№ 6 2006
Humanitarian sciences
Petukhova T.P., Glotova M.I. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE ENGINEERS’ INFORMATIONAL COMPETENCE WITH MEANS OF INDEPENDENT WORKTheoretical bases and practical realization of pedagogical conditions of development of future engineers’ informational competence with means of independent work of information science are given in this article. The concept "informational competence", its levels and indexes, and also the model of development process are regarded here.
Guzairova A.F., Pankova T.A. MUNICIPAL SYSTEM OF EDUCATION AS A MEAN OF EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIOCULTURAL SPHERE INTEGRATIONThe problems of modernization and democratization of educational management system are regarded in this article. Education municipalization, where passed educational politics has subjective character, provides participation of local power and society in state-public management of education, initialization and creation of civil institutions of education support, passing of public examination of system results, integration and interaction of educational and sociocultural sphere.
Samerkhanova E.K. LEADING IDEAS OF UNITED EDUCATION SPACE ORGANIZATION ON THE LEVEL OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONThe author considers theoretical bases of united education space organization in organization of higher professional education. The author distinguishes education continuity and idea of integration, which are essential qualitative characteristics of educational space as leading ideas.
Ziyatdinov Sh.G. TO THE QUESTION OF ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUENT REALIZATION OF PHYSICS COURSE AS A REGIONAL COMPONENT OF SCHOOL PROGRAMThe necessity and opportunity of school physics course filling with regional ecological constituent on the example of discussed theme "Energy and perspectives of its development in the Republic of Bashkortostan" are argued in this work.
Paputkova G.A. TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACHES IN PROFESSIONAL ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION PROCESS ORGANIZATIONThe author researches the process of standing and development dynamics of more known pedagogical technologies. At the same time she regards the opportunity of using of technological organization of pedagogical processes in professional ecological education of higher school students.
Shaforostova N.I. THE METHODS OF PEDAGOGICAL EFFORTS REALIZATION OF ECOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PREPARATION OF SPECIALISTS FOR THE SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILYThe problems of ecological and pedagogical thinking forming of students are considered in this article. Technological components of methods of ecological and pedagogical students’ preparation, principals and forms of its realization are described here too.
Utenin M.V. THE RESULTS OF INFORMATIONAL COMPETENCE RESEARCHES OF HUMANITARIAN SPECIALIZATIONS STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITYThe analysis of research of informational competence level of humanitarian specializations students of Orenburg State University is given in this article. The review of methods of mathematical working of material, including factorial and discriminant is given here too. The researchers have been made at 55 parameters of informational competence.
Valetov M.R. FORMING OF ORIENTED ON HEALTH STUDENTS’ CONSCIOUSNESS AS PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMThis article is devoted to the most important problem of modern institute pedagogics – junction of student young people to healthy life-style. The author sees the solution of this problem through forming of oriented on health consciousness of future specialists. The structure and content of this concept are regarded in this article, also general work trends of its forming of students at the process of physical training in institute are shown here.
Zotova F.R. THE SYSTEM OF PEDAGOGICAL STAFF WORK AT STUDYING OVERLOAD PREVENTION AND HEALTH FORMING OF MODERN STUDENTS AT THE PROCESS OF STUDYINGPositive and negative results of pedagogical innovations in the system of modern school work are discovered in this article. The system of pedagogical staff activity at studying overload prevention and modern students overstrain, including methodological, methodical, substantial, procedural and management components are regarded here. Also the results of given system testing are presented in this work.
Tamarovsky O.I. THE CONTENT AND METHODS OF SPORTSMEN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ASPECT OF PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORT MANAGEMENTThe importance of professional development increase of sportsmen finished their career in the aspect of physical training and sports management is proved in this article. The content of the professional development program directed on professional preparation to management of physical-sports activity is characterized here. Traditional and specific forms and methods recommended at the program realization are regarded in this work too.
Borshevetskaya L.A. ESSENCE AND PECULIARITIES OF PEDAGOGICAL PROJECTING SKILLS FORMING OF TEACHERS OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSThe importance of the problem of pedagogical projecting and necessity bases of its using in pre-school educational institutions as the first stage of education are regarded in this article. Interactive form of teaching of kindergarten teachers with skills of pedagogical projecting is regarded here.
Kozhanov M.B. ETHNOPEDAGOGIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS AS A SYSTEMCREATED FACTOR OF REGIONAL COMPONENT OF EDUCATION CONTENTThis article is devoted to the actual problem of pre-school education regional component realization. Ethnopedagogization of educational process is regarded as driving force which helps to create conditions for realization of regional component of education content. The author presents conceptual positions of education process ethnopedagogization at pre-school educational organization and ways of its realization.
Maximova N.G. EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF SCHOOL: CONTEXT OF CONTRADICTIONInvariant according to time context of contradictions of school environment is revealed in this article.
Malakhova O.Yu. REFLEXIVE-EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AS PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENONTheoretical and practical aspects of the important problem of social-cultural self-determination of students among reflexive-educational environment of institute of higher education are regarded in this article. The analysis of general concepts made this phenomenon is given. The author gives interpretation of reflexive-educational environment of institute of higher education as one of pedagogical conditions of social-cultural students’ self-determination.
Bundina Yu.M. FORMING OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS-DESIGNERS AS AXIOLOGICAL PROBLEMThis article is the result of theoretical analysis of the sources of professional competence problem of design-education. Conceptual positions about the object of pedagogical science – person are specified for determination of axiological suppositions and bases of person development in pedagogics. The importance of axiological approach to the forming of professional competence of students-designers in the system of institute education is proved in this work.
Zhdanova S.N. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF AESTHETIC WORLD-RECLAMATION BY STUDENTS IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONThis article is devoted to the characteristics of conceptual bases of aesthetic world-reclamation by students, scientific analysis of aesthetization of additional education which is closely connected with totality of scientific-pedagogical approaches, revealed regularities and connected with them general philosophical and concrete pedagogical principles and ideas, made the core of researches.
Yakimanskaya I.S., Kuznetsova O.A. PECULIARITIES OF INTELLECT MANIFESTATION OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF INDIVIDUAL LATERALITY PROFILENew approach to research of intellect because of lateral asymmetry with hender and age characteristics is presented in this article. Multicriterion typology of intellectual manifestation of personality, synthesizing all researched variables is suggested here.
Markovtseva O.Yu. COMMONNESS AS A HUMAN BEING EXISTENCE IN THE WORLDThe phenomenon "commonness" presented with such base structures as spontaneity, existention, experience, sense, language, sign and text, is described in this article. Its integrity is established as a basis of everyday existence, the condition of which is the consciousness of a human being, explicated with acts, procedures and "mechanisms" of its spontaneous actions.
Drobot A.A. SYSTEM OF ORTHODOX UPBRINGING IN ORENBURG REGION. STAGES OF FORMATIONCharacteristics of Orthodox upbringing system as dynamic whole subjected with changes at time interval is given in this article. The author distinguishes stages and peculiarities of Orthodox upbringing system formation in Orenburg region.
Burikova S.A. "NOTES ABOUT THEATRE" OF YA.M.R LENTS AS THEORETICS OF "STORM AND PRESSURE" LITERATURE This article is devoted to the theoretical work of German dramatist Ya.M.R Lents, which has become corner stone of aesthetics of "Storm and pressure" literature. The problem of nature imitation and the concept "nature" in aesthetics of Germany at XVIII century is regarded in this article.
Semenova R.U. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF A POLITICIAN: POLITICAL AND MORAL ASPECTSThe most important theme of modern political theory – the problem of professional ethics of a politician is regarded in this article. The author makes several lines of researches: moral and political aspects of professional ethics of a politician, political virtues and virtue of justice, correlation of pragmatic and moral sides of political activity, intercommunication of professional ethics and personal moral politics.
Milovanova L.A. PROFILE STUDYING OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AS A FACTOR OF LANGUAGE PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENTOrientation on student’s personality determines modern conception of language education, which plays the leading role at the process of personality development, but profile oriented studying of the foreign language allows future specialists to get great competence in professional activity. Developing language consciousness, ability and properties of language personality in frame of the profile course we develop humanistic value disposition of a personality.
