October 2020, № 5 (228), pages 57-65doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-228-57
Noskov E.A. INFORMATION INTERACTION AS A FACTOR OF TRAINING STUDENTS IN THE NATIONAL SECURITY FIELDTraining students in the field of national security in the education sphere is impossible outside the sociocultural information and educational environment. The information and educational environment is considered as a set of conditions that ensure the implementation of information interaction, both between users and between them and an interactive information resource, using information and communication technologies, both analog and digital forms of implementation. The leading concept of the information and educational environment is information interaction. Intensive interaction in the information and educational environment using the means of distance educational technologies requires the choice of an effective method of communication between the subjects of the educational process, which can be ensured by the development of methodological approaches to the implementation of pedagogically expedient communication. Under the influence of the new communication environment, the communicative, interactive and operational activities of both the teacher and the student are significantly modified. Of particular importance is the correctness of relations, the education of tolerance and a culture of communication in the context of mediated communication in a computer environment. An increase in the methodological activity of teachers, the activation of teaching and learning processes is ensured by the use of new teaching methods based on communication in small groups: project, problem, cooperative, collaborative learning. Thus, interactive information interaction includes goal-setting and activities with the use of technical means, which allows us to talk about communication with a specific educational goal in terms of using hardware and software. Under the influence of the sociocultural information and educational environment, the communicative, perceptual, operational, interactive aspects of the activities of students and teachers are undergoing serious changes. Psychological and pedagogical influence, ensuring the development of the student’s creative potential, the formation of competencies in the field of ensuring national security, provides informational interaction of the subjects of the educational process.Key words: information interaction, communication in the educational process, interactive information interaction, sociocultural information and educational environment.
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About this article
Author: Noskov E.A.
Year: 2020
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-228-57
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |