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October 2020, № 5 (228), pages 41-47

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-228-41

Kargapoltseva N.A., Oztyurk D.S. THE FORMATION OF MONTESSORI EDUCATIONAL SPACE IN ORENBURG REGIONThe implementation of the National Project “Education” to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education, the introduction of a national system of professional growth of teachers, the organization of systematic work on the continuous development of professional skills of workers in the educational system requires clarification of axiological foundations of training a teacher of modern times in region. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the formation of the Montessori educational space in the Orenburg region in the late XX — early XXI centuries, on the basis of adaptation and creative development of the unique system of Maria Montessori, recognized by UNESCO as a teacher who determined the method of pedagogical thinking in modern world, reflects the design and implementation of this system in the educational space of Russia. The results of the study of the problems of increasing the effectiveness of the process of professional development of the teacher’s personality based on the democratic values of world progressive pedagogy were successfully used in the system of training and advanced training of teachers, class teachers and teachers of additional education in the Orenburg region, for the continuous development of their professional pedagogical skills, as well as in special courses on practical the application of M. Montessori’s axiological ideas in the humanitarian context of modern regional education. The article also presents a brief analysis of research and creative works of students in the International Competition “In the World of Wise Thoughts of Maria Montessori” (2020), organized by the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, dedicated to her 150th birthday anniversary. In the modern space-time continuum, the experience of designing and significantly updating the content of training and advanced training programs for modern teachers has been updated, taking into account regional needs and explicating the best experience of world progressive pedagogy.Key words: formation, Montessori pedagogy, regional educational space, historical and pedagogical analysis.


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10. Kargapoltseva N.A. Socialization and personality education in Montessori education. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Orenburg, 2000, 48 p.

11. Kargapoltseva N.A. Montessori-obrazovanie: problema socializacii i vospitaniya lichnosti. Monografiya [Montessori education: the problem of socialization and personal education. Monograph]. M.: Pedagogical Bulletin, 1999, 184 p.

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About this article

Authors: Kargapoltseva N.A., Oztyurk D.S.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-228-41

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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