Afanasieva O.Yu. MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN UNIONS OF INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS ON THE BASE OF PARTICIPATIVE METHODSThe problem of participative methods using at pedagogical management of foreign education of future specialists is researched in this article. Also concrete forms of these methods realization at studying process in institute of higher education are regarded here.
Kulagina T.I. DIDACTIC CONDITIONS OF COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC SPECIALTIES STUDENTS AT THE PROCESS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHINGEvolution of cognitive independence formation as personal education and dynamics of subjective-subjective relations, developed depending on cognitive independence of students, who determine its development themselves are regarded in this article. Didactic conditions of cognitive independence development of economic specialties students at the process of foreign language teaching are characterized here.
Lukashevich S.V. ABOUT SOME PECULIARITIES OF EVIDENTIARY ACTIVITIES OF CASES OF TAX CRIMES AT THE STAGE OF CRIMINAL CASE INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGSThe problem of criminal procedure science – permissibility and prospects of documents using at proving of criminal cases of tax discharge evasion, which were got by bodies of internal affairs at the stage of criminal case initiation of proceedings, is considered in this article.
Roslyakova O.A. FROM THE HISTORY OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH PROTECTION BODIES OF SOUTH URAL AND ITS ROLE IN MORBIDITY OVERCOMING OF THE REGIONEpidemics were coincided with the period of Civil War on Ural region. It was known about impendent disaster and everybody prepared for it. Measures organization of epidemic diseases elimination was met with great troubles. First of all it was regarded to the lack of medical organizations, deficiency of doctors, middle and junior medical staff, lack of necessary medicines. Consequences of Civil War: famine, refugees’ migration, ruins prevented the struggle with troubles.
Galieva E.B. AGRARIAN POLICY OF GOVERNMENT AT THE SECOND HALF OF XIX AND THE BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIES AND ITS REALIZATION ON SOUTH URALGovernment legislation of peasant problem at the second half of XIX and the beginning of XX centuries and its realization on South Ural is analyzed in this article. Changes, made in peasant surroundings on the territory of Orenburg and Ufa provinces because of governmental agrarian policy realization, are regarded here.
Goncharov G.A. LABOR MOBILIZATION OF SOVIET CITIZENS AT YEARS OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR (1941-1945)This article is devoted to the studying of labor organization in USSR in conditions of military time. The Great Patriotic war demanded the enormous army. The great part of able to work population was withdrawn from social production. From the other side, the great number of workers was necessary for work in rear for wide development of military production. The experience of previous patriotic wars was used and forms and methods of labor organization at the period "military communism" were revived for solution of that task.
Khavtorin B.P. EVOLUTION OF MUSICAL CULTURE OF ORENBURG REGION: SOURCES, PROCESSES OF INTEGRATION, PHENOMENON OF DEVELOPMENTGeneral stages of musical culture development of Orenburg region from its formation till our days are analyzed in this article. At the research the author tries to present musical infrastructure of Orenburg megapolis not only as one of links of combined text of Russian musical culture, but as original phenomenon of general history of Russian music.
Economic sciences
Stolyarov N.S., Rogalskaya N.A. CULTURAL DOMINANT IN THE SYSTEM OF STATE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF MODERN RUSSIAThe problems of strategical management of social-economic development of the country are regarded in this article. The task facing the Russian State system including in changing to new organizational culture oriented on people’s interests and concrete results achievements based on moral-ethical values, is determined here.
Baltina A.M., Begunova S.V. PERFECTION OF NORMATIVE STRUCTURE OF EXPENSES FINANCING ON COMMON EDUCATIONThe necessity to choose expenses connected with realization of teaching and pedagogical function of education in the normative structure of common education financing is proved in this article. It is suggested calculating united norm provided organization of educational process and determining bonuses to it which depended on indexes characterizing quality of education got by students.
Tereshchenko Yu.V. RUSSIAN-JAPANESE INVESTMENT COLLABORATION AND PERSPECTIVES OF ITS DEVELOPMENTModern condition of investment collaboration between Russia and Japan at oil-gas sphere, also in the sphere of energy in such directions as exploration and development of oil, gas and coal fields, its transportation and working, is regarded in this article. General condition of two-sided investment collaboration is appreciated here as unstable and inappropriate to mutual opportunities. Peculiarities of modern stage of Russian and Japanese economics development are marked in this work and real suppositions for mutual increase and economic relations sphere enlargement due to diversification of trend and forms of business collaboration are shown here.
Pestunov M.A. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF ANALYSIS OF FICTITIOUS ASSETS AMORTIZATION Traditional systems of financial management and pricing are determined with direct inputs. At the same time invisible production and intellectual expenses are remained without attention. Appropriate cost control, showing of all expenses in prime cost, connected with fictitious assets, allow increasing the effectiveness of cost management by competitive ability of its production and the enterprise as the whole.
Baboshkin A.V. SOCIAL-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF OBLIGATORY RETIREMENT INSURANCE FINANCIAL SYSTEM FORMINGThe results of analysis of different variants of pension system perfection are testified the impossibility to solve existing problems with any one method. The task is to achieve optimal combination of different methods. The suggestions of pension system steadiness perfection are regarded in this article. These suggestions are concerned profitable and expenses parts of budget of the Retirement fund of Russia and oriented on intensification of insurance principals in the pension system. The pension system in Russia has many levers of long-term steadiness and effectiveness increase which is necessary to use during further stages of the pension reforms realization.
Baltina A.M., Tyurin Yu.G. APPRAISAL OF TAX LOAD ON INCOMES OF NATURAL PERSONS IN RUSSIAThe method of tax burden determination in size of minimum of subsistence is suggested in this article and the calculation of tax burden according to data of Orenburg region is given here. The suggestions of taxation perfection of natural persons’ incomes are given here too.
Ostrovenko T.K., Grebnev G.D. METHODO-LOGICAL ASPECTS OF BOOKKEEPING AND TAX ACCOUNTING Author’s conception of combined bookkeeping and tax accounting methodology is realized in workings of such problems as determination of tax accounting essence as an element of bookkeeping accounting according to its principals. At the same time its role, intercommunication and places are specified here and inexpediency of parallel tax accounting introduction is proved in this work.
Zinyukhina N.A., Leushina T.V. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF WAGES LEVEL AND DYNAMICS IN ORENBURG REGIONThis article is devoted to the research of wages level and structure on the territory of Orenburg region. Statistical analysis of researched index is leaded here and the models of wages dynamics are constructed with method of autoregression of integrated moving average (ARIMA). Given models can be used for forecasting on medium-term prospects.
Zhirnova T.V. THE PROBLEM OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC MEASURINGSThe analysis of existing methods of appraisal of regional economic measurings spread in our country is given in this article and also its positive and negative sides. General problems connected with using of indexes system using with Russian methods, are regarded here. Generalized ratings of some regions of RF investment attraction are published.
Lapaev A.P. REGION POPULATION AS FACTOR OF ITS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe problems of condition, structure and dynamics of Orenburg region population are regarded in this article, also tendencies of mortality and fertility are distinguished and trends of demography policy problems solution are suggested here.
Tolysbaev B.S., Abilmazhinov E.T. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL FLOWS ON THE BASE OF TECHNOLOGICAL OPERATIONS SYNCHRONIZATIONThe problems of material flows distribution between technological equipment are studied in this article. The method of determination of rendering consecution of raw material, materials lots on technological line on the base of technological processes synchronization is worked out. The results of technological processes synchronization introduction at macaroni productions are given in this work.
Dmitriev A.V. ALGORITHM OF DETERMINATION OF CADASTRAL LAND APPRAISAL METHOD TRUSTWORTHINESS AT AGRICULTURECreated united method of cadastral land appraisal method organizes unequal conditions for functioning of agricultural enterprises and does not promote reproduction in agriculture. We suggest mechanism based on intercommunication between the system of economic rules and the system of general rules of agriculture with aim of trustworthiness determination of cadastral cost calculation using methods.
Ermakova Zh.A. FUEL AND ENERGY COMPLEX OF ORENBURG REGION: PERSPECTIVES OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENTThe appraisal of technological level of branches of fuel and energy complex of Orenburg region is given in this article. Trends and forms of fuel and energy complex transferring on innovation base are described here. Author’s conception of conditions and mechanisms of such fuel and energy complex transferring in advance technological development of economic region is presented in this work.
Kishenin V.N. POSTULATES AND PRINCIPALS OF COMPUTER SOLVING OF ECONOMIC CONFLICTSThe opportunity of practical solving of economic conflicts is analyzed in this article. Postulates incarnated in some principals, which can be divided on specific, destined for definite class of systems, and common, realization of which is necessary for creation of any intellectual system, are formed in this work.
Natural sciences
Perezhogin Yu.V. CHOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF KOSTANAY REGION FLORA (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN)19 geographical elements of flora united in 6 groups of natural habitats were distinguished as a result of region flora research. It was cleared up that there was strong flora influence of surrounding territories on the region flora as a result of this given territory was characterized with small percent of endemism. The greatest percent of flora types was boreal group (803 types – 65.7 %). Step communities were more vulnerable as a result of synanthropic influence on the territory of Kostanay region.
Gaev A.Ya., Albakasov D.A., Gatskov V.G., Blinov S.M., Mikhailov Yu.V., Alferova N.S., Belan L.N. GEOECOLOGICAL TASKS AT MINING REGIONS (ON THE EXAMPLES OF ORENBURG REGION)Man-caused load on environment increases constantly in mining regions of Orenburg region because of activity of mining-smelting and fuel-energy enterprises. The appraisal of geoecological situation is made; schemes of the territory typification which repel its vulnerability to pollution are constructed. Types of regions differed at vulnerability to pollution are distinguished. It is recommended to place ecological dangerous objects on weakly vulnerability to pollution areas. Also there are some recommendations of water consumption perfection.
Umarova A.B., Ivanova T.V., Kirdyashkin P.I. GRAVITATIONAL FLOW OF MOISTURE AND ITS ROLE IN SOLE EVOLUTION: DIRECT LYSIMETRIC RESEARCHESThe problems of gravitational moisture flows formation in structural textured-varied grey forest and turf-podzol soils are regarded in this article. Endowment of fast flows of moisture in mass carry is appreciated here. Forming speed of hydraulic conductivity soil structure and evolution of properties of hard soil phase - grain-size classification, structure, are researched at the long lysimetric experiment.
Mishurin A.V. INTERCOMMUNICATION OF DEGREE OF PRECIPITATION-ACCUMULATION CONDITIONS CONTINENTALITY AND DISTRIBUTION IN CUT OF SULFATE ROCKS AND WATERS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF NORTHERN-WEST AREAS OF ORENBURG REGION)It is shown in this article on the base of geological structure, analysis of groundwater forming conditions and precipitation-accumulation that in the Northern-west part of Orenburg region the formation of sulfate waters and water-accommodating rocks of Upperperm part is determined with peculiarities of transgressive-regressive rhythms, reflected growth of degree of precipitation-accumulation conditions continentality top-down at the cut.
Varavva V.N. INFLUENCE OF EXOGENOUS FACTORS OF PHYSICAL ROCK ON MILLET YIELDExperimental data of influence of millet seeds irradiation with currents of microwave frequency and laser rays on field germination rate and safe keeping of got plants to harvest are given in this article. The research results confirm positive influence of exogenous factors of physical rock on increase of culture yield, which certifies the expediency of using of irradiated seed material with superhigh frequency currents and laser rays at millet agrotechnics. Published data are interested for specialists and production.
Kolesnikov B.L., Ekimov A.K., Redina O.S. APPRAISAL OF DISPENSARY WORK ON THE BASE OF MARKOV’S PROCESSESThis article is devoted to the problems of dispensary work appraisal on the base of methods of mathematical modeling. The authors suggest the model of interaction of person and the system of health protection system and describe as a chain of 6 detailed conditions, one of which is absorbent. The peculiarity of the model is allotment of each from six conditions with definite appraisals. The model allows revealing of medical peculiarities of dispensary work, which is impossible to watch during practice in consequence of superposition of many factors on results of work with patient, and also allows describing the characteristics of clinical examination process with high accuracy.
Vdovenko I.A. OPTIMIZATION OF TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH HYPERPLASTIC DISEASES OF ENDOMETRIUM AT VARIED-PAUSAL AGEPeculiarities of clinical manifestation of hyperplastic processes of endometrium at varied-pausal age on the base of examination and treatment of 340 women are studied in this article. It is proved that combination of antibacterial and hormonal therapy allows improving the outcome of complex treatment of this category patients.
Neverov A.N., Tretyakov A.A., Stadnikov A.A. MICROBIOLOGICAL AND MORPHOFUCTIONAL ASPECTS OF SPOROBACTERIN USING AT TREATMENT CORRECTION OF PUNGENT PLEURAL EMPYEMAOriginal model of pungent pleural empyema is worked out in this article. Structural-functional reorganization of tissues forming residual cavity at different types of common and local treatment is studied here. It is established that sporobacterin creates better conditions for realization of adaptive and compensatory opportunities with parenchymatous and stromal elements of lungs and chest wall.
Abzalimov R.R., Mardamshina L.R. ASYMPTOTIC OF NOT SELF-ADJOINT BORDER TASK SPECTRUMSpectral task with border conditions of third gender is regarded in this article. Asymptotic of proper senses of border task for four cases: 1), 2), 3), 4) is established here.
Sandakov S.A. CALCULATION OF ELECTRO-FLOTOPLANT WITH ELECTRODES ON QUASI-ELASTIC CONNECTIONSMathematical description is given and calculation of electrode block of electroflotoplant with electrodes on quasi-elastic connections is made in this article on the base of hydrodynamic model of diphasic flows. Got calculated formulas allow determining energetic parameters of electroflotoplant according to known gas content and the period of electrodes vibration in volume of drain as in form of dependence as in form of constant sense.
Savelieva I.E. EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT VARIANTS OF CURATIVE GYMNASTICS AT EARLY RECOVERY PERIOD AFTER STROKEThis article is devoted to the appraisal of curative gymnastics different variants effectiveness at rehabilitation of patients after stroke first of all ischemic character. It is shown expressed influence of coordinated respiratory gymnastics on dynamics of changing of nitric oxide metabolites content in peripheral blood. These changes are necessary to account for optimization of medical rehabilitation of patients after stroke.
Fedotov A.S.Raguzina L.M. DETERMINATION OF BROMINE IONS AND IODINE IN STRATAL AND BORACIC WATERThe opportunity of changes of sodium thiosulfate solution on mean "Belizna" of household chemical goods at standard method is researched with aim to unify the analysis of stratal water on content of bromide- and iodide-ions. According to this long (5-7 days) and toxic process of mixing of working solution of sodium thiosulfate is excluded. This method can be used directly on oil wells.
Belova M.A. PECULIARITIES OF FUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF TUBULAR KIDNEY APPARATUS OF CHILDREN WITH PANCREATIC DIABETES OF 1 TYPEThe appraisal of condition of concentration (according to physical-chemical indexes of urine composition) and secretory functions of kidneys canals (according to ammoniogenesis intensiveness), and also the appraisal of the degree of nephrocits damage (according to fermentury level) of healthy children and children with pancreatic diabetes of 1 type of different disease duration, are given in this article.
Kopylov V.Yu. DEGREE OF EPITHELIUM DAMAGE OF KIDNEY CANALS OF PATIENTS WITH ISCHEMIC HEART-DISEASE COMPLICATED WITH CHRONICLE CARDIAC DECOMPENSATION, AND OPPORTUNITY OF ITS RECONSTRUCTION AT USING OF DIFFERENT TREATMENT SCHEMES This article is devoted to the appraisal of functional condition of proximal part of kidney canals at different stages of cardiac decompensation, and also to the influence of different treatment schemes on degree of fermentury, i.e. with using and without using of inhibitor of angiotensin-changing enzyme (lysinopril).
Technical sciences
Nikiforova T.A., Nikiforov A.E. METHOD OF CALORIE CONTENT LOWERING OF SUGAR COOKIESThe results of research concerning working out of scientific technological decisions for realization sugar cookies production technology with using of barley flour are given in this article.
Polishchuk Yu.V. VECTOR OPTIMIZATION OF COLLECTOR-RADIAL COMPLEX OF GAS GATHERING ON THE STAGE OF DECLINING PRODUCTIONThe complex of effects parameters for complex of gas gathering (CGG) is formed in this work and also the example of optimization is given here which demonstrates visually that it is possible to fulfill parametritic synthesis of CGG, which satisfied with admitted technological demands on the base of admitted parameters of effect and also that the result of parametritic synthesis is increase of CGG flow rate and reconstruction of "crushed" wells capacity for work.
Sokotushchenko V.N., Chikulev A.V. MATHEMATICAL ANALOGY AND CONSEQUENCES OF EQUATIONS OF VISCOUS AND ELASTIC MEDIUMS MOVINGConsequences of Navie-Sticks and Lame-Dyuamel-Neiman linearized equations are received on the base of mathematical analogy of methods of viscous and elastic mediums models construction. At the same time the components of curl’s vectors satisfy diffusion equation independently of condensability properties of viscous medium in frame of using in work the linearized formulation of physical-mathematical model of viscous medium. Received equations include both as adiabatic as isothermal processes, which can conduct mechanical interactions depending on meanings of parameters characterized medium, and, consequently, can be used as for isoentropic (in case of reversible processes - adiabatic) as for isothermal processes.
Gracheva L.N. MANAGEMENT ALGORITHMS OF POLYMERIZATION PROCESSES OF BLADE SPARThe problems of working out of management algorithm of polymerization process for its realization in the system of automatic management (SAM) are regarded in this article. Management algorithm is intended for forming of management influence, for executive system based on wishful meaning of press-form temperature.
Kolokolov S.B., Sokolov V.S. TO THE PROBLEM OF CAPACITY FOR WORK APPRAISAL OF COMPRESSED-BENT BARSDetermination of final movements of compressed-bent bars is regarded in this article. It is shown that approximate description of bent axis form provides enough exactness of task solution for practical aims. Real capacity for work of compressed-bent bar, determined with accounting of final movements is demonstrated on the numerical example.
Bulatov V.N., Timonov E.S., Daminov D.A. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL SIGNALS WITH NONUNIFORM SAMPLINGMethod of signals approximation at the definite time period with nonuniform sampling is given in this article. Expression of spectral concentration is received for composed approximate polynomial. Dependences are received for appraisal of error at time and frequency spheres for spectrums of approximate signals, presented with harmonic motion.
Chepasov V.I., Kharchenko D.A., Shkut A.S. RECEIVING OF CONCERNED MOVES IN TASK OF SCHEDULEOne type of schedule optimization is following: corresponding variant of schedule is received for every variant of disciplines movement and the variant where the number of arranged hours would be maximal is chosen from all variants. It is necessary to get the majority of concerned moves for determination of the variants majority of disciplines movement for realization of such optimization.
Tarasov V.N., Konnov A.L., Ushakov Yu.A. ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF LOCAL NETWORK AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK WITH HELP OF PROGRAM SYSTEM OPNET MODELERPeculiarities of the program Opnet Modeler are regarded in this article on the examples of networks of computer engineering chair of OSU and network equipment Cisco. Received results of these networks analysis allow regarding networks of computer not as "black box", but from the point of view of detailed research of informational processes, proceeding in it with aim to solve many questions of its optimization.
Vlasov Yu.L., Rassokha V.I. MODELING OF DEMANDS ON DIFFERENT TYPES OF PASSENGER CARRIERSThe methods of passengers’ demand determination on different types of passenger carriers, allowing optimally arrangement on routes of existed carriers with aim of maximal profits getting in conditions of more completed satisfaction of passengers’ demand, are worked out in this article.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |