№ 13 (149), 2012
Economic sciences
Avdeeva E.S., Denisov D.D. DEVELOPMENT OF AN AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY COMPLEX — STRATEGY OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEADERSHIP IN LEADING SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SECTORIn article the main ways of strategic development of Russia and the future of an aircraft industry complex as one of historically significant complexes of Russia and potentially having big competitiveness not only in the markets of developing countries, but also among world leaders on production of aircrafts are considered. Key words: Strategy, innovations, aircraft industry complex, competitiveness, management
Alekseeva E.Yu., Lapaeva M.G. DIAGNOSIS OF THE BUDGETING SYSTEM IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANYThe article is devoted to the diagnosis of the budgeting system. The parameters of diagnostic budgeting stages of its production, which can be of practical use not only in the implementation process, but also as a tool for improving the previously implemented system of budgeting.Key words: budgeting, diagnosis of the budgeting system.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Akhmadulina A.T. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF ECONOMIC REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A STUDY SUBJECT-CONTENT AREA In this paper a study of subject-content area of the theory of economic development. Subject area is a set of objects considered within the scientific theory. Aim is to determine the content of the concepts of the theory of economic development and the establishment of their relationship.Key words: development, change, sustainability, stability, sustainable development of the region, economic development, economic growth.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Nigmatullina T.H., Nigmatullin R.F. AUDIT AS A TOOL TO ENHANCE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE PERSONNELDiscussed the need for a staff audit as Strategy for the functioning and development of any company, the system of effective management is impossible without access to the staff. Are views of personnel audit, update the importance of records management staff, revealed that one of the tools to enhance the functioning of the enterprise is personnel audit.Key words: audit, personnel, documentation support of management, HR management.
Bazhenova T.L. KEYNESIANISM AS A BASIS OF THE ETATIST MODEL OF ECONOMYIn this article the author considers etatist model of economy, foundation of which is the Keynesian doctrine which has established modern macroeconomic, operating with modular indicators of consumption, savings, investments etc. Distribution of this approach еto the problems of the long-term economic dynamics was the basis of the modern theory of economic growth. Key words: Keynsianism, model, economy, macroeconomic, development, etatism.
Bantikova O.I. ODELLING OF DEMOGRAPHIC SAFETY ON THE BASIS OF SERIAL MODELS OF THE PLURAL CHOICEIn article the approach to construction of an integrated indicator in the form of model of a plural choice (on an example of the Orenburg region), characterizing level of demographic safety is realized and allowing to carry out the comparative analysis of municipal unions on the given latent category. Key words: modeling, demographic safety, an integrated indicator, models of a plural choice.
Bekbergeneva D.E. PROPERTY RELATIONS AND THEIR ROLE IN SOCIETY LIFEAs the economic category property exists irrespective of will and consciousness of people. The property as the main relation of any economic system reveals through all system of the economic relations. It is defined that the economic relations can be considered as in wide, and in the narrow sense of the word. In the narrow sense of the word they include the relations characterizing social and economic type of a social production. In the broadest sense they along with the social and economic join the organizational and economic relations arising in connection with the organization of production as those and characterizing a condition of production irrespective of its social and economic form.Key words: regional economy, management, property, property right, real estate market.
Bobrova V.V., Martyniuk E.A. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL CONDITIONS CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN THE REGIONThe article describes the legal aspect of the creation and development of special economic zones in Russia. The legal aspect includes a review of the legislative framework of special economic zones. The authors have formulate the principles of the investment policy of special economic zonesKey words: special economic zone, a special territorial status, privileges, preferences, special tax treatment, special customs regime, a special administrative mode, entrepreneurship, and investment policy
Budlovskaya O.A., Bazhenova T.L. CURRENT STATE AND STRUCTURE OF THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET OF SERVICESThe analysis of dynamics and structure of the world trade of goods and services for the first decade of 21 century is carried out. Expansion of positions and structural complication of a sector of services is investigated. Positions of Russia in international trade of services since 2000 up to 2010 are submitted. The role of GATS in regulation of this sector of economy is considered. The data of the international statistics on the world market of services, in particular the positions of the WTO on tendencies of transport services', tourism and the other services' development, first of all connected with an exchange of the scientific-technical knowledge and the work experience (license trade, know-how, engineering and consulting, etc.) are analyzed.Key words: market of services, trade in services, export, import, liberalization, engineering, license trade.
