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№ 5 (166), 2014


Rusakova T.G., Shleyuk S.G., Levina E.A. COLLAGE ALS METHODE IM SYSTEM DER BERUFLICHEN AUSBILDUNG DER STUDENTEN-DESIGNERThe article is devoted to problems of training in the technique of collage as a creative method. Collage is considered as a method of sketching in painting and as an independent artistic creativity in the specific conditions of educational activity of art schools. The material is based on the study of the history and development of collage as an independent art technique in painting in professional art and as a method in the system of professional preparation of students — designers. Key words: method, collage technique, sketching, composition, artwork, teaching method.
Melnikov V.A., Purik E.E. TONAL PROBLEM AS THE BASIS OF TEACHING OF DRAWINGThis article focuses on one of the leading problems of professional art education — professional training of artists, designers, architects — the development of methods of teaching drawing and substantiating the role of tone in the process of studying the laws of graphic literacy. The issue gives the analysis of the role of tonal relationships in classic and modern art. The main purpose is to reveal the laws of the plastic figure and their understanding of different historical periods in order to improve methods of teaching drawing.Key words: art education, painting, graphics, creativity, line, tone, the means of artistic expression, space, composition, creative activities, the universal laws of fine arts.
Shevchenko M.N., Shevchenko O.N. GEOMETRY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE IN THE DESIGN EDUCATIONThe paper reviews the problem of the contemporary higher school design education. Mathematical and computer-science education components are considered necessary for the future designer's professional success. Key words: Кey words: geometry, design, information technology, future designer.
Tarasova O.P., Yanshina M.M. FORMATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE DESIGNER IN EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL WORKSeparate aspects of the maintenance of preparation of the future bachelors — designers in high school are characterized. Specificity estimations degrees formation professional competence the designer of a suit is opened during design activity. Kinds of competitive activity of the future designer are submitted. Influence of experience of competitive activity on increase of competitiveness of the future designer is investigated.Key words: professional the competence of the designer, competitive activity, designing.
Bobryashova O.V. TEACHING CONDITIONS OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AESTHETIC FUTURE DESIGNERSThe pedagogical conditions influencing development of allocated components are presented in article (information and cognitive, emotivno-valuable, creative and activity) formations of PEK of future designer. Examples of introduction of pedagogical conditions in educational space of students designers are given. Definitions of PEK of future designer, creative and valuable technology, kouch-strategy are given. Conclusions are drawn and positive dynamics of formation of PEK of future designer is reasoned.Key words: professional and esthetic competence (PAC), pedagogical conditions, intersubject synthesis, kouch-strategy, creative and valuable technology.
Plotnikova E.V., Purik E.E. THE IMAGE IN DESIGN EDUCATIONThe issue is devoted to the problem of professional design training, to the role of imagery in the design works, content and principles of teaching profession. The role of creativity in professional design training, especially the creation of artistic images and style, the design objects, the role of analogies in the creative process.Key words: design education, style, image, graphics, art and creative thinking, expression, analog, composition, creative activities, aesthetic taste.
Sapugoltseva M.A., Sapugoltsev V.Y. DESIGN PROJECT ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL SOCIALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe article examines the educational development of the individual in terms of project activities, design engineering as a promising variant of educational technology, especially the use of educational project design activities, socializing opportunities design design, professional socialization of the individual in the process of design-activities. Design and engineering activities as an effective means of transferring professional design skills in the sphere of socialization, enhancing professional socialization of future employment specialist and professional socialization.Key words: engineering design activities, projection, design — the project, socialization, professional socialization.
Yablokova A.Y., Yablokov V. R. UNDERSTANDING AND INTERPRETATION AS THE MAIN VECTORS OF HERMENEUTICAL JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT CULTURE. PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTBasic directions of hermeneutics ground of project culture are investigational in pedagogical activity. Project imagination will be realized due to the capabilities of understanding, being foundation of spiritual activity of man. Basic conformities to law of interpenetration of understanding and interpretation are considered in a project culture. Ontological features and terms of understanding are set as a process of смыслоформирования in graphic activity of students.Key words: hermeneutics, understanding, interpretation, project culture.
Ayukasova L.K., Yuzhaninova E.R. VALUES OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION AS A BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT (AN EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY )Leading values of higher education should be implemented not only in training but also in extracurricular activities of students. This paper examines for an OSU example how modernization, reconstruction and development of reserve land contributes to the creation of an optimal architectural environment for implementation of an active student extracurricular activities. The article lists the architectural-environmental conditions necessary for the realization of the leading values of higher education-activity, creativity, tolerance and humanization.Key words: values of education, extracurricular students' activities, architectural environment of the university.
Korolyova L.Y., Khairullina E.R. COMPETITIVENESS FORMATIONS OF STUDENTS-DESIGNERS OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIESThis article describes the process of competitiveness formations of future designers, presents an analysis of other authors on this problem; reveals the pedagogical conditions which observance will allow to improve professional, socially significant and personal qualities of students and to increase the competitiveness of future designers in the labor market.Key words: competitiveness, design, vocational training.

Humanitarian sciences

Mikhailov S.M., Mikhailov A.S., Nadyrshin N.M. CITY DESIGN: MILESTONES OF HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTArticle is devoted to the architectural design of the city as a multi-level system of the organization of the object-spatial environment of the city. The paper identifies the main stages in the history of the city design since the mid-twentieth century to the present time. Key words: history of design, city design, urban design, design of the built environment.
Savelieva I.N. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BUILDING A CONSTRUCTIVE FOLK CLOTHES FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF LABOUR AND GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS.In the article the results of research and explanation of the reasons of the dynamics of changes in the levels of application of some structural elements of clothing depending on the type of labor and climatic conditions.Key words: folk clothes for labour, silhouette, cut, divisions, art and design analysis.
Barysheva V.E. SPATIAL ILLUSION OF DESIGN OBJECTSThe article is dedicated to the content of the illusion concept in design. Several types of illusions are described. The article is focused on the review and analysis of the use of different visual spatial illusions in the living environment on examples of the objects of design in interior.Key words: illusion, space, living environment, emotional response, visual language.
Zhelondievskaya L.V. DESIGN FUNCTIONS IN MODERN COMMUNICATIONIn article functions of design object and its information image created by technologies of branding, in the conditions of modern communication are analyzed.Design is considered an integral part of marketing communication.Key words: design functions, information image, design object, branding, communication, visual identification.
Chepurova O.B. THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF DESIGN (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE SOUTH URAL REGION) The article highlights the current trends of interaction design as a design culture with social institutions. Analyzes the activities of designers in terms of relations with the contemporary design culture and social infrastructure of a cultural and traditional life of ethnic groups in the South Urals. We consider the social status of the project activity designers Orenburg State University. Key words: design culture, eco design, social design, design-design sociocultural regions.
Vasilchenko A.A., Shleyuk S.G. TYPOLOGICAL COMMUNITY AND DISTINCTIONS TRADITIONAL KNITTED SCARF OF SOUTH URAL AND VOLGA REGIONQuestions typological community and regional peculiarities of the artistic-technological structure of traditional crocheted shawl of the southern Urals and the Volga region are connected with the consideration of the stylistic originality and artistic features crocheted shawl as a unique artistic phenomenon, which is inseparable from the history of development of art craft of knitting and special aesthetics of the material. However, a comprehensive art assessment of this phenomenon is practically not understood.Key words: typological community, regional peculiarities, knitted scarf, artistic-technological structure.
Zaeva-Burdonskaja E.A. THE PHENOMENON OF MASS CULTURE AND PROCESS OF FORMATION OF STYLE IN DESIGNStrengthening by end ХIХ — to the beginning of the XX-th century of the oppositional extrastyle tendencies rooting in depths of design culture of New time, has led to a priority of the design beginning, definitively having released a way to the polystyle beginning of subject creativity. The situation of strengthening of process of homogenization of culture of the XX-th century, dissolution of elite variants of style in mass variants of design creativity does submission to a uniform style order impossible. Key words: mass culture, design of environment, an elitism, style, the extrastyle phenomena.
Upine N.D. FROM THE HISTORY OF SCHOOL UNIFORMS. WOMEN'S INSTITUTIONS IN PRE-REVOLUTIONARY RUSSIA.The article provides an overview of the history of women's education in Russia. On the example of the Smolny Institute for noble girls and of other educational institutions tells about the uniforms for the students. Gives results of its artistic and design analysis, the purpose of which was to reveal the complex components of morphological language costume. Key words: education, school uniform, prototypes, art and design analysis.
Pavlovian E.E. DESIGN AS A SPATIAL BRANDING TOOLPresents an analysis of the concept of "territorial branding" from the standpoint of design activity, identified promising areas of development work in this area, consider examples of student work, aimed at establishing communication platforms forming price-rity field of regional branding strategies. Key words: territorial branding, theory and practice, visually identity, communication branding strategy, stakeholders and Tse-left audience, brand values, exploratory design-design.
Semenov V.B. TRADEMARK IN STATU NASCENDI. SKETCH OF CONTROVERSY FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTARY GRADES The brief analysis of the interaction of contradictory legal issues, communication, semantic categories in modern trademark at the initial design stage. Look at the proposed complex functions as a sign of configuration inconsistencies that alter its relevance depending on the situation and the life cycle of the mark. Key words: trademark distinctiveness, individualization, design, communication, conflict
Tsoy V.V. CURRENT TRENDS IN GRAPHIC IMAGE ENTERPRISES REBRANDINGThe tendencies in the rebranding of logos on the example of the transformation of logos and styles of some companies. Clearly identified and presented trends and changes to the existing brand affect basis — the platform market positioning and brand change visualization.Key words: re-branding, logo, visual communication, pos-materials.
Mazurina T.A. TRADEMARK AS TO THE IDENTITY OF THE BRANDThe article sets out the key role of the trademark in the formation of the brand identity as a fundamental element of the system of identification of the country in the global communication space. The most important quality criteria trademarks, and promote their information and novelty in the context of the preservation of cultural traditions.Key words: brand, branding, trademark, logo design, identity, information, communication.
Makarova T.V. SMALL SIZE EDITIONS AS EFFECTIVE WAY THROUGH PRODVEZHENIYA VISUAL BRAND IDENTIFICATION.The article touched on the actual problem today development of the visual brand identity. The increased level of competition, use of information technology make it necessary to establish and follow the new rules in the design of identity. The basic principles for the use of the SVR, in particular, through the use of visual identification when creating corporate greeting cards. Key words: identity, SVR, visual brand identity design, corporate cards.
Smekalov I.V. NEW MATERIALS TO THE BIOGRAPHY OF SERGEY KALMYKOVThe article is devoted to the history of the creation of works of Sergey Kalmykov from the collection of the Orenburg regional Museum of fine arts. Analyzed documentary evidence on the activities of the artist.Key words: Sergey Kalmykov, graphics, painting, modernism.
Mkrtchyan S.V. ADAPTIVITY AS A SISTEMIC PROPERTY OF THE LIVING ENVIRONMENTIn the article the problem of systemic of environment is mentioned and one of its system attributes — the attribute of adaptability is considered. There is the concept essence "the adaptive attribute of environment" explained and given its characteristic.Key words: environment, system attribute of environment, living environment, adaptive attribute of environment, system, system approach, system analysis, adaptability, space, object, subject, design, architecture
Garin N.P. THEORY OF CIRCLE (DESIGN PROCESS OF AN IDEAL THING)The article considers the hypothesis of an idealized design process from the ideation of a thing to its fullest use with a heuristic component. For clarity, the genesis of a thing is compared with the process of. Such comparison reminds designers of their highest moral and ethical responsibility for the outcome of their activities, reveals the existence of reserves for finding the perfect, and offers a glimpse into the future.Key words: miracle, an ideal thing, heuristics, reincarnation, sublimation, experience. sample.
Rogova A.S. IMAGE AND DESIGN SUMMERYThe article considers different images concepts in design process.Image as the category of art and means of design, participates in moral, esthetic and ethical transformation of the environment. But it also provides an exceptional opportunity to re-discover the creative potential of territory and re-construct its own image.Key words: image, figurative thinking, image of space, culture, esthetics, design,
Reshetova M.V. COTTAGE COMPLEX AS A SYNTHESIS OF URBAN AND ESTATE CULTURE RUSSIAThe article describes the features of the material culture of Russia, can be traced especially life estates, covering a summation circuit experience of managing a traditional Russian and western civilized development. In this synthesis has developed a unique flavor of economic, intellectual, moral, spiritual, moral and aesthetic activities of the nobility.Key words: estate culture, domain-spatial integrity, gated complex.
Tarasova O.P., Haliullina O.R. ESSENCE OF CONCEPTS "ABILITY TO DESIGN" AND "CREATIVITY", THEIR INTERRELATION IN DESIGNThe retrospective analysis of scientific sources on a problem of designing in sphere of design is executed. The essence of theconcepts "project quality" and "creativity" is opened. The interrelation of the researched definitions in design — activity is revealed and schematically submitted. Key words: ability to design, designing, creativity, design.
Mikhailov S.M., Hafiz R.R. STREET ART AS A FORM SUPERGRAPHICS IN DESIGN OF MODERN CITYThe article deals with the street art as a kind of Supergraphics in the modern design of the city. Depending on the technique used, the examples of different kinds of street art are considered.Key words: street art, supergraphics, city design, graphics, colors, murals, decorativeness,
Zhelondievskaya L.V., Barysheva V.E. PRINCIPLES OF FORMING THE SUPREMATISM OF MALEVICH AS THE BASIS OF THE STYLE OF THE XX CENTURYThe publication addresses Suprematism with the position of morphogenesis. The genesis of the form is presented in interaction styles of impressionism, cubism, futurism and cubofuturism. The authors analyze the contribution of Suprematism in modern shape, and the concept of Suprematism as the basis of the style of the 20th century.Key words: Malevich, suprematism, cubism, methodology of projecting, concept, style.
Khammatova E.A. DESIGNING INDIVIDUAL FORM OF THE NATIONAL MEN'S SUIT ON THE BASIS OF CONTACTLESS MEASURING METHOD This paper conducts research on the study of modern masculine forms through the use of more precise non-contact method of measurement of a human figure. Harmonic code of individual figures based on using the technique of proportioning individual figures developed for the further designing national serviceKey words: uniform, national dress, textile, body scanner.
Savelyeva I.N., Yanshina M.M. EXPERIENCE WITH FLUFF ORENBURG GOATS AS A WARMING CUSHIONING MATERIAL IN THE DESIGN OF THE TOP WOMEN'S CLOTHINGSubstantiated the idea of using the Orenburg goat down as cushioning material in the insulation design top design women's clothing. Art and Design conducted an analysis of women's feather collection. Identified and technological parameters of manufacturing products using goat down.Key words: goat down, design, design solution, technology solution.
Upine A.M. ART-DESIGN ANALYSIS OF RUSSIAN FOLK CLOTHING (ON THE EXAMPLE OF STUDY EXHIBITS THE LIPETSK OBLAST REGIONAL MUSEUM)In the article the results of research of authentic exhibits of Russian folk clothing, stored in the Lipetsk oblast regional Museum. The study was conducted in accordance with the developed methodology artistic design analysis, considering folk costume, as the object of этнодизайн, in the basis of harmonious construction of which is established correlations compositional and structural elements.Key words: folk costumes, art-design analysis, typological patterns.
Romashova E.V, Antonova T.A. THE COLOUR FIGURATIVENESS IN THE BOOKThe article discusses the importance of color in the book of imaginative solutions. The authors analyze the semantic and cultural basis in historical traditions inherent in the use of color book art. Conducted comparing the color of poetic imagery and a color rendering. Considered semiotic basis of color codes, their types and communicative properties.Key words: color image, color symbolism, expressive features color art book.
Chepurov I.V. GRAPHIC ARTS DOMESTIC CARTOONS OF THE XVII-XX CENTURIESThe article considers the process of development of domestic cartoons. The author explores the origins of the origin of the satirical genre in society and the appearance of the first cartoon illustrations. Explore functionality, social relevance, masloobrazovateli satirical images of domestic cartoons.Key words: satire, cartoons, comic, illustration, laughter.


Unagaeva N.A. ECOLOGICAL-GUIDED DESIGN OF THE INHABITED ENVIRONMENT LANDSCAPE Factual research results of realization forms of the environmentalism philosophical concept in design and reconstruction of the inhabited environment landscape are given. Ecological-guided design is based on ideas of natural landscapes staginess and tolerance of different environments coexistence according to the newest theories of sustainable development of the population settlement; it is aimed at formation of the ecological culture, a new mentality, and the creative initiatives promoting human life in harmony with environment. Key words: the inhabited environment, ecological-guided design, ecological thinking.
Vorontsov O.N., Dineeva A.M. THE PROCESS OF ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE REHABILITATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OF ORENBURGRegarded residential area "Little Land" in Orenburg in the period from the 1960s to 2014. Examines the process of architectural and landscape rehabilitation of the area at the moment. The characteristic features of the rehabilitation process at the moment and identify new possible ways of further architectural and environmental rehabilitation.Key words: architectural landscape rehabilitation, sensory environment, recreation, infrastructure, neighborhood, residential land, housing fund, moral wear and tear, physical wear and tear.
Kornilova E.I. A POLYFUNCTIONAL ZONE IN THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS OF THE CITY The article describes the questions to create polyfunctional zone in the residential buildings of the Russian cities, points the important signs in the planning structure multy-storey dwelling complexes in the modern time for example of the town of Orenburg, analyzed to development residential buildings in the Orenburg from 1980 to the present time. On the basis of the analysis was gives some recommendation for the further development residential buildings in the postindustrial city.Key words: residential building, polyfunctional zone, planning structure, multi-storey dwelling complex.
Proskurin G.A. STREET ROAD NETWORK IMPROVEMENT IN ORENBURGThe basic principles of the device and reconstruction of streets are enshrined in article at the present stage, and also offers on increase of capacity of streets and, at the same time, comfort of street space due to expansion of types of its use are given. The separate attention is paid to the concept put in a basis of development of the site planning of the main Stepan Razin Street — Orlova in Orenburg.Key words: street road network; reconstruction; site planning; street capacity; main street.
Fedchenko I.G. THE MODELS OF SOCIALLY — ORIENTED PLANNING OF THE LANDSCAPE INHABITED AREASThe models of socially oriented planning of open public spaces elementary residential planning units are analyzed. The experience of involving citizens in the process of formation of the landscape inhabited areas in the USA, Germany and Russia is.Key words: anthropogenic landscape, living environment, microdistrict, socially-oriented planning.
Ikonopisceva O.G. EVOLUTION TSENTROFORMIRUYUSCHIH INSTITUTIONS — ELEMENTS SOCIAL AND BUSINESS CENTER ORENBURGDescribes the evolution of building typologies forming the city center, as part of the development of social and business system of the city. Set periodicity of various genesis and development of architecture at the regional level. Analyzes the style of modern architecture, reveals the most versatile type of modern commercial real estate. There is a growing real estate typology.Key words: social and business center, buildings forming the center, buildingtypesand architectural styles.
Kober O.I. SOME FEATURES OF THE ART NOUVEAU IN ORENBURGWe considered the architectural heritage of Orenburg turn of the early XX century. It was studied the buildings in the art Nouveau style, which was a priority style during this period. It is established, that the most part of the buildings in the historical center were built in this style. It was revealed the characteristic features of the art Nouveau in the Orenburg's architecture.Key words: art nouveau, architectural heritage, eclecticism, neo-classical, house, apartment houses, geometric ornament, floral decor.

Economic sciences

Egorychev S.A. METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR COMPLEX ANALYSIS OF SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTThe article described the modern approaches to assessing sustainability territorial entities at different levels. Formulated shortcomings currently applied information and methodological support sustainability assessment of socio-economic development at the international, national and regional level. The method for evaluation of regional sustainable development trends municipalities. The features of the implementation of the author's methodology on the example of the Orenburg region.Key words: methodological support, sustainable development, municipality, region, trend analysis, evaluation.


Kashin V.V. PHILOSOPHY OF THE PREJUDICE (REVIEW OF A BOOK BY I.R. GABDULLIN "PREJUDICE AS A PHENOMENON OF CONSCIOUSNESS". MOSCOW: PEOPLE'S FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY, 2014. 305 P.)The review notes the relevance of theoretical and practical significance of the book by I.R. Gabdullin "Prejudice as a phenomenon of consciousness." Some comments and recommen-dations on the content and structure of the work. In general, given a positive assessment.Key words: prejudice, premise knowledge, axiological and cognitive.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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