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2014, № 5 (166)

Tarasova O.P., Haliullina O.R. ESSENCE OF CONCEPTS "ABILITY TO DESIGN" AND "CREATIVITY", THEIR INTERRELATION IN DESIGNThe retrospective analysis of scientific sources on a problem of designing in sphere of design is executed. The essence of theconcepts "project quality" and "creativity" is opened. The interrelation of the researched definitions in design — activity is revealed and schematically submitted. Key words: ability to design, designing, creativity, design.


1. Sidorenko, V.F. Genesis of the design culture and aesthetics of the design creativity: the Autoabstract of the Dr. Arts. — M.: The All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 1990. — 33 pages.

2. Kantor, K.M. The project quality of Russian culture: about the reasons of lack of implementation in the domestic design / K.M. Kantor // One-thousand-faced Argus. — M.: The Soviet artist, 1990.

3. Kurerova, G.G. The ecology of the subject world as the strategy of design in the postindustrial period / G.G.Kurerova. — M.: The All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 2008. — 132 pages. — P. 6.

4. Genisaretsky, О.I. About the project quality. March, 14-15, 2001. [Electronic resource] //the Centre of humanitarian technologies. URL: <>

5. Sidorenko, V.F. Foreword / V.F. Sidorenko // Design in the educational system. — M.: The All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 1994. — 130 pages. — P. 7.

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7. Genisaretsky, O.I. The problem of the design culture: the Autoabstract of Ph.D. in Art history. — M.: The All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 1988.

8. Chepurova, O.B. The project quality as the creative form of a person's activity: The materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The dialogue of the ethnic cultural worlds in the European historical space" / O.B. Chepurova. — Orenburg, The OrenburgState University, 2010. — P. 876-886.

9. Yaroshevsky, M.G. The psychology of creation and creation in psychology / M.G. Yaroshevsky // Questions of psychology. — 1985. — №6. — p. 14-26.

10. The theory of cognition. The social and cultural nature of cognition / Edited by V.A. Lectorsky, T.I. Oyzepman. — Volume2. — M.: Publishing house "Mysl", 1991. — 478 pages.

11. Tarasova, O.P. Development of the creative potential of the future designer: The Dissertation of Ph.D.: 13.00.08 / O.P. Tarasova. — Orenburg, 2010. — 244 pages.

12. Holodnaya, M.A. The Psychology of Intelligence: paradoxes of research / M.A.Holodnaya. — Tomsk: The Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997. — 392 pages.

13. Dronova, T.A. The formation of integratedcreative style of thinking of future teachers in the educational environment of High school: monograph / T.A. Dronova. — The 2nd stereotypical edition. — M.: The Publishing House of the Moscow psychology and social Institute; Voronezh: The Publishing House of the Scientific Production Association, 2008. — 368 pages.

14. Haliullina, O.R. The Gender factor in the design of the subject environment:Dissertation of Ph.D. in Art History. — M.: The All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 2011.

15. The Technique of Artisticdesign / U.V. Soloviev, V.F. Sidorenko, L.A. Kuzmichev, D.N. Shchelkunov, L.B. Pereverzev, A.A. Grashin, D.A. Azrikan, V.I. Puzanov, etc. — The 2nd edition. — M.: The All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 1983. — 160 pages.

About this article

Authors: Tarasova O.P., Haliullina O.R.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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