№ 10 2006
Humanitarian sciences
Mazharova E.A., Reshetov O.V. LEADING MOTIVE OF STUDENTS’ STUDYING ACTIVITY – SUCCESS ACHIEVEMENTThis article is devoted to the bases of the practical realization ways of every student’s success situation as a leading motive of students’ studying activity. Using of individual standards at achievements appraisal is regarded as general pedagogical means of creation at this situation.
Kryzhanovskaya L.G. OPTIMIZATION OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS AT HEALTH-PRESERVED EDUCATIONAL SPHEREPedagogical reserves of students’ personal development optimization connected with sphere widening of joint activity of subjects of strengthening and reproduction of interpersonal interactions health-preserved bases, actualization of humanistically oriented forms and methods of pedagogical determination of personal create self-actualization process, are regarded in this article.
BIKITEEVA R.R. FORMING OF PERSONAL-SEMANTIC FIELD OF INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF A STUDENT OF NON-LANGUAGE INSTITUTION Personal-semantic field of intercultural competence is integrative feature of a personality which is presented the totality of knowledge, skills, and values, responded to demands of concreteness, definite specificity, and guaranteed full communication at situations of intercultural communication.
Orlova G.M. SOME ASPECTS OF TEACHERS’ PREPARATION TO THE PROJECTING CONNECTED WITH EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMSConditions of teachers’ preparation to the projecting activity in the sphere of educational programs ascending succession, accounted the profile succession principle of content of education and factors of individual professional competence level increase, are regarded in this article.
Gulyaeva I.V. FORMING OF STUDENT’S SUBJECTIVITY AT INTERACTIVE STUDYING Determination of the concept "interactive studying" is given in this article and its peculiarities and advantages in comparison with traditional model of studying are characterized here. Pedagogical effectiveness of studying activity constructed on the principals of communication, interaction and cooperation at forming of student’s subjectivity based on determination of subject, subjectivity at cultural-historical conception of studying, activity theory, theory of personality in activity, are proved in this work.
Fazleev N.Sh. PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF A TEACHER OF PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORT AS A BASE OF SPORTS EDUCATION MODERNIZATIONThe author regards self-determination as a subjective base of professional education reforming of physical training and sport. This article contains: the analysis of contradictions, difficulties, mistakes of youth’s self-determination to the profession of physical training and sport teacher; the structure of personality features and its backbone factors; the optimal process of self-determination; the typology of self-determination to the profession of physical training and sport teacher.
Karimov R.Ya., Khazhin A.V. TRAINING AND METHODS OF ACTIVE TEACHING IN THE SYSTEM OF STUDENTS’ UPBRINGING OF PHYSICAL TRAINING INSTITUTE Some results of ethnocultural and communicative upbringing of future specialists of physical training are stated in this article. Theoretical and methodical aspects of anthropotechnical means and methods using at educational process of institute are presented here.
Tsenaev L.B. CONDITIONS OF STUDENTS-SPORTSMEN’S EDUCATION PROCESS EFFECTIVENESS INCREASE The importance of the problem of students-sportsmen’s education process effectiveness increase is proved in this article, also the basic contradictions needed this problem solution at the process of physical training teaching in modern institutes are indicated here. Theoretical bases of pedagogical conditions complex choice, characteristic of every condition separately are presented in this work.
Sokolova L.B., Datskovskaya N.A. TEACHER’S PERSONALITY AT THE SYSTEM OF USHINSKY K.D. EVOLUTIVE TEACHING The theory of evolutive teaching of Ushinsky K.D. who was the founder of the Russian national pedagogics and reformer of public school is researched in this article. At XIX c. Ushinsky K.D. created the first in Russia harmonious pedagogical theory which is important and significant at our times. According to the author’s opinion Ushinsky K.D. created universal model of evolutive teaching system where the important place was given to the teacher’s role.
Borisova O.N. KNOWLEDGE PERFECTION OF FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHERS OF PEDAGOGICAL ETHICS This article reveals mechanisms of ethical knowledge perfection of future social teachers. Worked out by the author course "Ethics of professional activity of social teacher" is the most effective means. The author presents the most important themes influenced on range widening of students’ ethical knowledge. Various forms of lecture and seminar lessons are suggested and presented in this work.
Zemtsova V.I., Shvaleva A.V. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL TREND DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES STUDENTSThis article is devoted to the important problem of personal professional trend development of technical specialties students. Theoretical aspects of this problem are regarded in this article and technology description of personal professional trend of students is presented here. Materials characterizing positive results of pedagogical experiments are given in this work.
Merkulova L.P. ADAPTIVE IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS OF PROFESSIONALLY MOBILE SPECIALIST OF TECHNICAL PROFILECharacterological (containing) component of specialist’s professional mobility is used for appraisal of his training quality. Adaptive important characteristics of students promoted forming of professional mobility of technical profile specialists are determined in this article.
Ksenofontova A.N., Tabakova E.P. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF SENIOR PUPILS SELF-DETERMINATION AT COMPETITIVE ACTIVITYThe authors apply to the problem of personality self-determination at competitive activity. Conditions (pedagogical support, creation of success situation, senior pupils involving into competitive activity), promoted senior pupils’ self-determination at innovation educational sphere are regarded in this article.
Nikolskaya O.D. SOCIAL-PEDAGOGICAL PARTNERSHIP AS A FACTOR OF QUALITY INCREASE OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION: THEORETICAL BASINGTheoretical basing of social-pedagogical partnership forming problem at the system of pre-school education is given in this article. The attempt of concepts system working out composing the base of given research methodology has been undertaken on the base of theoretical and methodological bases analysis.
Roslyakova S.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS AT THE STUDYING PROCESSThe author’s point of view on the solution of the problem of cognitive activity development of students at the studying process is revealed in this article: the method possibility of the cognitive activity development as a work, of the process and the system, results of which are construction of activity-procedural system of cognitive activity development of students at the studying process, is proved here.
Salamatov A.A. AXIOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ECOLOGICAL-ECONOMICAL EDUCATION CONTENT AT PROFILE SCHOOLThe problem of construction of ecological-economical education content at profile school from the point of view of axiological approach based on modern science achievements and constituted effective methodological apparatus reflected regularities, principles, peculiarities, characteristics, features of regarded type of education, is considered in this article.
Sokolova N.A. TO THE PROBLEM OF ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT "SOCIAL-PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF A CHILD AT ADDITIONAL EDUCATION"Different approaches to determination of the concepts "pedagogical support", "social-pedagogical support" are regarded in this article; also their essence and role at educational process are determined here. Specificity of social-pedagogical support of a child at additional children education is revealed in this work.
Stroilova A.S. COMPETITIVENESS FORMING OF PUPIL OF ADDITIONAL CHILDREN EDUCATION INSTITUTION WITH MEANS OF MARKETING TECHNOLOGYBackbone theoretical and practical approaches to the process of competitiveness forming of pupil in institution of additional children education are proved in this article. The essence of marketing technologies realization at activity of additional children education institutions is revealed in this work.
Litvinenko N.V. PUPILS’ ADAPTATION AT CRITICAL PERIODS OF DEVELOPMENT AS A SUBJECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH Theoretical and practical importance of the problem of social-psychological adaptation of pupils at critical periods of development characterized with sudden changes of social development situation and qualitative rebuilding of adaptable personality structure are revealed in this article and own strategy of given problem research is proved here.
Grigorieva M.N. TO THE PROBLEM OF INTERCOMMUNICATION OF PERSONALITY TREND AND ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR The author regards the problem of trend in modern scientific literature and determines intercommunication of personality trend with antisocial behavior.
