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October 2019, № 5 (223), pages 40-45

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-223-40

Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V. METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN EDUCATIONThe actualization of the methodological aspect of the content and organization of modern education is disclosed in this article when resolving the contradiction between the requirements of the state and society for the development of a competent person at each level of education and the lack of sound scientific and methodological tools in the practice of education. The generalization of methodological foundations allows you to competently and clearly design the educational process, focused on a specific result. The process of personality development in the prism of methodological foundations is associated with the improvement of certain qualities regulated by educational standards. For the successful implementation of this process, the authors substantiated the competency-based approach as the leading one in the methodological foundations of modern education.
The theory of education involves the choice of support (foundation) of the activities of the teacher and student. To date, the methodology of personality development in education sets the competency-based approach. The article defines the competencies that characterize the personality of a graduate who is ready for effective life in society or at work. The productivity of the competency-based approach from the perspective of methodological foundations is described by the authors through task methods that provide a link between theory and practice, knowledge and ability to act.
The first result of the authors’ study is directed to the system of preschool education, in which problem-solving teaching methods are applied. For the kindergarten, the priority goal is the harmonious development of the child and his preparation for school. The problematization of the educational process is designed to ensure high-quality continuity of the educational programs of preschool and elementary education, to form the necessary competencies of the child and ensure his social adaptation.
The second result in the article is presented by the characteristic of the methodological support of school education based on educational and cognitive tasks. The period of study at school is associated with the formation of a person who is ready to independently carry out cognitive activities. The authors present three types of educational and cognitive tasks that solve the problem of the formation of the subjective position of the student.
The third result of the study in the article contains the methodological foundations of professional and higher education, which are based on case study technology. The use of cases in colleges, technical schools and universities makes it possible to integrate the learning process with future professional activities, to form not only universal or general cultural competencies, but also to develop the value world of a future specialist in a certain professional field.
Key words: methodological support, competency-based approach, task method, preschool education, school education, vocational education, higher education.


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About this article

Authors: Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-223-40

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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