№ 5 (223), 23 october 2019
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Владимир Абрамович КАРАКОВСКИЙ (1932–2015), народный учитель СССР (1991), заслуженный учитель школы РСФСР (1971),
доктор педагогических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАО (1990). Окончил филологический факультет Челябинского педагогического института. Работал учителем литературы и русского языка, директором в школах Челябинска, директором московской школы № 825 (1977) до 2011 года.
Лауреат премии Президента Российской Федерации в области образования (1997) за книгу «Воспитание? Воспитание... Воспитание!».
Akimova L.A. MATRIX ANALYSIS OF «CULTURE OF A SAFE LIFESTYLE FOR A FUTURE TEACHER» CONCEPTThe instability and crisis of the social, economic, environmental, and ideological situation, the scale of man-made disasters, and the devaluation of generally accepted traditional norms, rules of life, and lifestyles required a serious transformation of the education sector. Demand a culture of safe lifestyle of the future teachers are able to productivity of innovation given the impact of taken decisions from the point of view of social good, educational effectiveness. The analysis of the problem in pedagogical science and educational practice shows that the culture of a safe way of life of a future teacher has not been studied as a pedagogical phenomenon. The article presents the results of matrix analysis based on a combination of orientation, Gnostic and integrative techniques. Forty-eight dissertation pedagogical studies on healthy lifestyle culture and safety culture were analyzed in the period 1999-2017. In the line of pedagogical studies of healthy lifestyle culture, it is determined that it is understood in the orientation to self-development of a person, the educational environment, humanistic relations and the creative nature of pedagogical interaction. Pedagogical research on safety culture shows that the activity aspect of the phenomenon under study is developed, which is characterized by a focus on socially significant values in the organization of pedagogical interaction. Culture of a safe way of life of the future teacher — professional and personal characteristics, integrating socially significant life values, pedagogical Outlook, knowledge, skills that ensure the acquisition of experience in organizing professional and educational practices of a safe way of life. The components and criteria of the studied phenomenon are highlighted, which will allow us to study the process of its formation in the educational environment of a pedagogical University. Key words: culture, safe way of life, a future teacher.
Belonovskaya I.D., Nevolina V.V. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENTMODERN STUDENTWorld trends in social development determine the need for pedagogical support of the professional self-development of a modern student for active independent development of competencies. The professional and personal result of student training is being updated, which is assessed by indicators of the achievement of the integrative competence of professional self-development, reflecting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard. At the same time, the problem of pedagogical support of professional student self-development in the conceptual plan is not sufficiently studied. The aim of the study is the conceptual justification of the pedagogical support of the professional self-development of a modern student and the development of program-methodological and instrumental-technological means of its implementation. The authors have implemented research tasks in the field of methodology, theory, conceptual apparatus, the construction of the concept of pedagogical support of professional student self-development, its model representation and practical implementation. The general and invariant positions of pedagogical support of the student’s professional self-development regarding the profession and level of education in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards of higher education and professional standard are revealed. The study implemented regional, cluster and international interaction on the basis of a network of experimental Foresight platforms and introduced the author’s integrated methodological, instrumental and technological support of the process under study. The results of the study substantiate the significance of the solution in the theory and methodology of professional education of the problem of pedagogical support of professional self-development of a student; open up prospects in studying the potential of higher education in the logic of professional and personal growth of a future specialist.Key words: professional self-development of a student, pedagogical support, professional ethos, technologies of professional self-development.
Ezhova T.V., Kolobova L.V. ON THE QUESTION OF PUPILS’ SELF-EDUCATION Fundamental changes in the modern education system require the school as a final product — a developed personality, capable and ready for continuing education. The process of teaching foreign languages at school has great potential from the point of view of upbringing and development: in the lessons of a foreign language, students work out general educational activities and develop communication skills. As an indicative result of a foreign language school education, the ability and readiness of the graduate to further continuous self-educational activities, which are required for successful functioning in a multicultural and multilingual world, are advocated. In the course of the study, we found that for the successful formation of a culture of self-education in the school, all the necessary methods of educational activity should be worked out successively. We found that with targeted stimulation of students to linguistic and self-educational activities, a stable internal need is formed for the search and development of a system of self-education methods. The activities of students are holistic in nature and occur in the unity of its components: motivational, regulatory and adaptive. The component composition of self-education allowed us to identify the essence of the process of linguo-self-education — this is self-educational activity, the purpose of which is to maintain and increase the level of knowledge of a foreign language culture. The formation of the skills of linguo-self-formation is expressed by the presence of self-regulation, which makes it possible to quickly develop the necessary action schemes for solving the tasks. Self-education skills are an essential skill for an educated person in the 21st century. The approach, when students themselves create or obtain their knowledge and experience a sense of independence in the educational process, increases the motivation for learning.Key words: a teacher, self-education activity, linguistic self-educational culture, motivation, self-esteem, self-control (self-regulation), foreign language.
