helps to optimize the educational process of students in Medicine.Key words: Russian language as a foreign, professional study of students in Medicine, the method of the “Mobile video”, the ground of working with the medical documents.
Tavstukha O.G., Shavshaeva L.Yu., Andreeva E.I. FORMATION OF INCLUSIVE READINESS OF FUTURE TEACHERS FUTURE KINDERGARTEN TEACHERSThe key idea of modern education is its individualization. The professional standard of a preschool teacher requires the ability to work with different categories of students, including children with special needs. Taking into account the needs, characteristics and possibilities is the main means of achieving the accessibility and quality of education for every child. The teacher’s ability to properly organize the educational process in various conditions, including in conditions of inclusion, determines the success of children in mastering the educational program, their emotional and personal well-being, and the safety of the kindergarten environment. The purpose of our research was to identify the structure and specificity of students’ readiness to implement inclusive preschool education. Diagnostics of the state of the main components of the professional readiness of the future teacher in the implementation of inclusive practice, made it possible to determine the main directions of our further work to improve the content of the work programs of academic disciplines, teaching methods at the university. Our capabilities have been significantly expanded by significant experience in the system of advanced training for kindergarten teacher. As a result, we identified the state of readiness of future preschool teachers to implement an inclusive approach by components, described the main mechanisms for further work to expand and deepen it. Further adherence to the proposed recommendations will allow building an integral system of training future kindergarten specialists who successfully carry out inclusive education.Key words: preschool education, inclusive education, inclusive culture, students with special needs, professional competence, inclusive readiness of a teacher.
Temkina V.L., Lasitsa L.A. TEXTUAL ACTIVITY AS A MEANS OF FORMING OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS OF LANGUAGE SPECIALTIESModern educational policy in the field of high education is aimed at achieving the professional competence of graduates, namely, the formation of its constituent professional competencies, setting the task for methodologists to find the most effective means for this. Scientists are divided into two groups: those who treat the concepts of competence and competency as synonyms, and those who distinguish these concepts. The authors share the second view, considering the professional translation competence as the ability to perceive, process, create and translate texts of different genres and stylistic affiliation of native language and foreign language, using knowledge of literary norms, vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the language, in accordance with the goals and situation of communication, taking into account the knowledge about the culture of his native country and the country of the foreign language, demonstrating the skills of working with information and multimedia technologies, as well as willingness to improve personal qualities, necessary for the implementation of a successful professional activity. The authors, having studied numerous points of view on the composition of translation competence, offer the following set of competencies included in it: communicative, linguistic, translation, text, socio-cultural, pragmatic, educational and cognitive, technical, informational, linguodidactic and personal. The authors, considering that textual activity is the most optimal means for the formation of professional competence of students of language specialties, developed a text-activity model of teaching interpretation to students. Based on the results of an experimental study conducted with the participation of students of the training direction 45.03.02 Linguistics, the authors proved the effectiveness of textual activity for the formation of professional competence of students of language specialties.Key words: competence, competency, textual activity, learning model, language, translation.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
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