Buresh O.V., Aralbayeva F.Z., Kharkova O.M. МARKETING FUNCTIONS IN MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARKET OF TRANSPORT SERVICESArticle is devoted to studying of the offered technique of monitoring of a condition of the market of services of the public transport, providing effective use of marketing communications of territories and statement of tasks consisting of criteria, definitions of the content of actions according to their decision and expected results. System properties of the regional market of transport services and marketing factors of management of its development are marked out.Key words: marketing approach, monitoring, monitoring technique, transport service, marketing functions, service of public transport.
Buresh O.V., Pryadkina N.N., Iskhakov A.F. MANAGEMENT OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTAny administrative decision and practical action in the field of development of economy of the region is estimated proceeding from in what measure it guarantees improvement of material and cultural and community service of the population. It is proved that a kernel of management of regional development is the mechanism of management of region economy. It is revealed that the main requirement to the mechanism of management of economy of the region is its flexibility and ability to react to changes in a target orientation of development of regional economy depending on change of the purposes and the tasks changing according to the general strategy of development of the state. Key words: regional economy, management, control system, economic activity, regional development.
Volohina V.A. INTER-BUDGET RELATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN MODERN CONDITIONS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION)In the article the inter-budget relations between the federal center and the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation are considered. The special attention is paid to the problem of the formation of incomes of the subordinate budgets, connected with the increase in a share of inter-budget transfers in the structure of their incomes. The author carries out the analysis of tendencies of changes of financial resources volumes coming from the federal budget into the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the example of the Orenburg region, trends to improve the inter-budget relations are offered.Key words: inter-budget relations, funds of financial support of the subjects of the Russian Federation, transfers, grants, subventions, subsidies.
Voropaeva I.I., Kurmanova A.H. SYSTEM OF THE ACCOUNT OF EXPENSES FOR EFFICIENT CONTROL THE COST PRICE OF SERVICES IN THE POWER ORGANISATIONSIn article features of the organisation of the account of expenses on transfer to consumers of electric energy are considered. On an example of the state network company problems in information support of management are revealed by the cost price of rendered services, directions of perfection of registration system are developed. The one-circular variant of reflexion of expenses with use of special accounts of the administrative account, providing gathering of the information to analytical signs demanded for management is offered.Key words: the cost price, the account of expenses, the administrative account, the analytical account.
Gerbeeva L.Yu., Korotchenko Yu.I. ROLE OF INSTITUTE OF PROPERTY IN TO NATIONAL ECONOMYIn the conditions of transition to the market relations practical questions of functioning of the relations of property gain for everyone special relevance. Haste of transition from the state form of ownership to private in our country led to considerable negative consequences. It is revealed that the most part of objects of capital construction which passed to private business executives — are destroyed and to restoration aren't subject. It is defined that property management demands accurate definition of objects and subjects of property and the accounting of their features. At present the state should create the mechanism at which subjects of economy within property management can be operated.Key words: regional economy, management, control system, property, regional development, state ownership, private property.
Grebnev G.D., Ostrovenko Т.К. UPGRADE PROCEDURE FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF INTERACTION OF BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL CONDITION FOR COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONSIn the present article critically evaluated methodological aspects of essence and performance analysis business activity of the organization. In addition, the characteristic of the need to modernize the interaction of business and financial condition of the organization, as well as methods of their analysis in the modern economy. Substantiated close relationship business activity indicators to financial stability and solvency. The proposals on the implementation of the author's ideas in terms of formation and algorithmic analysis of indicators of business activity.Key words: business activity, modernization, financial stability, solvency, methods of analysis.
Gurban I.A. STATE OF A RESEARCH CAPITAL OF RUSSIAN REGIONSThe diagnostic picture of the research capital state of Russian regions and the analysis of the main regularities of development of the Russian R&D for the period between 2000 and 2011 were presented in this paper.Key words: research capital, research and development, indicators, innovations, national human capital.
Demchenko L.V., Gorina I.V. MACROPRUDENTIAL FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE BANKING MARKET IN THE CONDITIONS OF GROWING UNCERTAINTYThereupon, research is carried out article macroprudential politicians, its tools and elements, are classified macroprudential factors of vulnerability of the bank market, criteria of efficiency macroprudential politicians are defined. It is revealed, that in bank sphere taking into account globalisation of a world financial system it is necessary to provide changes in work of systems of risk-management both on makro- and at microlevel, to raise their functioning, to expand the list macroprudential factors of stability of bank system that will promote decrease in threats of the national bank market and growth of efficiency of realisation macroprudential politicians. Key words: macroprudential policy, system risk, macroprudential risk factors, risk-management.
Dzyuban S.V. NEW CHALLENGES OF REGIONAL STABILITY BANKING BUSINESSThe article investigates the financial stability of the parameters of regional banks in the post-crisis period. Problems of business stability and capitalization of small and medium-sized regional banks given special attention due to the increasing competition, saturation institutional banking areas. Proposed evaluation parameters of capital and commercial sustainability of regional banking business. The influence of competition on profitability, profitability of the banking sector of the Orenburg region. The factors of influence on the capitalization of banks in the region.Key words: financial stability, banking, regional bank, commercial sustainability, the reward bank capitalization of banks
Dornostup I.P., Berezhko V.D., Borisova I.G. MECHANISM OF RISK MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISEThe essence of risk management of the enterprise is investigated. Main types of risks are revealed. The main methods of an assessment of risk are revealed at business management. Realization of policy of risk management by the enterprise is shown. Key words: management, risk, risk management.
Ermakova Zh.A., Korabeynikov I.N. EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO RESEARCH ADAPTATION OF INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONThe article specifies the theoretical aspects of adaptation Industrial Corporation. The different interpretations of the concept of "adaptation" and theoretical aspects of the research. Proposed the use of an evolutionary approach to the study of governance adaptation Industrial Corporation. Presented maintenance stages and management phases of adaptation in different phases of the life cycle of Industrial Corporation. Key words: adaptation, Industrial Corporation, a life cycle, phase, the management, the stage, the development.
Esenbaeva A.A., Lapaeva M.G. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITYIn the article the concept and essence of intellectual property of the University, discusses its basic elements and features in the sphere of scientific and scientific-methodical activity of the University.Key words: intellectual property, intellectual capital, copyright.
Zhovnir N.V. SELF-ASSESSMENT CRITERIA OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ACTIVITYThe article presents results of research capabilities of self-assessment in quality management in non-profit organization, the author defines non-profit organization in the context of its role in the system of social production, product of non-profit organization, proves criteria of self-assessment of non-profit organization activity.Key words: non-profit organization, product of non-profit organization, quality management, self-assessment, criteria of self-assessment.
Zhuck M.A., Zdanevich Y.S. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN DISTANCE DURING TRAINING IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENTThe article discusses the relevance of distance education and its advantages compared to traditional education and prospects for further development. We consider knowledge management and proposes the creation of a repository of distance learning on the basis of a knowledge management system.Key words: knowledge, the knowledge management system, distance education.
Zhuravlev S.A. EFFICIENCY OF THE MECHANISM OF REALIZATION OF THE PRIVATE AND STATE PARTNERSHIPEfficiency of the private and state partnership (PSP) in the municipal complex, expressed by several components is considered: economic, social, infrastructure and political. Management of efficiency of PSP is established that from the state and from a private sector, reduces joint costs and respectively does less risky the partnership project. Indicators of efficiency of PSP in a municipal complex are offered.Key words: efficiency, private and state partnership, municipal complex.
Zverkov A.I. EXPANSION AND SEARCH CUSTOMER– CENTRICAPPROACH BANKS TO EFFICIENTLY SERVICE CHANNELSThe paper shows that under current conditions, with the current level of innovative development, customers like never before, expect to increase solution quality banking services with extensive use of technologies remote maintenance. Proposed distribution of the banking customer-centric approach, focused on the expansion, development and active promotion channels remotely.Key words: financial intermediaries, sales channels of banking products, Internet banking, services, channels remote access, multi-channel services, expansion, regional banks.
Zverkova T.N. CUSTOMER ORIENTATION AS PREREQUISITE IMPROVEMENT RETAIL BANKINGInvestigated the lack of comprehensive theoretical developments on the issue klientoorientrovannosti in regional commercial banks. The necessity of the restructuring and transformation of the model of the banking business in the region. Directions of customer-centric strategies that may influence the formation of an environment with a high level of service in banking.Key words: regional banks, commercial banks, the customer, customer-centric approach, customer satisfaction, customer relationship management, strategy, segmentation, positioning, model.
Ivanova N.A., Zueva E.G. INTERMITTENT EMPLOYMENT AT THE LABOR MARKETThe paper analyzes the phenomenon of irregular employment, study model intermittent employment at the labor market, delineated the concept of "employment in the informal sector" and "informal employment in the formal sector". Observed dynamics of intermittent employment, the number and proportion of irregular employment in Russia in 1992–2011 years.Key words: Irregular employment, employment practices model intermittent employment, informal employment, temporary employment, self-employment.
Isaeva V.M. CONTENTS OF THE MAIN STAGES OF POLICY OF CRISIS MANAGEMENTThe essence of policy of crisis management is investigated. Its main stages are revealed. The basic principles of system of crisis financial management are revealed by the enterprise. Realization of policy of crisis financial management by the enterprise is shown at bankruptcy threat. Key words: crisis management, crisis, stages, crisis financial management.
Kajdashova A.K. THE FORMATION,S MODEL OF DEPENDENCE A CONSUMER DEMAND AT SERVICE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM DIFFERENT FACTORSThere is model of dependence a consumer demand at service of higher education from different factors in the article. The author of the article suggests classification of factors and revealing the connection between them influencing on a potential school-leaver's choice. The model is found on expert appraisals and reasoning's.Key words: Кey words: higher education, consumer demand, marketing of educational service, service of higher education.
Kaliyeva O.M., Frolova O.V. MARKETING INNOVATION AS A TOOL FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSThe article describes the role and importance of innovation in marketing activities of Russian enterprises. Based on the analysis trac-aration of the term "innovation" a definition of this concept. Considered by the classification of innovation, the advantages of the use of innovation in market conditions.Key words: innovation, marketing, marketing innovation.
Kiselev V.A. Palnichenko S.A. FEATURES OF THE SOCIAL POLICY IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AT THE PRESENT STAGEIn modern conditions the relevance of education as a social and educational sectors, including the interaction of the state, participants in the educational process and the society, due to the needs of society, new demands on the qualitative characteristics of the employee and a citizen, which is reflected in the educational policy of Russia. In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation from 07.02.2011 №61 "On the federal program of education development for 2011–2015". Proposed orientation of education not only for studying the development of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the individual child's cognitive and creative abilities.Key words: еducation, human capital, education policy.
Kozlova A.A. STRATEGIC PLANNING ACTIVITY IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NOWThe essence of the strategic planning of the company in the system of crisis management. The basic strategy of enterprises in crisis. The methodology of the strategy and tactics of the enterprise reform in crisis management. The stages of solving specific problems of this technique.Key words: planning, strategy, crisis management, strategic planning, methods, stages.
Krymova I.P., Dyadichko S.P. PROVIDING THE CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS IN BANKSResearch is carried out in a context of interrelation of specifics of bank business with need of providing its continuity. The analysis of economic and legal bases of process of providing a continuity of bank business is presented. Feature of providing a continuity of business in the banks, demanding a system and comprehensive approach is revealed.Key words: bank business, system of providing continuity of business, plan of providing continuity and activity restoration.
Kudryavtseva I.V., Kaliyeva O.M. MARKETING OF TERRITORIES AS THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL UNITS IN THE CONDITIONS OF CREATIVE ECONOMYIn article the concept and tendencies of marketing of territories from a position of creative economy is offered. Definition of marketing of territories in relation to requirements and conditions of creative economy is given, its main objectives, a complex of tools, the principles are defined.
Kuzaeva T.V. INNOVATIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe paper provides an analysis of the theory of innovation: the concept of innovation, depth level of innovation, innovation criteria. Impact of innovation on economic development is considered on the example of the Orenburg region.Key words: innovation, depth level of innovation, innovation process, innovative activity, economic development, scientific innovation potential.
Kurmanova A.H. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE ORGANISATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNT In article on the basis of research and generalisation by the author of theoretical and practical aspects of formation of information-analytical systems of the administrative account methodological approaches to the organisation of the administrative account are allocated. Classification signs of systems of the administrative account which is meeting the requirements of management are systematised and specified. On classifications of systems of the administrative account the essence is opened and their total characteristic is given.Key words: the administrative account, the integrated system, independent system, the system approach.
Lapaev S.P. THE INCREASING ROLE OF THE REGIONS IN THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND FORMING OF REGIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMSThe article describes the qualitative characteristics of the innovation model of economic growth in the region, methodological approaches to assessing the competitive advantages of the region, causes increased role in the innovative development of regions, economic development of the regions variants, as well as approaches to assessing their innovation potencialaKey words: innovation, economic growth, the competitive advantages of the region, the cause of the increased role of the regions in the innovative development, evaluation of innovation capacity in the region.
Lapaeva M.G. METHODOLOGICAL BASIS MANAGEMENT THEORYThe article discusses the methodology management theories, especially theories of organization in terms of development and change in the ideals of science, showing dignity and methodological problems of the various approaches.Key words: methodology, school organization theory, the ideal of scientific, methodological principles of classical management, humanitarian, scientific approach, the school "organizational humanism "procedural organizational model antifundamentalistskaya critique of the classical paradigm, system-organic alternative, network methodology.
Luhmeneva E.P., Kaliyeva O.M. FEATURES OF SCHOOL AND BRENDINGThe article reveals the features of the formation and promotion of the brand of the university in the education market. Considered model and stages of the brand of the university. Details the ways to promote the brand of the university on the Internet. The analysis of the category "education portal".Key words: marketing educational services brand of educational institutions, the Internet — marketing, online — branding.
Marchenko V.N., Kalieva O.M., Bolshakova Yu.S. DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION POLICY TRADING COMPANY BASED IMAGE COMPONENT BRANDIn the article the features of the development of commercial enterprise communication policy with current trends. Particular attention is paid to aspects of the formation of brand image component trading company in servicing the target market.Key words: communication policy, tools of marketing communications, trade company, the brand, the consumer value.
Maslennikova A.Yu., Lapaev S.P. A HIGH LEVEL OF CREATIVITY AS A DETERMINANT OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONThe article describes characteristics of the creative class, and its formation factors, characteristics, parameters and conditions of development of the Orenburg region as a creative regionKey words: creative class, creativity, innovation economy, creative, creative city, creative metrics
Masyuto I.A., Aralbaeva G.G. ASSESSMENT OF THE SOCIO — ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF ORENBURG REGIONThe article considers the approach to the assessment of the socio-economic potential as the capacity of the economic system. The production capabilities include the set of all possible combinations of cost of labour and material resources and issues of the products. Such an approach in its basis is based on a Cobb-Douglas production function.Key words: socio-economic potential, the Cobb-Douglas production function, increase of gross regional product, productivity.
Muhsinova L.H., Musina G.R. KEY AREAS OF INNOVATION IN OIL PRODUCTION UNDER RUSSIA'S ENTRY INTO WTOIn this paper the following issues are grounded: development of the national strategy for monitoring the activities of oil industry, strengthening of the state regulatory role in the field of enhanced oil recovery, creation of high-tech innovative oilfield service companies and oilfield engineering in partnership with the state.Key words: integration, vertical integration, vertical integration rate, oil recovery ratio.
Ogorodnikov P.I., Bazarov M.K., Matveeva O.B., Chirkova V.Yu. OPTIMIZATION AS THE LEADING IDEA OF THE CONCEPT OF JUSTIFICATION OF THE INNOVATION POLICY OF THE ENTERPRISERealization of the government of the Russian Federation the program of modernization of the economy of the country is not possible without the active innovation policy. The proposed theoretical-methodological tools allows you to address to make investments without the risk of their non-return and determine the optimal structure of manufactured products. Upon completion of the research investigations this methodology will be presented in the form of a software product for enterprise managers to manage them effectively.Key words: system approach, the algorithm, integrated assessment, mathematical model, labour productivity, ratio, indifference curves, optimization of investment.
Ostapovsky M.C., Nikonova E.A. FEATURES OF THE ASSESSMENT OF SOLVENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE WITHIN CRISIS MANAGEMENTManagement of solvency of the enterprise in the conditions of the market is one of the main directions of administrative activity. Effective management of solvency of the enterprise allows the managing subject to solve quickly survival problems in the conditions of competitive fight and to have opportunity in due time and in the necessary volume of receiving and repayment of borrowed funds.Key words: solvency, enterprise, crisis management, assessment.
Ostrovenko T.K., Grebnev G.D. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE ANALYSIS OF INDEXES OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN THE MODERN ECONOMYIn the present article critically evaluated methodological aspects of business entities and methods of its analysis in the modern economy. The proposals on the implementation of the author's ideas regarding the formation of analytical indicators of business activity. The characteristic of the merits of the proposed algorithms, calculations of business activity in order to improve the objectivity of evaluating changes in the business of commercial organizations.Key words: methodology of analysis, business activity, financial stability, solvency.
Palnichenko S.A. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS FOR CHILDREN EXTRA-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE REFORM OF PUBLIC SECTORThe need to improve the management of the financial mechanism of the additional non-school institutions for children education in Russia is due to budgetary reform, a key focus of which is to improve the delivery of public (municipal) services. The importance of increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditure has been repeatedly emphasized in the budget message of the President of the Russian Federation. In modern conditions the relevance of child additional extracurricular activities including needs of society, placing new demands on quality characteristics of the employee and citizen. Key words: establishment of children's extra-school education, fiscal reform, funding.
Pitanov V.A., Tolstov A.G. MANAGEMENT IS PRODUCTION — THE ECONOMIC CAPACITY OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIESThe new conditions of managing caused by the market relations in economy, are characterized by instability of the markets of construction production and construction services, considerable level of the competition of construction companies in the specified markets, uncertainty in the volumes of investment and constructions. In these conditions qualitatively new approach to definition and realization of strategy of development and economic behavior of construction companies, management of their productive and economic potential is necessary.Key words: construction, management, potential, economic activity, strategic development, construction companies.
Polyakova I.L. MECHANISMS OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL COMPLEXThe aims and objectives of the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation, the mechanism of the formation and operation of tourist and recreational facilities on the basis of the analysis of the federal and regional programs for tourism development. Identified promising for the integrated development of tourist and recreational areas of the Orenburg region.Key words: tourist and recreational complex, target program for the development of tourism, and the formation mechanisms of tourism and recreational facilities.
Popova E.S., Tyakova Z.S. MODERNIZATION OF THE CHART OF ACCOUNTS FOR CONSTRACTION ORGANIZAITIONS AS ELEMENT OF BRANCH STANDARTS SYSTEMThe article considers the main directions of modernization of the chart of accounts for the building organizations as one of the key elements of the branch standards system. Author's proposals about introduction of new synthetic accounts, opening of the new sub accounts in the account to record production, addition of nomenclature of articles of the direct costs in the construction, improvement of the order of reflection and synthesis of income and expenses of construction contract are justified.Key words: chart of accounts, construction contracts, synthetic accounts, sub accounts, analytical accounts
Renner A.G., Buresh A.I. THE DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTIONIn this paper a model of the non-ruin probability of an insurance company investing its own capital into risk and risk-free assets is constructed. The temporally optimization of a non-ruin probability is considered.Key words: probability of non-ruin, risk and risk-free assets, investing.
Romanov V.V., Ablitsova M.Yu. ECONOMIC-ORGANIZATION MECHANISM OF CREATION INVESTMENT PROGRAM FOR ELECTRONETWORK ENTERPRISESIt was considered economic-organization mechanism of creation investment program for electric companies defined a roadmap for its effect on the investment program. Proposed recommendations for improving economic-organizing mechanism of formation investment program for electricity networks, directed at the enterprise's development in power industry.Key words: investment program, sourses of investment funding, development of electronetwork company.
Savina A.M. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE REGIONThe article is devoted to the identification of the key aspects of the water resources management in the region with the purpose of their rational use. The concept of regional Institute of the regulated market of water relations' formation in water resources management is used. It is suggest the organizational scheme to water management, which is based on the unity of approaches basin regulation and territorial administration, the division of control and economic functions. Key words: state management of water resources, regional basin agencies, basin agreements on the use of water resources of the region, the regulation in water use.
Sadykova L.M., Korobeynikova E.V. MODEL OF OPTIMIZATION OF THE RANGE OF INSURANCE PRODUCTSIn article possibility of optimization of the range of insurance products by creation of the corresponding model providing correction of strategy of development of insurance company taking into account change of factors of demand and a conjuncture of the insurance market is investigated. The mathematical model developed on the basis of the theory of indistinct sets is offered.Key words: insurance company, insurance product, optimization model.
Saplina T.I., Kurlykova A.V. THE FORMATION OF A BALANCED SCORECARD LOGISTICS ACTIVITYOF THE ENTERPRISE The articleis presents to the formation of a balanced scorecard of logistics activitieswhich must be usedin enterprise management. A matrix approach to the analysis of four projections in the Balanced Scorecard has been described. A balanced scorecard logistics activity has been built based on the classification of logistics costs and the strategic profit model.Key words: Balanced Scorecard, Balanced Scorecard logistics activities, comprehensive performance indicators of logistics activities.
Semenov E.A. VIRGIN LANDS DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA AND KAZAKHSTAN: BACKGROUND AND ECONOMIC RESULTSThe article describes the background and scope of virgin lands development in Russia and Kazakhstan. The analytical perspective of economic results for virgin lands development is presented in accordance with statistics, research data and expert evaluation. The causes and factors of economic inefficiency for agricultural production in most areas of virgin lands sector are identified.Key words: virgin lands, extensive development, agricultural policy, economic efficiency, grain farming.
Smirnova E.V., Spirina A.M. SYNTHETIC APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT OF EFFICIENCY OF STRATEGY OF THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESIn article shortcomings of used techniques of an assessment of efficiency of strategy of the enterprises are generalized. The complex of the indicators, allowing to carry out an integrated assessment of internal and external efficiency of strategy from positions of profitability, efficiency and productivity is offeredKey words: assessment of efficiency of strategy, internal efficiency, external efficiency, profitability, efficiency, productivity.
Stebunova O.I. MODELING OF PRICING IN SECONDARY HOUSING MARKETThe article considers the problem of spatial data's econometric research. It describes the approach to the modeling the territorial heterogeneity of residential real estate's objects highlighting specifics of pricing on the housing market appropriate separate territorial areas. Key words: pricing in housing market, spatial heterogeneity, geographically weighted regression.
Stepanova O.B. PROBLEMS OF FILLING OF THE STATE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY CADASTRE AS INFORMATION RESOURCE FOR MANAGEMENT OF LAND FUND OF THE COUNTRYIn article topical issues of current state of land fund of the country and the State Immovable Property Cadastre are considered, important components of problems of its filling are analyzed, the main objectives improvement of quality of the state services in the sphere of the cadastral account and the state registration of the rights to real estate are reflected. Key words: land resources, land fund, cadastral account, registration of the rights.
Syrovatkina T.N., Fedorova O.I., Zueva E.G. ESPECIALLY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AS A PRODUCT OF ECONOMICS OF EDUCATIONResearched the economics of education and main product activities-educational service. Are the alternative concepts of the theory of economics education. Discovered new properties of educational services as a product of intellectual work, the process of creating value, the object of commercial relations, continuously increasing cost. The substantiation of the new properties of educational service.Key words: educational service, knowledge, intellectual work, use value, human capital, informatization, globalization.
Terentyeva T.A., Sviridova L.A., Kayasheva A.S, Vasilyeva E.N. ORGANIZATION OF SEPARATE ACCOUNT OF THE CHARGE OF THE MEDIA, RECOVERED THROUGH SUBSIDIESIn the article the authors' position on the need to separate accounting subsidies allocated from the regional budget and income derived from operating activities in the accounting of government and commercial organizations. Detailing proposed costs under calculation will help to justify the inclusion of the cost of the intellectual product created by the media.
Trishkina N.I. PROCESS MODEL OF MODERNIZATION PARTNERSHIPPOWER AND BUSINESS STRUCTURES IN THE REGIONThe paper presents the implementation of the modernization process model of government and business partnerships — structures for the regions of low-and middle-institutional development of social-economic partnership. The basic implementation and support processes of modernization partnership.Key words: modernization partnership, process model, region, business-structure.
Troyanskaya M.A. ENHANCEMENT OF THE ENABLING TAX PROFIT BUSINESS ENTITIESTouched upon the problem of tax support businesses. A comparative analysis of the mechanism of investment tax credits and depreciation, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Determined that the corporate income tax is a tool that has the greatest impact on investment activity and investment activity of business entities. The recommendations for the improvement of corporate income tax that enhance its stimulating effects.Key words: functions of the tax, corporate income tax, benefits, investment tax credits, depreciation policy, depreciation bonus, incentives
Tuyakova Z.S., Cheremushnikova T.V. CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF BUSINESS PROCESSES IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES AS OBJECTS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTINGThe role and importance business processes management accounting for information support of decision-making for management in the telecommunication companies are disclosed. The author's position on the allocation of business processes, sub-processes and their functions in the telecommunication companies is substantiated. Results of the comparative analysis of provisions existing methodological documents of the Ministry of communications in Russia and standards approved by the International Telecommunication Union are presented.Key words: telecommunication companies, process-oriented approach to management, business processes, management accounting.
Tychinina N.A. REALIZATION OF THE PROCESS APPROACH TO THE ACCOUNTING-ANALYTICAL SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISEIdentified problems of organization of accounting and analytical software, to solve which can be using the process approach to management accounting, economic analysis and audit at the enterprise, which opens up the important and significant benefits for its sustainable development. Developed organizational model of the accounting-analytical maintenance of sustainable development of the enterprise.Key words: process approach, the accounting-analytical support of sustainable development of the enterprise.
Tyurina Yu.G. ON THE STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF REVENUE IN THE ASSESSMENT OF LIVING STANDARDSThe problems of assessment of the structure and dynamics of the income of the population. Disclosed to the theoretical aspects of the formation of income. The analysis of the dynamics of formation of incomes. Identified trends in indicators of living standards.Key words: income, living standards, the nominal and real income, cost of living, income differentiation.
Fedorova O.I., Syrovatkina T.N. PERSONAL CONSUMPTION AS NECESSARY CONDITION OF FORMATION OF THE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMYInvestigated by private consumption, as a condition of formation of the intellectual capital and the factor of the post-industrial economy. Shows a causal link between the consumption and nature of work. Identified boundaries of the use of personal consumption as a factor in the development of the Russian economy.Key words: personal consumption, knowledge, intellectual capital, industrial economy, the middle class.
Frolova I.M., Gnatiuk A.N. DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESUncertainty of the environment and economic instability significantly increase the level of requirements for control systems of industrial enterprises. Found that developing such a system, every business in the first place is interested in having the stability and integrity of the system is saved in the long term with sufficient flexibility and balance of the subject of management alternatives strategies for its development. Found that the relevance of sustainability management systems development company appears in the Orenburg region. New method for determining the effectiveness of the management of industrial enterprises. It is proved, that the basis of the implementation of the control system of industrial enterprises should be organizational — economic mechanism.Key words: industry, management, system management, economic performance, efficiency.
Kharitonova N.G. INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT SUPPORTING INNOVATION IN THE RUSSIAN ECONOMYThe article deals with the peculiarities of the support of innovative business that generates the big picture and the current climate for the development of innovative business in the Russian economy.Key words: innovation, entrepreneurship, competitiveness of, the regional economy.
Holodilina Yu.Ye. ASSESSMENT OF RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF SCIENTIFIC TOURISM OF THE LOCALIZED SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe resource assessment of prospects of development of scientific tourism in the Orenburg region on the basis of a method of calculation of an estimated indicator of natural capacity of the region offered E.N.Egorova, O. V. Motrich is carried out. Perspective zones of development of scientific tourism are determined by quantitative parameters and qualitative characteristics.Key words: scientific tourism, tourist potential, the resource potential, the localized social and economic systems.
Chigrova N.V. FUND DEVELOPMENT FINANCE PRIMARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: THE FORMATION AND USEThis paper proposes a new approach to financing for development of primary vocational education funds established within the regional budget Trust Fund for the development of basic vocational training. The author developed the mechanism of formation of financial resources of the Fund, and the main directions for their use. For effective use of the fund is made adaptation methodology for assessing the impact and effectiveness of long-term programs to the conditions of primary vocational education.Key words: fund, primary vocational education, pay for labor, long-term programs, effectiveness and efficiency.
Chmyshenko E.G. FINE ARTS MARKETCHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR INFLUENSE ON FORMING THE MARKETING MODELThe concert of fine arts market is considered. The role of cultural and spiritual need in society development is shown. Fine arts market characteristics, the role of marketing in its development are revealed. Marketing model of the given market is presented.Key words: market, arts, cultural needs, marketing, model.
Sharipov T.F. MODERNISATION AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PLANNING AT THE ENTERPRISEThe article describes the use of the modernization for the development of planning at the enterprise. Special attention is given to models of modernization, has five models: collinear model, the partial model, multi model, the model of actors, structuration model. One proposed the stages and algorithm of planning during modernization.Key words: modernization, change, development, model, instrument, process planning.
Shestakova E.V. THEORY OF SELF-ORGANIZATION: FROM ANCIENT BELIEFS TO THE IDEAS OF EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICSThis article is devoted to the theoretical study of the concepts of self-organization evolution: from dialectical views of Eastern and ancient philosophy to modern trends of economic evolution. As a result, temporary stages in the evolution of views on problems of complex systems of different nature have been allocated and key problems in the study of mechanisms of self-organization of social and economic systems have been outlined.Key words: self-organization, evolutionary economics, self-organizing socio-economic system, system approach, economic synergy.
Shpilman T.M. IMPROVEMENT OF ECONOMIC MECHANISMS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE MINERAL AND RAW COMPLEX OF RUSSIA The main tendencies of development of a mineral and raw complex of Russia are considered, disproportions and shortcomings of its functioning are revealed. Need of its modernization on the innovative basis, including improvement of the organizational, financial and tax mechanism of its functioning, strengthening of a role of the state on the basis of stage-by-stage improvement of the developed relations in the sphere of geological studying and use of a subsoil, for ensuring national economic security and rational use of a subsoil is proved.Key words: mineral and raw complex, stocks and resources of minerals, state regulation, subsurface use taxation, cost assessment of stocks.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |