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№ 11š2010


Gavrilova I.K. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DESIGN SKILLS OF FUTURE ENGINEERS IN LINGUISTIC EDUCATIONThe article, based on analysis of educational and methodical literature, clarifies the concept of "designing skills of future engineers in linguistic education" through actualization of value-semantic aspects of language education. The paper presents the results of the diagnostic study into the process of design skills development for the future engineers in linguistic education.Key words: engineering education, linguistic education, professional activity, design skills.
Zaitseva I.V. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT CHARACTER OF THE FUTURE ENGINEER IN CONDITIONS OF LINGUISTIC EDUCATIONThis article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the development of professional subjectivity of the future engineer, distinguishes its essential characteristics and specific features. Particular attention is given to issues of language training as a factor for the development of professional subject character.Key words: subject, subject character, professional subject character, engineering education, linguistic education
Zaritskaya L.A. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEXT GENERATION DESIGNER THROUGH THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE(FROM WORK EXPERIENCE).In this article the author gives the results of the experiment of her research work concerning the professional development of the linguistic education. She also describes the components of the pedagogical model of the professional development.

Philological sciences

Skibina S.N. TO THE PROBLEM OF HORACE'S ODE IN THE RUSSIAN LITERARY TRADITIONS ("RURAL LIFE. TO AFANASIY MATVEEVICH BRYANCHANINOV" BY M.N.šMURAVIEV)The author of this article analyzes the poem ("Rural life. To Afanasiy Matveevich Bryanchaninov" by M.N.šMuraviev from the point of view of volume, strophic organization, metrics, theme, subjective-objective structure, chronotop. The orientation of the text on the poetry of Horace and tradition of his perception by Russian poets of XVIII century is shown during the analysis. The genre of the poem is interpreted as Horace's Ode.Key words: Horace, M.N.šMuraviev, V.K.šTrediakovskiy, reception, genre, Horace's Ode.
Rumyantseva V.N. ELEGY AND WRITTEN FEUILLETON IN RUSSIAN POETRY AT THE MIDDLE OF XIX CENTURYThe author of this article regards the problem of interaction of two stylistic genres — written feuilleton and elegy; reveals two aspects of the problem: 1) mock use (rehash) of elegy for strengthening of comic effect of the feuilleton, 2) introduction of elegy fragments into the structure of satirical genre. The materials are 66 feuilletons by N.A.šNekrasov, V.S.šKurochkin, D.D.šMinaev.Key words: genre, written feuilleton, elegy, comic, rehash, parody, satire.
Slon O.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF "COMPOSITION" AND "GENRE" OF LYRIC WORKS (THE RESULT OF STUDYING OF EPIGRAM AND ELEGY COMPOSITION BY N.A. NEKRASOV)The problem of correlation of composition and genre of written work is given in this article. For arrangement and solution of this problem the author generalizes the results of conducted research of composition of two stylistic polar genres — epigram and elegy.Key words: composition, genre, epigram, elegy, creative work of N.A. Nekrasov.
Zelyanskaya N.L. THE PRINCIPLES OF THE COURSE OF EVENTS IN THE NOVELLA BY F. M. DOSTOYEVSKY "THE DOUBLE"This article is devoted to the analyses of the peculiarities of the field of events in the novella by F. M. Dostoyevsky "The Double". The researcher singles out two series of events in the literary work: false events (those that have the status of literary stock-phrase) and true events (those that reflect the logics of the plot pointed out in the literary work and cause the development of the main character). Complicated interdependence of false and true events make up new features of the cause of events formed in the narrative field of the Russian successive literature of 1940-s.Key words: creative activity of F.M. Dostoyevsky, the course of events, genre, story.
Provatorova O.N. "SAKHALIN" MOTIVES IN THE TALE "MURDER" BY A.P.šCHEKHOVThe author of the article compares the tale "Murder" and the book of sketches "The Island of Sakhalin" by A.P.šChekhov on the presence of "Sakhalin" motives and naturalistic tendencies, proves the connection of these works on subject-compositional and ideologic-thematic levels, and also demonstrates that there is new quality of poetics in "The Island of Sakhalin" which developed in Post-Sakhalin works of the writer.Key words: sketch, documentalizm, value of human personality, naturalistic methods and measures.
Mukaseeva V.A. METRICS BY M.K.šLUKONIN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WAR POETRY AND TRADITIONS OF V.V.šMAYAKOVSKIYIn this article the metrics by M.K. Lukonin is analyzed on the materials of cycles "Palpitation" (1939-1945) and "Days of dates" (1945-1947). Lyrics of other poet — front-line soldiers such as A.A.šNedogonov, S.S.šNarovchatov, S.P.šGudzenko and poetry of V.V.šMayakovskiy appear as a background. The influence of Mayakovskiy's metrics on versification of Lukonin and other poets of war is determined in this work.Key words: M.K.šLukonin, A.A.šNedogonov, S.S.šNarovchatov, S.P.šGudzenko, V.V.šMayakovskiy, versification, metrics.
Borisova I.M. TO THE QUESTION OF THE TEXT GRAPHIC EQUIVALENT IN RUSSIAN POETRYThis article is devoted to the consideration of the first attempts of the text graphic equivalent use, its dynamics of use in Russian poetry of XVII-XIX centuries, genre-gender belonging to works with text gaps and some peculiarities of this graphic method introduction into written texts.Key words: graphic method, text equivalent, text graphic equivalent, text gaps.
Krakovyak A.S. LAUDABLE ODE AND HIGH INVECTIVE: RHETORICAL METHODS AND ART WORK OF THE WORLDTwo genres having common rhetorical roots — laudable ode and high invective are compared in this article. In the center of this work is the comparative analysis of "Ode… for Khotin's capture" by M.šLomonosov and invectives of "War for faith" by I.šNikitin in the aspects of some genre-constitutive characteristics: principal aim of genre, rhetorical methods, art work of the world. The author shows similarity and fundamental distinctions of two genres.Key words: genre, ode, invective, rhetorical methods, principal aim, art work of the world.
Korobeinikova A.A., Pykhtina Yu.G. ABOUT SPATIAL ARCHETYPES IN LITERATUREResearches devoted to the literary archetypes are analyzed in this article. The authors reveal and describe spatial archetypes in belletristic literature. Semantics of binary opposition house/forest is regarded on the example of the story "Old-fashioned landowners" by N.V.šGogol.Key words: art space, literary archetypes, spatial archetypes, binary opposition.
Afanasieva E.A. SATIRE AND LYRIC POETRY AS OBJECTS FOR SASHA CHIORNY'S REFLECTIONThe article is devoted to understanding by Sasha Chiorny of such concepts as "satire" and "lyric poetry". It shows different forms of reflectionš— those found in the titles of books, series, separate works, as well as in the texts themselves. The author shows the poet's attitude to the world, his role in the satiric literary tradition. The article is based on the analysis of 377 pre-revolutionary poems by Sasha Chiorny.Key words: Sasha Chiorny, satire, lyric poetry, reflection, genre, metagenre.
Zavadskaya A.V. LEXICAL MEANS OF EPATAGE CREATION IN ART TEXTS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE POETRY OF RUSSIAN FUTURISTS)It is shown in this article that epatage is a style-formative character of the poetry of Russian futurists. The author regards methods of epatered effect creation on the lexical level. On the base of a made classification of lexical means for epatage creation the author makes a conclusion that this classification can be used to another poetic texts.Key words: art text, Russian futurism, epatage, epatered effect, emotive vocabulary, occasionalism, low colloquial vocabulary, metaphor.
Antonova A.V. ACTUALIZATION OF A TARGET OF THE MANIPULATION "PHENOMENON OF WAITING FOR SOCIAL IDEAL REALIZATION" BY MEANS OF PROMISED SPEECH ACTSThis article is devoted to the studying of the speech acts of promise as means of actualization of a target of the manipulation "phenomenon of waiting for social ideal realization" in the text type of pre-election agitational speech, functioned in the limits of English-specking political discourse. The author suggests classification of researched speech acts from the point of view of their structure, due pearled effect and number of intentional components, presented on the surface level.Key words: target of the manipulation, intension of promise, speech act, intentional component, pearled effect.
Evstafiady O.V. óONTINUED SYNTACTIC FORM WITH SEMANTICS OF CONDITION IN THE ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC TEXTThis article is devoted to the different status language forms, transferred conditional relations. The author regards continued syntactic form (CSF) and makes an attempt to reveal specificity of CSF functioning with semantics of condition in scientific texts in English.Key words: conditional relations, conditional constructions, continued syntactic form, scientific text, the English language.
Elagina Yu.S. STRUCTURAL-LANGUAGE SPECIFICITY OF TEXTS AT PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER DISCOURSEThis article is devoted to the research of structural specificity of a text on the material of a school text of programming. The author reveals constitutive features of electronic and professional discourse.Key words: professional computer discourse, language means, style features, school text, extralinguistic skills.
Iskhakova I.V. SEMANTIC AND FUNCTIONAL PECULIARITIES OF TITLE COMPLEXES OF ART TEXTS (ON THE MATERIAL OF WORKS OF ENGLISH-SPEAKING AUTHORS IN XVIII-XX C.C.)This article is devoted to the semantic and functional peculiarities of title complexes of art texts of works of English-speaking authors in XVIII-XX c.c. In this work the author makes an attempt to analyze and classify titles from the point of view of their functionality and their semantic realization in the external structure of the title. Key words: art text, title complex, title, interrelationship, semantic and functional peculiarities, intimation.
Mikhailova E.V. FRAME METHOD OF THE ENGLISH VERBS OF INTERACTION DESCRIPTION This article addresses studying semantic conception of the English verbs of interaction in the category of frames. In this work the author makes an attempt to distinguish general groups of verbs of interaction and to reveal the semantics of some polypredicative constructions using frame method of description. Key words: interaction, semantic groups, frame method, semantic metalanguage, frame.
Solodilova I.A. APPRAISAL AS A TYPE OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY AND A COMPONENT OF LEXICAL MEANINGThe author regards the understanding of appraisal existed in frames of cognitive approach as a type of cognitive activity of a person and determines the place of evaluative component in the structure of lexical meaning of the world.Key words: appraisal, cognitive activity, lexical meaning, evaluative component, emotive component.
Suleimanova Yu.M. PERFORMATIVE VERB AS A MEAN OF EXPLICATION OF ASSERVATIVE INTENTIONIn this article the author considers asservative speech acts on the example of works of English and American writes, regards means of expression of speech intention with help of performative verb. Also she gives the classification of asservative speech acts at the degree of intensity of assertion intention. Key words: performative verb, verbs of assertion, situational-affirmative verbs, assertions-assurances, assertions-statements, assertions-constatives, assertions-suggestions.
Belousov K.I. MODEL LINGUISTICS AND THE PROBLEM OF LANGUAGE REALITY MODELLINGThe article is devoted to one of the actual problems of modern linguisticsš— problem of language reality modeling. The question under consideration is the premises for formation of model linguistics, its subjects and objects. The subject of scientific research is the problem of objective causations revealed in model linguistics with applied linguistic investigations. Computer and experimental science of language. Key words: language reality, modeling, language model, linguistics, approach based on systematic activity.
Ichkineeva D.A. ABOUT REGULARITIES OF DIGITIZATION OF SEMANTIC TEXT SPACEThis article addresses the specific features of semantic space digitization of the text in particular to revealing components of semantic space articulation of the text and features of their interaction.Key words: language, discontinuity, text, semantic space of the text, theme, microtheme.
Malakhova M.S. REGIONAL NATURE AS A FACTOR OF THE SECONDARY PATTERN IN THE SPATIAL METAPHOR OF RUSSIAThis article focuses on the regionalism factor in the formation of cultural and meaningful concept "Russia" in the Russians. The concept is considered in the cognitive, cultural and toponymic aspects. Conclusions are based on the results of an experiment conducted in several regions of Russia.Key words: concept, place-name, regional nature, association, space, concept sphere.
Galinskaya T.N. PRONOUNS FORMAL "YOU" AND INFORMAL YOU IN IDEOLEXICAL VOCABULARY OF THE VIRTUAL LANGUAGE OF A PERSONALITYThe article investigates the mechanism of constructing the virtual linguistic identity within phatic interaction at the level of vocabulary. In studying the features of personal pronouns in the text of a language personality behind the mask of the two virtual characters, the author reveals the similarities of their verbal behavior.Key words: virtual linguistic identity, fatic conversation, mask, verbal behavior, ideolexical vocabulary, personal pronouns.
Davydova E.A. EVENT: HISTORY AND CONCEPT IN PHILOSOPHY AND LANGUAGEThe paper studies the concept of "event" in the ontological, linguistic and literary aspects. Different approaches to understanding and classification of the term in philosophy of language are provided.Key words: event, event-to-speech, an event-mail, virtual event, an event like the idea, actuall event (reference event), text event.
Osipova I.A. MODELING CONCEPTUAL POTENTIAL OF THE TERM "KEY WORDS"This article analyzes the different perspectives on the problem related to the study of the term "key words" in different areas of the humanities. It provides a model representation of the term in order to highlight the most developed and least studied aspects of this construct.Key words: text, terms, key words, graph-semantic simulation.
Isaeva L.V. DESTRUCTIVE STRATEGIES OF THE PERSUASIVE STYLE AS A SPEECH ACT IN THE "GAME" ADVERTISING TEXTThe article discusses the ambivalent nature of language play in the advertising texts; an existing view of the predominantly creative potential of the language play is complemented by the idea of its destructive nature. Based on the ideas of L.šWittgenstein and Charles S.šPeirce, the article clarifies the fundamental characteristics of the persuasive style as a speech act used in advertising texts.Key words: advertising, language play, persuasive style, destructive potential, semantics of possible worlds.
Solovykh Y.S. INVESTIGATIONS OF SPACE CATEGORY IN MODERN SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. The article is devoted to the actual in modern linguistics problem- investigations of space category. In this article are presented and analyzed different viewpoints to the problem of space category not only in exact sciences but also in philology.Key words: text categories, space of the text, theory of text, chronotop.
Sosolopova K.A. LAWS OF THE EMOTIVE CATEGORY IN THE TEXTS OF INTERNET BLOGS This article presents an analysis of emotive category patterns representation in the Internet blogs. The author reveals the features of actualization for the above designated categories at the three language levels: morphological, lexical and syntactic, determines the temporal relatedness of emotive tools used in the texts of Internet blogs.Key words: emotiveness; Internet blog, morphological, lexical, syntactic means of expression of emotiveness; temporal relatedness.
Zobnina P.I. SPECIFICS OF THE SEMANTIC FIELD "SPEECH ACTIVITY OF CHARACTERS" IN THE STORY "THE STOLEN LETTER" BY EDGAR POE This article analyzes the semantic space of a story by Edgar Allan Poe. Quantitative analysis and the data on the frequency distributions of semantic units in the text allowed the author to identify significant features in the speech of the characters.Key words: content analysis, semantic field, speech activity.
Makhrova E.I. THE COMPARATIVE ASPECT OF THE FUNCTIONING VARIOUS REPETITIONS IN THE INLINE SPACE (RESEARCHING THE TEXTS OF ART WORKS BY FRENCH AUTHORS AS A CASE STUDY) The paper studies successive organization of various repeats in the space of an entire text. The paper conducted a comprehensive study of the functioning of repeats in the text-based statistical analysis. Key words: lexical, semantic and syntactical repetitions, text, re-nomination, phrase unity.
Reimer J.V. BACCHUS NOMINATIONS IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN LINGUISTIC CULTURESThe article is devoted to study and comparative analysis of special nomination of Bacchus discourse in German and Russian linguistic culture. This study attempts to analyze the functions and features of Bacchus language symbols in German and Russian Bacchus discourse presentation. Key words: linguistic culture, concept, discourse, nomination, linguistic semiotics.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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