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2010, № 11

Krakovyak A.S. LAUDABLE ODE AND HIGH INVECTIVE: RHETORICAL METHODS AND ART WORK OF THE WORLDTwo genres having common rhetorical roots — laudable ode and high invective are compared in this article. In the center of this work is the comparative analysis of "Ode… for Khotin's capture" by M. Lomonosov and invectives of "War for faith" by I. Nikitin in the aspects of some genre-constitutive characteristics: principal aim of genre, rhetorical methods, art work of the world. The author shows similarity and fundamental distinctions of two genres.Key words: genre, ode, invective, rhetorical methods, principal aim, art work of the world.


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17. Krakovyak A.S. Interference and transitive forms of genres of a prayer and an invective in Russian and Polish poetry XIX-XX centuries // Literary text XX century: the problem of poetics: Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. Cheliabinsk, 2009. — P. 124-129.

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21. Tomaszewski B.V. Theory of Literature. Poetics. — M.: Aspekt-Press, 1996. — 333 pp.

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About this article

Author: Krakovyak A.S.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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