Ignatov P.A. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF MEDIA INFORMATION LITERACY OF A ADDITIONAL EDUCATION TEACHERThe demand for a media-literate teacher of additional education is due to the need to navigate the information flows of the media space, work effectively in a modern information environment, own a variety of sources of educational media information, evaluate their reliability, create and make optimal use of educational media resources for the competent transmission of text and media products to students. The UNESCO initiative to develop a program to train teachers of media and information literacy emphasizes the importance of equipping a teacher with competencies in this field, mastering knowledge of the technology of their transmission among students. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of “media and information literacy”, we gave a definition in the author’s interpretation, revealing it as an integrative personal quality. The main terms describing the essence of this concept were “media text”, “media content”, “media information”, “media space”, “media environment”. It is proved that media information literacy is of a cultural and educational nature, since it is the basis for the creation and design of information through media resources in the system of additional education. We see the formation of media and information literacy with the integrated implementation of pedagogical conditions aimed at the network interaction of additional education teachers within the framework of the Internet portal, the creation of an educational environment with electronic information and educational resources, as well as the organization of pedagogical support for this process. The interaction of additional education teachers in the media space made it possible to note the dynamics of the formation of media and information literacy through the creation and maintenance of personal blogs, participation in various interactive events on the issues of media education, continuing education courses, and the exchange of experience on the platforms of professional communities.Key words: media information literacy, media literacy, information literacy, additional education, media education.
Kiryakova A.V., Garaeva E.A. INTERNET RESOURCES IN THE UNIVERSITY TEACHER PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITYIntensive informatization of the education sector provided opportunities for creating conditions and enhancing the use of Internet resources to improve educational practice. Internet resources are seen as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The global digitalization of society has contributed to the fact that at present part of the teacher’s professional activity is being transferred to the Internet. In this regard, the problem of identifying the capabilities of Internet resources as a means of organizational and methodological support of the educational process was updated. The purpose of the study was to clarify the essence, consider the main characteristics, and also identify the capabilities and key functions of the Internet resources most used by university teachers. As a result of theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature it is revealed that the educational potential of the Internet is currently not sufficiently studied and therefore not fully used in education. We see the essence of the concept of «Internet resource» as text, graphic, and multimedia information posted on Internet sites that can be delivered to a user’s computer at his request in the form of a file or sets of files of various formats. Educational resources of the Internet include: Internet resources specially developed for use in the educational process at a certain educational level and for a specific subject area; Internet resources used for information support of the education system as a whole, the activities of educational organizations or education management bodies; Internet resources represented by educational sites and portals. The specificity of the resources of the Internet lies in the fact that the services used can perform many different functions and do not have universality for all subjects of the educational process. The role of Internet resources lies in the fact that they have a wide range of informational, interactive, technological, organizational and methodological capabilities to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. The existing classification made it possible to systematize the resources of the Internet in accordance with the types of professionally significant tasks of the teacher, to which they are aimed, and the goals for which they are used in the educational process. The revealed capabilities and functions of various Internet resources provided an understanding of the technology of their use by the university teacher in professional and pedagogical activities.Key words: Internet resources, educational resources of the Internet, personal educational environment of a university teacher, professional and educational activities of a teacher.
Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V. METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN EDUCATIONThe actualization of the methodological aspect of the content and organization of modern education is disclosed in this article when resolving the contradiction between the requirements of the state and society for the development of a competent person at each level of education and the lack of sound scientific and methodological tools in the practice of education. The generalization of methodological foundations allows you to competently and clearly design the educational process, focused on a specific result. The process of personality development in the prism of methodological foundations is associated with the improvement of certain qualities regulated by educational standards. For the successful implementation of this process, the authors substantiated the competency-based approach as the leading one in the methodological foundations of modern education. The theory of education involves the choice of support (foundation) of the activities of the teacher and student. To date, the methodology of personality development in education sets the competency-based approach. The article defines the competencies that characterize the personality of a graduate who is ready for effective life in society or at work. The productivity of the competency-based approach from the perspective of methodological foundations is described by the authors through task methods that provide a link between theory and practice, knowledge and ability to act. The first result of the authors’ study is directed to the system of preschool education, in which problem-solving teaching methods are applied. For the kindergarten, the priority goal is the harmonious development of the child and his preparation for school. The problematization of the educational process is designed to ensure high-quality continuity of the educational programs of preschool and elementary education, to form the necessary competencies of the child and ensure his social adaptation. The second result in the article is presented by the characteristic of the methodological support of school education based on educational and cognitive tasks. The period of study at school is associated with the formation of a person who is ready to independently carry out cognitive activities. The authors present three types of educational and cognitive tasks that solve the problem of the formation of the subjective position of the student. The third result of the study in the article contains the methodological foundations of professional and higher education, which are based on case study technology. The use of cases in colleges, technical schools and universities makes it possible to integrate the learning process with future professional activities, to form not only universal or general cultural competencies, but also to develop the value world of a future specialist in a certain professional field.Key words: methodological support, competency-based approach, task method, preschool education, school education, vocational education, higher education.
Matviyevskaya E.G., Moiseyeva A.N., Muratova A.A. PECULIARITIES OF SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM DESIGNIN MODERN CONDITIONSThe education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person on the basis of spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation and historical and national cultural traditions is enshrined in the leading normative documents of the State level. The national pedagogical tradition is to carry out the educational process in the system. The school has the necessary resources to create an educational system that will ensure rich and socially significant activities of students, to form socially significant qualities: initiative, activity, responsibility. The system construction of the educational process in the school is based on the organization of hard, out-of-school and out-of-school activities of the students. The core of the educational system is the continuing and emerging traditions in the educational organization. The preservation and creation of traditions is based on significant events, familiar relations in the collective, changes in the sociocultural situation and forms the way of school life. In order to effectively design educational systems, it is necessary to bring them to conceptual and structural unity, which is ensured through the interaction of the specialized ministry, the specialized higher educational institution, municipal methodological services, school s and the improvement of the skills of participants implementing educational systems within the framework of professional activity. The most productive training is carried out with team training: a specialist of the municipal service, deputy director of educational work, head of the school methodical association of class leaders. Prospects for the development of educational systems of schools are presented in the development of the institution of mentoring, mainstreaming, development of virtual methodological offices on problems of education; Identification and dissection of the best pedagogical experience.Key words: education, educational system, levels of an educational system, way of school life, valuable orientations, traditions, social partnership, professional development, online testing, municipal model of an educational system, model of an educational system of school, activity of the class teacher, model of an educational system of a class.
Novak M.A. ORGANIZATIONAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF TEENAGER SOCIAL SUCCESS IN THE CHILDREN’S INTERNATIONAL CENTERThe meaning of the pedagogical search focuses on the disclosure of the content of priority conditions and their effectiveness in the development of the personal platform of social success of the teenager. During the analysis of the theory and practice of formation of social success of teenagers, I found out the value of socio-cultural practices. The presence of a variety of practices enriches the daily lives of digital generation teenagers with samples in various communication formats. At the same time, I see personalized tutoring as effective in «eye-to-eye» and «peer-to-peer» strategies. Live interaction creates new mechanisms for transferring «knowledge cores» to teenagers who are eager for success and recognition. The semantic «grain» was the updated online format of the «Family club» based on the children's international center. The purpose of the study is to identify organizational conditions in creating an educational space for the formation of social achievement of adolescents. Tasks-to reveal the content of priority conditions and their effectiveness in forming a personal platform for social success of a teenager. I think it is optimal to identify three organizational conditions for the formation of social success of adolescents in the children's international center. 1. A variety of socio-cultural practices of the digital generation of adolescents. During the practice, teenagers learned to integrate their own interests into the world's cultural fabric. 2. Personalization of tutoring support. Teachers of the center mastered the ability to promote the development of the subjectivity of adolescents and their adaptation to life in the modern format of life creation on the basis of the children's international center. 3. Modern online format of the «Family club» in the framework of the author's project «Good school». The club optimized the relationship of the pupil-tutor-parent in building the individual trajectory of the teenager's success. I believe these conditions are necessary for the formation of social success of a teenager in the children's international center.Key words: social success of a teenager, socio-cultural practices, tutor support, online and offline activities of the family club, children's international center.
Olkhovaya T.A., Osiyanova O.M., Temkina V.L. SUBJECT-ORIENTATED TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONTEXTOF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONModern educational trends, inextricably linked with the processes taking place in the socio-political and economic life of the world community, dictate an appeal to the modernization of the technological component of higher professional education in order to prepare a competitive specialist who is able to withstand unusual situations, capable of productive activities and value-semantic self-organization of behavior. The phenomenon of student subjectivity, being closely associated with the value characteristics of the individual and the ability to self-organize, has become a necessary social requirement for a specialist in the modern world. This leads to the appeal to subject-oriented technologies of vocational education, the definition of their role and functions. A theoretical study made it possible to identify the historical role of universities and the essential characteristics of the educational environment of a university, which is a factor in the formation of subjectivity of students. Particular attention in the context of higher education is paid to the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of subject-oriented educational situations aimed at achieving a student's own educational result in a specially organized independent practical activity. We understand subject-oriented situations as specially designed pedagogical situations that actualize the manifestation of subjective qualities, demand subjective experience, and have great potential for the manifestation of student subjectivity. The cycle of the educational situation includes the basic technological elements: motivation for activity, statement of the problem, personal solution of the problem, presentation of educational products, reflection of the results. The study revealed the main signs of subject-oriented educational situations: the naturalness of occurrence; lack of coercion of students to participate in them; providing psychological and pedagogical conditions that stimulate subjective activity. A classification is proposed that includes problematic, reflective, creative and communicative situations, situations of free choice and self-organization. Experimental work has made it possible to argue that the methods of student behavior in subject-oriented situations are gaining subjectivity or its loss. In the course of the study, it was proved that subject-oriented technologies of vocational education have the potential for realizing the essential needs of a person in knowledge and understanding of the world and himself, self-realization, self-creation, reflection, and provide a definition of vital value orientations.Key words: higher professional education, subjectivity, subjectivity potential, student’s subjective activity, subject-orientated technologies, subject-orientated situations, value orientations.
Salzeva S.V., Kochemasova L.A. HISTORICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE AS A DESIGN FOR THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION Rethinking of historical and pedagogical heritage from the perspective of modern development of pedagogical science and practice, implementation of leading ideas are the basis for further integration of conceptual humanistic views in the context of formation of historical and pedagogical competences of students. The article analyzes the conceptual ideas of Y. Korcak about the image of the teacher, about the self-worth of childhood, love for children, the search for harmonization of interaction in the world of childhood and the world of adults, which contribute to its better implementation. The necessity of popularization and continuity of ideas of humanistic pedagogy of Y. Korcak and its methodology in modern education is stressed. The author pays special attention to pedagogical heritage from the position of leading scientists of modern times who develop the ideas of the teacher, analyze the problems of theory and practice of education in the pedagogical concept of Y. Korchak. The author ‘s vision of practical significance of the study of historical and pedagogical heritage revealing the main provisions of the pedagogical concept and the modern context of the pedagogy of Janusz Korcak is justified. The updating of humanistic ideas reflects conceptual aspects of the study of the historical and pedagogical heritage of teachers of the past in modern conditions by organizing an international competition of research and creative works of students “In the world of wise thoughts of domestic and foreign scientists-teachers”. The author ‘s project (contest) reveals the humanistic potential of using the pedagogical heritage of the past in the educational process of the university as an innovative regulation of scientific creativity of students.Key words: Y. Korchak, pedagogical humanist, historical and pedagogical heritage, historical and pedagogical competencies, educational organization of higher education, modern humanistic pedagogy.
