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2012, № 13 (149)

Semenov E.A. VIRGIN LANDS DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA AND KAZAKHSTAN: BACKGROUND AND ECONOMIC RESULTSThe article describes the background and scope of virgin lands development in Russia and Kazakhstan. The analytical perspective of economic results for virgin lands development is presented in accordance with statistics, research data and expert evaluation. The causes and factors of economic inefficiency for agricultural production in most areas of virgin lands sector are identified.Key words: virgin lands, extensive development, agricultural policy, economic efficiency, grain farming.


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About this article

Author: Semyonov E.A.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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