Elfimova M.M. TO THE PROBLEM OF SEMANTIC VERTICAL AT ORGANIZATIONAL MENTALITYThe essence of organizational mentality, its level construction is revealed in this article. The problem of concordance of organizational and personal interests of organization members through organizational mentality is regarded here.
Iogolevich N.I. METHODOLOGICAL SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF PROFESSIONALLY IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF MANAGER DETAILED ELABORATION The urgency of the problem solution of professionally important qualities of managers’ detailed elaboration as psychological determinant of his successfulness is proved in this article. The possibility of this problem solution from the point of view of polysystem research of manager’s individuality is shown here. The author’s model of polysystem research of "integral individuality" and "professionally important qualities" interaction is suggested in this work.
Petrov V.O. PIANO DUET IN THE CONTEXT OF HOME MAKING MUSIC: GENRE AND CULTURAL SPHERE The time of Baroque traditions, which is connected with home making music, is one of interesting epochs in development of cultural-historical existence of XVIII century. The genre of piano duet is distinguished as a type of particular union of people in cultural sphere in the context of given cultural phenomenon of the musical art. Its general genre features: their genesis, formation and evolution are regarded in this article.
Chebotareva E.V. ART WORLD OF STORIES ABOUT CHILDREN OF K. MANSFIELD Peculiarities of problems and poetics of K. Mansfield’s poetics about her New Zealand childhood are regarded in this article. It is proved that works of different genre modifications created by the realist of the XX century beginner accounted conquests of modern to her modernistic art.
Tyrygina V.A. GENRE-FORMING ROLE OF NOMINATION (ON THE MATERIAL OF VERBAL DENOMINATION USING IN BRITISH MEDIAGENRES)Nomination from the point of view of genre is regarded in this article. Verbal nominations using in British mediagenres are attracted to the research. Complications at nominative verbal meaning exposure caused with its dual nature are marked in this article and connection between the choice of verbal denominations and genre categories of text is revealed here.
Shinkova S.S. THE PROBLEM OF SOCIAL-CULTURAL ESTRANGEMENT OF A PERSON AT THE PHILOSOPHY OF HERBERT MARKUZE The author, following with methodological principals of social-humanitarian perception, analyses philosophical-anthropological conception of the German-American philosopher Herbert Markuze in this article and gives original interpretation of given problem further research meaning with aim of person knowing of his special ontological status at the new century.
Kerdan A.B. ESSENCE OF SOCIAL PRESTIGIOUSNESS PHENOMENONThe essence of social prestigiousness phenomenon is regarded in this article from philosophical-theoretical and culturological positions. Comparative analysis of views on these complicated social-cultural phenomenon of Russian and foreign researchers is given here and different approaches to it are regarded. Genesis of social prestigiousness is researched, specific peculiarities of social prestigiousness in Russia are revealed and determination of its essence, general functions and criteria is formed in this work.
Kremneva T.L. TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS AT PREPARATION OF SOCIAL WORK SPECIALISTS IN COUNTRIES OF THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH The thought that generalization of Russian and foreign experience of social work specialists preparation will assist to their professional increase on the base of different models and educational programs using, is affirmed in this article. The necessity of traditional and innovation approaches to the teaching is marked which gives opportunity to students to open their art potential.
Polyakov A.N. TO THE PROBLEM OF SOCIAL OUTCASTS AT OLD RUSSIAThis article is devoted to the one of disputable questions of Kiev Russia history: social status determination of social outcasts, which are related by researchers to the category of dependant population. The author suggests his own solution of this problem on the base of wide range of sources.
Timerbaev T.A. RIGHT OF RUSSIAN CITIZENS ON ACCESS OF LEGAL INFORMATIONThe important problem of contemporaneity – access of Russian citizens to legal information is regarded in this article. The possibility of citizens’ access to legal information through computer inquiry legal systems, centers of legal information on the base of libraries, stations of access in post offices, sites of Tax Service, Ministry of Justice and federal courts, is revealed in this work and also informational system GAS "Justice", which will operate from 01.01.2007 is regarded.