Tavstukha O.G., Andreeva E.I., Miheeva E.V. INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATIONThe increase in the number of students with disabilities suggests an increased focus on the organization of their education. An inclusive approach ensures equal access to education for all children without discrimination. It is important to consider the needs of learners with disabilities and their healthy peers. Pre-school age is the most effective in the organization of inclusive education. This is the period when communication skills are developed. The organization of an inclusive environment in order to include all students in an inclusive culture of kindergarten is relevant. Awareness of the value of difference will enable all participants in the educational process to feel comfortable and safe. The aim of our study was to identify key aspects of creating an inclusive educational environment for kindergartens. Diagnostics of professional development courses made it possible to identify the most common problems with the introduction of inclusive education in kindergartens in the region. To address these challenges, we have engaged our own professional experience in the preschool education system. As a result, we have highlighted the main principles of effective organization of inclusive educational environment and its components. We have described the content of the communicative-organizational, subject-spatial and content-methodical components of the inclusive educational environment. We presented a mechanism for interaction between kindergarten specialists and described their functions. The implementation of these principles and components of an inclusive educational environment will contribute to building a holistic system of inclusive preschool education in the kindergarten.Key words: preschool education, inclusive education, inclusive culture, inclusive environment, students with special needs, psycho-pedagogical support.
Charikova I.N. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF EPISTEMOLOGICAL GROUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROJECT One of the aims of any research is to determine adequate methodological approaches to the object and subject of the research and to allow investigating the content of the problem under study thoroughly and correctly. The article is devoted to the theoretical foundations of methodological approaches to the study of the future engineers’ educational design development. Educational design in the University environment shows a cross-cutting project plot, within which the future engineer should develop the ability of constant self-studying. For its successful development, it is called upon with professional needs and life circumstances to be able to think independently, analyze, generalize, extract and apply knowledge creatively. The research presents the capacity of using the potential of epistemological, axiological and activity approaches. The epistemological approach is a conceptual basis in the educational development of future engineers’ design system, activity approach stands for a procedural ground, and axiological approach presents the informative one. As a part of the studying the epistemological grounds for the development of future engineers’ educational design, the methodological approaches are epistemological, activity and axiological approaches, which are closely interrelated and interpenetrated. The methodological potential of the selected approaches allows us to study the process of development future engineers’ educational design in the modern space of the University and define this process as complex, continuous, cognitive, changeable, and nonlinear.Key words: approach, educational projection, university, professional education, knowledge, activity
Ryndak V.G. PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF GENERATION Z STUDENTS: PROBLEMS, WAYS OF SOLUTIONPurpose of the article: determination of the essence of professional self-determination of students from generation Z. Research methods: theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical literature; conversations; analysis of the portfolio, questionnaires, situations, experience of the author of the article, assessment and self-assessment of bachelors, teachers, generalization and systematization of the data; personal technique of R. Ketell; ranking of cognitive needs; analysis of students’ opinions on the conditions and quality of vocational training. Research results: the article gives a theoretical analysis and analysis of the research results, which made it possible to clarify the concept of multi-professionalism, professional self-determination, the importance of integrating the professional self-determination environment and personalized maintenance of students from generation Z, students from generation Z are characterized, the reasons for their late maturity, their attitude to career and work are determined. The role of computerization of the educational process, independent and cognitive activity is revealed. It was clarified that the effectiveness and quality of professional self-determination is ensured by individual educational paths, a methodological resource, online training, and access to digital technologies. Conclusions and recommendations: the role of the teacher as a professional partner from generation Z is determined. It is proved that the teacher, not being an authority for the centennials, nevertheless remains a competent knowledge guide for them, a consultant, a specialist who helps to track the optimal paths of professional self-determination.Key words: Professional self-determination, multi-professionalism, professionalization, student from generation Z, centennials, characteristics of centennials in Russia, self-realization of centennials, value system of generation Z.
Ganaeva E.A., Guzairova А.F., Lipatkina N.V. CORPORATE EDUCATION EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT TECHNOLOGY In modern socio-economic terms the corporate educating of personnel takes seat to the person in the structure of organizational activity. The estimation of efficiency and effectiveness of the corporate educating comes true by organizations independently on the basis of models of estimation of educating of personnel taking into account corporate aims and specific of activity of enterprise. The question of technologizing of this process remains not decided. Within the framework of the real research the corporate educating is examined by us as the purposeful specially organized process of in-house professional preparation of workers, sent to forming or perfection of necessary competenses for the effective decision of professional tasks. During research by us, on the basis of praxeological approach, technology of estimation of effectiveness of the corporate educating is worked out. She includes five interrelated and complementary stages: preparatory, evaluation, practical, reflection, result. Aims, maintenance, methods of estimation and results of every stage, are described in technology. The positive effect of application of this technology is expressed in her practical orientation and possibility of relevant estimation of the corporate educational programs, answering expectations of customers, internal and external consumers, business partners and different contractors. Technology of estimation of effectiveness of the corporate educating allows to estimate the degree of accordance of the expected results got and define validity maintenances of educating. She is the means of reflection of accordance between maintenance of educating and maintenance of work of student personnel.Key words: in-house training, corporate training, learning outcomes, learning effectiveness, technology, assessment technology, technology for assessing the effectiveness of corporate training.
Glotova M.I., Tokareva M.A. ORGANIZATION OF ASYNCHRONOUS INDEPENDENT WORKOF STUDENTS USING THE MOODLE ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTSocio-economic transformations, the formation of a new production process require the graduate to take responsible independent activities in solving professional problems, and actively interact with the external information environment. On the other hand, federal state educational standards actualize the need for providing each student with unlimited access to the educational information environment with ensuring asynchronous interaction of all participants in the educational process. Under these conditions, the organization of the student’s independent work on the basis of distance educational technologies and e-learning is becoming increasingly important. In order to effectively organize students’ asynchronous independent work, we use the capabilities of the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). By asynchronous independent work of a student, we understand the subjective type of educational and cognitive activity, based on the individually distributed over time execution of a complex of multilevel tasks and tasks with the consulting and coordinating assistance of a teacher. Given the focus of higher education results on a specific set of universal, general professional and professional competencies, as well as the basic principles underlying the functioning of the Moodle system, we have identified the components of the electronic educational environment Moodle for organizing asynchronous independent work of students studying information systems and technologies. Structurally, the electronic educational environment of Moodle is represented by program-strategic, resource-informational, content-active, control-diagnostic, technical and communication components. The organization of asynchronous independent work of students using the capabilities of the Moodle system is a cyclical passage through four stages: preparatory, performing, searching and creative. The use of an electronic course developed using the LMS MOODLE platform in the educational process is possible both for asynchronous organization of extracurricular independent work, and for the methodological support of classroom activities provided for by the work program of the discipline. Thus, the use of such an organization of asynchronous independent work reflects the specifics of the modern approach to the organization of the educational process, which implies the creation of an accessible interactive educational environment, focused on the formation of the learner’s skills to independently acquire new knowledge and willingness to apply them to solve problems of future professional activity. Key words: asynchronous independent work, e-learning environment, Moodle e-learning system.
Trubenkova S.N. FORMATION OF MARKETING COMPETENCE OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS HEADS IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODULAR TRAININGThe modernization conditions for the development of modern education require new professional qualities from the head of the educational organization. The expansion of the marketing activities of the head is associated with increased competition, the introduction of innovative practices in the activities of educational organizations. In this connection, it is necessary to clarify the criterial basis of marketing competence of the head of an educational organization, to determine the substantive and organizational foundations of continuing education of heads of educational organizations. The aim of the study is to identify the possibilities of modular training for the formation of marketing competence of the leaders of educational organizations. We substantiate the idea that the competency-based model of the head of an educational organization requires significant changes at all levels of the pedagogical system: in values, goals and results, in the content of training, in pedagogical and student activities, in the technological support of the educational process, educational environment, in relations with the external environment. This process actualizes the problem of searching for methodological tools, methodological approaches that ensure the formation of marketing competence of heads of educational organizations. The competent methodology of designing and organizing the educational process allows, in our opinion, to ensure that the professional qualifications of the leader correspond to the requirements of professional activities. Revealing the concepts of “modular approach”, “modular principle”, “modular technology”, “block-modular training”, we came to the conclusion that a competent approach in the conditions of modular training ensures the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process, the goal (and the result) of which is the formation of competencies (development of competence) of the student through a modularly designed educational program. Thus, we refer to the opportunities of modular training for the formation of marketing competence of the leaders of educational organizations: openness and flexibility of the educational process, allowing the head of the educational organization to independently form an educational route in accordance with a professional request that includes experience; integration of the social (normative) and the individual in the educational process, which allows education to fulfill the function of a social institution, and to the leader to design individual professional-personal promotion; selectivity and choice, providing an individual educational request and an individual program to satisfy it, implemented in the shift of responsibility for learning outcomes from teacher to student.Key words: module, competence-modular approach, the modular education program, adult education, professional competence.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |