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2010, № 11

Afanasieva E.A. SATIRE AND LYRIC POETRY AS OBJECTS FOR SASHA CHIORNY'S REFLECTIONThe article is devoted to understanding by Sasha Chiorny of such concepts as "satire" and "lyric poetry". It shows different forms of reflection — those found in the titles of books, series, separate works, as well as in the texts themselves. The author shows the poet's attitude to the world, his role in the satiric literary tradition. The article is based on the analysis of 377 pre-revolutionary poems by Sasha Chiorny.Key words: Sasha Chiorny, satire, lyric poetry, reflection, genre, metagenre.


1. Segal D.M. Literature as protection. Moscow: Vodoley Publishers. — 2006. 976 pp.

2. Tiupa V.I., Bak D.P. Evolution of artistic reflection as a problem of historical poetics. Kemerovo: KemGU. — 1988. P. 4-15.

3. Broytman S.N. Historical poetics. Uchebn. pos. Moscow: RGGU. — 2001. 320 pp.

4. Abasheeva M.P. Literature looking for identity: Russian prose in the end of the 20th century: forming the author's identity. Perm: Publishers of Perm University. — 2001. 320 pp.

5. Petrov V.M. Reflection in the history of artistic culture. Its role and development prospects // Studies of arts psychology. Moscow: Nauka. — 1983. P. 313.

6. Khatiamova M.A. Forms of literary self-reflection forms in the Russian prose of the first third of the 20th century. Moscow: Yazyki slavianskoy kultury. — 2008. 328 pp.

7. Chukovsky K.I. Sasha Chiorny // S.Chiorny Poems. [Introductory article and total editorchip by K. Chukovsky. Critical and biographic essay, the text work and comments by L.A. Evstigneeva]. Leningrad: Sov. Pisatel [Leningrad department]. — 1960. P. 5-22.

8. Evstigneeva L.A. Literary path of Sasha Chiorny. // Chiorny S. Poems. [Introductory article and total editorchip by K. Chukovsky. Critical and biographical essay, text work and comments by L.A. Evstigneeva]. Leningrad: Sov. Pisatel [Leningrad department]. — 1960. P. 23-67; Evstigneeva L.A. the Satiricon Journal and its poets. Moscow: Nauka. — 1968. 455 pp.

9. Ivanov A.S. "There was a poor knight…" // Chiorny S. Selected prose. [Compiling, afterword, comments by A.S. Ivanov]. Moscow: Kniga. — 1991. P. 394-418. Ivanov A.S. Injured love // Chiorny S. Collected works in 5 volumes. V.1: Satires and lyrics. Poems. 1905 — 1916. [Compiling, text work and comments by A.S. Ivanov]. Moscow: Ellis Luck. — 1996. P. 5-30.

10. Prikhodko V.A. What will make a buffoon happy: About Sasha Chiorny. // Chiorny S. Frivolous stories. [Compiling, text work and introductory article by V.A. Prikhodko]. Moscow: Rus.Kn. — 1992. P. 5-26.

11. Urban A. Sad laughter books (Sasha Chiorny: satires and lyrics). // Chiorny S. Selected satires and lyrics. [Compiling, author's introductory article and comments by A. Urban]. Leningrad: Det.Lit. [Leningrad department]. — 1991. P. 5-20.

12. Koltonovskaya E.A. New satire // Sibirskaya zhizn. — Tomsk. — 1990. — August, 29th. — P. 3.

13. Chiorny S. Collected works in 5 volumes. V.1: Satires and lyrics. Poems. 1905 — 1916. [Compiling, text work and comments by A.S. Ivanov]. Moscow: Ellis Luck. — 1996. 464 pp.

14. Literary encyclopedia of terms and notions / Edited by A.N. Nikoliukin. Institute of Scientific Information on Social Studies of RAN. — Moscow: NPK "Intelvak". — 2001. — P. 935-936.

15. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Russian AN; Russian Culture Fund. Moscow: AZ. — 1996. P. 687.

About this article

Author: Afanasyeva E.A.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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