Markina A.V. LEGAL REGULATION OF ACTIVITY OF CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE RENDERINGActivity of cable television service rendering is a new type of activity in the sphere of telecommunications. For its successful development it is necessary to have appropriate normative and contractual regulation of legal relationships of all subjects of given activity: cable operator, subscriber of cable television service, TV company and bodies of state power. However current legislation of RF of communication, mass media and advertising, regulated some aspects of activity in the sphere of cable television, generates some legal problems of legal relationships regulation of cable operator and TV company, which are regarded in frame of this article.
Tuzhilova-Ordanskaya E.M. CLASSIFICATION OF PROPRIETARY METHODS OF INTEREST IN LAND PROTECTIONTraditional proprietary methods of civil rights protection such as vindicational and negatorial suits are analyzed in this article, at the same time it is marked that new methods in particular law recognition, which are consolidated in Civil Code of RF, are inexpedient as from theoretical as from practical points of view. Especially this conclusion is evident with reference to the questions of interest in land protection.
Economic sciences
Shults D.N. HIERARCHICAL ECONOMY, LEVELS AND METHODS OF THEIR ANALYSISPossibilities and borders of using of hierarchical systems theory methods, games theory, macrosystems theory, general equilibrium for economy analysis on different levels of hierarchy are researched in this article. Special attention is given to methods of economy analysis on mesolevel.
Pechonik O.I., Kruchinina V.A. THEORETICAL BASES OF BANK SYSTEM AND REGIONAL ECONOMY INTERACTIONThe processes of bank system and regional sector interaction are necessary factor of market economy forming and important element of structural economic reconstruction. Suppositions of economy increase and its stable development guarantee originate only with the advent of conditions for effective collaboration and common understanding.
Buresh O.V., Varennikova Yu.V. DETERMINATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF REGISTRATION BODIES ACTIVITY IN FRAME OF ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMThe problems of state power bodies reforming, necessity of methods using of budgetary funds using rationality appraisal are regarded in this article. The method of effectiveness determination of registration bodies activity on the base of methods of multivariate statistical analysis for compound set of features is suggested here.
Korabeinikov I.N. TO THE PROBLEM OF INNOVATION APPROACH OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION EFFECTIVENESS INCREASEThe necessity of innovation way of agricultural production effectiveness increase is proved in this article. General directions of innovations introduction into agricultural production as in a whole as in a zonal cut are suggested here. The analysis of financial-economical base of innovation processes passing at agricultural production is given in this work.
Krivolapov G.N., Grubov A.P., Taspaev S.S. TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AS AN ELEMENT OF ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF OPEN ECONOMYInterdependency of national economic systems is intensified in conditions of globalization. Transnational corporations influence on its development. Transnational corporations being an element of economic mechanism take central place in the system of public reproduction processes organization at open national economy.
Mikhailov A.Yu. THEORETICAL SUPPOSITIONS OF BUSINESS-PROCESSES FORMINGSuppositions of business-processes forming are stated in this article, also it is suggested delimiting of technological and logistical business-processes. The processes of basic business-system forming and general phases of preparation and realization of business-processes at industrial enterprises are worked out in this work.
Surenko E.N. PROBLEMS AND METHODS OF FINANCIAL STABILITY SUPPORT OF AGRICULTURAL-PRODUCTION COMPLEX (APC) ENTERPRISES At conditions of market economy one of conditions of enterprises probability of survival is increase of their financial stability. Especially this problem is relevant in agrarian sector of economy. The author considers that for financial stability support of APC enterprises it is necessary to work out the strategy of management, including the important element – financial strategy. It will promote to fulfillment of constant control of its realization on the base of financial analysis.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Rusyaeva O.A. CRITERIA OF EFFECTIVE PROJECTING MANAGEMENT The concept "projecting management", its content and essence, success constituents are regarded in this article. The procedures and indexes, observance of which increases the effectiveness of projecting management are distinguished here. Besides, general criteria of success and legal code of project realization, increase of project managers work effectiveness as on native as on foreign enterprises are distinguished in this work.
Ermakova Zh.A. PRIORITIES AND STRUCTURE OF TECHNOLOGICAL MODERNIZATION CONCEPTION OF REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX New understanding of industrial complex technological modernization as incarnation industrial policy of innovation type is suggested in this article. General approaches to forming of regional conception of technological modernization, including aims, principles, stages, content and realization mechanisms are worked out here.
Markovskaya V.V. USING OF KEY COMPETENCE AS AN ELEMENT OF INTERCOMPANY MARKETING OF CONSTRUCTED ORGANIZATIONSEssence of marketing competences and their classification are regarded in this article. It is suggested creation of contract constructed organizations system which have complementary competences for creation of works and services packet. The necessity of forming of organization-integrator, the key competence of which is realization of marketing functions, is proved in this article.
Aralbaeva G.G. ECONOMIC-MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND FORECASTING OF INDEXES OF LABOR RECOURSES AND POPULATION EMPLOYMENT IN ORENBURG REGION This article is devoted to Economic-mathematical modeling and forecasting of indexes of labor recourses and population employment in Orenburg region. The models, got as a result of correlation-regression analyses, allow setting intercommunication between macroeconomic indexes and making forecasting on its base.
Bochkov D.V. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF GENERAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS FINANCING MECHANISMS The author of the article gives analysis of conceptual-categorical apparatus in the sphere of general education institutions financing: financing, mechanism of financing, system of general education, normative budget financing, mechanism of general education institutions financing. The attention of scientific sections on fragmentary character of financing mechanism elements studying at works multiplicity of native scientists in the sphere of general education is given in this article.
Perunov V.B. FINANCIAL STABILITY MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE IN CONDITIONS OF PERTROCHANTERIC SITUATIONS OF NATURE CHARACTERThe problems of financial stability management of agricultural enterprise in conditions of pertrochanteric situations of nature character are regarded in this article. Research of influence on financial stability of cash assets deficit overcoming methods such as crediting and insurance is given here.
Kerimov F.V. APPRAISAL AT FAIR VALUE AT THE SYSTEM OF MSFO: CONCEPT AND REVIEW OF USINGThe concept "Fair value" which is treated ambiguously in economic society as from the side of accounting as from the side of its users, is analyzed in this article. Necessary conditions of appraisal at fair value are conducted and generalized determination of fair value criteria is given on the base of financial accounting standards of USA and international standards. The review of fair value concept using in the system MSFO is given in this article. The concept of fair value is regarded from the point of view of financial accounting different elements.
Ostrovenko T.K., Gulyaev D.P. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ACCOUNTING AT THE PROCESS OF LEGAL-ACCOUNTING EXPERTISEPrinciples-demands in accounting form its methodology. However, they did not find proper solution in statutory acts and economic literature therefore passing of such researches are important. Methodological bases of such types of accounting as legal accounting at passing of legal-accounting expertise are weakly worked out. Specifications of principles-demands in this sphere by authors allow increase quality of state legal-expert activity in RF on the base of data of economic subject accounting.
Tuyakova Z.S. SYSTEM APPROACH TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF COST APPRAISALS AT ACCOUNTINGThis article is devoted to one of problems of accounting theory – classification of cost appraisals. The author on the base of summarizing of modern classifications variety and their critical analysis gives essential specifications and additions in classification at such features as appraisal subject, method and functions of appraisals, and proves necessity of appraisals classification depending on influence on qualitative characteristic of accountability indexes and gives author’s vision of this classification content.
Natural sciences
Rusanov A.M., Rusakov A.V., Korshikova N.A., Khristina K.A., Verkhoshentseva Yu.P., Polyakov D.G. BIOLOGICAL VARIETY OF FLORA, FAUNA AND SOIL, ATTACHED TO BUZULUKSKY BOR (PINE FOREST) TERRITORYInfluence of Buzuluksky Bor on plants, animals and chernozem of neighbor to it territories is researched in this article. It is established that forest-steppe zone is formed around pine forest under the influence of clement and damp mesoclimate of Bor. Peak of biovariety because of neighborhood in united biocenose the types of mesophytes and xerophytes, and also different types of ecological group of coleopterfauna is marked on the distance of 17-18 km from forest tract where the Bor’s influence is decrease and landscapes are located under combined influence of forest-step and step conditions. Maximal variety of soil characteristics and, as a consequence, the most complicated structure of soil cover are observed here. Key words: biovariety, biocenose, key lots, Buzuluksky Bor (pine forest), mesoclimate, humus condition of soil, structure of soil cover, coleopterfauna
Gursky A.A. TO THE APPRAISAL OF GROWTH AND PRODUCTION OF FLOOD-LANDS POPLAR TREES OF ORENBURG REGIONGrowth progress at middle height and diameter of flood-lands poplar trees is studied in this article. New methodical ways of growth progress tables’ construction with using of elective-statistical method are suggested here.
Semenov E.A. DYNAMICS OF AGRICULTURAL ZONING OF ORENBURG REGION BECAUSE OF VIRGIN AND LONG-FALLOW LANDS DEVELOPINGThe analysis of agricultural zoning dynamics of Orenburg region at before-virgin (1931), virgin (1960) and post-virgin (2004) periods is stated in this article. Peculiarities of agricultural groups of regions are established and factors of their forming and development are determined on the base of cluster differentiation of social-economic indexes.
Tikhonov V.E., Dolgalev M.P. DYNAMICS OF GENERAL CLIMATIC INDEXES OF URAL STEP ZONEConstant warming of climate and positive trend of annual rainfall in studying region at last 65 years is shown in this article. This regularity is explained with gradual warming and synchronous increase of rainfalls number at the winter periods.
Abdrashitov R.Kh., Nadtochy M.M., Shapilova N.A. HYDROTHERMAL AND SOIL CONDITIONS OF YIELD FORMING IN ORENBURG REGION (ZAURALIE)Distribution of studying sorts of spring soft, spring hard wheat and spring barley with accounting of biological peculiarities allows revealing plants production at fallow land and forming high yield with grain quality satisfied all-Union State Standard of I – II groups of quality.
Levykin S.V. NNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES OF PRESERVATION OF LANDSCAPE-BIOLOGICAL VARIETY OF STEP History and problems of reserves creation in step zone is regarded in this article. New forms of step biovariety preservation are worked out based on new economic conditions. New forms of territorial protection of landscape-biological variety of step region realizing in Orenburg region are suggested in this article.
Gabbasova I.M., Afzalov R.Sh. AGROECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL OF MEGAPOLISES’ PARKS SOIL On the example of park, located in industrial zone of Ufa city, it is shown that its agroecological appraisal parallel with generally accepted appraisal of soil properties complex foresees biotest passing, directed on degree appraisal of soil degradation, its phytotoxicity and selection of more adapted plants.
Burlakova L.V., Bogatova O.V., Koshelev S.N., Donnik I.M. COMPLEX SYSTEM OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AND APPRAISAL OF CATTLE POPULATION ON THE TERRITORY OF ANTROPOGENIC INFLUENCEEcologically justified activity of agricultural products producers is impossible without control and appraisals system of environment subjects, which includes: particularized researched laboratories (at activity profile); cadastre of quality of drinking water, fodder, food raw material, ecological-adaptive abilities of cattle population; ecological mapping, system of electronic cards on the base of long-term researches.
Yunusheva T.N., Khakimov I.N., Seitov M.S. GENOTYPE INFLUENCE ON MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL INDEXES OF ANIMALS’ BLOOD Morphological and biochemical mixture of blood is the most important interior feature, influenced on the level of general metabolism and on animals’ production. Researches have shown that cross-breed animals, got at crossing of Bestuzhev cows with bulls of limousine breed, exceed slightly the content of erythrocytes, haemoglobin and leucocyte. Trustworthy differences of content of general protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A was not established.
Egorova G.A. ELEMENT STATUS OF CHILDREN POPULATION OF THE REPUBLIC SAKHA (YAKUTIA)The results of complex researches of children element status, living in different territories of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) are presented in this article. The analysis of received data allows revealing many hypoelementozes and hyperelementozes at different regions of the Republic. The lack of selenium, iodine, cobalt, zinc and hyperelementoze of potassium and natrium is common for all the territory.
Kolesnikov B.L., Ekimov A.K., Redina O.S. TYPOLOGY OF RURAL ZONES OF ORENBURG REGION IN THE SPHERE OF DEMOGRAPHY PROBLEMSThe analysis of demography indexes of rural zones of the region is passed in this article with using of multidimensional statistical and correlation analysis method, methods of geoinformational systems and method of questionnaire design.
Kurianova E.V., Teply D.L. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEART AND LIPID PEROXIDATION INTENSITY AT MYOCARDIUM OF SYMPATHECTICAL RATS: MODULATORY EFFECTS OF B-TOCOPHEROL, PHYSICAL TRAINING AND THEIR COMBINATIONSThe influence of sympathectomy with guanetid on morphological characteristics of myocardium and indexes of rats’ lipid peroxidation, developed in conditions of common motive regime and systematic physical activity is researched in this article. Deficit of sympathetic nervous influence (DSNI) causes the decrease of heart absolute mass, reduction of cardiac hystiocytes number in the mass unit of myocardium, and also decrease of intensity of lipid peroxidation in myocardium processes. At conditions of DSNI adaptation to the systematic physical activity accompanies heart mass decrease and cardiac hystiocytes number in myocardium at sizeable strengthening of lipid peroxidation. Combination of physical training and B-tocopherol introduction of rats with DSNI promotes normalization of heart weight indexes and intensity of lipid peroxidation in myocardium.
Isavnin A.G. STRENGTHENING OF STOCHASTIC RESONANCE EFFECT IN SUPERPARAMAGNETIC PARTICLES WITH HELP OF ADDITIONAL CONSTANT MAGNETIC FIELDThe phenomenon of stochastic resonance is researched theoretically for system of onedomain magnetic particles with single axis magnetic anisotropy in conditions of additional constant magnetic field application athwart to light axis. The calculations are made in frames of theory of two conditions for weak outside periodical signal. Temperature dependences of complex magnetic receptivity, signal attitude to noise and phase shift between incoming and outcoming signal at different meaning of constant field intensity are got in this article. It is shown that presence of such field leads to increase of system response on weak radio-frequency field at conditions of stochastic resonance.
Kazhanova I.G. ABOUT PERIODICAL SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS HOMOGENEOUS SYSTEM IN PARTIAL FIRST DERIVATIVE The problem of existence of periodical solutions of combined equations homogeneous system in partial first derivative with similar leading part is studied in this article.
Technical sciences
Polkunov Yu.G. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF DISSYMMETRIC DISK-SHAPED INSTRUMENTS LOADING, FORMING CHAPS OF NORMAL BREAKThis article is devoted to the working out of mathematical model of dissymmetric disk-shaped instruments loading at forming of steady main breaks. The dependences of efforts on axis of disk-shaped instruments from geometrical, regime parameters and strength characteristics of competent rocks are established in this article. Adequacy of modeling results was proved with experimental researches.
Farkhshatov M.N. WORKING OUT OF CALCULATED SCHEME OF TEMPERATURE FIELD DISTRIBUTION AT RECONSTRUCTION OF MACHINE PARTS WITH ELECTROCONTACT WELDING OF ADDING MATERIALThe regularities of heat-treatment structures forming of temperature distribution at electrocontact welding of adding materials on the example of solid cylindrical parts are regarded in this article. It is proved that it’s possible to select temperature value satisfied experimental data of temperature appraisal or of thermal influence zone size on the base of heat processes modeling caused with current transmission.
Dibikhin K.Yu. Sultanov N.Z. TEMPORARY PARAMETERS OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSES OF AIRCRAFT SPECIALIZED COMPLEX TECHNICAL PREPARATION The process of technological preparation is determined with readiness of aircraft specialized complex (ASC) and realized by him technological process to passing of aircraft-chemical works (ACW). The problem of ASC readiness increase can be solved with time optimization (reduction) of preparation measures realization.
Ryabinina O.N. TECHNOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF PRESS-INSTRUMENT MATERIALS CHOICE AT SPUTTER-ION WORKING OF METALLIC POWDER Simultaneous influence of high temperatures and pressers on press instrument material of electric current, which complicates the task of material choice for press-instrument without careful experimental researches conducting which allow setting technological principles of firmer combined instruments for SIS creation, takes place at the process of sputter-ion working of metallic powder and alloys on its base. Passed researches of press-instrument materials working are very important for practice of powder metallurgy technological processes and also for developing of theoretical conceptions of electrophysical technologies processes.
Sultanov N.Z., Lyubimov I.I., Nyrov G.K. TO THE PROBLEM OF EFFECTIVENESS INCREASE OF MOTOR TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE FUNCTIONING WITH USING OF PROGRAM-PURPOSE PLANNING AND SELECTION OF RATIONAL PARK STRUCTURE At the present time the problem of effective functioning of motor transport enterprise is very important. The majority of motor transport enterprises are not possible to functioning in workmanlike manner at the present situation because of impetuous transfer of state development strategy from socialistic to capitalistic regime. Therefore the authors of this article tried to find ways of effectiveness increase of motor transport enterprise functioning at modern conditions.
Shakhova V.A. METHODOLOGY OF MILKING EQUIPMENT PROJECTING Conceptual approach to working out of analytical expressions connected with modern milking equipment projecting for dairy cattle breeding is given in this article.
Pustotina G.F., Surundaeva L.G., Arguneeva O.N. SYSTEM APPROACH TO THE APPRAISAL OF REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION OF COWSThe researches results of studying of paratypic and genotypic factors influence on cows reproductive ability accounting oh which allows increasing the number of calves on 100 dams are given in this article.
Kuznetsova E.A., Koryachkina S.Ya., Prigarina O.M. INFLUENCE OF NATURAL ORIGIN ANTISEPTICS ON SAFETY AND QUALITY OF GRAIN-BREAD Using of feed resources on the base of rational combination of traditional and non-traditional types of raw materials at production of bakery goods gives opportunity to regulate chemical staff of products according to modern demands of food science. Particularly, using of honey and garlic extract promotes enrichment of vitamins, mineral elements, improvement of organoleptic and physical-chemical indexes of complete products, increase of microbiological purity of grain raw materials and rye-wheat grain bread.
Nikiforova T.A. PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL INDEXES OF BARLEY PROCESSING BY-PRODUCTSPhysical-chemical indexes of barley processing by-products are given in this article. It is shown, that by-products of barley processing have higher biological values. The indexes of by-products safety are determined in this article. Passed researches allow determination of ways of rational using of barley processing by-products.
Tretiak L.N., Fedorchenko V.I. CONTROL OF BEER QUALITY ON THE BASE OF EXPRESS DETERMINATION OF DIACETYLThe method of acetyl express determination in beer, modernized by authors on the base of classical photocolorimetrical method is described in this article. This method allows reducing time and outgoings on test preparation, decreasing of losees of determined matter in comparison with existing types of test preparation. Experimental control of additivity properties of analyzed complicated system is fulfilled here. Express-analysis is realized on the base of method of additions’ series. The results of diacetyl concentration determination in some sorts of beer are given in this work.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |